Reloading page with php

reload page in php with code examples

R eloading a page in PHP can be accomplished using the built-in function header() , which allows you to send a new HTTP header to the browser. The most common use of this function is to redirect a user to a different page, but it can also be used to refresh the current page.

There are two main ways to reload a page using PHP: the first is to use the header() function to send a «Refresh» header, and the second is to use JavaScript to refresh the page.

Method 1: Using PHP’s header() function

The header() function can be used to send a «Refresh» header to the browser, which will cause the page to reload after a specified number of seconds. The syntax for this is as follows:

header("Refresh: 5; url=example.php"); 

This code will refresh the current page (example.php) after 5 seconds. If you want to redirect the user to a different page, you can replace «example.php» with the URL of the page you want to redirect to.

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It’s important to note that the header() function must be called before any other output is sent to the browser, so it should be placed at the top of your PHP file, before any HTML or other code.

Method 2: Using JavaScript

Another way to refresh a page using PHP is to use JavaScript to reload the page. The most common way to do this is to use the location.reload() method, which reloads the current page with the current URL.

You can also use the location.href property to redirect the user to a different page.

This code will redirect the user to the «example.php» page.

In conclusion, reloading a page in PHP can be accomplished using the header() function or JavaScript. It’s important to keep in mind that the header() function must be called before any other output is sent to the browser, and that JavaScript can also be used to refresh or redirect a page.

In addition to reloading a page, PHP can also be used to redirect a user to a different page. This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when a user submits a form or when a certain condition is met.

The most common way to redirect a user in PHP is to use the header() function in conjunction with the «Location» header. The syntax for this is as follows:

header("Location: example.php"); 

This code will redirect the user to the «example.php» page. It’s important to note that this method will also send a «302 Found» HTTP status code to the browser, indicating that the resource has temporarily moved.

You can also use the exit or die function after the header() function to stop the script execution after redirection,

header("Location: example.php"); exit(); 

In addition to redirecting a user to a different page, PHP can also be used to send a variety of other headers to the browser. For example, you can use the header() function to send an «HTTP/1.1 200 OK» status code, indicating that the request was successful. You can also use headers to set cookies, control caching, and much more.

It’s also important to note that headers can be used to send non-HTTP headers, such as email headers, HTTP headers are used to pass additional information about the resource being requested or about the server providing that resource, to the client.

In conclusion, PHP provides various ways to handle redirections, reloading pages and sending headers to the browser. Using header() function along with the «Location» header is the most common way to redirect a user in PHP, and it’s also possible to send other headers such as «HTTP/1.1 200 OK» and set cookies. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that headers must be sent before any other output is sent to the browser.

  1. What is the most common way to reload a page in PHP?
  • The most common way to reload a page in PHP is to use the header() function to send a «Refresh» header to the browser, which will cause the page to reload after a specified number of seconds.
  1. Can the header() function be used to redirect a user to a different page?
  • Yes, the header() function can be used to redirect a user to a different page, by sending a «Location» header to the browser, along with the URL of the page you want to redirect the user to.
  1. What is the difference between refreshing a page and redirecting a user?
  • Refreshing a page reloads the current page with the current URL, whereas redirecting a user sends a new HTTP request to a different URL.
  1. Can JavaScript be used to refresh a page in PHP?
  • Yes, JavaScript can be used to refresh a page in PHP, by using the location.reload() method or location.href property.
  1. What is the importance of the exit() or die() function when redirecting a user in PHP?
  • The exit() or die() function is used after the header() function to stop the script execution after redirection, it ensures that no other output is sent to the browser after the redirection header has been sent.


Deeksha Dev

Have an amazing zeal to explore, try and learn everything that comes in way. Plan to do something big one day! TECHNICAL skills Languages — Core Java, spring, spring boot, jsf, javascript, jquery Platforms — Windows XP/7/8 , Netbeams , Xilinx’s simulator Other — Basic’s of PCB wizard


How to refresh a page using PHP.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to refresh a page using PHP.

Because PHP is a server-side language, we will need to send an HTTP header.

This header will tell the browser to refresh after a certain period of time.

How to refresh the current page with PHP.

Take a look at the following example:

//The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the current URL. $refreshAfter = 5; //Send a Refresh header to the browser. header('Refresh: ' . $refreshAfter);

In the PHP code above, we sent a Refresh header to the browser by using PHP’s header function.

This meta refresh header tells the browser that it should refresh the current page after five seconds.

If you want to change the number of seconds that it takes, then you can simply modify the $refreshAfter variable.

If you inspect the HTTP response headers using Chrome Developer Tools or something similar, you will see the following:

HTTP Refresh Header

The PHP example above is equivalent to placing the following HTML meta tag in the head of your document:

You can also use this header to redirect to another URL after a certain period of time. For more information on how to do that, you can check out this guide.

Only refresh it once.

To refresh the page once, you will need to use a session variable like so:

//Start the session. session_start(); //If the session variable does not exist, //we will know that the page has not been refreshed yet. if(!isset($_SESSION['already_refreshed']))< //Number of seconds to refresh the page after. $refreshAfter = 5; //Send a Refresh header. header('Refresh: ' . $refreshAfter); //Set the session variable so that we don't //refresh again. $_SESSION['already_refreshed'] = true; >

In the example above, we used a session variable to prevent any further page refreshes.

If you run the code above, you will see that the header is not present on the second page load.


Refresh a Page in PHP

Refresh a Page in PHP

  1. Use the header() Function to Periodically Refresh the Page in PHP
  2. Use the HTML meta Tag to Refresh the Page Periodically in PHP
  3. Use location.reload() JavaScript Function to Refresh the Page Periodically

We will introduce a method to refresh a page using a Refresh header in PHP. We can use this method to define a time interval for refreshing the page.

We will demonstrate another method to refresh a page using the HTML meta tag in PHP. This method is similar to the first one as we define the delay time for refreshing the page.

We will show you an example of how to refresh the page using the location.reload() JavaScript function. We use this function in a PHP script.

Use the header() Function to Periodically Refresh the Page in PHP

We can use the header() function to refresh the page in PHP. We write the Refresh header inside the header() function and specify the time interval for refreshing the page. For example, write a header() function and specify the time interval of 1 second as header(«Refresh:1») . On the second line, use a date() function to display the current date and time. Use the characters H , i , s , Y , m , and d to represent hour, minute, second, year, month, and day, respectively. Use this format inside the date() function. Please check the PHP Manual to know about the header() function.

The example below refreshes the current time in one second. As a result, the current time will be displayed on the web page by the script. The output section of the code shows only an instance.

# php 7.*  php header("Refresh:1"); echo date('H:i:s Y-m-d'); ?> 

Use the HTML meta Tag to Refresh the Page Periodically in PHP

We can use the HTML meta tag to refresh the page periodically in PHP. We set the http-equiv attribute of the meta tag to refresh and specify the delay time in the content attribute. The http_equiv attribute sets the HTTP header for the value of the content attribute. For example, write a meta tag, specify the attribute http-equiv to refresh and the attribute content to 1 and close the tag. Display the current date and time using the date() function as in the above method. Check here to learn about the meta refresh.

The example below displays the real-time date and time on the web page. The page gets refreshed in one second, which enables this feature. The output section of the code displays only an instance of the time.

#php 7.x  php echo(""); echo date('H:i:s Y-m-d'); ?> 

Use location.reload() JavaScript Function to Refresh the Page Periodically

We can use the JavaScript function location.reload() to refresh a web page. We can use this function as well as in a PHP file. In context of PHP file, we echo the location.reload() function inside the script tag. The function takes boolean values as the parameter. The true value reloads the web page from the server, whereas the false value reloads the page with the browser’s data cached. The default value is false . Consult the MSDN Web Docs to learn more about the location.reload() function.

For example, in a PHP file, echo the date() function to display the current date and time. Then, write the function location.reload() inside the the script tag. Specify the type attribute as tex/javascript . Then, print the script tag using the echo statement.

#php 7.x  php echo date('H:i:s Y-m-d'); echo '  '; ?> 

Subodh is a proactive software engineer, specialized in fintech industry and a writer who loves to express his software development learnings and set of skills through blogs and articles.


Refresh or Redirect a Page using PHP, With Examples

PHP Refresh Page

This article will show you how to refresh a web page in the browser using the PHP programming language.

It’s sometimes necessary to set a page to reload automatically, usually at some interval, to keep the page updated with changing information.

For example, you may have a scoreboard application that is displayed in a web browser on a projector and wish to have it periodically refresh to keep the displayed scores up to date with those stored.

Periodic refreshing is also used to redirect to a different page at a given interval, which could be used to emulate slideshow functionality for digital signage.

Refreshing the Page Using PHP

The PHP header function is used to set HTTP request headers – bits of information invisible to the end-user which tell the web browser about the data it is receiving.

The Refresh header tells the browser to refresh the page after a given number of seconds:

Above, the page is refreshed immediately, as 0 seconds is specified. To refresh after 3 seconds, you would use:

The Refresh header is not an official specification – most if not all browsers do heed it, but it is worth testing with your intended audience.

Redirecting to a Different Address Using PHP

The Refresh header also accepts an optional url if you wish to redirect to another page:

header("Refresh:0; url=another-page.php");

Above, when the PHP is executed during page load, it will immediately redirect to the another-page.php. Any kind of URL can be supplied – it doesn’t have to be a local file on your server.

It Could be Better to use JavaScript

Refreshing the page using PHP can be less than ideal. The user will have no interaction or ability to interrupt the refresh request, and you cannot perform any client-side operations as they may take longer than you expect – meaning your page is refreshed before tasks are complete and unexpected behavior may result.

It could be better to use JavaScript for this task – we’ve covered it in the below article.

Refreshing is a client-side operation. JavaScript is the client-side scripting language used by web browsers, so it can be better to do it this way rather than using server-side PHP to dictate what the client should do.

PHP might be preferable if you want search spiders such as Googlebot to crawl your redirects easily.


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