Read html code online

HTML Viewer

An HTML Viewer is a web-based tool that allows users to view the content of an HTML code, HTML file, and HTML URL. HTML is used to build websites/pages, and an HTML Viewer allows users to see the content of an HTML file as it would appear on a web page. In addition to viewing the content of an HTML file, this HTML Viewer also provides additional features, such as syntax highlighting, error checking, and debugging tools, which can be useful for web developers and designers.

HTML Viewer is a fast and efficient tool for formatting your HTML data, providing near-instant results for developers. By utilizing advanced JavaScript libraries, this tool is able to parse and format your HTML data on the client side in your web browser without the need for any server-side processing or external dependencies.

One of the key features of this online HTML Viewer tool is that it prioritizes the security and privacy of developers’ HTML data. HTML Viewer ensures that your HTML code remains secure. This tool processes the data on your device in the browser using JavaScript libraries without sending any data to the server for viewing.

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No External Software Needed

With this online HTML Viewer tool, there’s no need to install a browser plugin or software on your computer or worry about taking up valuable storage space. As an online tool, it can be accessed through your web browser, making it a convenient and hassle-free option for developers.

This HTML Viewer tool is completely free and doesn’t require any registration or sign-up. It’s designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that lets you get started right away. Simply open the HTML Viewer and start using it to view your code in just a few clicks. This makes it a great choice for developers who need to view HTML data quickly and efficiently without having to deal with the hassle of registration or account setup.

Works on all latest Browsers and Devices

This online Viewer tool is a web-based development tool that can be accessed through any modern web browser, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and more. It is designed to work seamlessly on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac/OSX, Android, and IOS, without requiring any additional software to be installed.

With this HTML Viewer tool, developers can choose from multiple options for inputting their HTML data, including copy-pasting or manually typing it in. In addition, this tool offers the convenience of uploading an HTML file directly from your device simply by clicking the upload button. For even greater flexibility, developers can also take advantage of the upload URL functionality, which allows them to enter the URL of an external server to fetch HTML data for viewing.

This tool includes a built-in validator that checks the validity of HTML files uploaded by users. If any errors are detected, the device displays them on the screen, allowing users to correct them before formatting. It helps ensure that the HTML data is adequately formatted and adheres to the latest standards and best practices, improving the overall quality and reliability of the code.

This HTML formatting tool provides users with three viewing options to choose from:
HTML Beautify — This option displays your HTML data in a clean and easy-to-read format, making it easier to review and analyze.
Normal HTML View — This option allows you to view your HTML data as it would appear in a web browser, with all tags and elements rendered in their proper positions and styles.
HTML Minify — This option removes all unnecessary whitespace and comments from your HTML code, reducing the overall file size and improving the load times of your web pages.



Онлайн просмотр html кода

Онлайн просмотр html кода

Иногда, может возникать необходимость быстро посмотреть, как будет выглядеть html код. И решений существует масса. Кто-то использует различные редакторы, позволяющие вставлять html. Кто-то использует возможность браузеров динамически изменять содержимое любой открытой страницы. Несмотря на относительную простоту, обычно, у таких подходов есть один существенный минус. Это необходимость совершать множество лишних действий. Открыть страницу. Перейти на вкладку или открыть редактор браузера. Подождать пока появится окно или загрузится вкладка. Найти нужную кнопку или найти подходящий элемент для вставки. И только после этого вставить html код. Но, есть решение гораздо проще, это данный инструмент под названием «Онлайн просмотр html кода». Все, что вам необходимо сделать, это вставить html в поле ввода текста, после чего автоматически будет сформировано его визуальное представление.

Поле для ввода html текста:

Кроме того, у решений с использованием визуальных редакторов и редакторов браузеров есть еще один недостаток, о котором пользователи далеко не всегда задумываются. Это применение дополнительных стилей. В случае с wysiwyg редакторами, обычно, все теги html предварительно корректируются самим редактором, так что вполне возможно, что некоторые стили попросту пропадут. Так же необходимо учитывать, что некоторые wysiwyg редакторы накладывают свои стили поверх основных. В случае с редакторами браузеров, проблема заключается в CSS стилях, которые используются на открытой странице. Они могут переопределять стили вставляемого html-кода. В любом случае, какой бы из этих методов вы не использовали, всегда будет существовать риск, что просмотренный вами html текст будет совершенно по другому отображаться в том месте, где вы его в последствии используете.

Данный же Онлайн просмотр html кода не имеет такой проблемы, так как создает отдельный iframe, внутрь которого помещается html текст так, как он был вставлен в поле для ввода.

Теперь, у вас всегда будет под рукой удобный инструмент для просмотра html кода.


Source Code Viewer

Source Code Viewer is an online tool that lets you view an HTML webpage’s source code. The source code is the underlying markup language used to create the webpage, and it contains information about the page’s layout, content, and functionality.

This tool helps you to load the content of any HTML or valid URL into the text editor. Source Code Viewer loads complete data fetched by the server into the text editor. This webpage code viewer uses ACE Editor with HTML Theme to show the HTML data in colored format.

The developer or designer wants to see his masterwork and what code the server is sending to the client’s browser, and this tool can be a dream come true for the User.

To increase the website speed, developers minify the HTML code and send it to the browser to parse. This tool can format fetched HTML data and presents it in a human-readable format.

This functionality can also be achieved using the browser’s view source code, but it cannot be easy to read the code if the code is minified version and without the proper editor.

What can you do with the Source Code Viewer?

  • It’s easy to use tool to load URLs. Enter valid URL into the input text box and hit enter or click on the View button.
  • This Website code viewer can fetch data from any valid URL whether it could be a website or API or .css or .js file.
  • If you think if there is any suspicious website and do not want to open it in the browser, you can get the source code of that site using this tool

How does View Website’s Code work?

This website sends the URL provided by the user to the server and the server fetches the URL using the curl method and returns the result to the website.


HTML Viewer

HTML viewer facilitates the web designers to view HTML code and preview code on the go. Upload or paste HTML file to pinpoint mistakes in the code.



The HTML viewer on is a smart web-based utility specifically designed for people involved in the programming field. This online HTML viewer lets you view and run the HTML code to check whether it perfectly fits the layout that you desire. Apart from programmers, an online HTML viewer is a significant tool for students and teachers. Before submitting an HTML file, you can make sure that no errors exist in the code. As a teacher, you can use this utility to evaluate the assignments submitted by students and make your life easier.


  1. The first option offered by this tool to view the HTML file is the upload button. By clicking on it, you can select an HTML file saved in your device’s storage.
  2. Another easy way to view HTML files is by copy-pasting the HTML code in the box given on this tool.
  3. The last but not the least option for viewing HTML is by loading the URL.


As you’ll search for the HTML reader over the web, you’ll find this utility on multiple platforms. But the HTML reader on our website is the best tool you can find due to several reasons. Some of the main features of our tool are discussed below.

Quick and Simple HTML Code Viewer:

As earlier mentioned, there are no intricacies involved in the usage of this HTML code viewer. It’s a straightforward tool that provides users multiple options to upload and view HTML codes. You can upload the file or URL to get the results instantly. There’s no need to worry about spending hours executing this job, as this tool helps you read HTML files in a matter of seconds.

View HTML from Anywhere:

There’s no geographical restriction on the usage of our HTML online viewer. No matter what place you’re at, you can access this tool by merely connecting your device to the internet connection. This tool doesn’t even impose a restriction on the device that can be used for accessing it. Whatever operating system your device is running on, the HTML viewer can be accessed and used without any hassle.

Quality HTML Visualizer:

The HTML visualizer provides its users with top-notch results without charging a penny. This tool provides premium quality features and outcomes to all of its users free of cost. You don’t need to get a premium tool for viewing HTML anymore, as you can easily access this HTML code from any part of the globe.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is widely used by web developers for creating a front end framework for websites and applications. Before making your site available to your audience, it is essential to check whether the content and body of your pages are errorless and fit the screen or not. This task can take ages if you rely on conventional methods for viewing HTML files. Therefore, it becomes inevitable to use an advanced HTML viewer. You can run your HTML code and test it with this tool without facing any hurdles.

Due to the advent of HTML5, HTML is being used for game development, data entry support, and many other purposes in the programming field. Therefore, the HTML tool can be used for viewing HTML codes and edited as per requirements.

Is Login Required to Save HTML Data?

HTML data can be viewed, edited, and saved with the HTML interpreter on our website without going through the registration procedure. Many online platforms ask its users to get themselves registered, link their social account, or enter their email address for viewing and editing HTML codes with their tool. But our tool hasn’t imposed such a restriction on the usage of the HTML interpreter. You don’t have to sign up or log in for saving HTML data anymore, as you can start using this service on the go.


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