Read image file in python

Reading An Image In Python (Without Using Special Libraries)

Just say goodbye to OpenCV, Matplotlib, PIL except for Numpy!

W ell, the above picture is splendid, isn’t it?. It’s a masterpiece to me. Nonetheless, have you ever thought or asked yourself this one million dollar question:

What is an image made up of?

Now, before reading this entire tutorial, I want you guys to answer this question in the comment section, in that way you can give some work to your brain. Anyway, for those of you never answered the question or didn’t know the answer, by reading this article you can finally answer the question with no hesitation. Enough of this hype, let’s get started!. By the way, the entire code for this tutorial can also be found on my GitHub Repository below:



I was given an assignment in my Image Processing Class (Graduate), where I had to read a raw image from a file resize that image to the specified dimensions using single point re-sampling and weighted average re-sampling algorithms. There was a note given to me saying “Don’t use any external libraries” for your programs especially for reading and saving the image. Only selected algorithms were allowed to use one such in python was numpy . This was very painful to hear, but anyway I had to do it and I did it. In this tutorial, we will only focus on reading and saving the image and nothing fancy.

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Write a program that reads a grayscale image in raw format from a file, and save the new image into a new file in raw format. (I just made the question short because this is what you will learn today).

Image Source

Below is the source for the greyscale 8-bit image. I will be using the 4th sample image “Barbara, 8 bit gray


Python Pillow – Read Image

You can read an image in Python using using Image class of PIL library.

In this tutorial, we shall learn how to read or open an image using Pillow library, and different situations one might encounter, with the help of example programs.

Steps to Read an Image using PIL

To read an image with Python Pillow library, follow these steps.

  1. Import Image from PIL library.
  2. Use method and pass the path to image file as argument. returns an Image object. You can store this image object and apply image operations on it.

In this tutorial, we shall learn how to read or open an image using PIL package, with the help of example programs.


1. Read an image identified by path using PIL

In the following example, we shall read an image using function of PIL package.

Python Program

from PIL import Image im ="sample-image.png") returns object of class type PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.

In this example, the image file is placed in the same location as that of the python example file. If you would like to read an image present at other location, you should provide the complete path.

In the following example program, we shall provide the complete path of the input image.

Python Program

from PIL import Image im ="D:/images/sample-image.png")

2. Image not found – Negative scenario

In this example, we shall simulate a scenario, where we provide an invalid path to In other words the file does not exist at the path we provide.

Python Program

from PIL import Image im ="D:/images/no-image.png")

As the image file is not present at the location, throws FileNotFoundError.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:/workspace/", line 3, in im ="D:/images/sample-image.png") File "C:\Users\pythonexamplesorg\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2652, in open fp =, "rb") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/images/sample-image.png'

2. Read an image whose filename has no extension

In this example, we shall try to read an image with no extension. We are not specifying the extension of the image, if it is JPG, PNG, etc.

Python Program

from PIL import Image im ="D:/sample") figures out the codec of the image using the data and meta data present in the contents of the image.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to read an image using Python PIL library.


Read Images using Python


Python is a very popular programming language among the data science community because it has many libraries and frameworks for working on different types of data. Sometimes we need to use machine learning algorithms on images rather than a textual dataset, for that you need to know how to read images using Python. So if you want to learn how to read an image using Python, this article is for you. In this article, I’ll walk you through how to read images using Python.

How to Read An Image using Python?

There are many tasks in data science where we need to use images instead of a textual dataset. To work on such tasks, you need to know how to read images using the Python programming language. To read an image using Python, you cannot use the same method that you use to read a text dataset. So, some of the libraries and frameworks that you can use to read an image using Python are:

In the section below, I’ll walk you through how to use these libraries to read images using Python depending on the task you’re working on.

Read Images using Python (Tutorial)

To read images using Python, you need to install the PIL, Matplotlib, and Keras libraries in Python. If these libraries are not installed in your system, you can easily install them using the pip commands:

I hope you have installed these libraries if they were not already installed in your system. Now let’s go through a tutorial on them one by one to learn to read images using Python.

Reading Images using PIL:

PIL stands for Python Image Library, you can use it for reading images while working on the problems of computer vision. It can read images in any format. Below is how you can read an image using PIL in Python:

JPEG (663, 679)

Read Images using Python

Reading Images using Matplotlib:

You can use matplotlib for reading images while working on data visualization tasks. It only supports images in jpg format, so make sure that the images you want to read are available in the jpg format. Here is how you can read an image using matplotlib in Python:

uint8 (1440, 1440, 3)

Reading Images using Matplotlib

Reading Images using Keras:

You can use Keras for reading images while working on the problems where you are using deep learning. Unlike matplotlib, it supports images in any format. Here is how you can read an image using Keras in Python:

Using TensorFlow backend. JPEG (663, 679)

Reading Images using Keras


There are many tasks in data science where we need to use images instead of a textual dataset. To read an image using Python, you can use PIL, Matplotlib, and Keras depending on the tasks you are working on. Hope you liked this article on how to read images using Python. Please feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.


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