- Save HTML Form Data in a (.txt) Text File in PHP
- PHP Program to store HTML Form data in a .txt File
- Step-by-step guide on How to put the HTML form field data in a text file or dot txt file in PHP
- How to save user text input html input as cookie
- How to save user text input html input as cookie
- Permanently save user input data into html
- How to save string entered in HTML form to text file
Save HTML Form Data in a (.txt) Text File in PHP
Hello Programmers, in this post I am going to show you a very essential task that can be easily done with Core PHP and HTML form.
Sometimes it happens that we need to store some data in a local storage file rather than making it complex using the database.
Yes, it’s a fact that in many cases we don’t want to store our text data in database always.
Here I am giving you an example:
Suppose you have an HTML form and you want to store the data submitted by the user in a text file so that you can easily access it later from that file.
PHP Program to store HTML Form data in a .txt File
Below I have provided the PHP code to store the form data in a text file. Just took a glance at this code.
For easy understanding, after the code, I have provided the explanation and how to use this code step by step.
Here textdata is the name of our HTML form field from the post data that is provided below.
data.txt is a file that we have to create for storing our form submission data in it.
$data is a PHP variable to store the form field data entered by the user.
Now below is given the HTML part for creating the form:
Enter Your Text Here:
From the above form our data be submitted.
Now I think you have understood the thing.
If you are curious enough to know how to fetch or retrieve text data in PHP click the below link
Remember to add method in your form.
Step-by-step guide on How to put the HTML form field data in a text file or dot txt file in PHP
Enter Your Text Here:
look at the below code. It will also work fine
This will work fine. But in some servers, it might show an error like this
in order to prevent the error warning we use isset()
so it’s safe to use this before $_POST[‘value’];
How to save user text input html input as cookie
What you do further can be either: Pass the data along with serving html file, i.e. server reads the data from the database and passes it along with the html file. HTML itself it just a collection of markup (the table, buttons, textboxes) , everything else (images, content of textboxes etc.) is being loaded from the server (the same guy sending you the html file) , be it database, collection of static images or anything else.
How to save user text input html input as cookie
I have a lot of trouble writing HTML that is intermingled with JavaScript. I have a input box that assigns the input to a variable. I want that input box to assign the input to the cookie and if there is a cookie entered in the site it redirects you. Now I have I am able to have it redirect you if you have the cookie entered, at least i think and also I have an input box. Now If anyone could help me with this that will be great.
Here is the code for the cookie
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) < var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime()+(exdays*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString(); document.cookie = cname+"="+cvalue+"; "+expires; >function getCookie(cname) < var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; ireturn ""; > function checkCookie() < var user=getCookie("username"); if (user!="") < window.location.assign("http://. ") //if the user has a cookie saved it will redirect them to a newpage >else < user = prompt("Please enter your name:",""); // I do not want a prompt I want a input box if (user!="" && user!=null) < setCookie("username",user,30); >> >
Here is the html for the input box:
Here is the javascript that make the input a variable:
var trigger = document.getElementById("trigger"); trigger.addEventListener("click", function () < var input = document.getElementById("input"); >, false)
You don’t have to use my html but to recap: I would like an input box not a pop up where users but some info for their cookie and if the info is in there it redirects them to another page.
How do make a string a cookie? Or how do you make an input the cookie?
From the best I can understand about your question:
var trigger = document.getElementById("trigger"); trigger.addEventListener("click", function () < var input = document.getElementById("input"); setCookie("user",input.value,30) // Just getting the id is an object and you can access things in that object >, false)
So I see what I did wrong, thanks to some tips/help form @vulpus. I need to make the user input variable a parameter into the function then recall the check cookie function so it will redirect the user.
makes userInput from the html a variable and enter it as a cookie:
How to take user input using HTML forms?, Using HTML forms, you can easily take user input. The
Permanently save user input data into html
i’m html newbie here so please be lenient with ur answer.
i want to permanently save changes made when i key in different value into the textbox for this html file. for now, everytime i refresh the browser, the data get back to the original value. haha, how do i change it so that the value that i entered will be saved instead, even after i close the tab and reopen it. thanks.
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- You want the change to be persistent, when user access the data from the same browser — Store data in localStorage. You can access localStorage using javascript, and the data will be stored only in the current browser that is open.
- You want the change to be persistent regardless of where user opens your page from. In this scenario the data needs to be synced with the server. Most common approach is to store the data in your server database. What you do further can be either:
- Pass the data along with serving html file, i.e. server reads the data from the database and passes it along with the html file.
- OR serve html file from the server. Then request the data from the server using ajax request. Once data is fetched u need to populate the required fields.
EDIT after additional questions
think of it this way. Whenever you open any page on the web, some server sends an html file to your browser to be rendered. HTML itself it just a collection of markup (the table, buttons, textboxes) , everything else (images, content of textboxes etc.) is being loaded from the server (the same guy sending you the html file) , be it database, collection of static images or anything else.
you can certainly store your data in the text file, but it needs to be served from somewhere, most commonly all data pertinent to your website is to be stored in your server (database, images, text files). However the most common approach is to store data in the database. Why not just store in the text file? There are many reasons, but simply speaking same reason why you put your eggs in the egg packet and don’t just put it on the floor.
if you want to learn server side scripting and databases, I’d suggest to pick up any for your taste. Most beginners start with PHP(Server side scripting) and MySQL(database), which is arguably the easiest and fastest solution to start with due to large number of tutorials for beginners.
You will need a server side language to save the update. Javascript is client side and runs on the browser only. The changes made with javascript will execute in the browser only, not in the server. When you reload, the server sends back the original file.
You need a database for that. Using PHP and MySQL you can do this easily. Enjoy your new adventure.
Save user input on HTML page using HTML5 web storage, Save user input on HTML page using HTML5 web storage. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. Modified 10 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 2k times 2 I am creating a crossword puzzle web app that pulls XML data from a server, parses the data with javascript and builds the puzzle on the page using …
How to save string entered in HTML form to text file
I have a very basic PHP file. i want to have two textboxes for user input, and a submit button. The user will enter their first and last name, then i would like to append or create a TXT file with the data entered from field1 and field2.
Possibly i am going about this the wrong way. I will post two of the ways i have been tinkering around with.
What is your name?
I cant figure out how to get the data from field1 and field2 into a string variable.
I have also messed around with using this php instead of the section listed above
You should learn about HTML Forms And PHP Form Handling.
In your code you have to use a form HTTP method. And the form data must sent for processing to a PHP file.
In this code i use HTTP PSOT method you can also use GET method the result will be same. This two method is used for collecting the form data. And the php file name is «action.php» .
What is your name?
Let’s take a snippet from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp
Note the first line: upon form submission a php script is called: action_page.php .
action_page.php is your webpage with the form and the embedded php script. action_page.php both displays the empty form and then process the submitted data.
On the first line also it is specified that the submitted data is sent with the POST method.
The php part will look like this:
The if statement is there because the first time the script action_page.php is loaded its purpose is only to display the form and don’t receive any POST data.
As the form is submitted by the user the script will receive the data and store to file.
The script will also (with this approach) display again an empty form ready for the submission of another entry.
You can rearrange things in order to have two web pages: one with just the form, another one with a «Thank you» message and the data processing php script.
Javascript — Save user input to paragraph, Save user input to paragraph. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Modified 7 years, For example: User Input: «Hey». Comes out like this: «yeH» – Bellcross Andersson. Sep 17, 2014 at 11:16 | Show 3 more comments. HTML text input allow only numeric input. 974. Styling an input type=»file» …