Space in print java

In this tutorial, I will be sharing how to print tab space in Java. In Java, \t represents the escape sequence for the tab space. There are two ways to print tab space in Java:

1. Using \t as the string
2. Using \t as character

Let’s dive deep into the topic:

How to print tab space in Java

Below are some examples of printing tab space in Java:

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1. Using \t as the string

public class PrintTabSpace < public static void main(String args[]) < // Printing Tab at the start of the given string String s1 = "\t"+"Alive is awesome"; System.out.println(s1); // Printing Tab in the middle of the given string String s2 = "Love"+"\t"+"Yourself"; System.out.println(s2); // Printing Tab at the end of the given string String s3 = "Be in present"+"\t"; System.out.println(s3); > >

Alive is awesome
Love Yourself
Be in present

2. Using \t as character

public class PrintTabSpace2 < public static void main(String args[]) < // Another way of printing tab at the start of the given string String str1 = "\tAlive is awesome"; System.out.println(str1); // Another way of printing tab in the middle of the given string String str2 = "Love\tYourself"; System.out.println(str2); // Another way of printing tab at the end of the given string String str3 = "Be in present\t"; System.out.println(str3); > >

Alive is awesome
Love Yourself
Be in present

3. Using \t multiple times

public class PrintTabSpace3 < public static void main(String args[]) < // Printing multiple tabs at the start of the given string String strobj1 = "\t\t\tBe in Present"; System.out.println(strobj1); // Printing multiple tabs in the middle of the given string String strobj2 = "Love"+"\t\t\t\t\t"+"Yourself"; System.out.println(strobj2); // Printing multiple tabs at the end of the given string String strobj3 = "Alive is Awesome"+"\t\t"; System.out.println(strobj3); > >

How many spaces contains in a tab(\t)

Most code editors(e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ) allow you to use TAB(\t) characters in your source code. TAB characters are inherently ambiguous in Java which leads to the problem. The problem is that different tools show TAB characters in different ways. In short, TAB can contain 2, 4, or 8 spaces. The best practice is to prefer spaces over tabs for code indentation.

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That’s all for today. Please mention in the comments in case you have any questions related to how to print the tab space in Java.

About The Author

Subham Mittal has worked in Oracle for 3 years.
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in row 1, 2 spaces in row 2, 1 space in row 3 and 0 spaces in row 4?, Strings of length 4, so if y=1 it will print 3 spaces and 1, » 1″ , , if y is 10 it will print 2 spaces and 10, » 10″ See the, = «» for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)< space += " "; System.out.printf("%s", i + space + ",");, long n = 461012; System.out.format("%08d%n", n); // prints "00461012"

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Add a comma and a space after every value except for the last one. d., Solution 1: In java arrays start, More info on description»>wondering how can I print out my array as «x» instead of numbers?, tips/solutions on how I can do this?, How do I print the array?

][j] = input.nextInt(); > > Printing array elements. ).map(Arrays::toString).forEach(System.out::println); Which will print :

intArray) < Console.Write(intArray[i]); >> > why does this print, The way your foreach loop is written causes the array to be printed as:

> Print an Array in Java : Java for , There are several ways that we can follow to print an array in Java., > Print Array in Java I will be discussing here, I have given examples of code for better, Practice the examples by writing the codes mentioned in the above examples., Final thoughts This is a guide to Print Array in Java.

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That is the kind of object you should put in your array., It makes no sense to write in Java and then not use anything that has even a hint of object-oriented, the highest sales number then you also have found the one that has the name of the person you want to print, You forgot to insert values inside array., p> Solution 1: Here is a pretty simple method using JAVA

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How to print a space in java

is a flag: specifying the printed decimal integer should be eight characters in width, with leading zeroes as necessary. Check the documentation : Class Formatter and Formatting Numeric Print Output Solution 1: Like: Solution 2: Solution 3: In, formating print output, Format specifiers begin with a percent sign ( ) and end with a converter( ).

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So if I understand correctly, your row variable goes from 1 through 4, and you want 3 spaces in row 1, 2 spaces in row 2, 1 space in row 3 and 0 spaces in row 4? I suggest you should be able to find an arithmetic expression (like you have already found row-1 for the number of slashes) to give you the correct number of spaces on each line/row. If I need to say more, feel free to add a comment to this answer.

package com.acme; import; import; import static java.util.Comparator.reverseOrder; public class PrintIt < public static void main(String[] args) < printSpacesWithStar(10, Order.ASC); printSpacesWithStar(10, Order.DESC); >private static void printSpacesWithStar(int numbers, Order order) < StreamstreamOfInt = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, numbers) .boxed(); switch (order) < case ASC: streamOfInt .sorted(reverseOrder()) .forEach(Test::printingLogic); break; case DESC: streamOfInt .forEach(Test::printingLogic); break; >> private static void printingLogic(Integer currentValue) < for (int k = 1; k < currentValue; k++) < System.out.print(" "); >System.out.println("*"); > enum Order < ASC, DESC; >> 

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It will print Strings of length 4, so if y=1 it will print 3 spaces and 1, » 1″ , if y is 10 it will print 2 spaces and 10, » 10″

The 4 is the width. You could also replace printf with format.

How to Print a specific amount of spaces per line in Java, I am trying to get a Java program to print a specific amount of spaces per line and then drop down to continue the list. I am finding all prime …

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String svar = input.nextLine();

import java.util.*; class characters < public static void main(String[] args) < int upperC = 0; int lowerC = 0; //char ch; Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter input: "); String word = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("your complete String"+word); >> > 

Credit goes to kai, this is the right code that worked for me. thanks! 🙂

import java.util.*; class characters < public static void main(String[] args) < int upperC = 0; int lowerC = 0; char ch; Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter input: "); String svar = input.nextLine(); String[] ary = svar.split(" "); for (int i=0; i< ary.length; i++) < System.out.print(ary[i] + " "); >> > 

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int gap = 3; System.out.printf("%" + gap + "s", " "); 
String space = "" for(int i = 0; i

In, formating print output, Format specifiers begin with a percent sign ( % ) and end with a converter( s ). The converter is a character indicating the type of argument to be formatted. In between the percent sign (%) and the converter you can have optional flags and specifiers( width , precision, sign).

long n = 461012; System.out.format("%08d%n", n); // prints "00461012" 
  1. d is a converter specifying our target parameter n to be printed as decimal integer.
  2. 08 is a flag: specifying the printed decimal integer should be eight characters in width, with leading zeroes as necessary.

Check the documentation : Class Formatter and Formatting Numeric Print Output

Formatting Output with printf() in Java, First, let’s see the list of some useful suffix characters for time formatting: H, M, S characters are responsible for extracting the hours, minutes …


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