Special symbols in javascript

JavaScript Special Characters

In JavaScript you can add special characters to a text string by using the backslash sign.

Insert Special Characters

The backslash (\) is used to insert apostrophes, new lines, quotes, and other special characters into a text string.

Look at the following JavaScript code:

var txt="We are the so-called "Vikings" from the north."; document.write(txt);

In JavaScript, a string is started and stopped with either single or double quotes. This means that the string above will be chopped to: We are the so-called

To solve this problem, you must place a backslash (\) before each double quote in «Viking». This turns each double quote into a string literal:

var txt="We are the so-called \"Vikings\" from the north."; document.write(txt);

JavaScript will now output the proper text string: We are the so-called «Vikings» from the north.

The example above will produce the following output:

The table below lists other special characters that can be added to a text string with the backslash sign:

Code Outputs
\’ single quote
double quote
\& ampersand
\\ backslash
\n new line
\r carriage return
\t tab
\b backspace
\f form feed

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Detailed Overview of Well-known Symbols

Post cover

Symbol is a new primitive type available from ECMAScript 2015, which allow to create unique identifiers let uniqueKey = Symbol(‘SymbolName’) .

You may use symbols as keys of properties in objects. A list of symbols that JavaScript treats specially is published as well-known symbols.
Well-known symbols are used by built-in JavaScript algorithms. For example Symbol.iterator is utilized to iterate over items in arrays, strings, or even to define your own iterator function.

These special symbols are important because they are system properties of objects that allow to define custom behavior. Sounds great, use them to hook into JavaScript!

Being unique, using symbols as keys (instead of string literals) allow easily to add new functionality to objects. You don’t have to worry about keys collision (because every symbol is unique), which can be a problem when using string literals.

This article guides through the list of well-known symbols and explains how to use them comfortable in your code.

Often for simplicity a well-known Symbol. is abbreviated to @@ format. For example Symbol.iterator is @@iterator or Symbol.toPrimitive is @@toPrimitive.
It’s possible to say that an object has an @@iterator method. It indicates that the object has a property named Symbol.iterator that holds a function:
< [Symbol.iterator]: function()<. >> .

Before I go on, let me recommend something to you.

The path to becoming good at JavaScript isn’t easy. but fortunately with a good teacher you can shortcut.

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1. A short introduction to Symbol

Symbol is a primitive type (like numbers, booleans and strings), unique and immutable.

To create a symbol, invoke Symbol function with an optional name argument:


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