Rounded Corner Boxes

CSS: How to round box corners inside? [duplicate]

@showdev: He means he wants the corners to curve inwards, instead of outwards. Think a negative border-radius, only I doubt anything like that exists.

No there’s no such thing in CSS, however if you show us what are you trying to achieve we can find other ways to do this.

Its not overly browser supported, you could use a PNG background image however to create the effect. Which in my view would be easier and more browser compatible.

3 Answers 3

This can be done by adding four circular «gradient» background images on top of the normal background image, each positioned at the appropriate corner. There’s an example on Lea Verou’s blog. From that I’ve extracted a JSFiddle; the key code is

You beat me to the clock! Just to add a note about upcoming standard W3C border-corner-shape…

Note that this doesn’t seem to work in Safari 5.1.9. I assume the culprit is browser compatibility for radial-gradiant :

@showdev yes, Safari 5.1.9 still uses nonstandard radial gradient syntax; you need the crappy old WebKit syntax if you want it to work there.

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No, there isn’t a way to do it with pure CSS as far as I know. It’s not even simple to do it with JavaScript or jQuery.

As far as I know, the jQuery plugin you linked is the one that works best for you, especially since you want a cross-browser solution, which advanced CSS3 isn’t there yet, and it is the one you should use.

Thanks, I just wanted to know if exists any Right Way in doing such things. Know I know some ways doing that with two div’s with border-radius and with gradient overlay and with js


Creating a Rounded Box Using CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide

The CSS border-radius property is employed to generate rounded borders with rounded corners. Additionally, this technique can be utilized to produce circular borders.

How to add a rounded border with CSS ?

This article aims to demonstrate the application of the CSS property, «border-radius,» to achieve a rounded border for an HTML element. The said property is utilized to round the corners of the element by setting the «border-radius» value for it.

border-radius: 1-4 length|% / 1-4 length|%|initial|inherit

How to Add rounded corners to elements with CSS, In this video, learn how to add rounded corners to elements using the border-radius CSS Duration: 1:45

How to Easily Create Rounded Boxes Using CSS in HTML

This video is for those who struggle with creating rounded boxes using CSS. Border radius
Duration: 3:21

HTML & CSS 2020 Tutorial 31

Sample code and examples:
Duration: 3:38

Make Rounded Corners, Circle & Oval Shapes in CSS

Learn how to make circles, ovals, and rounding the corners of HTML elements with the CSS Duration: 3:59

How to make a div with rounded corners

Utilize the border-radius attribute to achieve a more rounded shape. The level of roundness is proportional to the value specified in px . For instance:

border-top-right-radius:15px; border-top-left-radius:15px; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-bottom-left-radius:15px; 

How to make css rounded corners Code Example, Set rounded corners with border-radius property */ .class < border-radius: 4px; >.circle < border-radius: 50%; >

Primer CSS Rounded Corners Border

Primer CSS is an open-source tool that utilizes a systematic approach to establish the core style elements like spacing, typography, and color. This method ensures consistency and compatibility with other patterns. Primer CSS is developed based on Object-Oriented CSS principles, functional CSS, and BEM architecture. It is highly flexible and reusable, and it is designed using GitHub’s design system.

Discover how CSS border-radius can be applied to create rounded borders and even circular borders using Primer CSS Rounded Corners and Border. Rounded corners in this article.

Please be advised that the value denoted by asterisk (*) in the given statement can be replaced with a numeral between 0 and 3, depending on the desired border-radius.

  • The purpose of the «rounded-0» class is to eliminate rounded corners by setting the border-radius to 0.
  • The purpose of the «rounded-1» class is to apply a border-radius of 4px.
  • The border-radius of 6px can be set using the rounded-2 class.
  • The border-radius of 8px can be set by utilizing the class «rounded-3».
  • The circle class enables the configuration of border-radius to 50%, resulting in borders with a circular shape.

These classes enable us to round the corners of any edge in a targeted manner.

Please be informed that values such as top, right, bottom, and left can be used in place of the asterisk (*).

This example will cover various classes including rounded-0, rounded-1, rounded-2, rounded-3, and circle. To make it easier to see the changes, CSS border-colors will be used.


The following codes are listed for reference: , < , html , >, , < , head , >, , < , link , href , = , "^16.0.0/dist/primer.css" , , rel , = , "stylesheet" ,/>, , , < , body , style , = , "padding:1%;width:50%" , >, , < , h1 , style , = , "color:green" , >, , GeeksforGeeks , , , , < , h3 , >Rounded Corners Border , , , < , h2 , >rounded-0 , , , < , div , class , = , "border rounded-0" , , style , = , "border-color:violet !important;" , >, , GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal. , , , , < , br , >, , < , h2 , >rounded-1 , , , < , div , class , = , "border rounded-1" , , style , = , "border-color:red !important;" , >, , GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal. , , and .

This example demonstrates how to create rounded corners or specific edges using the classes rounded-right-0, rounded-right-1, rounded-right-2, and rounded-right-3.


It should be noted that only the right edge’s corners appear to be rounded.

The source for this information can be found at the following link:

CSS3 — Rounded Corners, CSS3 — Rounded Corners, CSS3 Rounded corners are used to add special colored corner to body or text by using the border-radius property.


CSS rounded box

When I try to use the code in my page it just doesn’t work! Any idea why? Again sorry if the question is too simple 🙂 EDIT: The box i used within another div that is center. Here is how its’ used:

enter image description here

outside of this tag it works. EDIT: Screenshot showing the problem as highlighted by chrome. It is showing where the red boxs is now when inspecting element

4 Answers 4

copy paste this code into your html check whether its working or not . im sure it does if your using chrome 🙂 , if it works then type the css into your html and run it.

The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.

load the website, and click on F12 button on your keyboard, a new window will popup from the bottom of the chrome window, you will mostly see a «X» mark on bottom right, click on it , it will display what resource it failed to load.

have you tried including the css inside the page?? general trend is to use such CSS inside the page not as external links.

You can use like these codes;

-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px #000000; box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px #000000; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 28px; -moz-border-radius-topright:28px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:28px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright:28px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius:28px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:28px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:28px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:28px; border-top-left-radius:28px; border-top-right-radius:28px; border-bottom-left-radius:28px; border-bottom-right-radius:28px; 

You can check your CSS codes here

. Give to border-radius in your #center id div


How to Create Boxes with Rounded Corners in CSS

Prior to browser support for CSS3, creating boxes with rounded corners required the creative use of background images, borders, and positioning. Thankfully, these days are gone. Today, browsers support CSS3 and its border-radius properties. The border-radius properties makes rounding the corners on a box easy.

       body < margin:10px; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif >#box1, #box2 < width:200px; height:200px; margin:10px; padding:10px; >#box1 < background:#c00; >#box2 < background:#ff0; >h2, p < padding:5px; >#box1 p, #box2 p    

Example 1

Example 2

sharp corner boxes

If you open this page in a browser, it looks like this:
The border-radius properties work by curving the corner according to a circle with its center offset from the corner of the box by the distance you specify. To create a simple box with rounded corners, add the border-radius property to box1 .

rounded corners

  • Open the HTML page in a browser. The two boxes should look like this:
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