Run program using html

How to run local program (exe via Chrome via html/javascript)

So, these two ways that you can try to run your javascript program in browsers like chrome or firefox. If you choose to test JavaScript program with web console option then make sure that your Chrome or FireFox is updated with the latest version of it, so that you can have many other advance developer features inside FireFox or Chrome Browser.

See Run JavaScript to explore more features related to running JavaScript in the Console. DevTools lets you pause a script in the middle of its execution. While you’re paused, you can use the Console to view and change the page’s window or DOM at that moment in time. This makes for a powerful debugging workflow.

It will never run any application from local resource directly. It may ask you to download the file before running it. This is due to browser security issue as the code runs inside the browser sandbox.

If you could do that directly, it would be extremely dangerous. Because, a malicious website could do likewise. Remember that any button on a webpage can be ‘clicked’ using Javascript. You can actually achieve this kind of thing by running a website on a local php-capable server, and submitting a form to that server containing the required command.

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The next approach you can take to run JavaScript is to either write some JavaScript directly into an HTML page or load a JavaScript file in to a web page that you are working on. This is especially great if you want to use your JavaScript code to update or generate the web page.

Natively Chrome does not allow these links and will not open them. So the question is — has anyone found a way of getting Chrome to open a local file from a file:/ /-type link in Chrome *WITHOUT* using a plugin or extension? Thanks.

How to execute a local file using HTML application

If you’re running the web page locally (http:\ and want to execute a program in the same machine, it will depend on the technology that you’re using, for example in php you could use exec () to execute a program on user input but it will run on the server side.

An HTA is an application, written with HTML. You code it like you would with HTML, but since it runs locally and not on a web server, you can execute files without the security limitations that a web page would have. Perhaps you create the HTA and save it on a network share, use GPO to create a shortcut to that file on their desktop, etc.

create a public folder in root of your app and put your entry point file (index.html) and all its dependent files (this is just for simplification, in large application this might not be a good approach).

In Node.js and ExpressJS applications, there used to be a very simple way to deliver an HTML file or any other sort of file: res.sendfile (). Delivering HTML files using Express helps make development quick and easy when you need a quick HTTP server.

Type your-file.html into the search box at the bottom of the Start menu (if using Windows) or the search box in the Finder app (if using a Mac). HTML files usually are in a folder with the same name as the.html file but without the.html extension. Inside of the folder may be different files such as.js.css, images and other files.

How to run exe file on web page

Which page on your website, and where on the page, do you want the link to your .exe file to be? You could make the .exe file open when the Web page opens, but a lot of people find this annoying and some find it to be bad form. Decide where you want the link to the .exe file to show on the webpage.

You cannot run an.exe file on your website. You can however, stream that file down to the client but a security issue would pop up letting the user know that you’re passing an executable file to the computer which might cause a havoc in the system. Somehow, there is an applet in HTML that can host a java application in it.

The browser invokes the handler (provided by the iTunes exe). This includes starting up the exe if it is not already running. iTunes exe uses the rest of the special url to show a specific page to the user. Note that the exe, when installed, installed URL protocol handlers for «itms» transport with the browsers.

First you should download CustomURLProtocol.exe tools (from the mentioned article or this post — about 50 kb!) and run it on client’s machine. Now you will see this dialog: You may now fill out the empty fields.

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Run program using html

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Comments and Discussions

That is the best thing since snuff. I been looking for something like this for weeks and i needed to click a batch file and worse yet with a python script inside and do you know what happened.. Worked perfect like a big dog using Firefox. Thanks soooooo much.
title>Application Executer/title> HTA:APPLICATION/> html> head> script type code-keyword">text/JavaScript" language code-keyword">JavaScript"> function RunFile() < WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // below both work! // WshShell.Run("c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe", 1, false); WshShell.Run("notepad.exe", 1, false); // optional script window.close(); > /script> /head> body> center> br/> input type code-keyword">button" onclick code-keyword">RunFile();" value code-keyword">Click to Run Notepad and Close Window"/> /center> /body> /html>
HTA:APPLICATION/> title>Application Executer/title>  in "HTA APPLICATION" can't use "", otherwise this is "HTML Document". Note: yet for execute/view document with "Microsoft (R) HTML Application host" can use ".hta" file extension or "Open with" / "Send to" "C:\Windows\System32\mshta.exe" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshta.exe", or within "HTML Document" ; these ways can solve available "" for ".hta", ".htm", ".html" files extensions. --> html> head>  content="ie=edge" "edge" is "Internet Explorer" version and can change/replaced from "1 to 11" --> meta http-equiv code-keyword">x-ua-compatible" content code-keyword">ie=edge"> meta http-equiv code-keyword">content-type" content code-keyword">text/html; charset=UTF-8"> script type code-keyword">text/JavaScript" language code-keyword">JavaScript"> function RunFile() < WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // below both work! // WshShell.Run("c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe", 1, false); WshShell.Run("notepad.exe", 1, false); // optional script window.close(); > // optional scripts function winsize() < window.moveTo(16,16); window.resizeTo(327, 140); > /script> /head> body onload code-keyword">winsize()"> center> br/> input type code-keyword">button" onclick code-keyword">RunFile();" value code-keyword">Click to Run Notepad and Close Window"/> /center> /body> /html>

HTML Applications do not run in the browser. They run as Windows applications (e.g. by double-clicking their name in Windows Explorer). Note also that even Windows 10 uses the IE7 engine for them; so CSS3, ES5 etc are not supported.

The code which you supplied works perfectly fine in IE.
But I beg to differ it doesn’t work in Chrome and/or Firefox. The reason being, this code is written using ActiveXobject which is totally a Microsoft proprietary. No doubt, we can have ActiveX plugins in both the latter browsers as well.

But, is there any solution which will allow me to do the same in any of the browsers without using any particular plugin?

html> head> title>Application Executer/title> HTA:APPLICATION ID code-keyword">oMyApp" APPLICATIONNAME code-keyword">Application Executer" BORDER code-keyword">no" CAPTION code-keyword">no" SHOWINTASKBAR code-keyword">yes" SINGLEINSTANCE code-keyword">yes" SYSMENU code-keyword">yes" SCROLL code-keyword">no" WINDOWSTATE code-keyword">normal"> script type code-keyword">text/javascript" language code-keyword">javascript"> function RunFile() < WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("C:\Windows\System32", 1,false); > /script> /head> body> input type code-keyword">button" value code-keyword">Run Notepad" onclick code-keyword">RunFile();"/> /body> /html>

But Notepad.exe is not launching. Please help. Thanks.

It appears that your path to the Notepad.exe was left out of the code . . .

I have tried this in a test html file, where my html file and .swf file both are in same system. It worked fine. But when i host my web application and try to launch the same file, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t give any error either.

Am i missing anything here?

In your page, what do «1» and «false» stand for in the following call to function?

WshShell.Run(«c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe», 1, false);

Also, are there more arguments that can be passed to this function?

If i try to run the next code throw an exception «The system cannot find the file specified»«C:/program files/Microsoft Silverlight/sllauncher.exe»);
or«C:\\program\ files\\Microsoft\ Silverlight\\sllauncher.exe»); // i add a «\» cause blank space

If you are using absolute path for the file, you must have to use the «file» protocol. In that case, your code will look like this:"file://C:/program files/Microsoft Silverlight/sllauncher.exe");

Please Vote for the Articles and/or Posts that you like. Kunal Chowdhury (Microsoft MVP [Silverlight] | Follow My Blog | Follow Me @ Twitter)

Can you help me sir, with ur code i able to open all applications in c:/windows/ sucessfully but unable to open some application in c:/program files/.. even the firefox.exe or ieplorer.exe. i dunno why.. dis is my code:

WshShell = new ActiveXObject(«WScript.Shell»);

WshShell.Run(«c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe», 1, false);

Have a look into my article posted in my blog:[^]. I think you wanted to try the same thing here too.

Please Vote for the Articles and/or Posts that you like. Kunal Chowdhury (Microsoft MVP [Silverlight] | Follow My Blog | Follow Me @ Twitter)

This is not related to any browser. If you have .hta file registered with any browser (default is IE) will work fine.

Please Vote for the Articles and/or Posts that you like. Kunal Chowdhury (Microsoft MVP [Silverlight] | Follow My Blog | Follow Me @ Twitter)

Please Vote for the Articles and/or Posts that you like. Kunal Chowdhury (Microsoft MVP [Silverlight] | Follow My Blog | Follow Me @ Twitter)

Any specific reason? Because, for my case, I found it useful.

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