Query string in php with example

Create URL with Query String from Array in PHP: A Complete Guide

Learn how to generate URL-encoded query strings from arrays in PHP using http_build_query() and parse_str() functions. This guide also covers retrieving values from a URL’s query string and dealing with indexed arrays.

  • Using http_build_query() to generate URL-encoded query string
  • Using parse_str() to parse a query string passed via a URL
  • Dealing with indexed arrays
  • Retrieving values from a URL’s query string
  • Other helpful points
  • Other helpful code examples for creating URL with query string from array in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to create query string URL in PHP?
  • How to pass an array to URL in PHP?
  • How to pass query string parameters in URL PHP?
  • How to add query parameter to URL in PHP?

PHP is a powerful programming language that is widely used for web development. One common task in PHP is to create a URL with a query string from an array. In this post, we will guide you on how to create a URL with a query string from an array in PHP using the http_build_query() and parse_str() functions. We will also discuss other helpful points related to this topic.

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Using http_build_query() to generate URL-encoded query string

The http_build_query() function in PHP can be used to generate a URL-encoded query string from an associative or indexed array. To generate a URL with parameters from an array, use http_build_query() and append it to the URL with a question mark. The http_build_query() function can also be used with numerically indexed elements. The use of urlencode() function for encoding is optional as http_build_query() will take care of encoding the values. The http_build_query() function is available in PHP 5 and later versions.

Here is an example of how to use http_build_query() function to create a URL with a query string from an array:

 $data = array( 'name' => 'John Doe', 'age' => 30, 'email' => 'johndoe@example.com' );$queryString = http_build_query($data); $url = 'http://example.com?' . $queryString;echo $url; ?> 

The above code will output the following URL:


In the above example, we created an array named $data with three elements: name , age , and email . We passed this array to the http_build_query() function, which returned a URL-encoded query string. We then appended this query string to the URL using the concatenation operator ( . ).

Using parse_str() to parse a query string passed via a URL

The parse_str() function can be used to parse a string as if it were the query string passed via a URL and set variables in the current scope or array. The parameters from a URL string can be retrieved in PHP using parse_url() and parse_str() functions. The $_GET variable is an associative array automatically created by PHP that contains the parameters passed via a URL. JSON encoding can also be used to pass an array as a URL parameter. The serialize() function can be used with urlencode() to pass an array as a URL parameter.

Here is an example of how to use parse_str() function to parse a query string passed via a URL:

 $url = 'http://example.com?name=John+Doe&age=30&email=johndoe%40example.com'; parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $output);print_r($output); ?> 

The above code will output the following array:

Array ( [name] => John Doe [age] => 30 [email] => johndoe@example.com ) 

In the above example, we used the parse_url() function to retrieve the query string from the URL. We then passed this query string to the parse_str() function, which set the variables in the $output array.

Dealing with indexed arrays

If keys and values are required from the array to build an HTTP query string, implode() cannot do this. The best way to create a URL with indexed array data is to use http_build_query() . The order_status[]=google syntax can be used to understand an array in PHP. PHP understands the ?aParam=json_encode($arrayOfValues) syntax as an array already.

Here is an example of how to use http_build_query() function to create a URL with indexed array data:

 $data = array( 'order_status' => array('google', 'facebook', 'amazon') );$queryString = http_build_query($data); $url = 'http://example.com?' . $queryString;echo $url; ?> 

The above code will output the following URL:


In the above example, we created an array named $data with one element: order_status , which is an indexed array. We passed this array to the http_build_query() function, which returned a URL-encoded query string. We then appended this query string to the URL using the concatenation operator ( . ).

Retrieving values from a URL’s query string

To retrieve values from a URL’s query string, PHP automatically creates an associative array called $_GET . The extract() function can be used to import variables into the symbol table from an array. parse_url() can be used to return the components of a URL by parsing it. The use of parse_str() function can be used to parse a query string passed via a URL and set variables in the current scope or array.

Here is an example of how to retrieve values from a URL’s query string:

 $url = 'http://example.com?name=John+Doe&age=30&email=johndoe%40example.com';extract($_GET);echo $name; // outputs "John Doe" echo $age; // outputs "30" echo $email; // outputs "johndoe@example.com" ?> 

In the above example, we used the extract() function to import variables into the symbol table from the $_GET array. We then accessed these variables using their respective keys.

Other helpful points

  • http_build_url() can be used to append a specific GET parameter to a URL.
  • The $_REQUEST variable can be used to retrieve values from both $_GET and $_POST arrays.
  • The http_build_query() function can be used to generate a query string based on an associative and indexed array in WordPress.
  • The http_build_query() function can be used to sort and encode the parameter values in a query string.
  • rawurlencode() is RFC3986 compliant and can be used to parse an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string.

Other helpful code examples for creating URL with query string from array in PHP

In php, php create url with query sting from array code example

  'bar', 'baz' => 'boom', 'cow' => 'milk', 'php' => 'hypertext processor' );echo http_build_query($data) . "\n"; echo http_build_query($data, '', '&');?>


In conclusion, the http_build_query() and parse_str() functions are powerful tools in PHP for generating and parsing URL-encoded query strings from arrays. JSON encoding and serialize() functions can also be used to pass arrays as URL parameters. Understanding how to retrieve values from a URL’s query string and dealing with indexed arrays can save time and effort in PHP development. Remember to use http_build_query() to generate a query string based on an associative and indexed array in WordPress. With the help of the functions and tips discussed in this post, creating URLs with query strings from arrays in PHP should be a breeze.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is a query string in a URL?

A query string is a part of a URL that contains information to be passed to the web server. It appears after the question mark (?) and consists of key-value pairs separated by ampersands (&).

What is http_build_query() function in PHP?

http_build_query() function is a PHP function that can be used to generate a URL-encoded query string from an array.

How does parse_str() function work in PHP?

The parse_str() function is used to parse a string as if it were the query string passed via a URL and set variables in the current scope or array.

Can http_build_query() be used with numerically indexed arrays?

How can I retrieve values from a URL’s query string in PHP?

PHP automatically creates an associative array called $_GET that contains the parameters passed via a URL. These parameters can be retrieved using the $_GET array.

How can I deal with indexed arrays while creating a URL with query string in PHP?

The best way to create a URL with indexed array data is to use http_build_query() function. The order_status[]=google syntax can be used to understand an array in PHP.

How to create query string URL in PHP?

The http_build_query() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to generate URL-encoded query string from the associative (or indexed) array.

How to pass an array to URL in PHP?

To pass an array as URL parameter you can make use of php built-in function http_build_query() . The http_build_query() returns you an URL-encoded query string.

How to pass query string parameters in URL PHP?

The parameters from a URL string can be retrieved in PHP using parse_url() and parse_str() functions . Note: Page URL and the parameters are separated by the ? character. parse_url() Function: The parse_url() function is used to return the components of a URL by parsing it.

How to add query parameter to URL in PHP?

What is a reliable way to append a specific GET parameter? Simply use: echo http_build_url($url, array(«query» => «the=query&parts=here»), HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY); .

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