- PHP vs Python vs Ruby on Rails: Detailed Comparison
- 1. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Total Market Share
- 2. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Website Built Using These
- 3. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Usability
- 4. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Learning Curve
- 5. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Popularity Comparison
- 6. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Most Discussed Language
- 7. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Job Posting & Salary
- 8. Other Information
- 9. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Pros & Cons
- PHP vs. Ruby vs. Python
- О песочнице
- О модерации
PHP vs Python vs Ruby on Rails: Detailed Comparison
Which is the best programming technology for web app development in the year 2020? This is one of the most debated questions among web programmers, students and companies (wanted to develop their own website). Actually, every language has its own pros, cons or advantages, disadvantages. It totally depends on your requirements for website development.
In this blog post, I am going to clear your many doubts related to these programming languages or technologies, so that you can choose the best language according to your specific needs and requirements. Here, I’ll do a detailed and comprehensive comparison between these three most popular programming technologies viz. PHP vs Python vs Ruby (RoR). The comparison is on the basis of various stats and data on different parameters. So, let’s start the battle of most popular programming languages ie: PHP vs Python vs Ruby (RoR).
1. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Total Market Share
Usage statistics & market share of any programming language gives you an idea of the popularity of that language among masses. Below pic shows you the most widely used server-side programming languages in the world today.
2. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Website Built Using These
Many clients have chosen PHP web development, for example, Wikipedia, Facebook, PixelCrayons, to name a few popular websites. On the other hand, Ruby-on-Rails also has some reputed clients including Twitter, Hulu, Groupon, etc. In addition to this, the king of search engines Google, YouTube, etc. are made using the coding of Python.
Winner- Tie
3. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Usability
Programming Language Usability is one of the most factors that you should consider before choosing it for your website development project. Almost all programming languages form an interface between computer and user. A language with high usability helps you develop more powerful, scalable and high performing software.
Winner– Ruby-on-Rails (RoR)
4. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Learning Curve
Ease of learning or Learning Curve is also an important parameter for choosing a programming language as your career or for your next web app development project. A programming language with a high learning curve value is easy-to-understand and possess pretty clean codes. Among these three languages, Python has the best learning curve, PHP comes second and the last is Ruby-on-rails.
5. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Popularity Comparison
No doubt, PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the world today. It– is one of the oldest languages– has garnered many loyal coders and customer base. The other two languages viz. Ruby and Python web development is relatively new hence is less popular among the masses. The below image shows the TIOBE Programming index which measures the popularity level of different languages created & maintained by the TIOBE Company based in the Netherlands.
6. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Most Discussed Language
Most discussed programming language helps in many ways. If any language is popular or is most discussed, then it will have a big community that helps you to resolve your query in minimum time. Furthermore, the most discussed language also has good support. The below image depicts the stats related to the most popular programming language.
Interesting Read: How to hire a Python developer at 60% less cost?
7. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Job Posting & Salary
Analyzing high job posting of any programming language is quite important. If you are a job seeker, you can get an idea of the ease-of-availability of jobs of any specific programming language. On the other hand, these stats are also important for those people who want to develop their websites and want to choose an ideal programming language. A language with many jobs certainly has more programmers, job security as well as bright career prospects. If you wish to choose your career in either of the two languages, then you may check the following stats and decide.
8. Other Information
Let’s have a look at some other important information about these three popular languages:
9. PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Pros & Cons
In order to get a clear idea of PHP or Python or Ruby web development, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of these three server-side programming languages. Every language has both pros and cons. It all depends on your needs and expectations of these languages. You can choose a language that best suits your specific business needs and requirements. Here are the pros and cons of these three programming languages.
PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Pros or Advantages
PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Cons or Disadvantages
Wrapping Up:
I hope this blog post clears your many doubts related to three popular programming languages. Above mentioned stats and facts help you to choose the right programming language as per your specific business needs.
PHP vs. Ruby vs. Python
Что лучше: PHP, Ruby или Python? Именно эти три скриптовых серверных языка программирования чаще всего выбирают для разработки серверных (back-end) приложений. Но какой язык из всех названных является лучшим? Давайте посмотрим. Я здесь нашел одну инфографику + видео, которые помогут нам ответить на этот вопрос. Ну и добавил свои мысли.
По какой локации и по скольки человек делалась выборка сказать не могу, но думаю, что такая ситуация наблюдается по всему миру. Вообщем смотрим.
Какие сайты на чем написаны:
По каким языкам больше всего вакансий:
Как мы видим, по многим параметрам старый добрый PHP все таки опережает своих конкурентов. Ещё хочу добавить следующее: поскольку в мире большинство сайтов написано на PHP, то этот язык программирования будет востребован ещё длительное время. Кроме этого, не стоит забывать о LAMP, который де-факто является стандартом веб-разработки по умолчанию.
Лично мне кажется, что Ruby или Python можно выбрать для разработки нового проекта, если вы хотите разрабатывать приложение с использованием более интересного синтаксиса (а это, несомненно, так и есть), с использованием чего-то «необычного и нестандартного» и «современного», чего-то более объектно-ориентированного. Кроме этого, лично мне кажется (судя из вакансий и предложений), что на Западе более предпочтительнее Ruby (в том числе RoR) и Python (в том числе Django), ну и по оплате предлагают больше, чем PHP-разработчикам.
А как вы считаете, с чем связана более высокая оплата Ruby (RoR)/Python (Django) по сравнению с PHP?
Сравнение синтаксиса всех трех языков программирования можно посмотреть здесь.
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О песочнице
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О модерации
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- жалобы на компании и предоставляемые услуги;
- низкокачественные переводы;
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- односложные статьи;
- статьи, слабо относящиеся к или не относящиеся к ней вовсе.