Среда разработки для python anaconda


Whether you want to build data science/machine learning models, deploy your work to production, or securely manage a team of engineers, Anaconda provides the tools necessary to succeed. This documentation is designed to aid in building your understanding of Anaconda software and assist with any operations you may need to perform to manage your organization’s users and resources.

The following table lists the capabilities available for each tier of Anaconda for individuals and organizations. Depending on your set of problems, one bundle of capabilities may be better suited to your needs.

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Distribution & Packages#

Anaconda® Distribution is a Python/R data science distribution containing conda. Conda is an environment and package manager that helps users manage the other 7,500+ open-source packages made available to them through the distribution.

Anaconda Navigator is a desktop graphical user interface (GUI) included in Anaconda® Distribution that allows you to launch applications and manage conda packages, environments, and channels without using command line interface (CLI) commands. Navigator can search for packages on Anaconda.org or in a local Anaconda Repository. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Anaconda Community#

Engage with others in the Anaconda Community Forum and learn the basics and beyond with instructor-guided walkthroughs and lessons from Anaconda Learning.

Cloud Notebooks#

Anaconda Notebooks allows anyone, anywhere to begin their data science journey. Spin up awesome data science projects directly from your browser with all the packages and computing power you need.

Anaconda Learning#

Master the foundations of data science through a full library of structured, on-demand courses. Code along with your course instructors, develop projects, and save your progress directly inside Anaconda Learning.

Curated Repository#

Gain access to a curated, premium repository designed for business and enterprises. Includes tokenized access and guaranteed uptime SLAs.

Signature Verification#

Signature verification certifies the integrity and authenticity of packages downloaded from the Anaconda Repository.

CVE Visibility#

View CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) data associated with your channels’ packages. Anaconda regularly pulls its CVE databases from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to minimize the risk of vulnerable software in our applications and web pages. Anaconda has an extensive and well-established process for curating CVEs, assessing whether or not packages that Anaconda built are affected by any CVEs, determining which versions in our repository are affected, and mitigating the vulnerability.

Policy Filters#

Apply policy filters to a channel to restrict the available packages that channel can source. You can filter packages by license, common vulnerability and exposure (CVE) score, CVE status, package age, and by using the conda spec.

Virtual Channels#

Customize virtual copies of Anaconda-curated and -maintained repositories for your organization with policy filters, allowing for multiple variances of a repository’s package set.


Share your projects with authorized users for increased collaboration on enterprise-level efforts. Connect to an external version control repository and fine-tune user access on the individual project and repository level.


Publish your interactive data visualizations, live notebooks, and machine learning models in a self-contained deployment with all the necessary dependencies. View activity and system logs to gain insights into your user services and troubleshoot issues.


Join 35 million users building the future with Anaconda

Anaconda Assistant is now in Private Preview.
Let AI power your analysis, visualizations, and data processing with the Anaconda Assistant.

  • Automatically generate code snippets, plots, and graphs
  • Quickly debug errors and fix code issues
  • Get code optimization recommendations

Code in the cloud. Nothing to install or configure. Work from any computer using our cloud-hosted notebook service.

  • Publish data applications and share results
    (Learn more)
  • Sample notebooks to get you started
  • Catalog of real-world data sets

Code with the world’s most trusted Python distribution. From AI solutions to interactive visualizations, Anaconda is the world’s preferred distribution for numerical and scientific computing.

  • More than 6,000 Python libraries
  • Over 2,000 interoperable R packages
  • Built from source + tamper free

Learn data science and Python while you build, with Anaconda Learning.

  • Instructor-led courses
  • On demand and live
  • Essential data science skills
  • Earn completion certificates

Easily build and share web applications, with zero infrastructure

  • Create next-generation applications
  • Share in one click
  • Build new or fork community projects


Free Download

Everything you need to get started in data science on your workstation.

  • Free distribution install
  • Thousands of the most fundamental DS, AI, and ML packages
  • Manage packages and environments from desktop application
  • Deploy across hardware and software platforms

Open Source

Access the open-source software you need for projects in any field, from data visualization to robotics.


With our intuitive platform, you can easily search and install packages and create, load, and switch between environments.


Our securely hosted packages and artifacts are methodically tested and regularly updated.

Grid of logos

Anaconda Repository

Our repository features over 8,000 open-source data science and machine learning packages, Anaconda-built and compiled for all major operating systems and architectures.


Conda is an open-source package and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Conda quickly installs, runs, and updates packages and their dependencies. It also easily creates, saves, loads, and switches between environments on your local computer. It was created for Python programs, but it can package and distribute software for any language.

Terminal window screenshot

Navigator screenshot

Anaconda Navigator

Our desktop application lets you easily manage integrated applications, packages, and environments without using the command line.


Getting started with Anaconda Distribution#

Welcome to Anaconda! This document is here to help you get started with Anaconda Distribution, the free installation that includes conda, Anaconda Navigator, and over 250 scientific and machine learning packages .

Should I use Anaconda Navigator or conda?#

Anaconda Navigator is a desktop application that is included with every installation of Anaconda Distribution. It is built on top of conda, the open-source package and environment manager, and allows you to manage your packages and environments from a graphical user interface (GUI). This is especially helpful when you’re not comfortable with the command line.

A command line interface (or CLI) is a program on your computer that processes text commands to do various tasks. Conda is a CLI program, which means it can only be used via the command line. On Windows computers, Anaconda recommends that you use the Anaconda Prompt CLI to work with conda. MacOS and Linux users can use their built-in command line applications.

If you installed Miniconda instead of Anaconda Distribution (see Should I use Anaconda Distribution or Miniconda? ), Anaconda Navigator is not included. Use the command conda install anaconda-navigator to manually install Navigator onto your computer.

Free Anaconda Learning course — Get Started with Anaconda#

Learn to use Anaconda Navigator to launch an application. Then, create and run a simple Python program with Spyder and Jupyter Notebook. Watch our short training videos on Anaconda Learning to get up and running with Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, along with several other popular integrated development environments (IDEs):


An introduction to Navigator and the command line#

Navigator and the CLI interact with conda in similar but distinct ways, and each have their benefits and drawbacks. Anaconda recommends that you learn the basics of both to determine what is preferable for your programming workflow. See My first Python program: Hello, Anaconda! to go through a short programming exercise and get a better idea for what you prefer.

What’s next?#

Conda resources#

IDE tutorials#

The following tutorials show you the basics of using some popular IDEs (integrated development environments) with Anaconda:

Jupyter Notebook external resources#

Jupyter Notebook is a web-based development application that you can launch from Navigator. The resources below can help get you started and provide more information about using notebooks for your education, research, and work:

Spyder external resources#

Spyder is a free development environment that you can launch from Navigator. The resources below provide more information about using notebooks for your education, research, and work:

Uninstalling Anaconda Distribution

What is Anaconda Distribution?


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