Remove all button styling css

Css how to completely remove button styling css

Solution 1: Yes, I’m afraid it’s an unavoidable problem with styling buttons that IE (and Opera) will move the content of the button down and to the right by one pixel when clicked. Unlike buttons, you get full control over consistent styling for links.

Remove the complete styling of an HTML button/submit

Yes, I’m afraid it’s an unavoidable problem with styling buttons that IE (and Opera) will move the content of the button down and to the right by one pixel when clicked.

You’ve got a bunch of possible approaches here:

  1. Use a with a inside it instead of an . Position the button relative and the span absolute at top / left 0 , so that the movement of the button content doesn’t affect the span. Ugly, and will break in other browsers, so you’d only want this styling to apply for IE-and-maybe-Opera.
  2. Use a link styled as a button instead of an actual button, with script applied to its click event. Unlike buttons, you get full control over consistent styling for links. I would advise against this as you’re dragging in a load of link behaviours that don’t make sense for a button, like middle-click, right-click-bookmark, drag-and-drop etc. Lots of people do use links to do button tasks but IMO it’s highly undesirable. (Especially when they use javascript: links. ghastly.)
  3. Use an inactive element such as a instead of an actual button, with script applied to its click event. Again, you get full styling control. This is what SO uses for actions like ‘add comment’. The trouble is that you break keyboard navigation; you can’t use tab, space etc. to navigate and activate the controls. You can enable keyboard navigation in most browsers by giving the element a tabindex attribute, but putting tabindex on an inactive element is invalid HTML. You can alternatively write it from script, and also add script to allow space or return to activate the faux-button. But you’ll never quite reproduce browser form field behaviour perfectly.
  4. Replace the whole thing with an . Naturally you get pixel-perfect control over the image! But trying to match rendering styles, and generating a new image for each button, is usually too much of a pain in the neck.
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Options 2 and 3 also have the problem that they introduce a JavaScript dependency, so your form will break when JS is unavailable. You can mitigate that by using a normal in the markup and replacing it with other controls from script, or if you’re creating them from script anyway no problem. But in the end, my usual conclusion is that this is all far too much effort and too fragile a result, and that the best thing is to plump for option 0:

  • Live with it. It’s usually not that bad a thing that button content moves a little bit when you click it.

This bugged me for a long time as well, but I’ve found a decent solution.

First, you’ll need some way of targeting a specific browser in your CSS. You could use Modernizr, or my personal favorite, this sweet little snippet from


Next, in your HTML document, within your button, add a tag that holds the button’s contents. Style it to look fine in the friendly browsers, then add this bit of code to the button’s :active styles in your CSS:

You can replace Opera with any browser name, then style the span to your liking.

It may look something like this:

html[data-useragent*='Opera'] button:active span

It’s a bit hacky, and probably overkill for such a minor problem, but it works. Best of all, you have precise control over everything. You can even target just Windows machines, or iPads (with data-platform=’iPad’ ), or a specific version of a browser, like this:


I don’t know if that is the problem, but you could try to set the active state also:

EDIT: Used the following mini-sample in IE7 and cant see the button moving:

Just set a border to see button surroundings. Code is working for me.

Remove submit button styling

You can set the styles to the system values,

Here is a list of values you can override, there is probably a better list but I’m lazy.

[Edit] Here is the Specification which has been deprecated lol,

so here is the correct way I guess,

You can do something like this:

Store styles that you’re applying programatically in a CSS class. When you want to go back to default remove the class.

Button css remove style Code Example, Answers related to “button css remove style” · css disable button click · remove button default border css · button background color remove · How to

How to remove default Button classes from material UI and use my own css class

You can’t remove the default class and then continue using MaterialUi, now just use the default html button .

If you want only to customise, now just use

const useStyles = makeStyles( < root: >); export default () => < const classes = useStyles(); return  > 

How to remove default style of button, your css selector should be .button button because you are targeting the button element inside of the button class. – Sysix · overall also a


Eliminate all styles for input, select, and button elements on all browsers, including mobile devices

For the first solution, I believe it offers a more comprehensive approach. As for the second solution, it’s worth noting that while the question mentions Internet Explorer, the use of on buttons to unstyle them is now available for other browsers as well. Regarding the third solution, if I understand correctly, you’re referring to the button’s mouse down click state where it moves slightly to the top, and then returns to its normal state upon releasing the mouse click.

Remove the complete styling of an HTML button/submit

Is it possible to eliminate the button styling in Internet Explorer ? I have utilized css sprite to create the button, and it appears to be fine.

Upon clicking the button, it slightly shifts towards the top, causing a distorted appearance. I am uncertain about the event that triggers this state, whether it is a CSS click state or a mousedown event.

Though seemingly insignificant, minor details can hold great importance.

In my opinion, this approach offers greater comprehensiveness.

button, input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"]

Although you mentioned «Internet Explorer» in your question, there is an alternative solution for those who prefer other browsers. You can utilize the all: unset to remove the styling from buttons.

The functionality is supported across all platforms except for IE.

To ensure keyboard accessibility, it is crucial to include some styling, such as button:focus < outline: orange auto 5px >, for users who do not use a mouse pointer.

Remember to include cursor: pointer in your code. However, be cautious when using all: unset as it eliminates all formatting, including the cursor: pointer that changes the cursor to a pointing hand when hovering over a button. It’s recommended to restore this formatting.

I understand that you are referring to the mouse down click state of the button, where clicking it causes it to move slightly to the top. Then, upon releasing the mouse click, it returns to its original state. Additionally, you mentioned that you are disabling the button’s default rendering by using:

In my experience, it’s impossible to prevent or turn off the IE native action. As a result, I had to modify my markup slightly to accommodate the movement without impacting the button’s appearance in different states.

Attempt eliminating the border of your button.

Remove the complete styling of an HTML button/submit, Old Safari color warning: Setting the text color of the button after using all: unset can fail in Safari 13.1, due to a bug in WebKit. (The bug is fixed in Safari 14 and up.) «all: unset is setting -webkit-text-fill-color to black, and that overrides color.»If you need to set text color after using all: unset, be sure to set both the color and the -webkit-text-fill-color to the same color. Usage exampleinput, button, submit < border:none; >Feedback

Reset/remove all styles for input, select and button across all browsers including mobile

After an extensive search, I have only been able to locate information on altering the styles of input, select and buttons.

My objective is to eliminate any visual elements such as shadows, borders, backgrounds, and icons, leaving only the value visible, and this should apply uniformly across all browsers and mobile devices.

To enhance cross-browser rendering, consider using normalize.css. You may modify the corresponding class within the normalize.css file.

button, input, optgroup, select, textarea,html input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"],button[disabled], html input[disabled],button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"], input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input[type="search"], input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration 

Kindly incorporate the subsequent style into the aforementioned elements.

  • You can find information about the «all» property in CSS on the Mozilla Developer Network website at the following link:
  • Here is a resource available on Mozilla Developer Network that provides information on the CSS property «unset».

In case you require a complete reset, focusing on it can be beneficial.

Implement the following styles in order to entirely remove the input .

How can I override Bootstrap CSS styles?, Link your custom.css file as the last entry below the bootstrap.css. Custom.css style definitions will override bootstrap.css. Copy all style definitions of legend in custom.css and make changes in it (like margin-bottom:5px; — This will overrider margin-bottom:20px; ) Yes, I did that already.

Remove default input style css

Override default button style css Code Example, default button styling css; remove all styles from a button; Remove Input button style; generic button css sytle set fixed widht and height or paddin; unstyle button; remove default styling button; css style button; css button style; css remove default button style; remove button default style cs; standard button style css; …


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