- HTML Color Codes π¨
- Color Picker
- What is a HTML color code?
- What are HTML color codes used for?
- Red Color Codes β Hex, RGB and CMYK
- Shades of Red Color Chart
- Red RGB Color Values
- Red CMYK Color Values
- Red Hex HTML Color Values
- RGB Color Codes Chart
- RGB color space
- RGB color format & calculation
- Calculation examples
- RGB color table
- See also
HTML Color Codes π¨
The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes!
Color Picker
RGB: rgb(102,232,232)
HSL: hsl(232,232,232)
What is a HTML color code?
A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen.
For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats:
Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection.
To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;»
What are HTML color codes used for?
HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes.
Red Color Codes β Hex, RGB and CMYK
Trying to match that perfect hue or shade of blue? Simply and copy and paste the code you need from the colors below into your favorite digital art software. You can also use these codes in your html and css for web based design projects.
Shades of Red Color Chart
The types of color values you see on this page are three different kinds.
Red RGB Color Values
RGB values the different intensities of red, green and blue in each color on a scale of 0 to 255. In these colors it will be common to find values that have are highest in red saturation.
Red CMYK Color Values
CMYK color values are commonly used in print projects and account for the different levels of cyan, magenta, yellow and black in each color. In red colors you will see the highest levels of magenta.
Red Hex HTML Color Values
Hex or html color codes are often used on websites. Many times these values will be converted to what are considered to be βweb safe colorβ. Hex values account again for red color, green color and blue color; but instead uses a scale of 00 to FF.
There are many shades of red that we have not included on this page but these are some of the more common hues that are used in red color palettes.
Hopefully you found this color code picker helpful for use in your digital art or web design related projects. As always please let us know if there is anyway that we can make this website more useful or if there is any color information that is missing that you would like to see on this page.
RGB Color Codes Chart
Hover with cursor on color to get the hex and decimal color codes below:
RGB color space
RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors.
The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. This makes 256*256*256=16777216 possible colors.
Each pixel in the LED monitor displays colors this way, by combination of red, green and blue LEDs (light emitting diodes).
When the red pixel is set to 0, the LED is turned off. When the red pixel is set to 255, the LED is turned fully on.
Any value between them sets the LED to partial light emission.
RGB color format & calculation
RGB code has 24 bits format (bits 0..23):
RED[7:0] | GREEN[7:0] | BLUE[7:0] | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 16 | 15 | 8 | 7 | 0 |
RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (when R is RED, G is GREEN and B is BLUE)
Calculation examples
White RGB Color
White RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+255 = #FFFFFF
Blue RGB Color
Blue RGB code = 0*65536+0*256+255 = #0000FF
Red RGB Color
Red RGB code = 255*65536+0*256+0 = #FF0000
Green RGB Color
Green RGB code = 0*65536+255*256+0 = #00FF00
Gray RGB Color
Gray RGB code = 128*65536+128*256+128 = #808080
Yellow RGB Color
Yellow RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+0 = #FFFF00
RGB color table
See also
- RGB to hex converter
- RGB to HSV converter
- RGB to HSL converter
- RGB to CMYK converter
- Color conversions
- Color wheel chart
- Screen color tester
- HTML color codes
- HTML character codes
- ASCII table
- Unicode characters
- Web safe colors
- Yellow color
- Gold color
Π§Π΅ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Black | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) |
Π‘Π΅ΡΡΠΉ | Gray | #808080 | rgb(128,128,128) |
Π‘Π΅ΡΠ΅Π±ΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Silver | #c0c0c0 | rgb(192,192,192) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠΉ | White | #ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) |
Π€ΡΠΊΡΠΈΡ, ΠΠ°Π΄ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΡΠ° | Fuchsia,Magenta | #ff00ff | rgb(255,0,255) |
ΠΡΡΠΏΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Purple | #800080 | rgb(128,0,128) |
ΠΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Red | #ff0000 | rgb(255,0,0) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ½Π΅Π²ΠΎ-ΠΌΠ°Π»ΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Maroon | #800000 | rgb(128,0,0) |
ΠΡΠ»ΡΡΠΉ | Yellow | #ffff00 | rgb(205,92,92) |
ΠΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Olive | #808000 | rgb(240,128,128) |
ΠΠ°ΠΉΠΌ | Lime | #00ff00 | rgb(250,128,114) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Green | #008000 | rgb(233,150,122) |
Π¦Π²Π΅Ρ ΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΊΠΎΠΉ Π²ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ | Aqua | #00ffff | rgb(205,92,92) |
ΠΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠΊΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΈΡΡ ΡΠΈΡΠΎΠΊ | Teal | #008080 | rgb(240,128,128) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | Blue | #0000ff | rgb(250,128,114) |
Π€ΠΎΡΠΌΠ° ΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΊΠΈΡ ΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠΎΠ² | Navy | #000080 | rgb(233,150,122) |
ΠΡΠΌΡΠ°ΡΠΎ-Π±Π΅Π»ΡΠΉ | WhiteSmoke | #f5f5f5 | rgb(245,245,245) |
ΠΠ΅ΠΉΠ½ΡΠ±ΠΎΡΠΎ | Gainsboro | #dcdcdc | rgb(220,220,220) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΉ | LightGrey,LightGray | #d3d3d3 | rgb(211,211,211) |
Π‘Π΅ΡΠ΅Π±ΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Silver | #c0c0c0 | rgb(192,192,192) |
Π’Π΅ΠΌΠ½ΠΎ ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΉ | DarkGray,DarkGrey | #a9a9a9 | rgb(169,169,169) |
Π‘Π΅ΡΡΠΉ | Gray,Grey | #808080 | rgb(128,128,128) |
Π’ΡΡΠΊΠ»ΡΠΉ ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΉ | DimGray,DimGrey | #696969 | rgb(105,105,105) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ Π°ΡΠΏΠΈΠ΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΉ | LightSlateGray,LightSlateGrey | #778899 | rgb(119,136,153) |
Π‘Π΅ΡΡΠΉ ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Ρ | SlateGray,SlateGrey | #708090 | rgb(112,128,144) |
ΠΡΠΏΠΈΠ΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΉ | DarkSlateGray,DarkSlateGrey | #2f4f4f | rgb(47,79,79) |
Π§ΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Black | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-ΠΊΠΎΡΠ°Π»Π»ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | LightCoral | #f08080 | rgb(240,128,128) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΎΡΠ΅Π²ΡΠΉ | Salmon | #fa8072 | rgb(250,128,114) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-Π»ΠΎΡΠΎΡΡΠ²ΡΠΉ | DarkSalmon | #e9967a | rgb(233,150,122) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-Π»ΠΎΡΠΎΡΡΠ²ΡΠΉ | LightSalmon | #ffa07a | rgb(255,160,122) |
ΠΠ°Π»ΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Crimson | #dc143c | rgb(220,20,60) |
ΠΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Red | #ff0000 | rgb(255,0,0) |
ΠΠ½Π΄ΠΈΠΉΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | IndianRed | #cd5c5c | rgb(205,92,92) |
ΠΠΈΡΠΏΠΈΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | FireBrick | #b22222 | rgb(178,34,34) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ½Π΅Π²ΠΎ-Π±ΠΎΡΠ΄ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Brown | #a52a2a | rgb(165,42,42) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | DarkRed | #8b0000 | rgb(139,0,0) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ½Π΅Π²ΠΎ-ΠΌΠ°Π»ΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Maroon | #800000 | rgb(128,0,0) |
Π¦Π²Π΅Ρ ΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΊΠΎΠΉ ΡΠ°ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΠΈΠ½Ρ | Seashell | #fff5ee | rgb(255,245,238) |
ΠΠ΅ΠΆΠ΅Π²ΡΠΉ | Beige | #f5f5dc | rgb(245,245,220) |
Π‘ΡΠ°ΡΠΎΠ΅ ΠΊΡΡΠΆΠ΅Π²ΠΎ | OldLace | #fdf5e6 | rgb(253,245,230) |
Π¦Π²Π΅ΡΠΎΡΠ½ΡΠΉ Π±Π΅Π»ΡΠΉ | FloralWhite | #fffaf0 | rgb(255,250,240) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠΉ Π°Π½ΡΠΈΠΊ | AntiqueWhite | #faebd7 | rgb(250,235,215) |
ΠΡΠ½ΡΠ½ΠΎΠΉ | Linen | #faf0e6 | rgb(250,240,230) |
ΠΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ ΠΌΠΈΠ½Π΄Π°Π»Ρ | BlanchedAlmond | #ffebcd | rgb(255,235,205) |
ΠΠΈΡΠΊΠ²ΠΈΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Bisque | #ffe4c4 | rgb(255,228,196) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠΉ Π½Π°Π²Π°Ρ ΠΎ | NavajoWhite | #ffdead | rgb(255,222,173) |
ΠΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Wheat | #f5deb3 | rgb(245,222,179) |
ΠΠ»ΠΎΡΠ½Π°Ρ Π΄ΡΠ΅Π²Π΅ΡΠΈΠ½Π° | BurlyWood | #deb887 | rgb(222,184,135) |
Π¦Π²Π΅Ρ Π·Π°Π³Π°ΡΠ° | Tan | #d2b48c | rgb(210,180,140) |
ΠΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠΎΠΊ | SandyBrown | #f4a460 | rgb(244,164,96) |
ΠΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠΎ-Π±Π΅ΡΠ΅Π·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Goldenrod | #daa520 | rgb(218,165,32) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ Π·ΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΠΈΠΊ | DarkGoldenRod | #b8860b | rgb(184,134,11) |
ΠΠ΅ΡΡ | Peru | #cd853f | rgb(205,133,63) |
Π¨ΠΎΠΊΠΎΠ»Π°Π΄Π½ΡΠΉ | Chocolate | #d2691e | rgb(210,105,30) |
ΠΠΎΠΆΠ°Π½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΡΠ΅Π΄Π»Π° Π΄Π»Ρ Π»ΠΎΡΠ°Π΄ΠΈ | SaddleBrown | #8b4513 | rgb(139,69,19) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ΅Π½Π° | Sienna | #a0522d | rgb(160,82,45) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ ΡΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ½ | LightSalmon | #ffa07a | rgb(255,160,122) |
ΠΠΎΡΠ°Π»Π»ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Coral | #ff7f50 | rgb(255,127,80) |
Π’ΠΎΠΌΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Tomato | #ff6347 | rgb(255,99,71) |
ΠΡΠ°Π½ΠΆΠ΅Π²ΠΎ-ΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | OrangeRed | #ff4500 | rgb(255,69,0) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΎΡΠ°Π½ΠΆΠ΅Π²ΡΠΉ | DarkOrange | #ff8c00 | rgb(255,140,0) |
ΠΡΠ°Π½ΠΆΠ΅Π²ΡΠΉ | Orange | #ffa500 | rgb(255,165,0) |
Π¦Π²Π΅Ρ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΡΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ² Π½Π΅ΡΠΏΠ΅Π»ΠΎΠΉ ΠΊΡΠΊΡΡΡΠ·Ρ | Cornsilk | #fff8dc | rgb(255,248,220) |
Π‘Π»ΠΎΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π°Ρ ΠΊΠΎΡΡΡ | Ivory | #fffff0 | rgb(255,255,240) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-ΠΆΡΠ»ΡΡΠΉ | LightYellow | #ffffe0 | rgb(255,255,224) |
ΠΠΈΠΌΠΎΠ½Π½ΠΎ-ΠΊΡΠ΅ΠΌΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | LemonChiffon | #fffacd | rgb(255,250,205) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-ΠΆΡΠ»ΡΡΠΉ Π·ΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΡΠΉ | LightGoldenrodYellow | #fafad2 | rgb(250,250,210) |
ΠΠΎΠ±Π΅Π³ ΠΏΠ°ΠΏΠ°ΠΉΠΈ | PapayaWhip | #ffefd5 | rgb(255,239,213) |
ΠΠΎΠΊΠ°ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Moccasin | #ffe4b5 | rgb(255,228,181) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΏΠ΅ΡΡΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | PeachPuff | #ffdab9 | rgb(255,218,185) |
ΠΠ»Π΅Π΄Π½ΠΎ-Π·ΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΡΠΉ | PaleGoldenrod | #eee8aa | rgb(238,232,170) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ Ρ Π°ΠΊΠΈ | Khaki | #f0e68c | rgb(240,230,140) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ Ρ Π°ΠΊΠΈ | DarkKhaki | #bdb76b | rgb(189,183,107) |
ΠΡΠ»ΡΡΠΉ | Yellow | #ffff00 | rgb(255,255,0) |
ΠΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡΠΎΠΉ | Gold | #ffd700 | rgb(255,215,0) |
ΠΠ΅Π΄ΠΎΠ²Π°Ρ ΡΠΎΡΠ° | Honeydew | #f0fff0 | rgb(240,255,240) |
ΠΡΡΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΊΡΠ΅ΠΌΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | MintCream | #f5fffa | rgb(245,255,250) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΆΡΠ»ΡΡΠΉ | GreenYellow | #adff2f | rgb(173,255,47) |
Π¨Π°ΡΡΡΡΠ· | Chartreuse | #7fff00 | rgb(127,255,0) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½Π°Ρ Π»ΡΠΆΠ°ΠΉΠΊΠ° | LawnGreen | #7cfc00 | rgb(124,252,0) |
ΠΠ°ΠΉΠΌ | Lime | #00ff00 | rgb(0,255,0) |
ΠΠ°ΠΉΠΌΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | LimeGreen | #32cd32 | rgb(50,205,50) |
ΠΠ»Π΅Π΄Π½ΡΠΉ Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | PaleGreen | #98fb98 | rgb(152,251,152) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | LightGreen | #90ee90 | rgb(144,238,144) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ Π²Π΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΠΈΠΉ Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | MediumSpringGreen | #00fa9a | rgb(0,250,154) |
ΠΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½Π΅-Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | SpringGreen | #00ff7f | rgb(0,255,127) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΠΎ-Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΡΠ΅ | MediumSeaGreen | #3cb371 | rgb(60,179,113) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΡΠ΅ | SeaGreen | #2e8b57 | rgb(46,139,87) |
ΠΠ΅ΡΠ½ΠΎΠΉ Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | ForestGreen | #228b22 | rgb(34,139,34) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Green | #008000 | rgb(0,128,0) |
ΠΡΠ΅Π½Ρ ΡΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ Π»ΠΈΠΌΠΎΠ½Π½ΡΠΉ Π·Π΅Π»Π΅Π½ΡΠΉ | DarkGreen | #006400 | rgb(0,100,0) |
ΠΡΠ»ΡΠΎ-Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | YellowGreen | #9acd32 | rgb(154,205,50) |
ΠΠ΅ΠΆΠ½ΠΎ-ΠΎΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | OliveDrab | #6b8e23 | rgb(107,142,35) |
ΠΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Olive | #808000 | rgb(128,128,0) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ ΠΎΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-Π·Π΅Π»Π΅Π½ΡΠΉ | DarkOliveGreen | #556b2f | rgb(85,107,47) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ Π°ΠΊΠ²Π°ΠΌΠ°ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | MediumAquamarine | #66cdaa | rgb(102,205,170) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΡΠ΅ | DarkSeaGreen | #8fbc8f | rgb(143,188,143) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎΠ΅ Π·Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΡΠ΅ | LightSeaGreen | #20b2aa | rgb(32,178,170) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ°Π½ | DarkCyan | #008b8b | rgb(0,139,139) |
ΠΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠΊΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΈΡΡ ΡΠΈΡΠΎΠΊ | Teal | #008080 | rgb(0,128,128) |
ΠΠ΅Π±Π΅ΡΠ½Π°Ρ Π»Π°Π·ΡΡΡ | Azure | #f0ffff | rgb(240,255,255) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ½ΡΡ ΠΠ»ΠΈΡ | AliceBlue | #f0f8ff | rgb(240,248,255) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ°Π½ | LightCyan | #e0ffff | rgb(224,255,255) |
Π¦ΠΈΠ°Π½,ΡΠ²Π΅Ρ ΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΊΠΎΠΉ Π²ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ | Cyan,Aqua | #00ffff | rgb(0,255,255) |
ΠΠΊΠ²Π°ΠΌΠ°ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Aquamarine | #7fffd4 | rgb(127,255,212) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-Π±ΠΈΡΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Turquoise | #40e0d0 | rgb(64,224,208) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΠΎ-Π±ΠΈΡΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | MediumTurquoise | #48d1cc | rgb(72,209,204) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-Π±ΠΈΡΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | DarkTurquoise | #00ced1 | rgb(0,206,209) |
ΠΠ»Π΅Π΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | PaleTurquoise | #afeeee | rgb(175,238,238) |
ΠΡΠ»ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ Π³ΠΎΠ»ΡΠ±ΠΎΠΉ | PowderBlue | #b0e0e6 | rgb(176,224,230) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | LightBlue | #add8e6 | rgb(173,216,230) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΡΠΉ ΡΡΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | LightSteelBlue | #b0c4de | rgb(176,196,222) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΎΠ΄ΡΠΊΠΎΠ΅ Π½Π΅Π±ΠΎ | SkyBlue | #87ceeb | rgb(135,206,235) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-Π³ΠΎΠ»ΡΠ±ΠΎΠΉ | LightSkyBlue | #87cefa | rgb(135,206,250) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΎΠ·Π½ΠΎΠ΅ Π½Π΅Π±ΠΎ | DeepSkyBlue | #00bfff | rgb(0,191,255) |
ΠΠ°ΡΠΈΡΠ½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | DodgerBlue | #1e90ff | rgb(30,144,255) |
ΠΠ°ΡΠΈΠ»ΡΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | CornflowerBlue | #6495ed | rgb(100,149,237) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ Π°ΡΠΏΠΈΠ΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | MediumSlateBlue | #7b68ee | rgb(123,104,238) |
ΠΠ°Π΄Π΅ΡΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | CadetBlue | #5f9ea0 | rgb(95,158,160) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ½ΡΡ ΡΡΠ°Π»Ρ | SteelBlue | #4682b4 | rgb(70,130,180) |
ΠΠΎΡΠΎΠ»Π΅Π²ΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | RoyalBlue | #4169e1 | rgb(65,105,225) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | Blue | #0000ff | rgb(0,0,255) |
Π‘ΡΠ΅Π΄Π½ΠΈΠΉ ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | MediumBlue | #0000cd | rgb(0,0,205) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ ΡΠ»ΡΡΡΠ°ΠΌΠ°ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | DarkBlue | #00008b | rgb(0,0,139) |
Π€ΠΎΡΠΌΡ ΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΊΠΈΡ ΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠΎΠ² | Navy | #000080 | rgb(0,0,128) |
ΠΠΎΠ»ΡΠ½ΠΎΡΠ½ΡΠΉ ΡΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | MidnightBlue | #191970 | rgb(25,25,112) |
ΠΡΠΏΠΈΠ΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | SlateBlue | #6a5acd | rgb(106,90,205) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ Π°ΡΠΏΠΈΠ΄Π½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΉ | DarkSlateBlue | #483d8b | rgb(72,61,139) |
ΠΡΠΈΠ·ΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΠΎ-Π±Π΅Π»ΡΠΉ | GhostWhite | #f8f8ff | rgb(248,248,255) |
ΠΠ°Π²Π°Π½Π΄Π° | Lavender | #e6e6fa | rgb(230,230,250) |
Π§Π΅ΡΡΠΎΠΏΠΎΠ»ΠΎΡ | Thistle | #d8bfd8 | rgb(216,191,216) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»Π°Ρ ΡΠ»ΠΈΠ²Π° | Plum | #dda0dd | rgb(221,160,221) |
Π ΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠΎΠ»Π΅ΡΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Violet | #ee82ee | rgb(238,130,238) |
ΠΡΡ ΠΈΠ΄Π΅Ρ | Orchid | #da70d6 | rgb(218,112,214) |
Π€ΡΠΊΡΠΈΡ,ΠΠ°Π΄ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΡΠ° | Fuchsia,Magenta | #ff00ff | rgb(255,0,255) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ ΡΠΈΠΎΠ»Π΅ΡΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-ΠΊΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | MediumVioletRed | #c71585 | rgb(199,21,133) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ ΡΠ²Π΅Ρ ΠΎΡΡ ΠΈΠ΄Π΅ΠΈ | MediumOrchid | #ba55d3 | rgb(186,85,211) |
Π£ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΉ ΠΏΡΡΠΏΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | MediumPurple | #9370db | rgb(147,112,219) |
Π‘ΠΈΠ½Π΅-Π»ΠΈΠ»ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | BlueViolet | #8a2be2 | rgb(138,43,226) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΠΎ-ΡΠΈΠΎΠ»Π΅ΡΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | DarkViolet | #9400d3 | rgb(148,0,211) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½Π°Ρ ΠΎΡΡ ΠΈΠ΄Π΅Ρ | DarkOrchid | #9932cc | rgb(153,50,204) |
Π’ΡΠΌΠ½ΡΠΉ ΠΌΠ°Π΄ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΡΠ° | DarkMagenta | #8b008b | rgb(139,0,139) |
ΠΡΡΠΏΡΡΠ½ΡΠΉ | Purple | #800080 | rgb(128,0,128) |
ΠΠ½Π΄ΠΈΠ³ΠΎ | Indigo | #4b0082 | rgb(75,0,130) |
ΠΠ΅Π»ΠΎΡΠ½Π΅ΠΆΠ½ΡΠΉ | Snow | #fffafa | rgb(255,250,250) |
Π ΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-Π»Π°Π²Π°Π½Π΄ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | LavenderBlush | #fff0f5 | rgb(255,240,245) |
Π’ΡΡΠΊΠ»ΠΎ-ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | MistyRose | #ffe4e1 | rgb(255,228,225) |
Π ΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | Pink | #ffc0cb | rgb(255,192,203) |
Π‘Π²Π΅ΡΠ»ΠΎ-ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | LightPink | #ffb6c1 | rgb(255,182,193) |
Π―ΡΠΊΠΎ-ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | HotPink | #ff69b4 | rgb(255,105,180) |
ΠΠ»ΡΠ±ΠΎΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | DeepPink | #ff1493 | rgb(255,20,147) |
ΠΠΈΠ»ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ | PaleVioletRed | #db7093 | rgb(219,112,147) |
Π ΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΠΎ-ΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ½Π΅Π²ΡΠΉ | RosyBrown | #bc8f8f | rgb(188,143,143) |