Read image content php


function readImageBlob () $base64 = «iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAM0AAAD

$imageBlob = base64_decode ( $base64 );

$imagick = new Imagick ();
$imagick -> readImageBlob ( $imageBlob );

header ( «Content-Type: image/png» );
echo $imagick ;

User Contributed Notes

  • Imagick
    • adaptiveBlurImage
    • adaptiveResizeImage
    • adaptiveSharpenImage
    • adaptiveThresholdImage
    • addImage
    • addNoiseImage
    • affineTransformImage
    • animateImages
    • annotateImage
    • appendImages
    • autoLevelImage
    • blackThresholdImage
    • blueShiftImage
    • blurImage
    • borderImage
    • brightnessContrastImage
    • charcoalImage
    • chopImage
    • clampImage
    • clear
    • clipImage
    • clipImagePath
    • clipPathImage
    • clutImage
    • coalesceImages
    • colorizeImage
    • colorMatrixImage
    • combineImages
    • commentImage
    • compareImageChannels
    • compareImageLayers
    • compareImages
    • compositeImage
    • _​_​construct
    • contrastImage
    • contrastStretchImage
    • convolveImage
    • count
    • cropImage
    • cropThumbnailImage
    • current
    • cycleColormapImage
    • decipherImage
    • deconstructImages
    • deleteImageArtifact
    • deleteImageProperty
    • deskewImage
    • despeckleImage
    • destroy
    • displayImage
    • displayImages
    • distortImage
    • drawImage
    • edgeImage
    • embossImage
    • encipherImage
    • enhanceImage
    • equalizeImage
    • evaluateImage
    • exportImagePixels
    • extentImage
    • flipImage
    • floodFillPaintImage
    • flopImage
    • forwardFourierTransformImage
    • frameImage
    • functionImage
    • fxImage
    • gammaImage
    • gaussianBlurImage
    • getColorspace
    • getCompression
    • getCompressionQuality
    • getCopyright
    • getFilename
    • getFont
    • getFormat
    • getGravity
    • getHomeURL
    • getImage
    • getImageAlphaChannel
    • getImageArtifact
    • getImageBackgroundColor
    • getImageBlob
    • getImageBluePrimary
    • getImageBorderColor
    • getImageChannelDepth
    • getImageChannelDistortion
    • getImageChannelDistortions
    • getImageChannelKurtosis
    • getImageChannelMean
    • getImageChannelRange
    • getImageChannelStatistics
    • getImageColormapColor
    • getImageColors
    • getImageColorspace
    • getImageCompose
    • getImageCompression
    • getImageCompressionQuality
    • getImageDelay
    • getImageDepth
    • getImageDispose
    • getImageDistortion
    • getImageFilename
    • getImageFormat
    • getImageGamma
    • getImageGeometry
    • getImageGravity
    • getImageGreenPrimary
    • getImageHeight
    • getImageHistogram
    • getImageInterlaceScheme
    • getImageInterpolateMethod
    • getImageIterations
    • getImageLength
    • getImageMimeType
    • getImageOrientation
    • getImagePage
    • getImagePixelColor
    • getImageProfile
    • getImageProfiles
    • getImageProperties
    • getImageProperty
    • getImageRedPrimary
    • getImageRegion
    • getImageRenderingIntent
    • getImageResolution
    • getImagesBlob
    • getImageScene
    • getImageSignature
    • getImageTicksPerSecond
    • getImageTotalInkDensity
    • getImageType
    • getImageUnits
    • getImageVirtualPixelMethod
    • getImageWhitePoint
    • getImageWidth
    • getInterlaceScheme
    • getIteratorIndex
    • getNumberImages
    • getOption
    • getPackageName
    • getPage
    • getPixelIterator
    • getPixelRegionIterator
    • getPointSize
    • getQuantum
    • getQuantumDepth
    • getQuantumRange
    • getRegistry
    • getReleaseDate
    • getResource
    • getResourceLimit
    • getSamplingFactors
    • getSize
    • getSizeOffset
    • getVersion
    • haldClutImage
    • hasNextImage
    • hasPreviousImage
    • identifyFormat
    • identifyImage
    • implodeImage
    • importImagePixels
    • inverseFourierTransformImage
    • labelImage
    • levelImage
    • linearStretchImage
    • liquidRescaleImage
    • listRegistry
    • magnifyImage
    • mergeImageLayers
    • minifyImage
    • modulateImage
    • montageImage
    • morphImages
    • morphology
    • motionBlurImage
    • negateImage
    • newImage
    • newPseudoImage
    • nextImage
    • normalizeImage
    • oilPaintImage
    • opaquePaintImage
    • optimizeImageLayers
    • pingImage
    • pingImageBlob
    • pingImageFile
    • polaroidImage
    • posterizeImage
    • previewImages
    • previousImage
    • profileImage
    • quantizeImage
    • quantizeImages
    • queryFontMetrics
    • queryFonts
    • queryFormats
    • raiseImage
    • randomThresholdImage
    • readImage
    • readImageBlob
    • readImageFile
    • readimages
    • remapImage
    • removeImage
    • removeImageProfile
    • render
    • resampleImage
    • resetImagePage
    • resizeImage
    • rollImage
    • rotateImage
    • rotationalBlurImage
    • sampleImage
    • scaleImage
    • segmentImage
    • selectiveBlurImage
    • separateImageChannel
    • sepiaToneImage
    • setBackgroundColor
    • setColorspace
    • setCompression
    • setCompressionQuality
    • setFilename
    • setFirstIterator
    • setFont
    • setFormat
    • setGravity
    • setImage
    • setImageAlphaChannel
    • setImageArtifact
    • setImageBackgroundColor
    • setImageBluePrimary
    • setImageBorderColor
    • setImageChannelDepth
    • setImageColormapColor
    • setImageColorspace
    • setImageCompose
    • setImageCompression
    • setImageCompressionQuality
    • setImageDelay
    • setImageDepth
    • setImageDispose
    • setImageExtent
    • setImageFilename
    • setImageFormat
    • setImageGamma
    • setImageGravity
    • setImageGreenPrimary
    • setImageInterlaceScheme
    • setImageInterpolateMethod
    • setImageIterations
    • setImageMatte
    • setImageOrientation
    • setImagePage
    • setImageProfile
    • setImageProperty
    • setImageRedPrimary
    • setImageRenderingIntent
    • setImageResolution
    • setImageScene
    • setImageTicksPerSecond
    • setImageType
    • setImageUnits
    • setImageVirtualPixelMethod
    • setImageWhitePoint
    • setInterlaceScheme
    • setIteratorIndex
    • setLastIterator
    • setOption
    • setPage
    • setPointSize
    • setProgressMonitor
    • setRegistry
    • setResolution
    • setResourceLimit
    • setSamplingFactors
    • setSize
    • setSizeOffset
    • setType
    • shadeImage
    • shadowImage
    • sharpenImage
    • shaveImage
    • shearImage
    • sigmoidalContrastImage
    • sketchImage
    • smushImages
    • solarizeImage
    • sparseColorImage
    • spliceImage
    • spreadImage
    • statisticImage
    • steganoImage
    • stereoImage
    • stripImage
    • subImageMatch
    • swirlImage
    • textureImage
    • thresholdImage
    • thumbnailImage
    • tintImage
    • _​_​toString
    • transformImageColorspace
    • transparentPaintImage
    • transposeImage
    • transverseImage
    • trimImage
    • uniqueImageColors
    • unsharpMaskImage
    • valid
    • vignetteImage
    • waveImage
    • whiteThresholdImage
    • writeImage
    • writeImageFile
    • writeImages
    • writeImagesFile
    • averageImages
    • clone
    • colorFloodfillImage
    • filter
    • flattenImages
    • getImageAttribute
    • getImageChannelExtrema
    • getImageClipMask
    • getImageExtrema
    • getImageIndex
    • getImageMatte
    • getImageMatteColor
    • getImageSize
    • mapImage
    • matteFloodfillImage
    • medianFilterImage
    • mosaicImages
    • orderedPosterizeImage
    • paintFloodfillImage
    • paintOpaqueImage
    • paintTransparentImage
    • radialBlurImage
    • recolorImage
    • reduceNoiseImage
    • roundCorners
    • setImageAttribute
    • setImageBias
    • setImageBiasQuantum
    • setImageClipMask
    • setImageIndex
    • setImageMatteColor
    • setImageOpacity
    • transformImage


    Display Image From File In PHP (Simple Examples)

    Welcome to a tutorial on how to display an image from a file in PHP. So you have a secured folder of images that is not publicly accessible, but still want registered users to be able to view? Yes, it is possible to do so.

    To display an image from a file in PHP, simply output the necessary HTTP headers and read the image file:

    • header(«Content-Type: image/jpeg»);
    • header(«Content-Length: » . filesize («IMAGE.JPG»));
    • readfile(«IMAGE.JPG»);

    That should cover the basics, but read on for a few more examples!


    How To Read & Display Image In PHP



    All right, let us now get into the examples of displaying an image file in PHP.


    • (A) Read the EXIF information from the image file.
    • (B) Output the appropriate HTTP headers, the bare minimum is Content-Type , and Content-Length is kind of optional. But since some browsers can get naggy about the length, it is better to just include it.
    • (B) Lastly, just use readfile() to read and output the image file itself.
    • (B) To ensure that the image data is “safely and completely” delivered, we use output buffering – ob_start() and ob_end_flush() . Will leave links below if you want to follow up on output buffers.

    That’s all. Accessing this script in the browser will show the image, or we can point an image tag to this PHP script:


    This is an alternative to reading an image file and outputting it with PHP – Yes, we can read an image file, base 64 encode it, and “directly embed” it into an tag.


    Here is the download link to the example code, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything.


    600+ free tutorials & projects on Code Boxx and still growing. I insist on not turning Code Boxx into a «paid scripts and courses» business, so every little bit of support helps.


    Click here for the source code on GitHub gist, just click on “download zip” or do a git clone. I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.

    That’s all for the tutorial, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.



    Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end. I hope that it has helped you to better understand, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!

    2 thoughts on “Display Image From File In PHP (Simple Examples)”

    I can’t get any of this to run. What do you run first 1a or 1b or . I think 1b ends up showing an empty square box in the upper left corner of the screen but clicking on it does nothing. Do you run it with localhost ? firefox ? php ?

    Thanks in advance for help in getting this to run.

    Put this tutorial aside first. Don’t break your own neck by skipping all the raw basics – Good luck!

    Leave a Comment Cancel Reply

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    About Me

    W.S. Toh is a senior web developer and SEO practitioner with over 20 years of experience. Graduated from the University of London. When not secretly being an evil tech ninja, he enjoys photography and working on DIY projects.

    Code Boxx participates in the eBay Partner Network, an affiliate program designed for sites to earn commission fees by linking to We also participate in affiliate programs with Bluehost, ShareASale, Clickbank, and other sites. We are compensated for referring traffic.


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