Substring matching in javascript

4 Ways to Check If a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

There are several ways to check if a JavaScript string contains a substring. Here’s a short summary of the most notable ones.

1. string.indexOf()

Use the indexOf() method. This method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring in the string, or -1 if the substring is not found.

For example, let’s check if “word” exists in “Hello world!”:

var str = «Hello world!»; if (str.indexOf(«world») >= 0)

2. string.includes()

Use the includes() method. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the string contains the substring or not.

For example, let’s check if “word” exists in “Hello world!”:

var str = «Hello world!»; if (str.includes(«world»))

Using the search() method: This method is similar to indexOf() , but it supports regular expressions, allowing for more advanced substring matching.

For example, let’s check if “word” exists in “Hello world!”:

var str = «Hello world!»; if ( >= 0)

4. string.match()

Using the match() method: This method searches the string for a match against a regular expression, and returns an array containing the matched substrings, or null if no match is found.

For example, let’s check if “word” exists in “Hello world!”:

var str = «Hello world!»; if (str.match(/world/))

This is a comprehensive guide to checking if a string has a substring in JavaScript.

In case you found what you were looking for in the above answers, feel free to stop reading right here. But this is a wonderful chance to learn JavaScript at the same. To learn more about the above useful string methods and how they work, make sure to read along.

Let’s jump into it!

1. The string.indexOf() Method

JavaScript string.indexOf() method

The indexOf() method in JavaScript is used to search for a specified string in a given string and return the index at which the specified string is found. If the specified string is not found, the indexOf() method will return -1.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var n = str.indexOf("world"); var m = str.indexOf("test"); console.log(n); // Output: 7 console.log(m); // Output: -1

The indexOf() method can also take an optional second argument, which specifies the index at which the search should begin.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var n = str.indexOf("world", 5); console.log(n); // Output: 7

In the example above, the search for the string “world” begins at index 5 of the string “Hello, world!”. Since “world” appears at index 7 (you can count it with fingers to see that’s indeed the case), that is what the indexOf() method returns.

2. The string.includes() Method

JavaScript string.includes() method

The includes() method in JavaScript checks if a string contains a specified substring. It returns true if the specified substring is found in the given string, and false if it is not.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var isIncluded = str.includes("world"); console.log(isIncluded); // Output: true

In the example above, the includes() method checks if the string “Hello, world!” contains the substring “world”. Since it does, the method returns true .

The includes() method can also take an optional second argument, which specifies the index at which the search should begin.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var isIncluded = str.includes("world", 5); console.log(isIncluded); // Output: true

Here the substring world is sought after the 5th index (6th character) of the string. Since “world” occurs at the 7th index it means there’s a substring “world” after starting the search from index 5.

Note that the indexOf() method can be used to achieve the same result as the includes() method. But the indexOf() returns the index at which the specified substring is found, whereas includes() returns a boolean value. So, it depends on the requirement of which method to use.

3. The Method

JavaScript string.match() method

The third option to search for substrings in JavaScript is by using the search() method. This method tries to find a specified substring in a string. It returns the index at which the specified string is found. If the specified string is not found, the search() method will return -1.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var n ="world"); console.log(n); // Output: 7

The search() method can also accept a regular expression as a parameter. In this case, the method will return the index at which the specified regular expression pattern is found in the given string.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with regular expressions (RegEx). Otherwise, the following example won’t make any sense to you.

var str = "Hello, world!"; var n =[aeiou]/); console.log(n); // Output: 1

In the example above, the search() method searchs the first lowercase vowel (“a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”) in the string “Hello, world!”. It returns the index at which the first match is found, which in this case is 1 (the “e” in “Hello”).

As you can see, the search() method not only achieves the same result as the indexOf() method, but also understands regular expressions. As such, the search() method is more powerful and flexible than the indexOf() method.

4. The string.match() Method

JavaScript method

Last but not least, let’s have a look at a similar method with search() called match() . The match() method searches for a substring in a string and return an array of matching substrings. If no matches are found, the match() method will return null . This method also accepts regex inputs.

Here is an example of how you can use the match() method:

var str = "Hello, world!"; var matches = str.match("world"); console.log(matches); // Output: ["world"]

Here the match() method searches for the string “world” in the string “Hello, world!”. The method returns an array containing the matching string, which in this case is [«world»] .

The match() method can also accept a regular expression as a parameter. In this case, it returns an array the substrings in the given string that match the specified regular expression pattern.

For example, let’s search for all the lowercase vowels in a string:

var str = "Hello, world!"; var matches = str.match(/[aeiou]/g); console.log(matches); // Output: ["e", "o", "o", "a"]

Here, the match() method searches for a pattern that matches any lowercase vowel in the string “Hello, world!”. The method returns an array of all the matching substrings. In this case, the result is [«e», «o», «o», «a»] .

The match() method can be used to achieve the same result as the search() method, but it returns an array of matching substrings instead of the index at which the first match is found. Sometimes this makes the match() method more useful for extracting information from a string. vs string.match()

The key difference between the match() and search() methods in JavaScript is the way in which they return the results of the search.

The search() method returns the index at which the first match is found, whereas the match() method returns an array of all the matching substrings.

Although you already saw a couple of examples, here’s one more that clearly demonstrates the difference between the two:

var str = "Hello, world!"; var n ="world"); console.log(n); // Output: 7 var matches = str.match("world"); console.log(matches); // Output: ["world"]

Thanks for reading. Happy coding!


Check if a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

There’s two common ways to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript. The more modern way is the String#includes() function.

const str = 'Arya Stark'; str.includes('Stark'); // true str.includes('Snow'); // false

If you need to support Internet Explorer, you should instead use the String#indexOf() method, which has been a part of JavaScript since ES1 in 1997.

const str = 'Arya Stark'; str.indexOf('Stark') !== -1; // true str.indexOf('Snow') !== -1; // false

In general, if you have any doubt about whether code will run in an environment that supports includes() , you should use indexOf() . The includes() function’s syntax is only marginally more concise than indexOf() .

Both String#includes() and String#indexOf() are case sensitive. Neither function supports regular expressions. To do case insensitive search, you can use regular expressions and the String#match() function, or you can convert both the string and substring to lower case using the String#toLowerCase() function.

const str = 'arya stark'; // The most concise way to check substrings ignoring case is using // `String#match()` and a case-insensitive regular expression (the 'i') str.match(/Stark/i); // true str.match(/Snow/i); // false // You can also convert both the string and the search string to lower case. str.toLowerCase().includes('Stark'.toLowerCase()); // true str.toLowerCase().indexOf('Stark'.toLowerCase()) !== -1; // true str.toLowerCase().includes('Snow'.toLowerCase()); // false str.toLowerCase().indexOf('Snow'.toLowerCase()) !== -1; // false

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