- Php collection php remove property from object
- Doctrine, remove collection?
- How do I do delete any references to an object when that object is deleted in Doctrine MongoDB?
- Symfony does not remove entity from collection
- Doctrine + Symfony2: Forms: Removing deleted element from a collection that is contained in another collection
- How to Delete an Object’s Property in PHP
- Is it possible to delete an object’s property in PHP?
- How to remove property from object in PHP 7.4+
- Removing an item from object in a loop
- Unsetting properties in an object
- Remove a member from an object?
- Can’t delete object property in php
- How can I remove a private property from an array of object?
Php collection php remove property from object
Solution 1: I assume you have two collections, ArticleTag and Article in which articles have references to article tags. If you want to delete tag references from articles when a tag is removed you can implement an event listener.
Doctrine, remove collection?
You need to put them in loop and remove each one
foreach ($comments as $cm) < $em->remove($cm); > $em->flush();
Just in case for future if you have OneToMany relation for a field and you want to remove all related objects to this or a specific object in the collection you can try
//entity class /** * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Target_Entity_Class",mappedBy="mapped_property") * @var ArrayCollection */ $objects; //. public function removeObject(\Name\Space\To\Target\Entity $target) < $this->objects->removeElement($target); >
And in your controller you can say
// assume $removed_objects_list is an array of related objects which you want to remove $target_object = $em->getRepository('TargetEntity')->find($target_id); foreach ($removed_objects_list as $object) < $target_object->removeObject($object); > $em->flush();
One-liner should be like this:
$comments->forAll(function($key, $entity) < $this->em->remove($entity); return true; >);
$comments->forAll(function($key, $entity) em->remove($entity); return true;>);
Of course, don’t forget the $em->flush(); afterwards.
Destructuring assignment in php for objects /, Extracting an Object. Extracting an object works almost the same. Since extract only takes an array as an argument we need to get the objects properties as an array. get_object_vars does that for you. It returns an associative array with all public properties as key and their values as value.
How do I do delete any references to an object when that object is deleted in Doctrine MongoDB?
I assume you have two collections, ArticleTag and Article in which articles have references to article tags. If you want to delete tag references from articles when a tag is removed you can implement an event listener.
namespace Foo\BarBundle\EventListener; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; use Foo\BarBundle\Document\Article; class ArticleTagRemovalListener < public function preRemove(LifecycleEventArgs $args) < $document = $args->getDocument(); if ($document instanceof Article) < // Remove tag from all articles $args ->getDocumentManager() ->getRepository('FooBarBundle:Article') ->removeTag($document); > > >
And register this class in your services.yml or xml file:
foo_bar.listener.tag_removal: class: Foo\BarBundle\EventListener\ArticleTagRemovalListener tags: -
Next in the custom repository class of your Article add the following method:
public function removeTag($tag) < return $this ->createQueryBuilder() ->update() ->field('tags')->pull($tag) ->multiple(true) ->getQuery() ->execute(); >
This will remove the tag from all available articles before deleting it. If you want to cascade the delete operation to all article documents. (Thus, remove all articles with a particular tag when that tag is removed, use the following repository method.)
public function purgeByTag($tag) < $result = $this ->createQueryBuilder() ->remove() ->field('tags')->equals($tag) ->getQuery() ->execute(); return $result['n']; >
Update the ArticleTagRemovalListener to call this method and done!
By default Doctrine will not cascade any UnitOfWork operations to referenced documents so if wish to have this functionality you must explicitly enable it
You can enable it on any field with either ‘remove’ or ‘detach’ depending on the behavior you want.
@ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Profile", cascade=)
PHP check whether property exists in object or class, Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives
Symfony does not remove entity from collection
Finally I found a solution in this post:
removeElement() and clear() doesn’t work in doctrine 2 with array collection property
I have to unset the corresponding value in the owning entity too:
public function removePrice(\Whizzpm\Bundle\Entity\Supplier\SupplierPrice $prices) < $this->prices->removeElement($prices); $prices->setPriceList(null); >
and add orphanRemoval=true to the entity collection
/** * @var * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="SupplierPrice", mappedBy="priceList", cascade=, orphanRemoval=true) */ private $prices;
Php — How to find entry by object property from an array, The array looks like: [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 420 [name] => Mary ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10957
Doctrine + Symfony2: Forms: Removing deleted element from a collection that is contained in another collection
Why don’t you try with something like
$originalTags = new ArrayCollection(); // Create an ArrayCollection of the current Tag objects in the database foreach ($task->getTags() as $tag) < $cat_array = array(); foreach($tag->getCategories() as $categories) < $cat_array[] = clone $categories; >$originalTags->addCategories($cat_array); //you have to write this method >
We have to verify something, however, since if you clone a «doctrine» object, entity manager could «lost» its reference and won’t be able to persist it again to db (if you need, of course)
PHP : Remove object from array, I agree with the answers above, but for the sake of completeness (where you may not have unique IDs to use as a key) my preferred methods of removing values from an array are as follows:
How to Delete an Object’s Property in PHP
Is it possible to delete an object’s property in PHP?
This works for array elements, variables, and object attributes.
$a = new stdClass();
$a->new_property = 'foo';
var_export($a); // -> stdClass::__set_state(array('new_property' => 'foo'))
var_export($a); // -> stdClass::__set_state(array())
How to remove property from object in PHP 7.4+
According to the RFC on typed properties:
If a typed property is unset(), then it returns to the uninitialized state. While we would love to remove support for the unsetting of properties, this functionality is currently used for lazy initialization by Doctrine, in combination with the functionality described in the following section.
Removing an item from object in a loop
Thats expected behaviour. There are two main way of doing what you want
foreach ($products as $key => $product)
if(!$product->active) unset($products[$key]);
Second way would be to use reference
Unsetting properties in an object
Arrays are accessed/modified via the [] but objects and class properties are accessed via the ->
Remove a member from an object?
You are using RedBean. Just checked it out. And these bean objects don’t have actual properties.
Does not work, because ->field is a virtual attribute. It does not exist in the class. Rather it resides in the protected $bean->properties[] which you cannot access. RedBean only implements the magic methods __get and __set for retrieving and setting attributes.
This is why the unset() does not work. It unsets a property that never existed at that location.
Can’t delete object property in php
You really should have posted your Session class in your post instead of linking to your GitHub repo. that’s why the comments are confusing. You are using magic methods on your session class.
1 change I made: adding the magic __unset method.
Also, I had thought the constructor needed to be public but on further looking at it I was wrong about that (so my test code will not work unless the constructor is public. anyway. ).
Here is the code below with the updated class:
class Session public $storage;
public $token;
public $username;
public $browser;
public $start;
public $last_access;
private function __construct($u, $t, $s = null, $b = null, $d = null) $this->storage = $s ? $s : new stdClass();
$this->username = $u;
$this->token = $t;
$this->browser = $b ? $b : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$this->start = $d ? $d : date('r');
function &__get($name) return $this->storage->$name;
function __set($name, $value) $this->storage->$name = $value;
function __isset($name) return isset($this->storage->$name);
function __unset($name) echo "Unsetting $name";
static function create_sessions($sessions) $result = array();
foreach ($sessions as $session) $result[] = new Session($session->username,
return $result;
static function cast($stdClass) $storage = $stdClass->storage ? $stdClass->storage : new stdClass();
return new Session($stdClass->username,
static function new_session($username) return new Session($username, token());
$session = new Session('joe', '1234');
$session->mysql = 1234;
This is code of the added method:
function __unset($name) echo "Unsetting $name";
Check out the documentation to about the magic __unset method you need to add to your class:
__unset() is invoked when unset() is used on inaccessible properties.
How can I remove a private property from an array of object?
This is an array of Member object. A private attribute of an object can only be access through its method. You need to find the file that declares the class Member . Then add a public class method to do the unset. For example,
class Member
// .
public function unsetProjects()
Then you should be able to do this:
foreach ($array as $value) $value->unsetProjects();