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CSS removing img border

The following tutorial shows you how to use CSS to do «CSS removing img border».

CSS Style

The CSS style to do «CSS removing img border» is

img < border:0; outline:0 >


body> img src=""> hr> img src="does-not-exist.png"> hr> img src="http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/~petrie/blank.gif">  

The following iframe shows the result. You can view the full source code and open it in another tab.

html> head> meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> style id="compiled-css" type="text/css"> img < border: 0; outline: 0 >  body> img src="" /> hr /> img src="does-not-exist.png" /> hr /> img src="http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/~petrie/blank.gif" />  

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Removing img border

Do this instead: Question: I’m using background-image to display images but it put a kind of border around the image and I can’t get out it. Here is the code I used to display the image: css code: code js code: enter image description here How do I display this image without this border?

Removing img border

I have a problem with the img border. I am using the following code for all my images, but the border is not going away. Can someone tell me the correct way to remove the img border?

It’s the default «special» border that appears in some browsers when an img element has no src attribute, or a src attribute pointing to an image that does not exist.

For example, look at this in IE9: http://jsfiddle.net/SdbNE/

A common workaround is to set the src to a blank.gif file:

Or, just use a div instead?

Set your source to transparent.


Notice the img src is blank and has no border but CSS sets the background: url()

transparent src: 

it’s the border of alt text, try

I use that java script trick, I initialise all images sources with a blank image.

onload= var myImagesList = document.getElementById("element where the images are").getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i=1;i < myImagesList.length-1;i++) < myImagesList[i].src = ". /blank image"; >

Html — How remove border around image in css?, Try this: img You can also limitate the scope and only remove border on some images by doing so: .myClass img More information about the … Usage examplemyClass imgFeedback

How to remove Image border and color in Google Slides

In this video, I will show, How to remove Image border and color in Google Slides Presentation.** Premium Service **http://bit.ly/2TiFH5lhttp://bit.ly/2NaJtY

IMG Tag Remove Border

On this page there is a blue box image that has a grey border around it. I’ve been trying to remove the border without luck:

the image is part of a sprite and there is no border around the image. Any ideas?

* the image is the one on the right — blue box with a tick in it. (second one on the top in the sprite.

your image has no src attribute add a transparent.gif to the source and the border will disappear.


Example for sprited background images on list elements. (In this case you have to rearrange the sprite into a vertical sprite)

There’s no point using an tag if you’re going to use CSS background for the image. In an tag the src attribute is used to specify the foreground image, and it is a mandatory attribute for this tag. Leaving it out will have unexpected results, such as the border effect you’re seeing, but this may vary from browser to browser.

If you want to use CSS background-image , just use a different HTML tag (eg ).

If you want to use an tag then you need to use the src attribute, and not define it in CSS.

The point here is semantics. An image in an tag is assumed to be part of the content of the page, hence the image is specified in the HTML code, whereas by defining an image in CSS, you are saying that it is part of the design, and not content.

You should use the method which matches the purpose of your image in the site.

I had this issue just now with the white border around my img tag. To resolve this I changed from to . This allowed me to control the content style or background-image style without leaving the ugly white border. (Have to add below CSS)

I know that this has been answered, however I hope it may come of use to someone else.

You have set a background image on an tag. This is very bad practice.

My suggestion is to change your markup to the following: (Note the instead of the tag)

And then apply these styles:

That should solve your problem.

Css — removing img border, How can I remove the border around an image without a source? Related. 815. Remove border from IFrame. 777. When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image? …

How to remove this image border?

This is the Image I want to add, but when I display it on the website it becomes a image with borders: Button with border (there is a background behind the button). I’m using javascript with reactjs, html and css.

Here is the code I used to display the image:

js code: enter image description here

How do I display this image without this border? I tried putting in css file border:0; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; but nothing works

Try border-style: none; . Your question isn’t very concise, but it should work.. I think.. You should probably add in some more details

But really, I would never use an image in place of a button. Do this instead:

Html — IMG Tag Remove Border, On this page there is a blue box image that has a grey border around it. I’ve been trying to remove the border without luck: eg: border: none; outline: none; the …

How to remove a border of background-image

I’m using background-image to display images but it put a kind of border around the image and I can’t get out it.

body < background-color: grey; >.footer-red-bar < width: 100%; height: 180px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 2em; >.footer-red-bar img

Use the src=»» attribute instead of background-image

That’s the usual border of the Broken-Image asset that you get when you don’t provide a valid src=»» attribute and the image cannot be found.

A BAD solution is to use a 1×1 transparent pixel — or equally a base64 representation of the same:

body< background-color: grey; >.footer-red-bar< width: 100%; height: 180px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 2em; >.footer-red-bar img
But that’s not the way to do it.

img elements not only need a valid image source trough the src=»» attribute, but also the alt=»» attribute — which explains to Search Engine Bots and screen readers the subject of the image. A transparent pixel is clearly not something worth an Alt ernative attribute.


If you use but need a cover translation like it’s done by background-size: cover; .

use object-fit: cover;

Opera Mini has it, so you can expect soon IE/Edge will (eventually) implement that feature too.

object-fit/object-position shipped in Microsoft Edge included in Windows Insider Preview build 16215.

Or use Google and do a research for neat fallbacks.

The img tag requires a src attribute. Load a transparent image as the source, and the border will vanish.

body < background-color: grey; border: none; >.footer-red-bar < width: 100%; height: 180px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 2em; >.footer-red-bar img

You can also change the img to a div and add:

Javascript — How to remove this image border?, This is the Image I want to add, but when I display it on the website it becomes a image with borders: Button with border (there is a background …


How remove border around image in css?

You can also limitate the scope and only remove border on some images by doing so:

More information about the border css property can by found here.

Edit: Changed border from 0px to 0 . As explained in comments, px is redundant for a unit of 0 .

Solution 2

Another thing — remember that if you have an with an empty src attribute, then none of these suggestions will work, a border will still get shown.

Solution 3

img need src to use border is remover, i no know a why css is crazy


So try example with SRC:

So try example without SRC:


Как убрать рамку вокруг изображений-ссылок?

Убрать автоматически добавляемую рамку вокруг изображений-ссылок.


HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


В данном примере используется контекстный селектор a img , который указывает использовать стиль только для изображений, расположенных внутри тега .

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