Style MySQL table with CSS

How to import/include a CSS file using PHP code and not HTML code?

However, my page prints the CSS code. Note: I want to use PHP to include the CSS file, and not use I also do you want to rename my CSS file to a PHP file as some website mentioned. Any clues? Many thanks.

Do you want to have the CSS interpreted as PHP, or do you just want the page to use that CSS file in how it displays the HTML?

Your question is a bit confusing because it’s unclear why you want to do this. CSS is meant to affect how the page looks. It can only do that if the user’s browser reads the CSS and applies it to the HTML. The browser won’t be given your PHP code, so it either has to see a reference to the CSS file and be able to fetch it, or see the CSS embedded in the HTML. Which one of those do you mean to have appear in the HTML: the reference to the CSS file, or the raw CSS code? If neither, what’s the purpose of bringing in the CSS to your PHP script?

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16 Answers 16

You have to surround the CSS with a tag:

PHP include works fine with .css ending too. In this way you can even use PHP in your CSS file. That can be really helpful to organize e.g. colors as variables.

This is the best solution, PHP includes don’t necessarily have to end .php . Also the tags don’t need to be echoed so could be used for better readability.

@Sarah Check the source code in the browser. Is the CSS code showing up between the

@Sarah It definitely SHOULD work — so the problem is almost surely this: when you do an include(), you need a filesystem based path, while in the document everything is web root based. Therefore, your php won’t find the CSS file. An easy fix for this is using __ DIR __ (uppercase DIR with double underscores on both sides, no spaces; a magic constant of php) that will give you the filesystem path of the file you’re in; then you only have to go relative from that.

You are including the CSS code as text in your PHP page. Why not just link it in the traditional fashion?

This (or an @import) is the best way to include CSS in the page. If you use PHP to dump the contents of your CSS file into your HTML, then every time your user requests a page, they will have to download the entire contents of your CSS file along with it, as part of the HTML. However, if you use this kind of tag, the browser can request the CSS seperately, and, the next time it sees a reference to the same CSS file, it will say «oh, I already have that,» and not bother requesting it. That will make things faster for the user and will mean less work to your web server.


Как вставить HTML, CSS и JS в PHP-код?

Когда вы разрабатываете свой модуль, то иногда прибегаете к помощи верстки (HTML и CSS) и дополнительным скриптам.

Все это можно подключать отдельно – что-то в теле страницы, что-то в отдельных файлах. Но некоторые дополнения лучше вставлять непосредственно в сам PHP-файл.

Сегодня я покажу два варианта, как можно вставить HTML, CSS или JavaScript в код PHP.

Первый вариант вставки элементов в PHP-код

Я думаю, что если вы хоть немного знакомы с PHP, то знаете, что такое «echo» (тег, с помощью которого вы можете вывести сообщение на экран).

Вот с помощью него и можно вывести один из перечисленных ранее кодов. Пример:

   "; echo $content; ?>

На что здесь стоит обратить внимание? Кавычки. Если вы используете внешние кавычки в виде » «, то внутренние кавычки элементов должны быть ‘ ‘ и наоборот, иначе вы получите ошибку. Если вы принципиально хотите использовать одинаковые и внешние, и внутренние кавычки, то во внутренних ставьте знак экранизации:

   "; echo $content; ?>

В этом случае все будет работать корректно.

Второй вариант вставки элементов в PHP-код

Этот вариант мне нравится куда больше, чем первый. Здесь мы будем также использовать «echo», как и в предыдущем варианте, но добавим еще элемент «HTML»:

Сюда вы можете вставлять любой элемент, будь то HTML-код или же JavaScript. Кавычки здесь не играют роли (можете вставить любые), а по желанию можно внедрить переменные для вывода:

 "; echo    HTML; ?>

Весьма удобный способ для реализации ваших идей.


Use CSS Style in PHP

Use CSS Style in PHP

  1. Use CSS in a PHP-Only File
  2. Use CSS in a PHP+HTML File
  3. Use Inline CSS in PHP echo Statements

This article will teach you three methods that’ll help you use CSS styles in PHP.

The first method is via a PHP-only file, and the second is to embed PHP in an HTML+CSS file. Then the third method will use inline CSS in PHP echo statements.

Use CSS in a PHP-Only File

A standard HTML file can embed CSS styles in the element or link to an external CSS file. By default, this CSS file will have the css extension, but it can also have the php extension.

This means you can write CSS code, save it as a PHP file and link it to your HTML. In this PHP file, you can do more than what you’ll do in a CSS file; you can write PHP code.

First, you can define a PHP code block with CSS property and values stored as variables. Then outside the PHP block, you can write normal CSS that’ll use the variables as values of CSS properties.

We’ve done that in the following; save it as styles.php .

php  // The "header" is the most important part of  // this code. Without it, it will not work.  header("Content-type: text/css");   $font_family = 'Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Helvetica';  $font_size = '1.2em';  $background_color = '#000000';  $font_color = '#ffffff';   // Close the PHP code block.  ?> body   background-color: ;  color: ;  font-size: ;  font-family: ; > 

Save the following HTML, and ensure you’ve linked styles.php in the tag.

 html lang="en"> head>  meta charset="utf-8">  title>Webpage using CSS styles generated with PHPtitle>   link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.php">  head> body>  h1>Hello, We styled this page using CSS in a PHP file!h1>  h1>How cool is that?h1>  body>  html> 

Web page styled with CSS in PHP

Use CSS in a PHP+HTML File

HTML can use CSS via the tag or the tag, which can contain PHP in a dedicated PHP block. If the PHP code generates or manipulates HTML code, the linked CSS code can style the HTML.

For example, you can style the table using CSS if PHP pulls database records to make an HTML table. To show how to do this, create a database called my_website in MySQL.

Next, create a site_users table in my_website using the following queries.

CREATE TABLE site_users (  user_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (user_id)) ENGINE = InnoDB; 

Insert data into the site_users table.

INSERT INTO site_users (username, email) VALUES ('user_1', '');  INSERT INTO site_users (username, email) VALUES ('user_2', '');  INSERT INTO site_users (username, email) VALUES ('user_3', ''); 

Now, in the following, we have HTML, PHP, and CSS. The CSS is in the element; the PHP is in a PHP block within the HTML.

The PHP creates an HTML table using records from the site_users table. When the PHP generates the table, the CSS will style it.

    /* This CSS will style the table generated by PHP. */ table < border-collapse: collapse; width: 30em; font-size: 1.2em; >table, th, td < border: 2px solid #1a1a1a; >td,th < padding: 0.5em; >/* Create a striped table. */ tr:nth-child(even) < background-color: #f2f2f2; >/* General body styles. */ body  
query("SELECT * FROM site_users")->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); // Get keys from the first row. $table_header = array_keys(reset($site_users)); // Print the table. echo ""; // Print the table headers. echo ""; foreach ($table_header as $value) < echo ""; > echo ""; // Print the table rows foreach ($site_users as $row) < echo ""; foreach ($row as $value) < if (is_null($value)) < echo ""; > else < echo ""; > > echo ""; > echo "
" . $value . "
NULL" . $value . "
"; ?>

PHP table styled with CSS

Use Inline CSS in PHP echo Statements

PHP works well with HTML and has the echo statement that can send HTML with inline CSS to the web browser. This is useful when debugging or sending large chunks of HTML to the web browser.

The following shows you how to use inline CSS with PHP echo . We define the text and store three colors in the $colors_array .

Then we use foreach to loop through the $colors_array , and we set the array element as the value of the inline CSS. When you run the code, the text appears three times with different colors.

php  $sample_text = "We generated this text color using inline CSS in PHP.";   $colors_array = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];   foreach ($colors_array as $value)   // Use inline CSS with PHP echo.  echo "

" . $sample_text . "

> ?>

A text styled using red, green, and blue

Habdul Hazeez is a technical writer with amazing research skills. He can connect the dots, and make sense of data that are scattered across different media.

Related Article — PHP CSS


PHP Script in CSS Files

PHP Script in CSS Files

  1. Using CSS in a PHP File
  2. Use the Header() Function to Define CSS Properties in PHP

Using CSS in PHP files allows reusability since we can predefine style inside PHP variables and use them later anywhere in our PHP files. Here is how we can do that:

Using CSS in a PHP File

There are many ways to use PHP scripts in CSS files. We use the following method since it is simple and the most popular.

  • The index.php : We are using header() function which is a built in function in PHP. Example: header(‘content-type:text/css; charset:UTF-8;’); in the index.php . Then, we used CSS styling inside this file using both .class and #id .
  • The style.php : This file contains our markup HTML that we linked using: . It is an HTML element to link meta attributes in the markup.
 html>  head>  title>How to Use CSS in PHP title>  link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.php">  head>  body>  div id="democss">  div>  h1 align="center">Applying style on imageh1>  img src="image.png" alt="demo" class="image">  body>  html> 

We use a simple href attribute of the HTML element to include our style.php file in the header.

php //define header function  header('content-type:text/css; charset:UTF-8;'); //you can style PHP variable for reuse  $txt_color = "black"; $bg_color = "#6B5B95"; $alignment = "center"; $width = "200px"; $height = "200px"; ?> 
#democss width: php echo $width; ?>; height: php echo $height; ?>; background-color: php echo $bg_color; ?>; margin: auto; border: 3px solid black; padding: 10px;  > .image  display: block;  margin-left: auto;  margin-right: auto;  width: 20%;  border-radius: 6px;  > 

When we load the index.php file, it can apply the style from the style.php files using our method.


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