Read a css file

Reading a CSS file from an existing website?

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?

Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

[To reply by email remove «.trousers» spamtrap from email address]

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?

You’re saying you don’t know that the path to the CSS file
is mentioned in the HTML file?
or @import url( . .css) will show you where it’s at.

Sonhos vem. Sonhos v�o. O resto � imperfeito.
— Renato Russo —

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the
HTML, but any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way
to see them and see what someone has done to get an effect?

You’re saying you don’t know that the path to the CSS file is
mentioned in the HTML file? url( . .css) will show you where it’s at.

Possibly Mike means that, maybe, he’s using IE and it downloads the
css file rather than displaying it. Such as this one from my
play-around spaces:

The css will be in your browser cache. An alternative would be to use
oh, say, a modern browser such as Mozilla or Firefox which will
display the file directly in the browser.

-This space intentionally left blank.

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?

Depends on browser. AFAIK 3 methods that work in Opera somehow. I don’t
know if there is any way to open all realted CSS files whiout opening
some of them manually.

Lauri Raittila
I’m looking for work | Etsin ty�t�

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?
You’re saying you don’t know that the path to the CSS file
is mentioned in the HTML file?

I know it’s there, but I can’t just ‘look’ at the server (can I?) to
download the file. Or any scripts that may be there.
or @import url( . .css) will show you where it’s at.

New to me but I’ll look it up, thanks.

BTW, your «You’re saying you don’t know. » comment is VERY
condesending. No, we DONT all know things. I’m trying to teach
myself as best as I can.

Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

[To reply by email remove «.trousers» spamtrap from email address]

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?

Which browser are you using? There are add-on components for Mozilla
that let you view the css with fairly little effort.

Brian (remove «invalid» from my address to email me)

When looking at a website I can use VIEW / SOURCE to see the HTML, but
any external .css files don’t show up. Is there a way to see them and
see what someone has done to get an effect?
You’re saying you don’t know that the path to the CSS file
is mentioned in the HTML file?

I know it’s there, but I can’t just ‘look’ at the server (can I?) to
download the file. Or any scripts that may be there.

No need to. If you find for instance type=»text/css» href=»/default.css»>, you take the url from
the page, like and paste
default.css after that.
In any browser but IE, this will result in the CSS file
being shown in the browser window. In IE, it usually opens
Notepad or your default text editor, and displays it in there.

New to me but I’ll look it up, thanks.

BTW, your «You’re saying you don’t know. » comment is VERY
condesending. No, we DONT all know things. I’m trying to teach
myself as best as I can.

I’m sorry about that, by no means I wanted to sound
condesending. I was just surprised, and therefore not sure
if that was what you meant. When I was in the stage where I
didn’t know how to find the stylesheet, I didn’t even know
of the existence, which was why I was surprised. Anyway,
sorry, didn’t mean to be condesending at all.

As for teaching yourself, I think you’ve got at least one
thing figured out that I didn’t when I started: reading and
asking on usenet is very helpful 🙂

Sonhos vem. Sonhos v�o. O resto � imperfeito.
— Renato Russo —

Quoth the raven named Els: Possibly Mike means that, maybe, he’s using IE and it downloads the
css file rather than displaying it. Such as this one from my
play-around spaces:
I mean that if I look at any website online, the css sheet is
downloaded but not immedieatly available the way the html file is.
Yes, I’ve fallen into the trap of using IE ‘because it’s there’. I
must try these others.
The css will be in your browser cache. An alternative would be to use
oh, say, a modern browser such as Mozilla or Firefox which will
display the file directly in the browser.

I know it must be in the cache, but it’s one of those places I don’t
usually bother visiting. But thinking about it, it must be a
treasurehouse of data.


Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

[To reply by email remove «.trousers» spamtrap from email address]

Depends on browser. AFAIK 3 methods that work in Opera somehow. I don’t
know if there is any way to open all realted CSS files whiout opening
some of them manually.

Will explore other browsers, thanks.

Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

[To reply by email remove «.trousers» spamtrap from email address]

On Mon, 03 May 2004 19:58:11 GMT, «Beauregard T. Shagnasty»
Possibly Mike means that, maybe, he’s using IE and it downloads
the css file rather than displaying it. Such as this one from my
play-around spaces:

I mean that if I look at any website online, the css sheet is
downloaded but not immedieatly available the way the html file is.
Yes, I’ve fallen into the trap of using IE ‘because it’s there’. I
must try these others.

Without a tool such as Brian mentioned, or typing in the URL to the
style sheet directly, there isn’t an easier way to view. Depending on
other factors, the Notepad trick in IE may work (it doesn’t in my
setup). But that’s ok, as I don’t use IE for anything but Winders updates.

The css will be in your browser cache. An alternative would be to
use oh, say, a modern browser such as Mozilla or Firefox which
will display the file directly in the browser.

I know it must be in the cache, but it’s one of those places I
don’t usually bother visiting. But thinking about it, it must be a
treasurehouse of data.

Treasurehouse? First I’ve heard that one.

-This space intentionally left blank.


Node.js CSS File browserify-string-to-js: read css files, html files, etc.

In this tutorial you can find a node.js project called browserify-string-to-js.

The project is about read css files, html files, etc. .

browserify-string-to-js node.js project has the following dependencies.

Name Version
through ^2.3.7
string-to-js 0.0.1

browserify-string-to-js node.js project is released under: MIT

Javascript Source Files

The project has 1 Javascript files.

/**// w w w . d e m o 2 s . c o m * Module Dependencies */ var strtojs = require('string-to-js'); var extname = require('path').extname; var through = require('through'); var isArray = Array.isArray; /** * Export `string-to-js` */ module.exports = transform; /** * Default regexp */ var rtype = /^(html|css)$/; /** * Initialize `transform` * * @param file * @param duo */ function transform(files) < var rsupported = rtype if (files) < if (files.source) < rsupported = files >else if (typeof files === 'string') < return stoj(files) > else if (isArray(files)) < rsupported = new RegExp('^(' + files.join('|') + ')$') > else < throw new Error('stoj: invalid options') > > function stoj(file) < var type = extension(file); if (!rsupported.test(type)) return through(); var data = ''; return through(write, end); // write function write(buf) < data += buf; >// end function end() < try < var src = strtojs(data) > catch (e) < this.emit('error', e); return; > this.queue(src); this.queue(null); > > return stoj > /** * Get the file extension * * @param file * @return */ function extension(file) < return extname(file).slice(1); >

  • Node.js CSS File brackets-css-concat: Concatenates a list of CSS files into one big file
  • Node.js CSS File brackets-csscomb: Format CSS files with csscomb.js
  • Node.js CSS File brackets-minifier: Minifies your CSS and JavaScript files with YUI and Google’s Closure Compiler.
  • Node.js CSS File browserify-string-to-js: read css files, html files, etc.
  • Node.js CSS File cdeps: Get absolute dependences recursively by entry file, support js and css.
  • Node.js CSS File chassis-boilerplate: Boilerplate including starter HTML and CSS files and a productionLine build process
  • Node.js CSS File class-name-copier: A VS Code extension that makes it easier to copy JSX classNames into CSS files | Email: | Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.


Read a css file

please help me on how to get @media type?

elements = this.Where(el => !el.Key.StartsWith(".")) .ToDictionary(el => el.Key, el => el.Value .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value));

can you send me source code for multiple css file using winform appliation

I have downloaded the code attached here with. executing the code works fine.

but i m not able to use «parser.Classes» in itextsharp.

can you tell me the way i can use this with i text sharp.

Thanks, I found the answer while debugging the code..
very useful post thanks again.

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Read a css file

please help me on how to get @media type?

elements = this.Where(el => !el.Key.StartsWith(".")) .ToDictionary(el => el.Key, el => el.Value .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value));

can you send me source code for multiple css file using winform appliation

I have downloaded the code attached here with. executing the code works fine.

but i m not able to use «parser.Classes» in itextsharp.

can you tell me the way i can use this with i text sharp.

Thanks, I found the answer while debugging the code..
very useful post thanks again.

General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant Admin

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