- Remove Quotation Marks from String in Python
- Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the replace() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the re.sub() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the for Loop to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the join() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the strip() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the lstrip() function to remove double quotes from string in Python
- Using the rstrip() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the startswith() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the endswith() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the eval() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the ast.Literal_Eval() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Using the json.Loads() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
- Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
- Using the join() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
- Using the replace() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
- Using the strip() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
- Remove Quotation Marks from CSV in Python
- Using the csv.reader() Function to Remove Quotation from CSV in Python.
- How to Remove Quotes From a String in Python
- Removing quotes from a string in python Using strip()
- Removing quotes from a string in python Using Replace
- Ways to print Strings in Python without quotes
- 1. Using map() method to Print without quotes in Python
- 2. Using sep() method To Print Without Quotes In Python
- 3. Using .format() method To Print Without Quotes In Python
- 4. Using the translate method To Print Without Quotes In Python
- Removing quotes from a Text File in Python
- Must Read
- Conclusion
- Remove Quotes From String in Python
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the replace() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the strip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the lstrip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the rstrip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the literal_eval() Method
Remove Quotation Marks from String in Python
In Python, we can use single quotes or double quotes to define strings. A string itself may contain these quotes. Sometimes, we may have unexpected quotes within a string that needs to be dealt with.
Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
We will discuss different methods how to remove quotation marks from string in Python.
Using the replace() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
The replace() function replaces a given portion of the string with another substring. We can use this function to remove double quotes from string in Python.
For this, we will provide the double quotes as an argument in the function to get replaced by an empty string.
Using the re.sub() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
We can use regular expression patterns to identify and replace parts of a string using the re.sub() function. We can identify the double quotes with a regex pattern and replace them with an empty string.
Using the for Loop to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
We can iterate over a string using the for loop and compare each element individually. If the element is not a double quote then we append it to a new string. This new string will not have double-quotes.
Using the join() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
The join() function combines elements from an iterable to a single string. We can use this function to remove double quotes from a string.
First, we will create a list of all characters in the string using list comprehension, comparing each character with a double quote. We will then combine the elements from this list using the join() function to return the final string.
Using the strip() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
We use the strip() function in Python to delete characters from the start or end of the string. We can use this method to remove the quotes if they exist at the start or end of the string.
Using the lstrip() function to remove double quotes from string in Python
The lstrip() function can remove characters from the start of the string. With this function, we can remove the double quotes from the start of the string.
Using the rstrip() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
This function is opposite to the previous method and removes characters from the end of the string. It can remove double quotes from the end of the string.
Using the startswith() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
In Python, we use the startswith() function to check whether the string starts with some character or not. We can use this function to remove double quotes from the start of the string.
We will check whether a string starts with double quotes and slice the first character if it returns True.
Using the endswith() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
In Python, we use the endswith() function to check whether the string terminates with some character or not. We can use this function to remove double quotes from the end of the string.
We will check whether a string ends with double quotes and slice the last character if it returns True.
Using the eval() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
This method works only if you have double quotes at the start and end as quotation marks.
The eval() function takes an argument and executes it as a Python expression. So, if we pass a string and it has double quotes at the start and end position, then the eval() function will return it as a normal string, removing the double quotes in the process.
However, this method is considered unsafe and should not be used for untrusted inputs.
Using the ast.Literal_Eval() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
We can use the ast.literal_eval() function similar to the previous method. This function is considered a safer alternative to the eval() function as it accepts only valid Python datatypes.
We can use it to remove double quotes from string in Python.
Using the json.Loads() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python
The json.loads() function parses and deserializes the JSON string into a Python object. We can remove the extra double quotes from a string by passing them to this function.
This function also works in a similar situation as in the previous method. The double quotes should exist at the start and end of the string.
Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
All the methods discussed for removing double quotes can be used to remove single quotes also. We just have to substitute the double quotes with single quotes in the respective methods. Remember to define the string with double quotes if you want it to contain single quotes within.
We will now show examples of some methods below.
Using the join() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
For this, we will change the double quotes to single quotes in the list comprehension. We will use the join() function for the same purpose and in the same way.
Using the replace() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
As discussed, the replace() function can remove single quotes from string in Python by substituting the single quotes with an empty string.
The re.sub() function also works similarly but uses a regex pattern to detect the quotes.
Using the strip() Function to Remove Single Quotes from String in Python
With the strip() function, we can remove the single quotes at the start or end of the string.
Remove Quotation Marks from CSV in Python
Let us now understand how to remove quotations while reading data from CSV files.
Using the csv.reader() Function to Remove Quotation from CSV in Python.
A CSV is a simple comma-separated file. We can read CSV files using the open() function in Python. The csv.reader() file can parse the contents of the CSV file into rows.
There is a quotechar parameter in the csv.reader() function. Using this, we can specify the character used as quotes for the values in the CSV file. So they will get removed after reading the file in Python.
For example, if we are reading the following CSV file.
How to Remove Quotes From a String in Python
We often come across small issues that turn out to be big. While coding, small tasks sometimes become tedious when not handled well. One of those tasks is output formatting, in which we require to remove quotes from a string in Python. Let’s discuss certain ways in which we can remove quotes from a string in Python.
To Remove Quotes from a String, you can use replace() function or you can exclude it strip if the quotes appear at endpoints of strings. In this post, we’ll go through all the methods to remove the quotes from a string.
Before we learn how to remove quotes from strings, let us look at how to use quotes from a string in Python and the ways and syntaxes to do so.
Removing quotes from a string in python Using strip()
Removing quotes from the ends of a string leaves the quotes that may be in the middle of the string.
For example:
a_str = ' " ab " cd " ' stripped_str = a_str.strip(' " " ') print(stripped_str)
Note: This will not remove the in-between quotes from the string. This method is only used when you want to strip the end quoptes from a string.
Most of the users use this method while reading the CSV file. In many cases, the large strings in CSV or other Excel files are formatted with double quotes on both ends.
Removing quotes from a string in python Using Replace
a_str=' " a b " c d " ' replaced_str= a_str.replace(' " ' , " ") print(replaced_str)
This method removes all the occurrences of double quotes (“) from a string. Make sure that you use single quotes (‘) to enclose double quotes in replace() function. Otherwise, it’ll throw an error.
Ways to print Strings in Python without quotes
Whenever we print a list or string in Python, we generally use str( ) because of which we have single quotes in the output we get. Suppose if the problem requires to print solution without quotes. Here are some ways to print lists/strings without the use of quotes.
1. Using map() method to Print without quotes in Python
ini_list =['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] print("List with str", str(ini_list)) print("List in proper method", '[%s]'%', '.join(map(str, ini_list)))
List with str['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
List in proper method[a, b, c, d]
2. Using sep() method To Print Without Quotes In Python
ini_list= ['a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd'] print("list with str: " , str(ini_list)) print(*ini_list, sep = ' , ')
list with str: ['a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd']
a, b, c, d
3. Using .format() method To Print Without Quotes In Python
ini_list= ['a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd'] print(" List with str", str(ini_list)) print("printing list without quotes" , ("[]".format(' , ' . join(map(str, ini_list)))))
4. Using the translate method To Print Without Quotes In Python
ini_list=['a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd'] print("list with str:", str(ini_list)) translation= print("printing list without quotes", str(ini_list).translate(translation))
list with str : ['a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd']
printing list without quotes [a, b, c, d]
Removing quotes from a Text File in Python
To remove single or double quotations from a given Python text file, the following syntax can be used –
ln= re.split("\s+" , string.strip(line)).replace(' \ " ' , ' ' ) print(ln)
This method uses replace() method to find the exact matches for double quotes (“) and then replaces it with an empty string.
Must Read
Quotes while being important sometimes tend to spoil the look of certain outputs, for more well-put outputs we remove the quotations, which is just as simple as it sounds but makes a lot of difference in the output and user. It can be done in any of the above-shown ways. Hope this helped.
Still have any doubts or questions, do let me know in the comment section below. I will try to help you as soon as possible.
Happy Pythoning!
Remove Quotes From String in Python
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the replace() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the strip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the lstrip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the rstrip() Method
- Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the literal_eval() Method
A combination of characters enclosed in a single » or double «» quotes is called a string. This article will introduce different methods to remove quotes from a string in Python.
Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the replace() Method
This method takes 2 arguments, which could be named as old and new. We can call the replace() , with ‘»»‘ as the old string and «» (empty string) as the new string, to remove all quotes.
The complete example code is as follows:
old_string= '"python"' new_string=old_string.replace('"','') print("The original string is - <>".format(old_string)) print("The converted string is - <>".format(new_string))
The original string is - "python" The converted string is - python
Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the strip() Method
In this method, quotes are removed from both ends of the string. Quotes ‘»»‘ is passed as an argument in this function, and it will remove quotes on the old string from both sides and generate new_string without quotes.
The complete example code is as follows:
old_string= '"python"' new_string=old_string.strip('"') print("The original string is - <>".format(old_string)) print("The converted string is - <>".format(new_string))
The original string is - "python" The converted string is - python
Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the lstrip() Method
This method will remove quotes if they appear at the start of the string. It is applicable in case you need to remove quotes at the start of the string.
The complete example code is as follows:
old_string= '"python' new_string=old_string.lstrip('\"') print("The original string is - <>".format(old_string)) print("The converted string is - <>".format(new_string))
The original string is - "python The converted string is - python
Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the rstrip() Method
This method will remove quotes if they appear at the end of the string. The default trailing character to be removed when no parameter is passed is the white space.
The complete example code is as follows.
old_string= 'python"' new_string=old_string.rstrip('\"') print("The original string is - <>".format(old_string)) print("The converted string is - <>".format(new_string))
The original string is - python" The converted string is - python
Remove Quotes From String in Python Using the literal_eval() Method
This method will test a Python literal or container view expression node, Unicode or Latin-1 encoded string. The supplied string or node may only consist of the following literal Python structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dictionaries, booleans, etc. It securely tests strings containing untrusted Python values without having to examine values themselves.
The complete example code is as follows:
string="'Python Programming'" output=eval(string) print(output)