Python удаление символов переноса строки

Python Remove Newline From String

There are times where we need to remove the newline from string while processing massive data. This tutorial will learn different approaches to strip newline characters from string in Python.

Python Remove Newline From String

In Python new line character is represented with “ \n .” Python’s print statement by default adds the newline character at the end of the string.

There are 3 different methods to remove the newline characters from the string.

Using strip() method to remove the newline character from a string

The strip() method will remove both trailing and leading newlines from the string. It also removes any whitespaces on both sides of a string.

# strip() method to remove newline characters from a string text= "\n Welcome to Python Programming \n" print(text.strip()) 
Welcome to Python Programming

If the newline is at the end of the string, you could use the rstrip() method to remove a trailing newline characters from a string, as shown below.

# rstrip() method to remove trailing newline character from a string text= "Welcome to Python Programming \n" print(text.rstrip()) 
Welcome to Python Programming

Using replace() method to remove newlines from a string

The replace() function is a built-in method, and it will replace the specified character with another character in a given string.

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In the below code, we are using replace() function to replace the newline characters in a given string. The replace() function will replace the old character and substitute it with an empty one.

Similarly, if we need to replace inside newline characters in a list of strings, we can iterate it through for loop and use a replace() function to remove the newline characters.

# Python code to remove newline character from string using replace() method text = "A regular \n expression is a sequence \n of characters\n that specifies a search\n pattern." print(text.replace('\n', '')) my_list = ["Python\n", "is\n", "Fun\n"] new_list = [] print("Original List: ", my_list) for i in my_list: new_list.append(i.replace("\n", "")) print("After removal of new line ", new_list) 
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Original List: ['Python\n', 'is\n', 'Fun\n'] After removal of new line ['Python', 'is', 'Fun']

We can also use the map function in Python to iterate the list of strings and remove the newline characters, as shown below. It would be a more optimized and efficient way of coding when compared to the for a loop.

my_list = ["Python\n", "is\n", "Fun\n"] print(list(map(str.strip, my_list))) 

Using regex to remove newline character from string

Another approach is to use the regular expression functions in Python to replace the newline characters with an empty string. The regex approach can be used to remove all the occurrences of the newlines in a given string.

The re.sub() function is similar to replace() method in Python. The re.sub() function will replace the specified newline character with an empty character.

# Python code to remove newline character from string using regex import re text = "A regular \n expression is a sequence \n of characters\n that specifies a search\n pattern." print(re.sub('\n', '', text)) my_list = ["Python\n", "is\n", "Fun\n"] new_list = [] print("Original List: ", my_list) for i in my_list: new_list.append(re.sub("\n", "", i)) print("After removal of new line ", new_list) 
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Original List: ['Python\n', 'is\n', 'Fun\n'] After removal of new line ['Python', 'is', 'Fun']


Python: удалить переносы строк и лишние пробелы из строки?

Всем привет. Подскажите плз, как решить задачу с минимальным изобретанием велосипедов. Нужно очистить строку от символов переноса (заменить на пробелы) и убрать лишние пробелы и пустые строки.

Сейчас это делается вот так:

‘ ‘.join(filter(None, map(unicode.strip, input_string.splitlines())))

Может есть более стандартный способ?

Попытки привлечь либу textwrap приводят только к раздутию кода… Может, я не умею ее готовить?

import re
mystr = » balabla\n zzz »
re.sub(«^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$», », mystr)

В этом примере удаляем пробелы в начале и конце строки и символы переноса строки. Отредактируйте под свои нужды.

все норм, только вот так:
import re
mystr = » balabla\n zzz »
mystr = re.sub(«^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$», », mystr)
PS Спасибо за способ, помогло

Правда при этом не только переносы и пробелы будут обработаны, но вообще все пробельные символы (табы например). Но в обычных юзкейсах это именно то что нужно.

Подозреваю через re.match (вроде?) создаешь список кандидатов на замену, а затем применяешь your_string.replace(what_from, what_to)

__author__ = '' from itertools import groupby def lines_filter(iterable): """ input: any iterable output: generator or list """ wait_chr = False is_begin = True #======================================================================================================== # You can delete "groupby" and the result will not change, but will increase the length of the input list. #======================================================================================================== for item, i in groupby(iterable): if item: is_begin = False if wait_chr: wait_chr = False yield '' yield item elif not is_begin and not wait_chr: wait_chr = True if __name__ == '__main__': list1 =['','','','i','hgf', '','','','9876','','','7','','9','','',''] # Input list print [i for i in lines_filter(list1)] # Output to the list 

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Ошибка при попытки скачать requirements.txt, что делать?


Python: Remove Newline Character from String

Python Remove Newline Characters from String Cover Image

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python to remove newline characters from a string.

Working with strings in Python can be a difficult game, that often comes with a lot of pre-processing of data. Since the strings we find online often come with many issues, learning how to clean your strings can save you a lot of time. One common issue you’ll encounter is additional newline characters in strings that can cause issues in your work.

The Quick Answer: Use Python string.replace()

Quick Answer - Python Remove Newline Characters

What are Python Newline Characters

Python comes with special characters to let the computer know to insert a new line. These characters are called newline characters. These characters look like this: \n .

When you have a string that includes this character, the text following the newline character will be printed on a new line.

Let’s see how this looks in practice:

a_string = 'Hello!\nWelcome to Datagy!\nHow are you?\n' print(a_string) # Returns # Hello! # Welcome to Datagy! # How are you?

Now that you know how newline characters work in Python, let’s learn how you can remove them!

Use Python to Remove All Newline Characters from a String

Python’s strings come built in with a number of useful methods. One of these is the .replace() method, which does exactly what it describes: it allows you to replace parts of a string.

# Use string.replace() to replace newline characters in a string a_string = 'Hello!\n Welcome to Datagy!\n How are you?\n' a_string = a_string.replace('\n','') print(a_string) # Returns: Hello! Welcome to Datagy! How are you?

Let’s see what we’ve done here:

  1. We passed the string.replace() method onto our string
  2. As parameters, the first positional argument indicates what string we want to replace. Here, we specified the newline \n character.
  3. The second argument indicates what to replace that character with. In this case, we replaced it with nothing, thereby removing the character.

In this section, you learned how to use string.replace() to remove newline characters from a Python string. In the next section, you’ll learn how to replace trailing newlines.

Tip! If you want to learn more about how to use the .replace() method, check out my in-depth guide here.

Use Python to Remove Trailing Newline Characters from a String

There may be times in your text pre-processing that you don’t want to remove all newline characters, but only want to remove trailing newline characters in Python. In these cases, the .replace() method isn’t ideal. Thankfully, Python comes with a different string method that allows us to to strip characters from the trailing end of a string: the .rstrip() method.

Let’s dive into how this method works in practise:

# Remove trailing newline characters from a string in Python a_string = 'Hello! \nWelcome to Datagy! \nHow are you?\n' a_string = a_string.rstrip() print(a_string) # Returns # Hello! # Welcome to Datagy! # How are you?

The Python .rstrip() method works by removing any whitespace characters from the string. Because of this, we didn’t need to specify a new line character.

If you only wanted to remove newline characters, you could simply specify this, letting Python know to keep any other whitespace characters in the string. This would look like the line below:

a_string = a_string.rstrip('\n')

In the next section, you’ll learn how to use regex to remove newline characters from a string in Python.

Tip! If you want to learn more about the .rstrip() (as well as the .lstrip() ) method in Python, check out my in-depth tutorial here.

Use Python Regex to Remove Newline Characters from a String

Python’s built-in regular expression library, re , is a very powerful tool to allow you to work with strings and manipulate them in creative ways. One of the things we can use regular expressions (regex) for, is to remove newline characters in a Python string.

Let’s see how we can do this:

# Use regular expressions to remove newline characters from a string in Python import re a_string = 'Hello! \nWelcome to Datagy! \nHow are you?\n' a_string = re.sub('\n', '', a_string) print(a_string) # Returns: Hello! Welcome to Datagy! How are you?

Let’s see what we’ve done here:

  1. We imported re to allow us to use the regex library
  2. We use the re.sub() function, to which we passed three parameters: (1) the string we want to replace, (2), the string we want to replace it with, and (3) the string on which the replacement is to be done

It may seem overkill to use re for this, and it often is, but if you’re importing re anyway, you may as well use this approach, as it lets you do much more complex removals!


In this post, you learned how to use Python to remove newline characters from a string. You learned how to do this using the string.replace() method, how to replace trailing newlines using .rstrip() , and how to accomplish this using regular expression’s sub() function.

Additional Resources

To learn more about related topics, check out the resources below:


Remove \n From the String in Python

Remove \n From the String in Python

  1. Remove \n From the String in Python Using the str.strip() Method
  2. Remove \n From String Using str.replace() Method in Python
  3. Remove \n From String Using regex Method in Python

In this tutorial, we will look into the different ways to remove \n and \t from a string.

Remove \n From the String in Python Using the str.strip() Method

In order to remove \n from the string using the str.strip() method, we need to pass \n and \t to the method, and it will return the copy of the original string after removing \n and \t from the string.

string = "\tHello, how are you\n" print("Old String:") print("'" + string + "'")  string = string.strip('\n') string = string.strip('\t') print("New String:") print("'" + string + "'") 
Old String: ' Hello, how are you? ' New String: 'Hello, how are you?' 

Remove \n From String Using str.replace() Method in Python

The other way to remove \n and \t from a string is to use the str.replace() method. We should keep in mind that the str.replace() method will replace the given string from the whole thing, not just from the string’s start or end. If you only need to remove something from the start and end only, you should use the str.strip() method.

The str.replace() method two arguments as input, first is the character or string you want to be replaced, and second is the character or string you want to replace with. In the below example, since we just wanted to remove \n and \t , we have passed the empty string as the second argument.

string = "Hello, \nhow are you\t?\n" print("Old String:") print("'" + string + "'")  string = string.replace('\n',"") string = string.replace('\t',"") print("New String:") print("'" + string + "'") 
Old String: 'Hello, how are you ? ' New String: 'Hello, how are you?' 

Remove \n From String Using regex Method in Python

To remove \n from the string, we can use the re.sub() method. The below code example demonstrates how to remove \n using the re.sub() method. \n is the new line’s regular express pattern, and it will be replaced with the empty string — «» .

import re  string = "Hello, \nhow are you\n?" print("Old String:") print("'" + string + "'")  new_string = re.sub(r'\n', '', string) print("New String:") print("'" + new_string + "'") 
Old String: 'Hello, how are you ?' New String: 'Hello, how are you?' 

Related Article — Python String


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