Python unique list and count

How to Count Unique Values Inside a List in Python?

Python offers various methods to manipulate lists, which are one of the most commonly used data structures. One common task when working with lists is to count the occurrences of unique values within them, which is often required in data analysis, processing, and filtering tasks. In this article, we will explore four different approaches to counting unique values inside a list in Python.

In this article, we will cover using a set, a dictionary, list comprehension, and a Counter from the collections module. Each method has its own advantages and can be chosen based on the specific requirements of the task at hand. We will start with the simplest method of using a set, leveraging the inherent property of sets to store only unique values. Then we will move on to using a dictionary, which allows for more flexibility in handling different data types as keys. Next, we will explore list comprehension, providing a concise and efficient way to achieve the desired result. Finally, we will look at using a Counter from the collections module, which provides more advanced functionality for counting occurrences of elements in a collection.

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Method 1: Using a Set

One of the simplest and most straightforward methods to count unique values in a list is to convert the list into a set first. A set in Python is an unordered collection of unique elements, meaning that duplicate values are automatically removed when a list is converted to a set. Once we have a set, we can easily determine the count of unique values using the len() function.


Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate this approach:

# Sample list my_list = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9] # Convert list to a set unique_set = set(my_list) # Count unique values unique_count = len(unique_set) # Output print("Count of unique values using a set:", unique_count)


Count of unique values using a set: 9

In the example above, the list my_list contains duplicate values, but after converting it to a set, duplicate values are automatically removed. The resulting set unique_set contains only unique values, and we use the len() function to get the count of unique values.

Method 2: Using a Dictionary

An alternative method to count unique values in a list is by utilizing a dictionary in Python. By using the elements as keys and their counts as values in the dictionary, we can efficiently keep track of unique values. This approach allows for flexibility in handling different data types as keys and enables efficient lookups and updates due to the hash table implementation of dictionaries in Python.


my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9] unique_dict = <> for value in my_list: if value in unique_dict: unique_dict[value] += 1 else: unique_dict[value] = 1 unique_count = len(unique_dict) print("Count of unique values using a dictionary:", unique_count)


Count of unique values using a dictionary: 9

In the example above, we create an empty dictionary unique_dict. Then, we iterate through the list my_list and add each value as a key in the dictionary with a value of 1. Since dictionaries do not allow duplicate keys, only unique values from the list will be added to the dictionary. Finally, we use the len() function to get the count of unique values in the dictionary.

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Method 3: Using List Comprehension

List comprehension in Python is an efficient way to manipulate lists. It provides a compact and readable syntax for creating new lists. Interestingly, list comprehension can also count unique values inside a list. The concept is simple we create a new list using list comprehension that contains only the unique values from the original list. Then, we use the len() function to get the count of elements in this new list.


my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9] unique_list = list(set(my_list)) unique_count = len(unique_list) print("Count of unique values using list comprehension:", unique_count)


Count of unique values using list comprehension: 9

In the example above, list comprehension is used to generate a new list called unique_list that exclusively contains the unique values from the original list my_list. The set() function is employed to eliminate duplicate values, assets only allow for unique values. The resulting set is then converted to a list using the list() function. Lastly, the len() function is applied to obtain the count of unique values in the unique_list.

Method 4: Using a Counter from the collections module

The collections module in Python provides an efficient and powerful tool called Counter, which is a specialized dictionary designed for counting occurrences of elements in a collection. By utilizing Counter, counting unique values in a list becomes straightforward. We can convert the list into a Counter object and then utilize the len() function to obtain the count of unique values. Here’s an example:


from collections import Counter my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9] counter_obj = Counter(my_list) unique_count = len(counter_obj) print("Count of unique values using Counter:", unique_count)


Count of unique values using Counter: 9

In the example, we import the Counter class from the collections module, create a Counter object named counter_obj by passing my_list to the Counter() constructor, and use the len() function to retrieve the count of unique values from counter_obj. The Counter class has efficient counting capabilities and additional functionalities, making it versatile for advanced counting tasks. Consider task−specific requirements like efficiency and readability when choosing the appropriate method for counting unique values in a list.


In summary, the task of counting unique values in a list is a frequent requirement in Python programming. Throughout this article, we have examined four distinct approaches to achieve this goal: utilizing a set, employing a dictionary, leveraging list comprehension, and employing a Counter from the collections module. Each approach offers its unique benefits and can be chosen based on the specific needs of the task at hand. Whether you opt for the simplicity of a set, the flexibility of a dictionary, the conciseness of list comprehension, or the advanced functionality of a Counter, Python offers multiple avenues to accomplish the task of counting unique values in a list.


Python Count Unique Values in the List

Sometimes we need to count how many items in a Python list appear only once. These are called “Unique Items”. They can be useful when we want to filter out repeated values. There are different ways to find and count unique items in a list, such as the “for” loop, “set()” method, or collections “Counter()” function, etc.

This tutorial will discuss various examples of counting unique elements in the list with different techniques.

How to Count/Determine Unique Values in the List in Python?

The following methods are used to count unique values in the list:

Method 1: Count/Find Unique Values in a List by Utilizing the “set()” Method

The “set()” method is used to create/make a set object. It is an unordered collection of distinct items/elements. This method can be used to count unique element values in the list.

In the above syntax, “iterable” is any iterable object, such as a list, tuple, or string.

The below code is used to count unique list values:

In the above code, the “set()” method creates a set object by accepting the “list” iterable as an argument. The “len()” function is used to count/determine the unique values returned by the “set()” method.

The unique elements from the given list have been displayed in the above snippet, thereby excluding “Joseph” from the list.

Method 2: Count/Find Unique Values in a List by Utilizing the “collections” Module

The “collections” module provides a “Counter()” function that is used along with the “keys()” function to count/determine the specific unique values in the list.

In the below code, the “Counter()” function of the “collections” module is used to determine how many unique values are in the list:

from collections import Counter
list_value = [ ‘Joseph’ , ‘Anna’ , ‘Lily’ , ‘Henry’ , ‘Joseph’ ]
counter_object = Counter ( list_value )
keys = counter_object.keys ( )
print ( len ( keys ) )

  • The “Counter()” function takes the defined “list” as an argument and creates a dictionary Counter object.
  • The “keys()” function gets the keys of the counter object, which are the unique names in the list, and assigns them to the variable “keys”.
  • A view object is returned that reflects the changes in the dictionary as an iterable.
  • At last, the “len()” function determines the length of the keys, which is the number of unique names in the list.

The above snippet displays the special/unique values in the input list.

Method 3: Count/Find Unique Values in a List by Utilizing a “for” Loop

The “for” loop can also be utilized to count the unique values in the input Python list.

The below code is used to count the unique value in a Python list:

names = [ ‘Joseph’ , ‘Anna’ , ‘Lily’ , ‘Henry’ , ‘Joseph’ ]
no_duplicates = list ( )
count = 0
for name in names:
if name not in no_duplicates:
no_duplicates.append ( name )
count += 1
print ( count )

  • The list of names with some duplicates and an empty list named “no_duplicates” is created.
  • The variable named “count” is also created and assigned the value “0”.
  • The “for” loop is used to loop through each name in the “names” list and check if it is already in the empty list.
  • If the name is not in the “no_duplicates” list, it adds it to the list and increments the count by one, thereby omitting the duplication.

Method 4: Count Unique Values in a Python List Using “numpy” Library

The Python “numpy” library functions “numpy.array()” and “numpy.unique()” are used jointly to count the unique values in a Python list.

The following code is used to count the specific/unique values in a list:

import numpy
names = [ ‘Joseph’ , ‘Anna’ , ‘Lily’ , ‘Henry’ , ‘Joseph’ ]
array = numpy.array ( names )
unique = numpy.unique ( array )
print ( len ( unique ) )

  • The “array()” function is used to create an array by taking the list as an argument.
  • Similarly, the “unique()” function creates the array by removing the duplicate values.
  • The “len()” function determines/calculates the length of the unique value.

This snippet displays the unique values in a list appropriately.


To count unique values in the Python list, the “set()” function, the “collections” module, the “for” loop, or the “numpy” library are used in Python. A set object is an unordered collection of unique elements that can be created with the “set()” method and used to count distinct values in a list. Similarly, the “Counter()” function of the “collections” module, the “for” loop, or the “numpy” libraries can also be used to count the unique values in the list.

About the author

Talha Saif Malik

Talha is a contributor at Linux Hint with a vision to bring value and do useful things for the world. He loves to read, write and speak about Linux, Data, Computers and Technology.


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