Special character decode php

Php Decode Html Special Characters A Comprehensive Guide

In our Angular app we are using an pi that returns strings containing HTML encoded characters, how-to-encode-single-quotes» title=»How to encode single quotes»>encoded «single quote character, function-to-decode-a-string-in-javascript» title=»Function to decode a string in JavaScript»>decoded, Question: What’s the best way to decode HTML that is contained

How to convert decode some special characters in php?

Now when I display that string it should be decoded to «‡123»., pre>string(12) «%E2%80%A1123» string(4) «�123» string(6) «‡123» So the decoding, Since PHP cannot somehow magically guess that it does its decoding job and delivers the result, which, This function is supported in PHP 5.4 or higher version., php // It will return the input character encoding //UTF-8 $string =mb_http_input(«I»); var_dump

HTML Entity decoding to Special characters

Question: I want to display special symbols in my output, strong> Solution 2: If you need a solution that support non english characters, code> CREATE TABLE college_details( college_id integer NOT NULL, college_name character, varying(255) NOT NULL, college_location character varying(255) NOT NULL, fees, Final thoughts This is a guide to

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the result of a first decoding and get a different result again., [duplicate]»>Special Character Map., decode-returns-garbage-characters» title=»PHP base64 decode returns garbage characters»>encode special, them i.e.how to convert HTML entities into special characters again., >entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.

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>Special character in both regexps and strings., Regular strings contain own special characters such as \n ., special characters., Special characters are used for making more powerful and significant searches. , php decode html special characters $str = «This is some

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On the other hand, the special ’ character may not be readable in some browsers, perhaps, Question: How to encode HTML special character, 
 Fedex shipping: $ 185″; string decoded= WebUtility.HtmlDecode(source);

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character ‘/’ in a string in php., I just want replace only this special character, not all special character For eg,, So when I decoded using function below: html_entity_decode(str_replace, >Special Characters are removed from the main text and printed later., Question: I’ve used PHP function to remove all special characters

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Special character PHP HTML

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Php decode html characters to text php

php echo html_entity_decode(the_title(», », false)) ?, php echo html_entity_decode(get_the_title($post->ID)) ?, php echo $post->post_title ?, As such, there’s hardly any standard function that can decode it into an actual UTF-8 sequence., The above outputs the characters «סע» in UTF-8 encoding.

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Php if special character available in php

webdesign.about.com/library/bl_htmlcodes.htm As taken as part of a table, ‘ij’ is indeed a special, finally ended up doing to solve this problem: Modified the profile of the daemon running PHP, Then in my PHP configuration set the default content-type to ISO-8859-1: , default_charset = «iso-8859-1» When I am inserting into an Oracle Table via oci8 from PHP, That way, you can accept characters from any character set and store them as ISO-8859-1 (because Base64



This function is the opposite of htmlspecialchars() . It converts special HTML entities back to characters.

The converted entities are: & , " (when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set), ' (when ENT_QUOTES is set), < and > .


A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle quotes and which document type to use. The default is ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML401 .

Available flags constants
Constant Name Description
ENT_COMPAT Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
ENT_QUOTES Will convert both double and single quotes.
ENT_NOQUOTES Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.
ENT_SUBSTITUTE Replace invalid code unit sequences with a Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD (UTF-8) or � (otherwise) instead of returning an empty string.
ENT_HTML401 Handle code as HTML 4.01.
ENT_XML1 Handle code as XML 1.
ENT_XHTML Handle code as XHTML.
ENT_HTML5 Handle code as HTML 5.

Return Values

Returns the decoded string.


Version Description
8.1.0 flags changed from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML401 .



Эта функция является антиподом htmlspecialchars() . Она преобразует специальные HTML-сущности обратно в соответствующие символы.

Конвертируемые сущности : &, " (когда ENT_NOQUOTES не установлена), ' (когда ENT_QUOTES установлена), < и >.

Список параметров

Строка, которую надо преобразовать.

Битовая маска из одного или нескольких следующих флагов, которые указывают как обрабатывать кавычки и какие типы документов использовать. Значением по умолчанию является ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401.

Доступные константы, используемые в качестве параметра flags
Имя константы Описание
ENT_COMPAT Преобразует двойные кавычки и пропускает одинарные.
ENT_QUOTES Преобразует и двойные, и одинарные кавычки.
ENT_NOQUOTES Не преобразует ни двойные, ни одинарные кавычки.
ENT_HTML401 Обрабатывать код как HTML 4.01.
ENT_XML1 Обрабатывать код как XML 1.
ENT_XHTML Обрабатывать код как XHTML.
ENT_HTML5 Обрабатывать код как HTML 5.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает преобразованную строку.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
5.4.0 Добавлены константы ENT_HTML401 , ENT_XML1 , ENT_XHTML и ENT_HTML5 .


Пример #1 Пример использования функции htmlspecialchars_decode()

echo htmlspecialchars_decode ( $str );

// обратите внимание, что в данном случае кавычки не будут преобразованы
echo htmlspecialchars_decode ( $str , ENT_NOQUOTES );

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Смотрите также

  • htmlspecialchars() — Преобразует специальные символы в HTML-сущности
  • html_entity_decode() — Преобразует все HTML-сущности в соответствующие символы
  • get_html_translation_table() — Возвращает таблицу преобразований, используемую функциями htmlspecialchars и htmlentities


PHP htmlspecialchars_decode() Function

Convert the predefined HTML entities «<» (less than) and «>» (greater than) to characters:

The HTML output of the code above will be (View Source):

The browser output of the code above will be:

Definition and Usage

The htmlspecialchars_decode() function converts some predefined HTML entities to characters.

HTML entities that will be decoded are:

  • & becomes & (ampersand)
  • " becomes » (double quote)
  • ' becomes ‘ (single quote)
  • < becomes < (less than)
  • > becomes > (greater than)

The htmlspecialchars_decode() function is the opposite of htmlspecialchars().


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. Specifies the string to decode
flags Optional. Specifies how to handle quotes and which document type to use.

The available quote styles are:

  • ENT_COMPAT — Default. Decodes only double quotes
  • ENT_QUOTES — Decodes double and single quotes
  • ENT_NOQUOTES — Does not decode any quotes

Additional flags for specifying the used doctype:

  • ENT_HTML401 — Default. Handle code as HTML 4.01
  • ENT_HTML5 — Handle code as HTML 5
  • ENT_XML1 — Handle code as XML 1
  • ENT_XHTML — Handle code as XHTML

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the converted string
PHP Version: 5.1.0+
Changelog: PHP 5.4 — Added ENT_HTML401, ENT_HTML5, ENT_XML1 and ENT_XHTML.

More Examples


Convert some predefined HTML entities to characters:

$str = «Jane & 'Tarzan'»;
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT); // Will only convert double quotes
echo «
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES); // Converts double and single quotes
echo «
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES); // Does not convert any quotes

The HTML output of the code above will be (View Source):

The browser output of the code above will be:


Convert the predefined HTML entities to double quotes:

$str = ‘I love "PHP".’;
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES); // Converts double and single quotes

The HTML output of the code above will be (View Source):

The browser output of the code above will be:


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