Slider bar css style

How to Customize slide bar using CSS

(See images below) Slider tooltip at near max left: Slider tooltip at max right: I have tried multiple solutions including setting a and range for the tooltip in JS, (never worked) and changing the CSS to try and center it and make it move inline I updated the JS and CSS for the slider to the requisite size easily enough.

How to Customize slide bar using CSS

I have created slider which appears on top of html page but i need it to appear at the bottom and also the horizontal slide bar should be reduced to half of its size and also I want to limit the value from (0-100) to (min:1-max:25) I am new to the css and I don’t know how to do this can someone help me please.I have also uploaded the complete code.

$(function() < var handle = $("#custom-handle"); $("#slider").slider(< create: function() < handle.text($(this).slider("value")); >, slide: function(event, ui) < handle.text(ui.value); >>); >);

To set the minimum and maximum for the slider you would do this:

$(function() < var handle = $("#custom-handle"); $("#slider").slider(< min: 1, //, slide: function(event, ui) < handle.text(ui.value); >>); >); 

for the CSS, you could position it like this:

Читайте также:  Что содержит файл css

Here you go, everything you need!

$(function() < var handle = $("#custom-handle"); $("#slider").slider(< min: 1, max: 25, create: function() < handle.text($(this).slider("value")) >, slide: function(event, ui) < handle.text(ui.value); >>); >);

How to Customize slide bar using CSS, To set the minimum and maximum for the slider you would do this: $ (function () < var handle = $ ("#custom-handle"); $ ("#slider").slider ( < min: 1, //<--------Min max: 25, //<-------Max create: function () < handle.text ($ (this).slider ("value")); >, slide: function (event, ui) < handle.text (ui.value); >>); >); for the CSS, you could position it like this:

Harley Davidson Handle Bar Adjustment-simple and fast

These video (s) are copyrighted by Techn’ Moto and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, with ALL rights reserved.

HandleBar Slide!!

JQuery slider-bar tooltip not moving in sync with slider handle

I have a jQuery slider bar I am customizing from a tutorial by Thoriq Firdaus in a Django Python application. The main feature which I was looking for was a tooltip which would update as the slider handle was being moved and which in turn would move with the slider handle, both of which this has.

However the range and the size of the original slider was too small. I require min: -100 and max: +100 . I updated the JS and CSS for the slider to the requisite size easily enough. However the tooltip no longer matches or keeps pace with the slider handle. When I inspect the element with Firebug I can see that the tooltip is centered on the left of the slider and I believe it is only moving within -100px and +100px. (See images below)

Slider tooltip at near max left:

Slider tooltip at max right:

I have tried multiple solutions including setting a min: and max: range for the tooltip in JS, (never worked) and changing the CSS to try and center it and make it move inline but I cant seem to get it.

Does anyone know how to get the tooltip to replicate the movement of the slider handle, is it something i have to change in the JS or the CSS?

I also tried to replicate the issue in a JSFiddle but the slider handele does not appear.

$(function() < //Store frequently elements in variables var slider = $('#slider'), tooltip = $('.tooltip'); //Hide the tooltip at first tooltip.hide(); //Call the Slider slider.slider(< //Config //range: "min", min: -100, max: +100, value: 0, start: function(event,ui) < tooltip.fadeIn('fast'); >, //Slider Event slide: function(event, ui) < //When the slider is sliding var value = slider.slider('value'), volume = $('.volume'); tooltip.css('left', value).text(ui.value); //Adjust the tooltip accordingly >, stop: function(event,ui) < tooltip.fadeOut('slow'); >, >); >); 

check it now.. I think its done.

EDIT: For Posterity in case the JSFiddle disapears

The below code is the JSFiddle solution provided by nsthethunderbolt which I have coppied in here.

$(function () < var initX=0,minX=50,width=400; //Store frequently elements in variables var slider = $('#slider'), tooltip = $('.tooltip'); //Hide the tooltip at first //tooltip.hide(); //Call the Slider slider.slider(< //Config //range: "min", min: -50, max: +50, value: 0, start: function (event, ui) < tooltip.fadeIn('fast'); >, //Slider Event slide: function (event, ui) < //When the slider is sliding var value = slider.slider('value'), volume = $('.volume'); tooltip.css('left', initX+(value*width)/100).text(ui.value); //Adjust the tooltip accordingly >, stop: function (event, ui) < // tooltip.fadeOut('slow'); >, >); initX=slider.slider("value"); var txt=initX; initX+=(minX*width)/100; tooltip.css('left',initX).text(txt); >); 

Qt — SlideBar handle from center QML, SlideBar handle from center QML. In slidebar in qml the slide starts from the start. Is there any way we could specify like to make it start from the center. Like when dragging to left it should show the color. just like having a … Code sampleid: slideanchors.centerIn: parentminimumValue: -1maximumValue: 1value: 0.0Feedback

Slidebar close on click for anchor

I’ve added the Slidebar plugin to a site I’m developing.

I have a number of #anchor links on the home page. I would like the Slidebar to close when I click on it and scroll down to the anchor points.

See my JSfiddle

There are some control classes like .sb-close but it just closes the menu without navigating down to the anchor. I have been looking at the Slidebar API and would like to use .slidebars.close() but I’m unsure how to implement them

$.slidebars = function(options) < // ---------------------- // 001 - Default Settings var settings = $.extend(< siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. scrollLock: false, // true or false - Prevent scrolling of site when a Slidebar is open. disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width. hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver. >, options); // ----------------------- // 002 - Feature Detection var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on. supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions. supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms. // Test for CSS Transitions if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; // Test for CSS Transforms if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; // ----------------- // 003 - User Agents var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string. android = false, // Variable for storing android version. iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version. if (/Android/.test(ua)) < // Detect Android in user agent string. android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android. >else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) < // Detect iOS in user agent string. iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS. >if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS. // ----------- // 004 - Setup // Site container var $site = $('#sb-site, .sb-site-container'); // Cache the selector. // Left Slidebar if ($('.sb-left').length) < // Check if the left Slidebar exists. var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. >// Right Slidebar if ($('.sb-right').length) < // Check if the right Slidebar exists. var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. >var init = false, // Initialisation variable. windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. // Initailise Slidebars function initialise() < if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) < // False or larger than window size. init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. css(); // Set required inline styles. >else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) < // Less than window size. init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove minimum height. if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. >> initialise(); // Inline CSS function css() < // Set minimum height. $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. $site.css('minHeight', $('html').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the html. // Custom Slidebar widths. if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); // Site scroll locking. if (settings.scrollLock) $('html').addClass('sb-scroll-lock'); >// Resize Functions $(window).resize(function() < var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) < // Slidebars is running and window was actually resized. windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. >>); // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. // --------------- // 005 - Animation var animation; // Animation type. // Set animation type. if (supportTransition && supportTransform) < // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. >else < animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. >// Animate mixin. function animate(object, amount, side) < // Choose selectors depending on animation style. var selector; if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) < selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. >else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) < selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. >else < selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. >// Apply animation if (animation === 'translate') < selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); // Apply the animation. >else if (animation === 'side') < if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. if (amount !== '0px') selector.css(side, '0px'); // Add a 0 value so css transition works. setTimeout(function() < // Set a timeout to allow the 0 value to be applied above. selector.css(side, amount); // Apply the animation. >, 1); > else if (animation === 'jQuery') < if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. var properties = <>; properties[side] = amount; selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. > // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. setTimeout(function() < if (amount === '0px') < selector.removeAttr('style'); css(); >>, 400); > // ---------------- // 006 - Operations // Open a Slidebar function open(side) < // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) < // It's open, close it, then continue. close(); setTimeout(proceed, 400); >else < // Its not open, continue. proceed(); >// Open function proceed() < if (init && side === 'left' && $left) < // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. $left.addClass('sb-active'); animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation setTimeout(function() < leftActive = true; >, 400); // Set active variables. > else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) < // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. $right.addClass('sb-active'); animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation setTimeout(function() < rightActive = true; >, 400); // Set active variables. > > > // Close either Slidebar function close(link) < if (leftActive || rightActive) < // If a Slidebar is open. if (leftActive) < animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation leftActive = false; >if (rightActive) < animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation rightActive = false; >setTimeout(function() < // Wait for closing animation to finish. $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); if (typeof link !== 'undefined') window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. >, 400); > > // Toggle either Slidebar function toggle(side) < if (side === 'left' && $left) < // If left Slidebar is called and in use. if (!leftActive) < open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. >else < close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. >> if (side === 'right' && $right) < // If right Slidebar is called and in use. if (!rightActive) < open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. >else < close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. >> > // --------- // 007 - API this.slidebars = < open: open, // Maps user variable name to the open method. close: close, // Maps user variable name to the close method. toggle: toggle, // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. init: function() < // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. return init; // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running. >, active: function(side) < // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; >, destroy: function(side) < // Removes the Slidebar from the DOM. if (side === 'left' && $left) < if (leftActive) close(); // Close if its open. setTimeout(function() < $left.remove(); // Remove it. $left = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. >, 400); > if (side === 'right' && $right) < if (rightActive) close(); // Close if its open. setTimeout(function() < $right.remove(); // Remove it. $right = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. >, 400); > > >; // ---------------- // 008 - User Input function eventHandler(event, selector) < event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour. if (event.type === 'touchend')'click'); // If event type was touch, turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. >// Toggle left Slidebar $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) < eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. >); // Toggle right Slidebar $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) < eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. >); // Open left Slidebar $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) < eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. >); // Open right Slidebar $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) < eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. >); // Close Slidebar $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) < if ( $(this).is('a') || $(this).children().is('a') ) < // Is a link or contains a link. if ( event.type === 'click' ) < // Make sure the user wanted to follow the link. event.preventDefault(); // Stop default behaviour. var href = ( $(this).is('a') ? $(this).attr('href') : $(this).find('a').attr('href') ); // Get the href. close( href ); // Close Slidebar and pass link. >> else < // Just a normal control class. eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. close(); // Close Slidebar. >>); // Close Slidebar via site $site.on('touchend click', function(event) < if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) < // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. close(); // Close it. >>); >; // End Slidebars function. 

As long as you have some text in the about page, this will work:

$("a[href='#about']").click(function()< $.slidebars.close() $('html, body').animate(< scrollTop: $("#about").offset().top >, 2000); >) 


CSS Range Sliders

Welcome to our collection of CSS Range Sliders! Here, we have curated a collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS range slider code examples from CodePen, GitHub, and other resources. In this update of June 2023 collection, we have added seven new items that showcase the versatility and creativity of range sliders in web design.

These examples demonstrate how range sliders can be used to enhance user experience, add interactivity, and improve the overall aesthetics of a webpage. From simple and minimalistic designs to more complex and interactive sliders, this collection offers a wide range of options to suit various design preferences and project requirements.


Made with

About a code

Ovoid CSS Range Slider

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Curved CSS Range Slider

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Bubble Range Slider

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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iOS Like Vertical Range Input

The first range input has a minimum value of «0,» a maximum value of «100», and a default value of «50». The second range input has the same values but with a step of «12.5». It also has two pseudo-elements, ::before and ::after , which are positioned absolutely and display the «+» and «−» symbols respectively. The thumb of the range input is hidden by setting its width to «0» and applying a box-shadow to create a visual effect. For the second range input with the step attribute, the background-color is set to transparent and a repeating-linear-gradient is used to create a striped pattern.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Metallic Range Input with Datalist Ticks


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Metallic Range Input with Datalist Ticks

The range input has a datalist element associated with it, which contains five options for values «0», «25», «50», «75», and «100». The range input is styled to have a custom appearance, with a linear gradient background and an outline. The thumb of the range input is also styled with a custom appearance using radial and conic gradients for the background and multiple box shadows for shading. The datalist is styled to be displayed as a flex container with its options evenly spaced out and given a custom appearance with padding , border , text-shadow , and box-shadow .

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Range Slider Progress in Chrome with Pure CSS



23 CSS Range Sliders you can use today

Here is a list of beautiful CSS range slider examples that you can use right now.

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CSS Custom Range Slider

Dev: Brandon McConnell

Pure CSS Range Slider (Cross-Browser)

Dev: Manitoba

CSS Range Slider

Dev: Sean Stopnik

CSS Range Slider

Dev: Javier

Range slider output

See the Pen Range slider output by Michael Wolthers Nielsen (@wolthers) on CodePen.

Dev: Michael Wolthers Nielsen

Gradient Range Slider

Dev: Eric Grucza

UI Range Slider

Gear Slider

Dev: Mariusz Dabrowski

Color range slider

Dev: Gabriel Tomescu

Radio Button Dot-Slider (Pure CSS)

Dev: Brandon McConnell

Minimal input range styling (CSS only)

Dev: Renaud Tertrais

Slider w/ Multiple Donuts Chart

Dev: Giuseppe Canale

Multi Range input, CSS-only

Dev: Yair Even Or

Slider Range Mars Weight Calculator

Dev: Marine Piette

CSS | Range Slider

Dev: shashank sharma

Neumorphism – range

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Styled range slider

Range slider

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Cross-Browser Range Input With Solid Lower Fill

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Customized Range Slider

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Two Point Range Slider

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Neumorphic Elements

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Rolling Range Slider


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