Read php books online

PHP Programming Language

The PHP Programming Language
CodeAhoy , 2023
This book is a beginner’s guide for writing PHP programs from scratch and learning practical programming skills to use with any language. This website is a treasure trove of knowledge and a great platform to enhance your PHP skills.
(243 views) Functional PHP
by Luis AtencioLeanpub , 2016
I provide a practical approach to functional programming and show how it compares to other programming paradigms. The book is filled with examples that showcase functional concepts, plus using PHP in a ways you’ve probably never though it could.
(7432 views) PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner
by Vikram VaswaniZend Developer Zone , 2014
This book caters for the absolute beginners to the intermediate and advanced PHP developers. It takes you through from what is a variable to a nice snippet the author found on backing up a databases or their individual individual tables.
(11415 views) PHP Programming
by Penn WuThe Global Text Project , 2014
You can learn PHP programming language by understanding how its primary functions work, how it interacts with HTML, and how its nature of being a server-side scripting language differs from a client-side language, such as JavaScript.

Code Bright for Laravel PHP
by Dayle , 2014
Laravel Code Bright will contain a complete learning experience for all of the framework’s features. The style of writing will make it approachable for beginners, and a wonderful reference resource for experienced developers alike.
(7150 views) PHP with Guru99
by Krishna Rungtaguru99 , 2013
PHP is a serverside scripting language. This book is designed for beginners with little or no PHP experience. Apart from teaching the PHP syntax, this book also gives you steps to create a sample project (Ajax Based Poll Application).
(21335 views) Code Happy
by Dayle , 2012
Application development with the Laravel PHP Framework for beginners. This book is a guide to many of the core features of the Laravel framework, along with a tutorial explaining how to create a simple blog from the ground up.
(9748 views) PHP: The Right Way
by Josh , 2012
There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices and accepted coding standards.
(16130 views) PHP Best Practices
by Alex , 2012
This text is an attempt to compile a set of instructions for what can be considered best practices for common and confusing issues and tasks in PHP. It’s a guide suggesting the best direction to take when facing one of the common low-level tasks.
(17088 views) PHP Programming
Wikibooks , 2012
A comprehensive guide to programming in PHP. Topics: Learning the Language — basics; Advanced PHP — Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Templating, Libraries, Frameworks, Security, Command-Line Interface (CLI); etc.
(16330 views) Practical PHP Testing
by Giorgio Sironi , 2009
This practical testing book is aimed to all PHP developers. The book will help you grasp the fundamentals of TDD (Test-Driven Development) and its advantages: testable code, effective test suite and the good design that ensues.
(19655 views) Developing PHP Applications for IBM Data Servers
IBM Redbooks , 2006
The book provides lots of information for developers, including code samples for creating PHP applications with DB2, Informix Dynamic Server, and Cloudscape. We use the latest PHP data access extensions including: PHP Data Objects and ibm_db2.
(13923 views) PHP Security Guide
PHP Security Consortium , 2005
This guide is the flagship project of the PHP Security Consortium, an international group dedicated to promoting secure programming practices. The guide offers information pertaining to a number of common security concerns for all PHP developers.
(15536 views) The Underground PHP and Oracle Manual
by Christopher Jones, Alison HollowayOracle , 2008
This book bridges the gap between the many PHP and the many Oracle texts available. It shows how to use the PHP with the Oracle database, from installation to using them efficiently. It contains much unique material on PHP’s Oracle extensions.
(20005 views) Zend Framework: Surviving The Deep End
by Pádraic Brady , 2009
A free book about Zend Framework for the PHP programming language. This is a survival guide, boosting your understanding of the framework and how it all fits together by following the development of a single application from start to finish.
(19111 views) Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips
by Matt , 2009
Free e-book about the CakePHP Framework. It covers topics that are generally missed in the beginner books that are on the market. This book isn’t meant for people wanting to learn CakePHP, use it if you want to improve your CakePHP skills.
(17699 views) PHP Cookbook
by Adam Trachtenberg, David SklarO’Reilly Media , 2014
A collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for PHP programmers. The book describes the best practices for everyday PHP programming dilemmas. It contains over 250 recipes, ranging from simple tasks to entire programs.
(24201 views) PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP5
by Mario Lurig , 2008
A collection of over 250 PHP functions with clear explanations in language anyone can understand, followed with examples. The book includes numerous additional tips, the basics of PHP, MySQL query examples, regular expressions syntax, etc.
(20092 views) PHP Essentials
Techotopia , 2008
This online book covers all areas of PHP in detail: the basics of the language, file and filesystem handling, object oriented programming, MySQL and SQLite database access, handling of HTML forms, using cookies and PHP sessions.
(15925 views) Hacking with PHP
by Paul Hudson , 2007
This book teaches PHP from scratch, no PHP programming skill is assumed. The topics are ordered in such a way as to allow newcomers to progress smoothly and quickly in their learning without having to copy thousands of lines of code.
(27963 views) The Definitive Guide to symfony
by Fabien Potencier, François ZaninottoApress , 2007
Introduction to symfony, the leading framework for PHP developers, showing you how to develop web applications efficiently, even if you are a PHP beginner. It covers framework installation, configuration, page building, working with templates.
(23072 views) PHP 5 Power Programming
by Andi Gutmans, Stig Bakken, Derick RethansPrentice Hall PTR , 2004
An introduction to the advanced new features of PHP 5 for all PHP programmers who want to move to new PHP 5. Basic introduction to PHP language syntax is written as a refresher for experienced PHP programmers and not as a complete tutorial.

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Illustration of PHP Programming Language

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PHP Persistence. Concepts, Techniques and Practical Solutions with Doctrine. M. Romer

I believe that showing is always better than telling. Therefore, instead of simply listing the pros and cons of Doctrine 2, I like to demonstrate what it looks like not h.

PHP для начинающих. Александр Жадаев

Благодаря практическим примерам в книге вы научитесь разрабатывать вебприложения, превращать статические сайты в динамические, использовать веб-технологию AJAX для загруз.

PHP. Рецепты программирования. 3-е издание. Д. Скляр, А. Трахтенберг

Изложен материал, интересный каждому разработчику: базовые типы данных, операции с ними, файлы cookie, функции РНР.

PHP. Уровень 1. Основы создания сайтов. Игорь Борисов

Полученные знания и навыки позволят Вам сразу же приступить к веб-программированию. Программа курса соответствует требованиям профессионального стандарта «Программист».

Самоучитель PHP 4. Дмитрий Котеров

Речь идет, конечно, о программировании сценариев для Web, или, как часто говорят, Web-программировании.


Книги по PHP

Library IT

Изучаем РНР 7. Руководство по созданию интерактивных веб-сайтов (2017)

Авторы: Дэвид Скляр
Год: 2017
Язык: Русский

PHP. Быстрый старт (2014)

Авторы: Каллум Хопкинс
Год: 2014
Язык: Русский

PHP 7 в подлиннике (2016)

PHP 7 в подлиннике (2016)

Авторы: Дмитрий Котеров, Игорь Симдянов
Год: 2016
Язык: Русский

PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself. 6th Edition

PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself. 6th Edition (2018)

Автор: Julie C. Meloni
Год: 2018
Язык: Английский

PHP 5. 2-е издание (2008)

Авторы: Котеров Д. В., Костарев А. Ф.
Год: 2008
Язык: Русский

PHP. Объекты, шаблоны и методики программирования (2015)

Автор: Мэтт Зандстра
Год: 2015
Язык: Русский

Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5. 2е издание (2016)

Автор: Робин Никсон
Год: 2016
Язык: Русский


PHP глазами хакера (2016)

Автор: Михаил Фленов
Год: 2016
Язык: Русский

PHP Cookbook (2014)

Авторы: Дэвид Скляр, Адам Трахтенберг
Год: 2014
Язык: Английский

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PHP — распространенный язык программирования, который был сконструирован специально для создания веб-сайтов и веб-приложений. Поэтому совершенно не удивительно, что 90% сайтов в интернете работает на нем.

PHP позволяет создавать качественные Web-приложения за очень короткие сроки, получая продукты, легко модифицируемые и поддерживаемые в будущем.

Этот язык имеет низкий порог вхождения, поэтому выучить его не сложно. Достаточно лишь не лениться и читать книги по PHP на сайте Library-IT. Здесь ты найдешь самые актуальные книги по программированию и веб-разработке.


Read php books online

Создаем динамические веб-сайты на PHP. 4 изд

Создаем динамические веб-сайты на PHP. 4 изд. Кевин Татро, Питер Макинтайр (2021)

Сложно найти что-то толковое про PHP? Проверенная временем, обновленная в четвертом издании, эта книга помогает начинающим разработчикам научиться всему, что необходимо для создания качественных веб-приложений.

Вы начнете с общего описания технологии и постепенно перейдете к синтаксису языка, …

Laravel: Up & Running

Laravel: Up & Running. Matt Stauffer (2019)

What sets Laravel apart from other PHP web frameworks? Speed and simplicity, for starters. This rapid application development framework and its ecosystem of tools let you quickly build new sites and applications with clean, readable code. Fully updated to cover …

Beginning Laravel. 2nd Ed

Beginning Laravel. 2nd Ed. Sanjib Sinha (2019)

From the Back Cover

Develop cutting-edge websites and applications using the new features of Laravel 5.8. This book starts with an introduction to Laravel and takes a glance at its newly introduced features. Moving on to setting up your development …

PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies

PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies. Richard Blum (2018)

From the Inside Flap

Learn the languages that run the web

PHP, MYSQL, and JavaScript are the key technologies behind your favorite websites. When you understand them, you’re well on your way to building cool websites …

The Joy of PHP

The Joy of PHP. Alan Forbes (2020)

This book is for the developer who has just come across PHP and is wondering what the big deal is, and also for the non-programmer who is just starting out— and doesn’t know where to begin.

The Art of Modern PHP 8

The Art of Modern PHP 8. Joseph Edmonds (2021)

I’ve had the great pleasure of seeing PHP grow; from a somewhat amateur, and often mocked, language that exploded in popularity, punching way above its weight and powering huge swathes of the burgeoning web into a modern and highly performant …

Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5. 6 изд

Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5. 6 изд. Никсон Робин (2023)

Новое издание бестселлера описывает как клиентские, так и серверные аспекты веб-разработки. Книга, наполненная ценными практическими советами и подробным теоретическим материалом, поможет вам освоить динамическое веб-программирование с применением самых современных технологий. Для закрепления усвоенных знаний автор расскажет, как создать полнофункциональный сайт, …


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