Slide right animation css

Slide from right to left animation using css

currently I write code to display a hidden div using jQuery . But I want to make an animation effect for this div when it appearing in the window . When I click on the window2 then window2 is appearing without an animation . How can I make window2 coming as a slide from left to right or right to left?


2 Answers 2

You can use CSS with jQuery to create this effect.

 body < overflow: hidden; width: 100vw; font-family: verdana; >#next < background-color: #1BAA95; color: white; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px; width: 100%; >.slideRightToLeft < background-color: #164656; color: white; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0; margin-left: 100%; min-width: 100%; transition: all 0.5s; >


How to make slide animation in CSS

Slide animations can make your page pop — especially when done correctly and in a performant manner. This post will go over various techniques.

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Nov 28, 2022 | Read time 7 minutes

🔔 Table of contents

This post will go through a common animation effect — slide animations. This includes slide from left to right, right to left, slide up and down animations.

  1. Create the HTML with a container div and the slider div.
  2. In the CSS, set the slider to be offscreen by setting it with a negative left (eg -100px)
  3. We then trigger the slide by using transition CSS property and set the left to be 0px;

Slide up animation

To do a slide up animation, we just need to have the code to set the initial position bottom as negative. When a mouse hovers over the element, we set the bottom to be zero.

Slide left to right animation

To do a slide left to right animation, we set the starting position of the element to have a negative left property (eg -100px). Then when the user hovers over the element, we change that to zero. This gives the sliding effect.

What is this CSS transition property?

To make simple animations (or element transitions), we can use the transition CSS property. This is a simple method of animating certain properties of an element, with ability to define property, duration, delay and timing function. It comes with the following supporting CSS properties:

  • transition-property
  • transition-duration
  • transition-timing-function
  • transition-delay

Or a shorthand use as follows:

  1. On the starting keyframe ( from ), we set the position of the element to be 100% of its height on the Y axis.
  2. We also need to make it visible
  3. At the end keyframe of the animation ( to ), we set the position to be 0 on the Y axis

CSS will then figure out the keyframes in between.

To do the slide out (also known as slide exit) animation effect, we can use the @keyframe property. We just need to define the from to start at 0 on the Y axis, and the to to be transformed to be -100% on the Y axis. We also need to hide the element when the animation finishes.
In the above two examples, we use translate3d CSS property. This property just repositions an element in 3d space having the first param as the X axis, second as the Y axis and final as the Z. We use this over the regular translate CSS property due to performance best practice. This will offload processing to the GPU and will help reduce animation jankyness!

What are @keyframes?

The term keyframe comes from video editing and cartoon animation. So if you are familiar with those, then you would have a pretty good idea of the concept. In the old cartoon animation days, you have the lead animator and junior animators. The lead would draw out the keyframes of the animation and then let the junior animations to fill out the gaps.

The same applies for CSS. We define animations with @keyframes and let CSS figure out the gaps in between each @keyframe. So the general layout is as follows

So when would you prefer @keyframes over CSS transition property?

When you need more fine grained control over the animation. For example, if you want to do a slide in for the first 20% of keyframes and then move left to the rest of the animation, this would be more simple to achieve with @keyframes.

Browser support

  • Not supported on any pseudo-elements besides ::before and ::after for Firefox, Chrome 26+, Opera 16+ and IE10+.
  • IE11 does not support CSS transitions on the SVG fill property.
  • Transitionable properties with calc() derived values are not supported below and including IE11


In this post we went over common code to do slide animations. This includes slide up, slide left, slide right, slide down. We also allow for slide in (entrance) and slide out (exits) effects.

It is prefered to use keyframes over transition CSS property when you want finer control of the animation. For basic slide animations, transitions should be good enough.

Additionally we should consider browser support. The !important keyword does not work with @keyframes. Transition property has issues with IE and pseudo-elements except ::before and ::after

👋 About the Author

G’day! I am Kentaro a software engineer based in Australia. I have been creating design-centered software for the last 10 years both professionally and as a passion.

My aim to share what I have learnt with you! (and to help me remember 😅)

👉 See Also 👈


Slide from right to left animation using css

Any way to slide it in from the top right corner using css3? Solution 1: You can use CSS with jQuery to create this effect.

Slide from right to left animation using css

currently I write code to display a hidden div using jQuery . But I want to make an animation effect for this div when it appearing in the window . When I click on the window2 then window2 is appearing without an animation . How can I make window2 coming as a slide from left to right or right to left?


You can use CSS with jQuery to create this effect.

 body < overflow: hidden; width: 100vw; font-family: verdana; >#next < background-color: #1BAA95; color: white; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px; width: 100%; >.slideRightToLeft < background-color: #164656; color: white; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0; margin-left: 100%; min-width: 100%; transition: all 0.5s; >

and this is a JSFiddle:

You could use .animate() from jQuery

$("#window2").animate(< // id of your animated object display: block, margin-top: "-82%", left: "80%" >, 1000); // time animation should take 

For more information on .animate() see the jQuery documentation: Link

How to build a CSS animation that «slides in», revealing a, The direction here is from the right side to the left side. Using animation and @keyframes, unmask the previously masked div. This will reveal it slowly from the left side to the right side (because initially, we masked it from the right to left; upon unmasking, the reverse direction happens) You can use …

How to use css animation to slide in box from top right corner when it appears

I could use some help in order to slide in my aside box I have created. Basically, it is a square with some text inside. Right now when I click a button, it will appear ( appears: display will be set to initial (default it is = none).

I need to add some nice slide-in effect from the top right corner of the square.

Right now, it still just shows up fast when you click the button. Any way to slide it in from the top right corner using css3?

You can’t transition display property. But you can transition opacity (from 0 to 1 and it gives a nice fade-in effect). Also to make it slide from top right I changed your top and right properties accordingly. Please try out the code bellow:

Using CSS animations — CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, Animations consist of two components, a style describing the CSS animation and a set of keyframes that indicate the start and end states of the animation’s style, as well as possible intermediate waypoints. This simple example styles the

element so that the text slides in from off the right edge of the browser window.

CSS animation — slide line in from left to right next to title

Wondering if I could get some help/direction.

Basically, I’m building my portfolio website. Here’s work in progress, it’s not finished!

Basically, when you scroll down the page, you’ll see a grey line moves from left, to the middle of the screen. It should basically be an animation to accompany the title on scroll.

I basically want the grey line to stop, at the beginning of each title. So for ‘about reena’, it should stop before «a», (not underneath).

I wanted to know the best way to achieve this? The relevant code so far is below. I got some of this off google and stackoverflow already.

I suppose I could drop the title before a div, (so the animation sits in a div on the left of the title). And use animate.js fadein/slidein. But I just wanted to know if there was a better/right way to do this?

You can divide the container into two parts. And add the animation container adjacent to the title making sure that the animation is restricted to that container only.

I am adding a codepen link which might help. Link

codepen screenshot

In this scenario, I restricted the width of the animation container. You can synchronise the timing with the JS.

You’ll want to play around with the values at transform: translateX(-50%); in your CSS and +(trainPosition-30)+’%) in your JS to achieve the destination coordinates that are ideal for your project. Where your translateX value is the starting position then on scroll you’re adding an additional 30%.

I don’t know that this would be the cleanest option, but you can experiment with media queries to ensure that on all screen sizes it’ll reach the position you want.

CSS animate a div with absolute positioning from left 0, You need to animate one property or the other. You can just animate left and either use left: calc (100% — elemWidth) (where elemWidth is the width of the element) or left: 100%; transform: translateX (-100%); if the width of the element is unknown. Also need to animate background color.


CSS Animations 101

Getting up to speed with CSS Animations and why they should be your first choice over JS implementations.

Leon Hassan

Animations can be an easy way to help engage users but more and more often I’m seeing developers implementing animations in their JavaScript. So I’m going to show you how easy CSS animations are, so that you can start writing animations that don’t block your JS thread.

How do I animate with CSS?

CSS animations transition a CSS property between two or more values using keyframes. Keyframes are controls for defining values at different points of an animations runtime.

The additional properties we’re going to play with now are animation-timing-function and animation-iteration-count . These properties are pretty on-the-nose about what they do, control the timing and iteration count of the animation.

If we update our animation rule from earlier, we can make it transition linearly (read: smoothly) and loop it until the end of time, or at least until your users get dizzy and close your website!

Live Example #2

I’m sliding in from the right.

Your second CSS animation under your belt in less than 5 minutes? You’re a natural at this! 👏

Other useful properties

It’s also worth informing you of two more properties that can be very helpful.

The first property is animation-direction , for a single animation you can set this property to normal (default), reverse, alternate and alternate-reverse. The alternate value is great for mirroring animations, this is a common use-case for loading animations.

Another useful property is animation-play-state , which can have the values paused and running . This is good for users who prefer reduced motion because you can stop any non-essential animations.

Let’s update our animation to alternate animation direction and add an intermediate keyframe to update some extra properties:

.animated-element < animation: slide-in 5s linear infinite alternate; >@keyframes slide-in < from < transform: translateX(100%); >50% < color: red; font-size: xx-large; >to < transform: translateX(0); >>

Live Example #3 — Alternating slide

I am bouncing from side to side and changing


CSS Animations are widely supported, not just across modern browsers but even by our old friend IE10. You can read more about the exact level of support for all browsers and any known issues at

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