Styling iframe content with css

Techniques for Modifying Content within Divs and Iframes using CSS

When trying to apply CSS to HTML within an iframe, it can only be done if you have control over the page loaded in the iframe due to cross-domain resource restrictions. To gain a better understanding, please refer to the article on HTML | Iframes. Several techniques exist for applying CSS properties to an iframe, which will be outlined below.

Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

Enabling JavaScript is a prerequisite. The only difference is that you have to add the iframe name as a prefix to your JavaScript command, while performing the same action as on the parent page.

It is essential to keep in mind that the same origin policy is in effect. Thus, you may only apply this action to an iframe element that originates from your own server.

To simplify the process, I leverage the Prototype framework.

frame1.$('mydiv').style.border = '1px solid #000000' 

It is not possible to apply css to html an iframe’s content unless the page loaded within the iframe is under your control, as there are restrictions on accessing cross-domain resources.

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Sure, you can find more information about apply css to iframe in another thread. Check it out!

var cssLink = document.createElement("link"); cssLink.href = "style.css"; cssLink.rel = "stylesheet"; cssLink.type = "text/css"; frames['frame1'].document.body.appendChild(cssLink); 

Change content style inside iFrame body [duplicate], $(document).ready(function () < $('iframe').contents().find(

How to Inject Custom HTML and CSS into an iFrame

Ever been to a site like JSBin, where you can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then see
Duration: 14:22

How to apply CSS property to an iframe ?

An iframe is a rectangular structure that can display the content of another webpage in an HTML document. It is created using the iframe tag and can show various types of content such as video, images, and other websites. The iframe comes with scrollbars and borders to enhance the appearance of the document. The term «inline frame» is abbreviated as iframe.

To gain a clearer comprehension, make sure to consult the article on HTML | Iframes.

To embed an iframe, there are multiple methods available, such as utilizing inline CSS within the iframe tag.

The code snippet shows an iframe element with a source URL set to «». The iframe has a dotted border with a width and height of 300 pixels each.

The implementation of the HTML page’s design is carried out in the following manner.

The text contains 101 instances of a code, labeled from «msdt_code1» to «msdt_code101».
The codes range from li to > .

This sample code sets the iframe dimensions to «300px» for both the width and height. Additionally, it applies a border style with a thickness of «3px» and a dotted pattern.

Here is the output, as depicted in the image labeled as «msdt_img1».

An alternative method is to make use of the internal CSS for the iframe element within the HTML document.

The following output is displayed:

The third approach involves utilizing external CSS for styling the iframe. This can be done by creating a separate file for the CSS code and linking it to the HTML file using the link and href tags before the iframe tag.

CSS file: (name of the file iframeCss.css ) #frame


How to apply css to iframe in Html?

Iframes are often used to embed other web pages into a current page, but it can be a challenge to apply CSS styles to the content within an iframe. There are several methods to apply CSS to an iframe, but each has its own limitations and considerations. Here are some ways to apply CSS to iframes:

Method 1: Inline Style Attribute

To apply CSS to an iframe using the inline style attribute, you can follow these steps:

iframe id="my-iframe" src="">iframe>
iframe id="my-iframe" src="" style="">iframe>
iframe id="my-iframe" src="" style="border: 1px solid red; width: 100%; height: 500px;">iframe>

Here’s an example of applying a border and setting the width and height of the iframe using the inline style attribute:

iframe id="my-iframe" src="" style="border: 1px solid red; width: 100%; height: 500px;">iframe>

You can also apply CSS to the content inside the iframe by targeting its body element using the contentDocument property.

iframe id="my-iframe" src="">iframe>
var iframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe'); var iframeBody = iframe.contentDocument.body; = 'blue';

Here’s an example of changing the background color of the content inside the iframe to blue:

iframe id="my-iframe" src="">iframe>
var iframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe'); var iframeBody = iframe.contentDocument.body; = 'blue';

That’s it! These are some examples of how to apply CSS to an iframe using the inline style attribute.

Method 2: Stylesheet Linked to the Parent Page

To apply CSS to an iframe using a stylesheet linked to the parent page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CSS file with the styles you want to apply to the iframe. Let’s call it «iframe-styles.css».
  2. Link the CSS file to the parent page using the tag in the section of the HTML document. For example:
head> link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iframe-styles.css"> head>
iframe class="iframe-styling" src="">iframe>
  1. In the «iframe-styles.css» file, add a CSS rule that targets the class attribute of the tag. For example:
.iframe-styling  border: 2px solid red; width: 100%; height: 500px; >

This will apply a red border, set the width to 100%, and the height to 500 pixels to the iframe with the class attribute of «iframe-styling».

Here is the complete code example:

head> link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iframe-styles.css"> head> body> iframe class="iframe-styling" src="">iframe> body>
.iframe-styling  border: 2px solid red; width: 100%; height: 500px; >

By following these steps, you can easily apply CSS styles to an iframe using a stylesheet linked to the parent page.

Method 3: Stylesheet Linked to the Iframe Page

To apply CSS to an iframe using a stylesheet linked to the iframe page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CSS file with the desired styles. For example, create a file named «iframe-style.css» with the following styles:
body  background-color: #eee; >
  1. In the iframe page, link to the CSS file using the tag. For example, add the following code to the section of the iframe page:
head> link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iframe-style.css"> head>
  1. In the parent page, add the allowfullscreen and seamless attributes to the tag. For example, add the following code to the parent page:
iframe src="iframe-page.html" allowfullscreen seamless>iframe>

That’s it! The CSS styles defined in the «iframe-style.css» file will be applied to the content of the iframe.

Here is the complete code for the iframe page:

DOCTYPE html> html> head> link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iframe-style.css"> head> body> h1>Hello World!h1> p>This is an example of an iframe.p> body> html>

And here is the complete code for the parent page:

DOCTYPE html> html> head> title>Parent Pagetitle> head> body> h1>Welcome to the Parent Pageh1> iframe src="iframe-page.html" allowfullscreen seamless>iframe> body> html>

Method 4: CSS in the Parent Page Targeting the Iframe

To apply CSS to an iframe using CSS in the parent page, you can use the contentDocument property of the iframe to target its contents. Here are the steps to do it:

iframe id="my-iframe" src="">iframe>
#my-iframe  width: 100%; height: 300px; border: none; >
  1. To target elements inside the iframe, you can use the contentDocument property to get the iframe’s document object. Here’s an example that changes the background color of a div inside the iframe:
#my-iframe  width: 100%; height: 300px; border: none; > #my-iframe .my-div  background-color: red; >
var iframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe'); var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; var myDiv = iframeDoc.getElementById('my-div'); = 'red';
  1. If you want to apply styles to the entire iframe document, you can use the contentDocument property to add a tag to the iframe’s head:
#my-iframe  width: 100%; height: 300px; border: none; > #my-iframe body  background-color: red; >
var iframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe'); var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; var style = iframeDoc.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = 'body < background-color: red; >'; iframeDoc.head.appendChild(style);

That’s it! With these steps, you can easily apply CSS styles to an iframe using CSS in the parent page.

Method 5: CSS in the Iframe Page Targeting the Parent Page

To apply CSS to an iframe from the parent page, you can use the contentDocument property to access the iframe’s document object and then manipulate its CSS styles using JavaScript. Here is an example code snippet:

DOCTYPE html> html> head> title>Parent Pagetitle> style> iframe  width: 100%; height: 300px; > style> head> body> iframe id="myIframe" src="iframe.html">iframe> script> var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe'); var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = 'body '; iframeDoc.head.appendChild(style); script> body> html>

In this example, we have an iframe element with an ID of myIframe that loads the iframe.html file. In the parent page, we have defined some CSS styles for the iframe element itself.

To apply additional CSS styles to the iframe’s document, we first get a reference to the iframe element using getElementById . We then use the contentDocument property to get the iframe’s document object. If the iframe is from a different domain, we need to use contentWindow.document instead.

Next, we create a new style element using createElement and set its textContent property to the CSS styles we want to apply to the iframe’s document. In this case, we are setting the background color of the body element to #f0f0f0 .

Finally, we append the new style element to the head element of the iframe’s document using appendChild .

With this approach, you can apply any CSS styles you want to the iframe’s document from the parent page. Just make sure to wait for the iframe to load before trying to access its document object.


CSS to iFrame: Как Изменить CSS в iFrame

Добавление CSS стилей на родительской странице не работает для тегов iFrame. Из данного руководства вы узнаете, как с помощью JavaScript изменить CSS стили в iFrame, а также как добавить новые (подключить с помощью link).

Пусть у нас есть iFrame с >

Чтобы добавить новые стили для содержимого iFrame, используем следующий JavaScript код:

window.onload = () => < let iframeName = document.getElementById("iframeName"); let iframeContent = iframeName.contentDocument; iframeContent.body.innerHTML = iframeContent.body.innerHTML + ".iframe-css "; >

Если необходимо добавить в iFrame много CSS стилей, то данный подход не очень удобен. Рассмотрим, как можно подключить новые файлы стилей в теге

Добавление CSS файлов в iFrame

Чтобы добавить новый файл, используем следующий код:

// Добавление css файла в IFRAME window.onload = () => < // создаём новый тег "link" для iFrame и заполняем его "href", "rel" и "type" let iframeLink = document.createElement("link"); iframeLink.href = "fileName.css"; // css файл для iFrame iframeLink.rel = "stylesheet"; iframeLink.type = "text/css"; // вставляем в [0] - индекс iframe frames[0].document.head.appendChild(iframeLink); >
// Вставка CSS в iFrame link $("#iframeName").on("load", () => < let iframeHead = $("#iframeName").contents().find("head"); // находим "head" iFrame let newLink = $("link"); // создаём тег "link" и далее заполняем атрибуты $("link").attr("href", "fileName.css"); $("link").attr("rel", "stylesheet"); $("link").attr("type", "text/css"); $(iframeHead).append(newLink); // вставляем в наш iFrame >);

Таким образом мы создали тег и затем заполнили его атрибуты. Теперь в этом CSS файле вы можете писать все необходимые стили для содержимого iFrame.

Данный способ работает, если iframe находится на вашем домене.

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 // вставляем в [0] - индекс iframe frames[0].document.head.appendChild(iframeLink); 

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