
Hspace and vspace in html

Cool. Nice to give people some practical instructions on how to recover from past-practice HTML! Better than just telling people they should switch to CSS, you’re telling them exactly how to convert specific style attributes into best practice. Very nice.

It may be worth mentioning that according to CSS 2.1 section 6.4.4, “presentational attributes… are translated to the corresponding CSS rules with specificity equal to 0”. This means that, in principle, when modifying existing markup containing such attributes, one can start by creating appropriate CSS rules of higher specificity than 0 (which is almost any rule) using the techniques you describe. Once certain that all the presentational attributes are being overridden by the appropriate rules, the attributes can all be removed and the appearance of the content should remain unchanged. Combined with a good version control system to rollback any unfortunate accidents, this could be a great way to educate those old-school developers coming to stylesheets for the first time, by relating their existing knowledge to the corresponding CSS technique. (It also gives them a good reason to properly understand selector specificity.) Looking forward to parts 2 and 3 🙂

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This is a nice effort, and I like the “down-and-dirty” approach, though it is depressing that these articles and blog entries are still needed…

Nick: Thanks for the tip, I didn’t know that. Anders: I don’t think it’s depressing at all. I think we need to remember that the web standards brigade is still only a very small proportion of all developers. These basic articles need to keep being created so fresh content is available to anyone learning from scratch or wishing to make the transition.

So true! I attended “Geek Meet Gothenburg” ( a couple of days ago, and it was uncommonly refreshing to be in a room with 30+ other web standards-aware professionals! We all understand “internal” jokes like the phrase “explorer-fatigued”. 😉

I see what you’re saying, but in general I find those kind of sessions to quite insular. There is a huge need for more generalised meetings where people of any standard will be welcome, instead of those where a newbie will be sitting around embarrassed because they don’t understand the joke.

In some of my web-enabled applications, I get people bypassing my error-correction and inputting invalid markup into a textarea. So I find it valuable to add some basic rules to my stylesheet, like: font u and similar rules for whatever elements I don’t like. 🙂

I often do the same – strip the underline from ins elements, remove the strikethrough effect from s and strike , and so on. But in your example of font – wouldn’t any font colours or sizes set in the markup override those set in your CSS? I’ve used Javascript for this purpose…

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img < margin: 10px 10px; >Nice to control all images but how do you stop the application to images used in your template, buttons, logos etc… which want no spacing and are specificity placed….?

Sometimes we do not have control of the style sheet, (on external blogs, etc.), so what do we do then?

@JimB – I guess there isn’t a lot you can do in that case, apart from making damn sure you’ve educated the users in what mark-up they should and shouldn’t use.

HTML Attributes are property of the elements which may have values and these attribute values are always enclosed in quotes. It’s providing to the browser with some additional information about an elements how the elements should appear or behave. HTML elements can contain one or more attributes, attribute names and attribute values are case-insensitive and separated by an equals (=) sign. [HTML Attributes]( [HTML Attributes Examples]( [Youtube – HTML Tutorial – Attributes](

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Emma Sax works as a client-side developer in London, England © 2004—2023


Web Tutorials

The Hspace and Vspace attribute can be used to introduce «rounaround» or buffer space around an inland image.

The Hspace attribute is used to insert a buffer of horizontal space on the left and right of an image.

The Vspace attribute is sued to insert a buffer of vertical space in between the top and bottom of the image and other objects.

India name is home to several hundred languages. Most Indians speak a language belonging to the families of the Indo-Aryan branch of Indo-European (c. 77%), the Dravidian (c. 20.61%), the Austro-Asiatic (Munda) (c. 1.2%), or the Sino-Tibetan (c. 0.8%), with some languages of the Himalayas still unclassified. The SIL Ethnologue lists 415 living languages for India.

India has 23 constitutionally recognized official languages. Hindi and English are typically used as an official language by the Central Government.
State governments use respective official languages. Hindi is the most widely spoken language in northern parts of India. The Indian census takes the widest possible definition of «Hindi» as a broad variety of «Hindi languages». According to 2001 Census, 53.6% of the Indian population declared that they speak Hindi as either their first or second language, in which 41% of them have declared it as their native language or mother tongue. 12% of Indians declared that they can speak English as a second language.

Hindi is the most widely spoken language in northern parts of India. The Indian census takes the widest possible definition of «Hindi» as a broad variety of «Hindi languages». According to 2001 Census, 53.6% of the Indian population declared that they speak Hindi as either their first or second language, in which 41% of them have declared it as their native language or mother tongue. 12% of Indians declared that they can speak English as a second language.

Urdu and Telugu are also the official languages of the newly formed state of Telangana.

Besides these, there are other languages, which are spoken by large masses but have still not acquired the status of Scheduled Languages of India. These languages spoken by regional people are known as regional languages of India. These include Rajasthani, Haryanvi, Bhili, Gondi and Tulu among others.

India name is home to several hundred languages. Most Indians speak a language belonging to the families of the Indo-Aryan branch of Indo-European (c. 77%), the Dravidian (c. 20.61%), the Austro-Asiatic (Munda) (c. 1.2%), or the Sino-Tibetan (c. 0.8%), with some languages of the Himalayas still unclassified. The SIL Ethnologue lists 415 living languages for India.

India has 23 constitutionally recognized official languages. Hindi and English are typically used as an official language by the Central Government. State governments use respective official languages. Hindi is the most widely spoken language in northern parts of India. The Indian census takes the widest possible definition of «Hindi» as a broad variety of «Hindi languages». According to 2001 Census, 53.6% of the Indian population declared that they speak Hindi as either their first or second language, in which 41% of them have declared it as their native language or mother tongue. 12% of Indians declared that they can speak English as a second language.

Hindi is the most widely spoken language in northern parts of India. The Indian census takes the widest possible definition of «Hindi» as a broad variety of «Hindi languages». According to 2001 Census, 53.6% of the Indian population declared that they speak Hindi as either their first or second language, in which 41% of them have declared it as their native language or mother tongue. 12% of Indians declared that they can speak English as a second language.

Urdu and Telugu are also the official languages of the newly formed state of Telangana.


How do I use Hspace in HTML?

The HTML hspace attribute is used to specify the number of whitespaces on the left and the right side of the image. The hspace attribute is not supported by HTML 5 you can use CSS there.

How do I use hspace and vspace in HTML?

HSPACE and VSPACE indicate the amount of horizontal and vertical space to put between the table and surrounding text. They must be used in conjunction with ALIGN=LEFT or ALIGN=RIGHT ….Attributes for

HSPACE = integer. VSPACE = integer.

fruit state
blueberries New Hampshire

Why IMG tag is not working?

Check the src path to fix image not showing Every image in HTML is rendered by using the tag with the image source specified in the src attribute. When you have the correct path, don’t forget to check the image extension and make sure it’s the same between the src and the actual image.

When an image is not able to load in the browser we can specify a content to be displayed instead of the image which of the following attribute provides this information?

alt is the attribute is used with image tag to display the text if image could not load in browser .

What is hspace app?

HSpace-NTTDS 4+ Powerful app for your Employees, HR , visitors and Facility managers to plan, manage, and report facility usage for a safe and secure work environment.

What is the difference between hspace and vspace?

Both can be used in LaTeX. When \vspace is used within a paragraph, it inserts space after the current line. But if \vskip is used within a paragraph it ends the paragraph and inserts the space immediately. The hspace attribute specifies the whitespace on left and right side of an image.

What is Hspace in HTML?

The hspace attribute specifies the whitespace on left and right side of an image.

What is the difference of a webpage that uses hspace and vspace in their code?

HSPACE and VSPACE indicate the amount of horizontal and vertical space to put between the table and surrounding text. They must be used in conjunction with ALIGN=LEFT or ALIGN=RIGHT . HSPACE sets the amount of horizontal space between the table and surrounding text.

Is there a way to put space in HTML?

When to use EX instead of HSpace in Excel?

When to use [ & HSpace & ] in latex?

How to insert \\ HSpace at the beginning of a line?


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