Python vs node js vs php

webservice daemon: php vs node.js vs python/twisted

The same web service was developed in php, node.js and Twisted/python. The winner is Twisted/python, primarily because it provides a robust asynchronous programming model, can be confortably debugged and deployed.

Warning: the code for all three implementation is available at but the services are not running on the machine. Despite of this, some parts of the JavaScript interface may appear to be working because they run on the user browser. Please do not submit complaints because the web services are not active : they are not supposed to be 😉

Implementation and tests

The following table links to the code for each implementation and their associated tests:

  • php based implementation with phpunit and xdebug based webservice tests
  • JQuery based implementation with qunit and jscoverage based user interface tests
  • node.js based implementation with expresso based webservice tests
  • JQuery based implementation with qunit and jscoverage based user interface tests
  • Python/Twisted based implementation with Twisted Trial and python-coverage based webservice tests
  • JQuery based implementation with qunit and jscoverage based user interface tests

pros and cons

Each webservice implementation has pros and cons but the overall winner is wspool and its Twisted/Python implementation. Instead of trying to present a pseudo impartial side by side comparison the idea is to explain why it is preferred. Although node.js is not be mature in a number of ways, it is still in its infancy and there is a good chance that it will mature quickly to resolve these issues. PHP is probably never going to be a challenger because it is not designed or used for standalone daemons.

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Libraries The only two libraries needed are SQLite and something similar to cURL. Regarding URL fetching, both PHP and Twisted provide libraries that allow to follow redirections and attach distinctive behavior when an error status is returned. By contrast the node.js library requires about a hundred lines of code to implement the same level of service. In addition the SQLite interface available at the time was unstable and a few attempts were necessary to figure out a working combination. Daemon PHP rely on a server such as apache and there is no wide spread daemon implementation and a custom server must be used and adapted. node.js provides a daemon but when seeks-monitor was run for more than 24h it crashed with an error while trying to load a URL. It seems that long lived node.js daemons are still uncommon and a majority of users tend to restart their server from time to time. In other words, running node.js daemon for a long time is possible but is still a fairly rare expertise.
For deployment, Twisted handles logging, rotating logs, storing the PID etc. by default. These features must be explicitly supported for node.js and the custom PHP server. init scripts can be found and adapted for Twisted but must be hand crafted for node.js and PHP. Learning curve For PHP or Twisted/Python there is a need to learn a language and the associated environment in addition to JavaScript which is a significant effort. Because PHP has no support for asynchronous programming, there is no concepts to learn about. With both Twisted and node.js, getting to understand the programming style associated to deferred and async.js is a significant effort. Debugging Although a debugger is available for both PHP and node.js it is rarely used. Debugging is most commonly done by adding log messages to the code. With Twisted the pdb debugger is widely used as well as manhole to examine the state of a running process. Performances When stressed with Apache benchmark with a 10,000 URLs database to retrieve the first 500 entries, PHP behind nginx takes ~50ms, node.js and Twisted both take 15ms. The node.js daemon leaked because of the SQLite library adaptor. Packaging To create a compliant Debian GNU/Linux package all the dependencies for PHP and Twisted can be found in the latest stable distribution. Packaging node.js requires to explicitly name the versions that are known to work together, as shown at the end of the Makefile. It is then necessary to figure out a way to embed node.js itself and all its dependencies within the package source because the Debian policy forbids loading external resources while installing a package. The alternative would be to create independent packages for node.js, the associated packaging system and all the dependencies. Event based asynchronous programming model CPU, Disk and RAM requirements are very low and the daemon should be able to handle thousands of simultaneous connections at the same time while keeping a low CPU usage and memory footprint. That rules out apache style prefork and even threads in favor of fibers or Green Threads.
PHP does not include a library to help in this regard, mainly because this is not how most people use it. This requires writing a fair amount of infrastructure code that is unrelated to the deamon functionalities.
node.js has developped a systematic approach where all functions are given a callback which is called when the function completes (error or success). It encourages various programing styles which are supported by a number of libraries. The async.js library was picked and using it looks like this:

self.handle = function(req, res, callback) < async.waterfall([ self.db_check, function(exists, callback) < if(req.param('submit') !== undefined) < self.submit(req, callback); >else < self.get(req, callback); >> ], function(error, result) < var buffer = JSON.stringify(error ? : result); res.send(buffer); callback(undefined, buffer); >); >;

and the associated test look like:

test_submit: function(done) < var monitor = new monitor_class(); monitor.path = ':memory:'; var asserted = 0; var url = 'URL'; var comment = 'COMMENT'; async.waterfall([ function(callback) < monitor.handle( < param: function(name) < if(name == 'submit') < return 1; >if(name == 'url') < return url; >if(name == 'comment') < return comment; >> >, < send: function(buffer) < assert.equal(buffer, '<>'); asserted++; > >, callback); >, function(buffer, callback) < assert.deepEqual(buffer, '<>'); monitor.db.prepare("SELECT * FROM urls", callback); >, function(statement, callback) < statement.fetchAll(callback); >], function(error, rows) < var row = rows[0]; assert.deepEqual(url, row.url); assert.deepEqual(comment, row.comment); done(); >); >,

Twisted uses deferred which are also distributed by default since JQuery 1.5. It leads to code that looks like:

def get(self): d = self.db.runQuery("SELECT * FROM urls ORDER BY alive DESC, url ASC") d.addCallback(lambda result: ) return d

Where d is a deferred object. The associated tests looks like:

@defer.inlineCallbacks def test02_get(self): url1 = 'URL1' yield self.service.submit(< 'url': [url1]>) url2 = 'URL2' yield self.service.submit(< 'url': [url2]>) yield self.service.db.runOperation("UPDATE urls SET alive = datetime('now') WHERE url = '%s'" % url1) yield self.service.db.runOperation("UPDATE urls SET alive = datetime('now','+1 hour') WHERE url = '%s'" % url2) rows = yield self.service.get() self.assertEquals(url2, rows['rows'][0][1]) self.assertEquals(url1, rows['rows'][1][1])

Web service description

The hofosm webservice is designed to store URLs being submitted for review. The seeks monitor and wspool webservices periodically fetch a set of URLs and store their status.


The web service provides an interface to store URLs and to retrieve the list of all URLs together with meta information.

curl --form comment=comment1 --form url=url1 http://localhost/pool/hofosm.php?submit=1 curl --form comment=comment2 --form url=url2 http://localhost/pool/hofosm.php?submit=1

Vote for url2 assuming it has >

curl --form http://localhost/pool/hofosm.php?rate=1
curl http://localhost/pool/hofosm.php
curl --form comment=comment1 --form url=url1 http://localhost:8345/resource?submit=1
curl http://localhost:8345/resource
curl --form url=url1 http://localhost:4923/resource?submit=1
curl http://localhost:4923/resource

On error the webservice will return a JSON object such as:

On success the submission of a new URL will return

and the retrieval of the database will return a list of rows. In the following example the list is empty because the database is empty:

Each row is a list containing the fields. For instance:

The actual content of the row depends on the table used to store the meta information which is slightly different between the three implementations. However, they all contain a unique numerical id and a url.

User interface

The JavaScript user interface displays a jquery based sortable list of the database content and a form to submit a new entry. It is
redundant with the webservice interface and meant to be embedded in a web page as follows:


Nodejs vs Python, Java and PHP — ultimate I/O Speed Comparison

Image description

The first question that comes to one’s mind is: “Is it really possible to compare these technologies? When one is a run time environment and other are programming languages”. Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, it is indeed possible. Because ultimately what matters is its application/usefulness in real life. But again the question arises and that is if all these frameworks have their own strengths then on what grounds are we going to compare them? The answer is I/O requests. Because no matter what every framework/langauage/runtime environment must handle I/O requests, if that is not possible then there is no point of competition. That being said, in this article we will find out which framework is the fastest when it comes to handling I/O requests, which other parameters must be included and ultimately which framework performed well. Note: this article is based on various tests conducted by Hackernoon, Nodexl and stackoverflow under similar circumstances to find out which platform performed better.

Performance of nodejs

Node.js is a very fast platform and it is one of the most preferred platform by thousands of companies in the industries, many businesses hire node.js developers to leverage its performance and create scalable apps. This extraordinary performance of nodejs is due to Event-driven and non-blocking I/O: In simple words Nodejs does not block when it is waiting for an I/O operation to complete; it simply fires an event and continues processing other requests. Apart from that V8 JavaScript engine: Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript engine, which is known for its speed and performance. The V8 engine is able to compile JavaScript code into machine code, which makes it very fast. Stream-based data processing: Node.js provides built-in support for streams, which enable efficient processing of large amounts of data by consuming and producing it incrementally. Stream-based data processing reduces memory consumption and improves overall performance.

Parameters for consideration apart from processing of I/O requests.

  • Number of requests: The number of requests that each platform was able to handle per second.
  • Response time: The average time it took for each platform to respond to a request.
  • Memory usage: The amount of memory each platform used to handle the requests.
  • CPU utilization: The percentage of CPU time each platform used to handle the requests.

Actual Nodejs vs Python, Java and PHP

Different companies conducted test of nodejs vs other platforms to find out which performed faster and here are the results:

1) Nodejs vs Python:

Test conducted by: HackerNoon
Year: 2019
System specs: 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU with 16GB of RAM

Benchmark: file I/O was used to measure the I/O performance of each platform. The test was run using a simple web application that read a file from the disk.

Nodejs vs Python speed comparison result: Node.js was able to handle 8,000 I/O requests per second, while Python was only able to handle 6,000 requests per second.

2) Nodejs vs Java:

Test conducted by: NodeXL
Year: 2016
System specs: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU with 16GB of RAM

Benchmark: database queries were used to measure the I/O performance of each platform. The test was run using a simple web application that performed a SELECT query on a database.

Nodejs vs java speed comparison result: Node.js handled- 10,000 requests per second, while Java handled — 8,000 requests per second.

3) Express.js vs PHP: expressjs

Test conducted by: Stack Overflow
Year: 2017
System specs: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU with 8GB of RAM

Benchmark: HTTP requests were used to measure the I/O performance of each platform. The test was run using a simple web application that sent a GET request to each platform

expressjs vs php speed comparison result: expressjs — 20,000 req/s . PHP 1000 — req/s


Nodejs is the ultimate beast of I/O operations and top companies are even willing to hire remote node js developer for their businesses, but lets not forget that each of these platforms mentioned here are beasts on their own and have their own strengths. And one must explore multiple scenarios when it comes to selecting the perfect platforms as each have their own benefits and tradeoffs.


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