Скрипт выводящий числа php


Formats a number with grouped thousands and optionally decimal digits using the rounding half up rule.


The number being formatted.

Sets the number of decimal digits. If 0 , the decimal_separator is omitted from the return value.

Sets the separator for the decimal point.

Sets the thousands separator.

Return Values

A formatted version of num .


Version Description
8.0.0 Prior to this version, number_format() accepted one, two, or four parameters (but not three).
7.2.0 number_format() was changed to not being able to return -0 , previously -0 could be returned for cases like where num would be -0.01 .


Example #1 number_format() Example

For instance, French notation usually use two decimals, comma (‘,’) as decimal separator, and space (‘ ‘) as thousand separator. The following example demonstrates various ways to format a number:

// english notation (default)
$english_format_number = number_format ( $number );
// 1,235

// French notation
$nombre_format_francais = number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘,’ , ‘ ‘ );
// 1 234,56

// english notation without thousands separator
$english_format_number = number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘.’ , » );
// 1234.57

See Also

  • money_format() — Formats a number as a currency string
  • sprintf() — Return a formatted string
  • printf() — Output a formatted string
  • sscanf() — Parses input from a string according to a format

User Contributed Notes 9 notes

It’s not explicitly documented; number_format also rounds:

$numbers = array( 0.001 , 0.002 , 0.003 , 0.004 , 0.005 , 0.006 , 0.007 , 0.008 , 0.009 );
foreach ( $numbers as $number )
print $number . «->» . number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ). «
» ;


Note: use NumberFormatter to convert in human-readable format instead user function from comments:
echo NumberFormatter :: create ( ‘en’ , NumberFormatter :: SPELLOUT )-> format ( 12309 ); // twelve thousand three hundred nine
echo NumberFormatter :: create ( ‘ru’ , NumberFormatter :: SPELLOUT )-> format ( 12307.5 ); // двенадцать тысяч триста семь целых пять десятых

If you want to display a number ending with ,- (like 200,-) when there are no decimal characters and display the decimals when there are decimal characters i use:

function DisplayDouble($value)
list($whole, $decimals) = split (‘[.,]’, $value, 2);
if (intval($decimals) > 0)
return number_format($value,2,».»,»,»);
return number_format($value,0,».»,»,») .»,-«;

Outputs a human readable number.

# Output easy-to-read numbers
# by james at bandit.co.nz
function bd_nice_number ( $n ) // first strip any formatting;
$n = ( 0 + str_replace ( «,» , «» , $n ));

// is this a number?
if(! is_numeric ( $n )) return false ;

// now filter it;
if( $n > 1000000000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000000000 ), 1 ). ‘ trillion’ ;
else if( $n > 1000000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000000 ), 1 ). ‘ billion’ ;
else if( $n > 1000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000 ), 1 ). ‘ million’ ;
else if( $n > 1000 ) return round (( $n / 1000 ), 1 ). ‘ thousand’ ;

return number_format ( $n );


247,704,360 -> 247.7 million
866,965,260,000 -> 867 billion

For Zero fill — just use the sprintf() function

$pr_id = 1;
$pr_id = sprintf(«%03d», $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

$pr_id = 10;
$pr_id = sprintf(«%03d», $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

You can change %03d to %04d, etc.

I ran across an issue where I wanted to keep the entered precision of a real value, without arbitrarily rounding off what the user had submitted.

I figured it out with a quick explode on the number before formatting. I could then format either side of the decimal.

function number_format_unlimited_precision ( $number , $decimal = ‘.’ )
$broken_number = explode ( $decimal , $number );
return number_format ( $broken_number [ 0 ]). $decimal . $broken_number [ 1 ];

formatting numbers may be more easy if u use number_format function.

I also wrote this :
function something($number)
$locale = localeconv();
return number_format($number,

My simpler solution to the problem of the decimal number in this function being longer than the specified number of decimals.

Standard result for number_format() is..
number_format(5.00098, 2) = 5.00

My function will return the result = 5.001

// ** Warning: Does not work with scientific notation. Conversion to a real number is required. **

echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.0005620 ); // print 5.0006
echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.0009820 ); // print 5.001
echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.00098 , 8 ); // print 5.00098000
echo auto_decimal_format ( 1.0295691366783E-5 , 2 ); // print 0.00

function auto_decimal_format ( $n , $def = 2 ) $a = explode ( «.» , $n );
if ( count ( $a )> 1 ) $b = str_split ( $a [ 1 ]);
$pos = 1 ;
foreach ( $b as $value ) if ( $value != 0 && $pos >= $def ) $c = number_format ( $n , $pos );
$c_len = strlen ( substr ( strrchr ( $c , «.» ), 1 ));
if ( $c_len > $def ) < return rtrim ( $c , 0 ); >
return $c ; // or break
$pos ++;
return number_format ( $n , $def );

To prevent the rounding that occurs when next digit after last significant decimal is 5 (mentioned by several people below):

function fnumber_format ( $number , $decimals = » , $sep1 = » , $sep2 = » )

if (( $number * pow ( 10 , $decimals + 1 ) % 10 ) == 5 ) //if next not significant digit is 5
$number -= pow ( 10 , -( $decimals + 1 ));

return number_format ( $number , $decimals , $sep1 , $sep2 );

$t = 7.15 ;
echo $t . » | » . number_format ( $t , 1 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . » | » . fnumber_format ( $t , 1 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . «\n\n» ;
//result is: 7.15 | 7.2 | 7.1

$t = 7.3215 ;
echo $t . » | » . number_format ( $t , 3 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . » | » . fnumber_format ( $t , 3 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . «\n\n» ;
//result is: 7.3215 | 7.322 | 7.321
> ?>

have fun!


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