Split word into letters python

How do I split a string into a list of characters?

In Python, strings are already arrays of characters for all purposes except replacement. You can slice them, reference or look up items by index, etc.

15 Answers 15

list builds a new list using items obtained by iterating over the input iterable. A string is an iterable — iterating over it yields a single character at each iteration step.

In my opinion much better than the ruby method, you can convert between sequence types freely, even better, in C level.

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I want flag here to not do this . but anyway if you want callable you could escape this behavior using cast_method = lambda x: [x]

@Doogle: Capabilities-wise while String is an object and split() can be called on it, list() is a function so it cannot be called on it.

You take the string and pass it to list()

s = "mystring" l = list(s) print l 

You can also do it in this very simple way without list():

>>> [c for c in "foobar"] ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'] 

Welcome to stackoverflow. Would you mind extending the answer a little bit to explain how it solves the problem.

This is a mere for , there’s not much to explain. I think you should read the python tutorial on data structures, especially list comprehension.

If you want to process your String one character at a time. you have various options.

Using List comprehension:

print(list(map(lambda c2: c2, uhello))) 

Calling Built in list function:

If you just need an array of chars:

If you want to split the str by a particular delimiter:

# str = "temp//temps" will will be ['temp', 'temps'] arr = str.split("//") 

I explored another two ways to accomplish this task. It may be helpful for someone.

In [25]: a = [] In [26]: s = 'foobar' In [27]: a += s In [28]: a Out[28]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'] 

And the second one use map and lambda function. It may be appropriate for more complex tasks:

In [36]: s = 'foobar12' In [37]: a = map(lambda c: c, s) In [38]: a Out[38]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r', '1', '2'] 
# isdigit, isspace or another facilities such as regexp may be used In [40]: a = map(lambda c: c if c.isalpha() else '', s) In [41]: a Out[41]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r', '', ''] 

Hello! First option is simple indeed. The second one, though, has better potential for handling more complex processing.

The task boils down to iterating over characters of the string and collecting them into a list. The most naïve solution would look like

result = [] for character in string: result.append(character) 

Of course, it can be shortened to just

result = [character for character in string] 

but there still are shorter solutions that do the same thing.

list constructor can be used to convert any iterable (iterators, lists, tuples, string etc.) to list.

The big plus is that it works the same in both Python 2 and Python 3.

Also, starting from Python 3.5 (thanks to the awesome PEP 448) it’s now possible to build a list from any iterable by unpacking it to an empty list literal:

This is neater, and in some cases more efficient than calling list constructor directly.

I’d advise against using map -based approaches, because map does not return a list in Python 3. See How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3.

I think the last proposal is very nice. But I don’t see why you revisited some of the other approaches, (most of them) have been posted here already and distract from the amazing python 3.5 solution!

split() inbuilt function will only separate the value on the basis of certain condition but in the single word, it cannot fulfill the condition. So, it can be solved with the help of list() . It internally calls the Array and it will store the value on the basis of an array.

a = "bottle" a.split() // will only return the word but not split the every single char. a = "bottle" list(a) // will separate ['b','o','t','t','l','e'] 
word = "Paralelepipedo" print([*word]) 

To split a string s , the easiest way is to pass it to list() . So,

s = 'abc' s_l = list(s) # s_l is now ['a', 'b', 'c'] 

You can also use a list comprehension, which works but is not as concise as the above:

There are other ways, as well, but these should suffice. Later, if you want to recombine them, a simple call to «».join(s_l) will return your list to all its former glory as a string.

You can use extend method in list operations as well.

>>> list1 = [] >>> list1.extend('somestring') >>> list1 ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'] 

If you wish to read only access to the string you can use array notation directly.

Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:38) [GCC 4.8.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> t = 'my string' >>> t[1] 'y' 

Could be useful for testing without using regexp. Does the string contain an ending newline?

>>> t[-1] == '\n' False >>> t = 'my string\n' >>> t[-1] == '\n' True 

Well, much as I like the list(s) version, here’s another more verbose way I found (but it’s cool so I thought I’d add it to the fray):

>>> text = "My hovercraft is full of eels" >>> [text[i] for i in range(len(text))] ['M', 'y', ' ', 'h', 'o', 'v', 'e', 'r', 'c', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', ' ', 'i', 's', ' ', 'f', 'u', 'l', 'l', ' ', 'o', 'f', ' ', 'e', 'e', 'l', 's'] 
from itertools import chain string = 'your string' chain(string) 

similar to list(string) but returns a generator that is lazily evaluated at point of use, so memory efficient.

Here is a nice script that will help you find which method is most efficient for your case:

import timeit from itertools import chain string = "thisisthestringthatwewanttosplitintoalist" def getCharList(str): return list(str) def getCharListComp(str): return [char for char in str] def getCharListMap(str): return list(map(lambda c: c, str)) def getCharListForLoop(str): list = [] for c in str: list.append(c) def getCharListUnpack(str): return [*str] def getCharListExtend(str): list = [] return list.extend(str) def getCharListChain(str): return chain(str) time_list = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharList(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listcomp = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListComp(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listmap = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListMap(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listforloop = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListForLoop(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listunpack = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListUnpack(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listextend = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListExtend(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) time_listchain = timeit.timeit(stmt='getCharListChain(string)', globals=globals(), number=1) print(f"Execution time using list constructor is seconds") print(f"Execution time using list comprehension is seconds") print(f"Execution time using map is seconds") print(f"Execution time using for loop is seconds") print(f"Execution time using unpacking is seconds") print(f"Execution time using extend is seconds") print(f"Execution time using chain is seconds") 


The Best Methods for Splitting a Word into Letters in Python

Learn the top methods for splitting a word into letters in Python with examples. Improve your string manipulation skills and perform tasks like counting character frequency or checking for palindromes.

  • Using a Loop to Split a String into a List
  • Using the list() Class to Split a String into a List
  • Python tricks — Split a word into Letters in Python
  • Using the split() Method to Split a String into Substrings
  • Using join() and iterable to Split a Word into Individual Letters
  • How to turn string into list in Python (how to split word into list of letters)
  • Other helpful code examples for splitting a word into letters in Python
  • Conclusion
  • How do you split words into letters in Python?
  • How do you split alphanumeric in Python?
  • How do you cut a word in Python?

Python is a versatile programming language with a variety of string operations. One of the most common operations is splitting a word into letters. This operation is useful for counting character frequency, checking for palindromes, and many other tasks. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to split a word into letters in Python.

Using a Loop to Split a String into a List

The simplest way to split a word into letters in Python is by using a loop. This method iterates over the string and appends each character to a list. Here is an example code:

word = "hello" letters = [] for letter in word: letters.append(letter) print(letters) 

This method is simple but can be slow for large strings.

Using the list() Class to Split a String into a List

Another way to split a word into letters is by using the list() class in Python. This method is faster than using a loop and is recommended for large strings. Here is an example code:

word = "hello" letters = list(word) print(letters) 

Python tricks — Split a word into Letters in Python

python #word_to_letters #list_comprehensionSplit a word into Letters in Python:method 1
Duration: 2:16

Using the split() Method to Split a String into Substrings

The split() method can also be used to split a string into substrings . By specifying an empty separator, the string is split into individual characters. Here is an example code:

word = "hello" letters = word.split('') print(letters) 

Using join() and iterable to Split a Word into Individual Letters

The join() method in Python can be used to join iterable elements into a string. By passing a string as the iterable, each character is split into individual letters. Here is an example code:

word = "hello" letters = ''.join(word) print(letters) 

How to turn string into list in Python (how to split word into list of letters)

In this video we’re going to talk how to turn string into a list in Python or how to split word
Duration: 1:54

Other helpful code examples for splitting a word into letters in Python

sentence = 'Hello world a b c' split_sentence = sentence.split(' ') print(split_sentence)
#Use the function list() word = list(word)
def split(word): return [char for char in word] # Driver code word = 'geeks' print(split(word)) #Output ['g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's']


Splitting a word into letters in Python can be achieved in several ways, including using a loop, the list() class, the split() method, or join() and iterable. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the right one for the task at hand. Understanding string manipulation in python is crucial for writing efficient and effective code .

In conclusion, Python offers a wide range of methods for splitting a word into letters. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The method that you choose depends on the size of the string and the task that you are performing. By Understanding string manipulation in Python, you can write efficient and effective code that meets your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is splitting a word into letters in Python?

Splitting a word into letters in Python means breaking down a given string (word) into individual characters or letters.

Why is it useful to split a word into letters in Python?

Splitting a word into letters in Python is useful for tasks such as counting character frequency, checking for palindromes, or any other operation that requires working with individual letters of a string.

What are the different methods to split a word into letters in Python?

Some of the popular methods to split a word into letters in Python include using a loop, the list() class, the split() method, or join() and iterable.

Which method is the fastest for splitting a word into letters in Python?

The list() class is the fastest method to split a word into letters in Python, especially for large strings.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a loop to split a word into letters in Python?

Using a loop to split a word into letters in Python is a simple method but can be slow for large strings. It is suitable for small strings or when speed is not a concern.

How can I choose the right method for splitting a word into letters in Python?

The choice of method for splitting a word into letters in Python depends on factors such as the size of the string, the task at hand, and the desired speed. It is recommended to test different methods and choose the one that best fits your needs.


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