Str to uppercase in php

How to change case in PHP strings to upper, lower, sentence, etc

As a developer, you work with strings of different nature in day-to-day projects. Some may be a word long, a phrase, a sentence, or even comprising thousands of words.

It is easy to work on and change the case on shorter strings manually, eg. you can edit the string and make a sentence begin with an uppercase letter, to change an all uppercase text to a sentence case, etc.

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In the case of long strings of texts, this will not be an easy task to accomplish and may take too long. The good news is that most programming languages have a way to easily convert and manipulate the case in a string.

In this article, you will learn how to convert strings to different cases using PHP language.

Converting a string to lowercase in PHP

To change all the alphabetical characters in a string to lowercase, we use the PHP strtolower() function.

Converting a string to uppercase in PHP

To change all the alphabetical characters in a string to uppercase, we use the PHP strtoupper() function.

Converting the first character in a string to uppercase in PHP

To change the first alphabetical characters of a string to uppercase, we use ucfirst() function.

Converting the first character of each word to uppercase in PHP

To change the first character of every word in a string in PHP, we use ucwords() function.

Converting the string to sentence case in PHP

All sentences start with an uppercase(capital) letter and end with either a full stop (.), a question mark (?), or an exclamation mark (!).

If our string comprises only one sentence, then converting it to a sentence case is very simple as we only use the ucfirst() function to convert its first character to uppercase.

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However, that will not be the case with a string comprising of multiple sentences.

— We split the string into an array of sentences using the preg_split() function;

— We loop through all the sentences in a for each loop;

— Convert the string characters in each sentence to lower case using the strtolower() function;

— Convert the first character of every sentence to uppercase using the ucfirst() function;

— Concatenate all our sentences to form back the original string, now with a sentence case.

Hello world! I am a programmer. I like programming in php.

From the above example, you can skip the conversion to lower case if you just want all the sentences to start with an uppercase without affecting the cases of other words/characters.


In this article, you have learned how to convert PHP strings to upper case, lower case, the first character of every word to upper case, the first character of the string to upper case, and also how to convert a combination of multiple sentences into sentence case, where every first character of every sentence starts with an upper case.

It is my hope that the article was simple enough to follow along and easy to understand and implement.

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Замена регистра в строках PHP

Список PHP-функций для изменения регистра символов в строках и примеры их использования.

Проверка, является ли буква прописной или строчной

Функция ctype_upper($string) – определяет, являются ли все буквы в строке в верхнем регистре.

$str = 'Ы'; if (ctype_upper($str)) < echo 'Заглавная'; >else

Вариант для кириллицы в кодировке UTF-8:

$str = 'Ы'; if (mb_strtolower($str) !== $str) < echo 'Заглавная'; >else < echo 'строчная'; >// Выведется «Заглавная»

Пример определения регистра для первой буквы в строке:

$text = 'Привет мир!'; $chr = mb_substr($text, 0, 1); if (mb_strtolower($chr) !== $chr) < echo 'Заглавная'; >else < echo 'строчная'; >// Выведется «Заглавная»

Первая заглавная буква

ucfirst($string) — преобразует первый символ строки в верхний регистр.

$text = 'привет Мир!'; echo ucfirst($text); 

Для UTF-8:

if(!function_exists('mb_ucfirst')) < function mb_ucfirst($str) < $fc = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($str, 0, 1)); return $fc . mb_substr($str, 1); >> $text = 'привет Мир!'; echo mb_ucfirst($text); // Привет Мир!

Первая строчная

ucfirst($string) — преобразует первый символ строки в верхний регистр.

$text = 'Привет Мир!'; echo lcfirst($text); 

Для UTF-8:

if(!function_exists('mb_lcfirst')) < function mb_lcfirst($str) < $fc = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($str, 0, 1)); return $fc . mb_substr($str, 1); >> $text = 'Привет Мир!'; echo mb_lcfirst($text); // привет Мир!

Все заглавные буквы

Для UTF-8:

$text = 'привет Мир!'; echo mb_strtoupper($text); // ПРИВЕТ МИР!

Все строчные буквы

$text = 'Привет Мир!'; echo strtolower($text);

Для UTF-8:

$text = 'Привет Мир!'; echo mb_strtolower($text); // привет мир!

Заглавная буква в каждом слове

$text = 'привет мир!'; echo ucwords($text);

Для UTF-8:

if(!function_exists('mb_ucwords')) < function mb_ucwords($str) < $str = mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); return ($str); >> $text = 'привет мир!'; echo mb_ucwords($text); // Привет Мир!

Инверсия регистра

function mb_flip_case($string) < $characters = preg_split('/(?$char) < if (mb_strtolower($char, "UTF-8") != $char) < $char = mb_strtolower($char, 'UTF-8'); >else < $char = mb_strtoupper($char, 'UTF-8'); >$characters[$key] = $char; > return implode('', $characters); > $text = 'Привет Мир!'; echo mb_flip_case($text); // пРИВЕТ мИР!

Комментарии 1

function invertCase($text)
$string = »;
Решение №1
$mb_strlen = mb_strlen($text);
$i = $mb_strlen;
while ($i > 0) $i—;
$char = mb_substr($text, $i, 1);
$char = (mb_strtolower($char) === $char) ? mb_strtoupper($char) : mb_strtolower($char);
$string = $char.$string;
// Решение №2
$arr = mb_str_split($text, 1);
foreach ($arr as $char) $char = (mb_strtolower($char) === $char) ? mb_strtoupper($char) : mb_strtolower($char);
$string .= $char;
return $string;

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Converting Strings to Uppercase in PHP: Everything You Need to Know

Learn how to convert strings to uppercase in PHP using the strtoupper() function and other related functions. Also, explore how to do it in JavaScript and MySQL. Improve your code consistency and readability now.

  • Using strtoupper() in PHP
  • Using strtolower() in PHP
  • Other Case Conversion Functions in PHP
  • Converting to Uppercase in JavaScript
  • Converting to Uppercase in MySQL
  • Other code examples for converting strings to uppercase in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to make all letters capital in PHP?
  • How do you convert a string to a capital letter?
  • How to use strtolower in PHP?
  • How do I make uppercase in mysql?

Are you looking for a way to convert a string to uppercase letters in PHP? Look no further than the strtoupper() function! In this blog post, we will explore how to use this function and other related functions for case conversion in PHP. We will also cover how to convert a string to uppercase letters in JavaScript and MySQL.

Using strtoupper() in PHP

The strtoupper() function is used to convert a string to uppercase letters in PHP. It is binary-safe, meaning that it can handle non-ASCII characters. The function only converts ASCII alphabetic characters to uppercase. Here is an example code snippet:

$str = "hello world"; $str_upper = strtoupper($str); // $str_upper is now "HELLO WORLD" 

Using strtolower() in PHP

The strtolower() function is used to convert a string to lowercase letters in PHP. It is similar to strtoupper() , but converts the characters to lowercase instead. Here is an example code snippet:

$str = "HELLO WORLD"; $str_lower = strtolower($str); // $str_lower is now "hello world" 

Other Case Conversion Functions in PHP

In addition to strtoupper() and strtolower() , PHP also has other functions for case conversion. The mb_convert_case() function can be used to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase, and is useful for handling non-ASCII characters. The ucfirst() function converts the first character of a string to uppercase, while the ucwords() function converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase. Here is an example code snippet:

$str = "hello world"; $str_ucfirst = ucfirst($str); // $str_ucfirst is now "Hello world" 

Converting to Uppercase in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the toUpperCase() method is used to convert a string to uppercase letters. It works in a similar way to strtoupper() in PHP. Here is an example code snippet:

var str = "hello world"; var str_upper = str.toUpperCase(); // str_upper is now "HELLO WORLD" 

Converting to Uppercase in MySQL

In MySQL, the UPPER() function can be used to convert a string to uppercase. It is similar to strtoupper() in PHP and toUpperCase() in JavaScript. Here is an example code snippet:

SELECT UPPER('hello world'); // Result is "HELLO WORLD" 

Other code examples for converting strings to uppercase in PHP

In Php , for example, php change sting to caps code example

$lowercase = "this is lower case"; $uppercase = strtoupper($lowercase);echo $uppercase;

In Php , in particular, Capitalize in php code example

In Php , for example, php capital string code example

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In Php as proof, php capitalize first letter

In Php , for instance, php uppercase with accent code example


Converting a string to uppercase letters is a common task in programming, and there are several ways to do it in PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL. The strtoupper() function in PHP is binary-safe and handles only ASCII alphabetic characters, while other functions like mb_convert_case() can handle non-ASCII characters. In JavaScript, the toUpperCase() method is used to convert a string to uppercase, and in MySQL, the UPPER() function is used. By using these functions and methods, you can easily convert a string to uppercase and improve the consistency and readability of your code.

In conclusion, converting a string to uppercase letters is a simple and straightforward task in PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL. Whether you’re building a web application or just writing a script, knowing how to convert strings to uppercase can make your code more readable and consistent. So go ahead and give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the strtoupper() function in PHP?

The strtoupper() function in PHP is used to convert a string to uppercase letters. It is binary-safe, meaning that it can handle non-ASCII characters, but it only converts ASCII alphabetic characters to uppercase.

What is the difference between strtoupper() and strtolower() in PHP?

The strtoupper() function converts a string to uppercase letters, while strtolower() converts it to lowercase letters. They are similar functions, but they produce opposite results.

How do you convert a string to uppercase in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, you can use the toUpperCase() method to convert a string to uppercase letters. It works in a similar way to strtoupper() in PHP.

How do you convert a string to uppercase in MySQL?

In MySQL, you can use the UPPER() function to convert a string to uppercase. It is similar to strtoupper() in PHP and toUpperCase() in JavaScript.

Can mb_convert_case() handle non-ASCII characters?

Yes, mb_convert_case() can handle non-ASCII characters in case conversion in PHP. It is useful for handling languages other than English.

Why is converting strings to uppercase important in programming?

Converting strings to uppercase can improve the consistency and readability of your code. It also helps with data validation and sorting.


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