Converting array to string and then back in PHP
How can I convert this array into a string in PHP and back from string into an array. This is kind of a requirement. Could someone please advice on how this can be acheived.
4 Answers 4
You can convert any PHP data-type but resources into a string by serializing it:
And back into it’s original form by unserializing it again:
A serialized array is in string form. It can be converted into an array again by unserializing it.
The same does work with json_encode / — _decode for your array as well:
$string = json_encode($array); $array = json_decode($string);
Note the difference between using serialize/unserialize vs imlpode/explode is that the former will work regardless of the contents of the values — with the example provided by Alex, the method will fail if one of the valuse contains a space
use the function implode(separator,array) which return a string from the elements of an array.
and then the function explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] ) to revert it back to an array
$array_as_string = implode(" ",$userarray); $new_array = explode(" ",$array_as_string);
$userarray = array('UserName' => $username, 'UserId' => $userId, 'UserPicURL' => $userPicURL); $string = json_encode($userarray); $backtoarray = json_decode($string);
$userarray = array('UserName' => $username, 'UserId' => $userId, 'UserPicURL' => $userPicURL); $string = serialize($userarray); $backtoarray = unserialize($string);
The first one uses XML storage, and the second uses JSON.
Если указан необязательный параметр length , возвращаемый массив будет разбит на фрагменты, каждый из которых будет иметь длину length , за исключением последнего фрагмента, который может быть короче, если строка делится неравномерно. По умолчанию параметр length равен 1 , то есть размер каждого фрагмента будет один байт.
Если параметр length меньше 1 , будет выброшена ошибка ValueError .
Список изменений
Версия | Описание |
8.2.0 | Если параметр string не задан, теперь возвращается пустой массив ( array ). Ранее возвращался массив ( array ), содержащий одну пустую строку |
8.0.0 | Теперь если параметр length меньше 1 , будет выброшена ошибка ValueError ; ранее, вместо этого выдавалась ошибка уровня E_WARNING , а функция возвращала false . |
Пример #1 Пример использования str_split()
$arr1 = str_split ( $str );
$arr2 = str_split ( $str , 3 );
print_r ( $arr1 );
print_r ( $arr2 );
Результат выполнения данного примера:
Array ( [0] => H [1] => e [2] => l [3] => l [4] => o [5] => [6] => F [7] => r [8] => i [9] => e [10] => n [11] => d ) Array ( [0] => Hel [1] => lo [2] => Fri [3] => end )
Функция str_split() производит разбивку по байтам, а не по символам, в случае использования строк в многобайтных кодировках. Используйте функцию mb_str_split() , чтобы разбить строку на кодовые точки.
Смотрите также
- mb_str_split() — Если задана многобайтовая строка возвращает массив символов
- chunk_split() — Разбивает строку на фрагменты
- preg_split() — Разбивает строку по регулярному выражению
- explode() — Разбивает строку с помощью разделителя
- count_chars() — Возвращает информацию о символах, входящих в строку
- str_word_count() — Возвращает информацию о словах, входящих в строку
- for
User Contributed Notes 3 notes
The function str_split() is not ‘aware’ of words. Here is an adaptation of str_split() that is ‘word-aware’.
$array = str_split_word_aware (
‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.’ ,
* This function is similar to str_split() but this function keeps words intact; it never splits through a word.
* @return array
function str_split_word_aware ( string $string , int $maxLengthOfLine ): array
if ( $maxLengthOfLine <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'The function %s() must have a max length of line at least greater than one' , __FUNCTION__ ));
$lines = [];
$words = explode ( ‘ ‘ , $string );
$currentLine = » ;
$lineAccumulator = » ;
foreach ( $words as $currentWord )
$currentWordWithSpace = sprintf ( ‘%s ‘ , $currentWord );
$lineAccumulator .= $currentWordWithSpace ;
if ( strlen ( $lineAccumulator ) < $maxLengthOfLine ) $currentLine = $lineAccumulator ;
// Overwrite the current line and accumulator with the current word
$currentLine = $currentWordWithSpace ;
$lineAccumulator = $currentWordWithSpace ;
if ( $currentLine !== » ) $lines [] = $currentLine ;
array( 5 ) [ 0 ]=> string ( 29 ) «In the beginning God created »
[ 1 ]=> string ( 30 ) «the heaven and the earth. And »
[ 2 ]=> string ( 28 ) «the earth was without form, »
[ 3 ]=> string ( 27 ) «and void; and darkness was »
[ 4 ]=> string ( 27 ) «upon the face of the deep. »
Alternative signature (not supported with named arguments):
Legacy signature (deprecated as of PHP 7.4.0, removed as of PHP 8.0.0):
Join array elements with a separator string.
Optional. Defaults to an empty string.
The array of strings to implode.
Return Values
Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements in the same order, with the separator string between each element.
Version | Description |
8.0.0 | Passing the separator after the array is no longer supported. |
7.4.0 | Passing the separator after the array (i.e. using the legacy signature) has been deprecated. |
Example #1 implode() example
$array = [ ‘lastname’ , ’email’ , ‘phone’ ];
var_dump ( implode ( «,» , $array )); // string(20) «lastname,email,phone»
// Empty string when using an empty array:
var_dump ( implode ( ‘hello’ , [])); // string(0) «»
// The separator is optional:
var_dump ( implode ([ ‘a’ , ‘b’ , ‘c’ ])); // string(3) «abc»
Note: This function is binary-safe.
See Also
- explode() — Split a string by a string
- preg_split() — Split string by a regular expression
- http_build_query() — Generate URL-encoded query string
User Contributed Notes 14 notes
it should be noted that an array with one or no elements works fine. for example:
$a1 = array( «1» , «2» , «3» );
$a2 = array( «a» );
$a3 = array();
echo «a1 is: ‘» . implode ( «‘,'» , $a1 ). «‘
» ;
echo «a2 is: ‘» . implode ( «‘,'» , $a2 ). «‘
» ;
echo «a3 is: ‘» . implode ( «‘,'» , $a3 ). «‘
» ;
will produce:
a1 is: ‘1’,’2′,’3′
a2 is: ‘a’
a3 is: »
It’s not obvious from the samples, if/how associative arrays are handled. The «implode» function acts on the array «values», disregarding any keys:
$a = array( ‘one’ , ‘two’ , ‘three’ );
$b = array( ‘1st’ => ‘four’ , ‘five’ , ‘3rd’ => ‘six’ );
echo implode ( ‘,’ , $a ), ‘/’ , implode ( ‘,’ , $b );
Can also be used for building tags or complex lists, like the following:
This is just an example, you can create a lot more just finding the right glue! 😉
It might be worthwhile noting that the array supplied to implode() can contain objects, provided the objects implement the __toString() method.
class Foo
protected $title ;
public function __construct ( $title )
$this -> title = $title ;
public function __toString ()
return $this -> title ;
$array = [
new Foo ( ‘foo’ ),
new Foo ( ‘bar’ ),
new Foo ( ‘qux’ )
echo implode ( ‘; ‘ , $array );
will output:
If you want to implode an array of booleans, you will get a strange result:
var_dump ( implode ( » ,array( true , true , false , false , true )));
string(3) «111»
TRUE became «1», FALSE became nothing.
If you want to implode an array as key-value pairs, this method comes in handy.
The third parameter is the symbol to be used between key and value.
function mapped_implode ( $glue , $array , $symbol = ‘=’ ) return implode ( $glue , array_map (
function( $k , $v ) use( $symbol ) <
return $k . $symbol . $v ;
array_keys ( $array ),
array_values ( $array )
echo mapped_implode ( ‘, ‘ , $arr , ‘ is ‘ );
// output: x is 5, y is 7, z is 99, hello is World, 7 is Foo
Sometimes it’s necessary to add a string not just between the items, but before or after too, and proper handling of zero items is also needed.
In this case, simply prepending/appending the separator next to implode() is not enough, so I made this little helper function.
function wrap_implode ( $array , $before = » , $after = » , $separator = » ) if( ! $array ) return » ;
return $before . implode ( » < $after >< $separator > < $before >» , $array ) . $after ;
echo wrap_implode ([ ‘path’ , ‘to’ , ‘file.php’ ], ‘/’ );
// «/path/to/file.php»
$pattern = ‘#’ . wrap_implode ([ 4 , 2 , 2 ], ‘\d’ , ‘[-.]’ ) . ‘#’ ;
echo $pattern , «\n» ; // #\d[-.]\d[-.]\d#
echo preg_replace ( $pattern , ‘[REDACTED]’ , ‘The UFO appeared between 2012-12-24 and 2013.01.06 every night.’ );
// ‘The UFO appeared between [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] every night.
echo wrap_implode ([ ‘line’ , ‘by’ , ‘line’ ], ‘‘ , ‘‘ , ‘
‘ );
// line
It may be worth noting that if you accidentally call implode on a string rather than an array, you do NOT get your string back, you get NULL:
var_dump ( implode ( ‘:’ , ‘xxxxx’ ));
This threw me for a little while.
Even handier if you use the following:
$id_nums = array( 1 , 6 , 12 , 18 , 24 );
$id_nums = implode ( «, » , $id_nums );
$sqlquery = «Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id IN ( $id_nums )» ;
// $sqlquery becomes «Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id IN (1,6,12,18,24)»
Be sure to escape/sanitize/use prepared statements if you get the ids from users.
null values are imploded too. You can use array_filter() to sort out null values.
$ar = array( «hello» , null , «world» );
print( implode ( ‘,’ , $ar )); // hello,,world
print( implode ( ‘,’ , array_filter ( $ar , function( $v )< return $v !== null ; >))); // hello,world
If you want to use a key inside array:
array(«id» => 1,»name» => «Test1»),
array(«id» => 2,»name» => «Test2»),
echo implode_key(«,»,$arr, «name»);
OUTPUT: Test1, Test2
function implode_key($glue, $arr, $key) $arr2=array();
foreach($arr as $f) if(!isset($f[$key])) continue;
return implode($glue, $arr2);
It is possible for an array to have numeric values, as well as string values. Implode will convert all numeric array elements to strings.
$test = implode ([ «one» , 2 , 3 , «four» , 5.67 ]);
echo $test ;
//outputs: «one23four5.67»
There is no mention of behavior on a empty array, so I tried it and here’s the result:
$ar = array();
$result = implode ( ‘,’ , $ar ); // Comma arbitrarily applied as the separator
$is_result_empty = empty( $result );
$is_result_empty: 1
In other words, an empty string is the result.
* Join pieces with a string recursively .
* @ param mixed $glue String between pairs ( glue ) or an array pair ‘s glue and key/value glue or $pieces.
* @param iterable $pieces Pieces to implode (optional).
* @return string Joined string
function double_implode($glue, iterable $pieces = null): string
$glue2 = null;
if ($pieces === null) $pieces = $glue;
$glue = »;
> elseif (is_array($glue)) list($glue, $glue2) = $glue;
$result = [];
foreach ($pieces as $key => $value) $result[] = $glue2 === null ? $value : $key . $glue2 . $value;
return implode($glue, $result);
$array = [‘ a ‘ => 1, ‘b’ => 2];
$str = implode($array);
$str = implode(‘ , ‘, $array);
$str = implode([‘» ‘, ‘ keyword»>, ‘, $iterator);
$str = implode([‘» ‘, ‘ foot»>+add a note