Restart the kernel python

Сбросить ядро ipython

Мне было интересно, есть ли способ перезапустить ядро ​​ipython, не закрывая его, например, функцию перезапуска ядра, которая существует в ноутбуке. Я пробовал %reset , но это, похоже, не очищает импорт.

Для меня, кажется, понятно также импорт (ipython 2.2, macosx): В [1]:% whos Интерактивное пространство имен пусто. В [2]: импорт os В [3]:% whos Тип переменной Данные / Информация —————————— os module . 7 / lib / python2.7 / os.pyc’> В [4]:% reset После удаления переменные не могут быть восстановлены. Продолжить (y / [n])? y В [5]:% whos Интерактивное пространство имен пусто.

Да, пространство имен очищено, но при повторном импорте кажется, что он читает кэшированную версию модуля, поэтому я должен использовать что-то вроде… .

Ах, хорошо, я вижу. Вы также можете использовать . Но я понимаю, что это не совсем то, что вы ищете.

Я делаю это все время. Это сочетание клавиш Ctrl- ‘.’ [Ctrl-период]. Только что протестирован на Linux и работает только в qtconsole.

5 ответов

Даже если было бы удобно, если %reset очистит пространство имен и кеш для импорта (как в записной книжке), можно явно перезагрузить ранее импортированный модуль, используя importlib.reload в python3.4 или imp.reload в python3.0-3.3 (и при необходимости reset ядро ​​на втором шаге).

Я могу перезапустить ядро, но некоторые сеансы консоли требуют больше времени для повторного подключения. Ноутбук мгновенно обнаруживает перезагрузку ядра.

Читайте также:  Название документа

ipykernel.ipkernel.IPythonKernel класс имеет метод do_shutdown с параметром restart , который по умолчанию равен False .

Получить ссылку на ipykernel.kernelapp.IPKernelApp , которая имеет ссылку на ядро ​​и вызывает do_shutdown ядра, передав True .

import IPython app = IPython.Application.instance() app.kernel.do_shutdown(True) 
$ #start notebook $ jupyter notebook $ #connect to existing kernel $ jupyter console --existing 


Module: kernel.manager ¶

Manages a single kernel in a subprocess on this host.

This version starts kernels with Popen.

add_restart_callback ( callback, event=’restart’ ) ¶

register a callback to be called when a kernel is restarted

Clean up resources when the kernel is shut down

Create a client configured to connect to our kernel

finish_shutdown ( waittime=1, pollinterval=0.1 ) ¶

Wait for kernel shutdown, then kill process if it doesn’t shutdown.

This does not send shutdown requests — use request_shutdown() first.

replace templated args (e.g. )

Has a kernel been started that we are managing.

Interrupts the kernel by sending it a signal.

Unlike signal_kernel , this operation is well supported on all platforms.

Is the kernel process still running?

remove_restart_callback ( callback, event=’restart’ ) ¶

unregister a callback to be called when a kernel is restarted

Send a shutdown request via control channel

On Windows, this just kills kernels instead, because the shutdown messages don’t work.

Restarts a kernel with the arguments that were used to launch it.

If the old kernel was launched with random ports, the same ports will be used for the new kernel. The same connection file is used again.

now : bool, optional

If True, the kernel is forcefully restarted immediately, without having a chance to do any cleanup action. Otherwise the kernel is given 1s to clean up before a forceful restart is issued.

In all cases the kernel is restarted, the only difference is whether it is given a chance to perform a clean shutdown or not.

**kw : optional

Any options specified here will overwrite those used to launch the kernel.

Attempts to the stop the kernel process cleanly.

This attempts to shutdown the kernels cleanly by:

  1. Sending it a shutdown message over the shell channel.
  2. If that fails, the kernel is shutdown forcibly by sending it a signal.

Should the kernel be forcible killed now. This skips the first, nice shutdown attempt.

restart: bool

Will this kernel be restarted after it is shutdown. When this is True, connection files will not be cleaned up.

Sends a signal to the kernel.

Note that since only SIGTERM is supported on Windows, this function is only useful on Unix systems.

Starts a kernel on this host in a separate process.

If random ports (port=0) are being used, this method must be called before the channels are created.

**kw : optional

keyword arguments that are passed down to build the kernel_cmd and launching the kernel (e.g. Popen kwargs).

2 Functions¶

Start a new kernel, and return its Manager and Client

IPython.kernel.manager. run_kernel ( **kwargs ) ¶

Context manager to create a kernel in a subprocess.

The kernel is shut down when the context exits.

Returns: kernel_client: connected KernelClient instance


Restart the kernel python

Last updated: Feb 23, 2023
Reading time · 3 min


# Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages

To resolve the Jupyter issue «Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages»:

  1. Restart your kernel and try refreshing the browser.
  2. Try running the pip install command with the —upgrade option.
  3. Create a new virtual environment and switch to it in Jupyter Notebook.

# Restarting the kernel

The first thing you should try is to restart the kernel.

  1. Click on Kernel in the top menu.
  2. Click on Restart and confirm by clicking on the Restart button again.

jupyter restart kernel

  1. To restore your variables rerun your code by pressing CTRL + Enter or clicking on the > Run button.

If the message is still shown when installing packages, try to refresh the page in your browser by pressing F5.

# Use the —upgrade flag when installing

If the message is still shown, try to issue the pip install command with the —upgrade option.

!pip install numpy --upgrade

Make sure to replace numpy with the name of the package you’re trying to install.

# Creating a new virtual environment

If the message is still shown, try to create a new virtual environment.

To create a new virtual environment:

  1. Open your terminal and run the following commands to create and activate a virtual environment.
# 👇️ use correct version of Python when creating VENV python -m venv venv # 👇️ activate on Unix or MacOS source venv/bin/activate # 👇️ activate on Windows (cmd.exe) venv\Scripts\activate.bat # 👇️ activate on Windows (PowerShell) venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

If the python -m venv venv command doesn’t work, try the following 2 commands:

Make sure to use the correct command to activate your virtual environment depending on your operating system and your shell.

create activate virtual environment

pip install ipykernel ipython kernel install --user --name=venv

pip install ipykernel

  1. Restart the Kernel by clicking on Kernel > Restart and refresh the page in your browser by pressing F5.

jupyter restart kernel

  1. Once you refresh the page, click on Kernel in the top bar and hover over the Change kernel menu.

jupyter change kernel

  1. Select venv from the Change kernel menu and install all your packages.
  2. Make sure the venv kernel is selected and shown in the top right corner.


If you still get the message when running pip install , try to upgrade pip by running the following command from your terminal.

# 👇️ On Linux or macOS python -m ensurepip --upgrade # 👇️ using python 3 python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade # 👇️ On Windows py -m ensurepip --upgrade

The ensurepip package enables us to bootstrap the pip installer into an existing Python installation or virtual environment.

# Using the script to upgrade pip

Alternatively, you can use the official get-pip script to install pip.

Open your terminal in the location where the file is downloaded and run the following command.

# 👇️ On Linux or macOS python # 👇️ using Python 3 python3 # 👇️ On Windows py

The script uses bootstrapping logic to install pip .

curl -o # 👇️ On Linux or macOS python --force-reinstall # 👇️ using python 3 python3 --force-reinstall # 👇️ On Windows py --force-reinstall

The —force-reinstall option forces pip to reinstall the package.

If you still get the error, click on Kernel in the top menu and click Shutdown.

kernel shutdown

Then refresh the page, click on Kernel in the top bar and hover over the Change kernel menu.

jupyter change kernel

Select venv from the Change kernel menu and install all your packages.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

I wrote a book in which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer.


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