Python string less than

  1. Python Less Than (<) Operator
  2. Syntax
  3. Example 1
  4. Example 2: Less Than Operator with String Operands
  5. Example 3: Less Than Operator with Lists
  6. Summary
  7. String Comparison in Python
  8. Compare String Using Comparison Operator
  9. 1. Equal To ==
  10. 2. Not Equal To !=
  11. 3. Greater Than > & >=
  12. 4. Less Than < & A string less than another string means that the dictionary position of one string is less than the other string. Note : To compare strings without looking at the cases convert both strings either to lower case ( lower() method) or to upper case ( upper() method). Compare String Using For Loop You can also use for loop to compare strings. How to compare two strings in Python using for loop?🤔 The idea is to loop through the string and compare the corresponding characters of both strings. If all the characters are the same, then the string is considered equal. # using for loop str1 = "Hello" str2 = "Hello" for i in range(len(str1)): if str1[i] != str2[i]: print("False") break else: print("True") Part of another string (substring or not) If a string is part of another string, means it is a substring of another string. We can use in and not in operators to check if a string is part of another string. 1. in operator in operator returns True if a string is part of another string. The in operator is used between 2 strings and is case sensitive. # using in operator print("Hello" in "Hello World") # True print("Cat" in "Hello World") # False 2. not in operator not in operator returns True if a string is not part of another string. The not in operator is used between 2 strings and is case sensitive. # using not in operator print("Hello" not in "Hello World") # False print("Cat" in "Hello World") # True Prefix or Suffix of another string Prefix and suffix of a string can be checked using startswith() and endswith() methods respectively. 1. startswith() method The startswith() method returns True if a string starts with a specified substring. The startswith() method is case-sensitive. # using startswith() method print("Hello World".startswith("Hello")) # True print("Hello World".startswith("hello")) # False 2. endswith() method The endswith() method returns True if a string ends with a specified substring. The endswith() method is case-sensitive. # using endswith() method print("Hello World".endswith("World")) # True print("Hello World".endswith("world")) # False Conclusion String comparison in python is a very common task while working with strings. We have discussed many different types of comparisons between 2 strings in python. We have also discussed how to compare strings using for loop. Источник
  13. Compare String Using For Loop
  14. Part of another string (substring or not)
  15. 1. in operator
  16. 2. not in operator
  17. Prefix or Suffix of another string
  18. 1. startswith() method
  19. 2. endswith() method
  20. Conclusion
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Python Less Than (<) Operator

Python Less Than operator is used to compare if an operand is less than other operand.


The syntax of less than comparison operator is

Less than operator returns a boolean value. True if operand_1 is less than operand_2 in value. Otherwise, it returns False. If the operands are sequences like strings, lists, tuple, etc., corresponding elements are compared to compute the result.

Example 1

In this example, we will compare two integers, x and y, and check if x is less than y.

Python Program

Example 2: Less Than Operator with String Operands

You can compare if a Python String is less than other string. Python considers lexicographic order of alphabets, or you could say the ASCII value. In that case, the alphabet ‘a’ is less than alphabet ‘b’, and ‘b’ is less than ‘c’, and so on. The same explanation holds for other possible characters in a string.

While comparing, the first character of each string is compared. If they are equal, next characters are compared, else the result is returned.

In this example, we will compare two strings, x and y, and check if one string is less than other.

Python Program

x = 'apple' y = 'banana' z = 'cherry' k = 'Apple' print(x < y) #True print(y < z) #True print(x < z) #True print(x < k) #False

'a' is less than 'b' and therefore 'apple' is less than 'banana'. So, xy ad x.

'a' is greater than 'A'. Therefore 'apple' < 'Apple'returned False.

Example 3: Less Than Operator with Lists

Just like strings, Python Lists can be compared too. And the comparison happens in the same way.

In this example, we will compare some lists.

Python Program

x = [41, 54, 21] y = [98, 8] z = [41, 54, 4, 6] print(x < y) #True print(y < z) #False print(x < z) #False

[41, 54, 21] less than [98, 8] first compares the elements 41 and 98. The result is straight away True and the operator returns True.

[98, 8] less than [41, 54, 4, 6] first compares the elements 98 and 41. The result is straight away False and the operator returns False.

[41, 54, 21] less than [41, 54, 4, 6] first compares the elements 41 and 41. No result. Then 54 and 54 are compared. Still no result. Then 21 and 4 are compared. This returns False for 21 < 4.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to compare two values or sequences like strings, lists, etc., using less than comparison operator.


String Comparison in Python

In this article, you will see how many ways you can compare strings in Python with some real-world examples.

Comparing strings can have many different aspects or purposes. For example:

  • Comparing strings if they are equal or not : == & !=
  • Comparing strings if one string is greater than another string or not : > , >= , < ,
  • Comparing strings without considering the case : lower() & upper()
  • Checking if one string is a substring of another string or not : in & not in
  • Checking if one string is the prefix of another string or not : startswith()
  • Checking if one string is the suffix of another string or not : endswith()

You can use these comparisons to tell which one is lexicographically (alphabetically) larger than the other.

Let's look at all of these aspects in detail.

string comparison in python

  • Compare String Using Comparison Operator
    1. Equal To ==
    2. Not Equal To !=
    3. Greater Than > & >=
    4. Less Than < &
  • Compare String Using For Loop
  • Part of another string (substring or not)
    1. Substring ( in operator)
    2. Not Substring ( not in operator)
  • Prefix or Suffix of another string
    1. Prefix ( startswith operator)
    2. Suffix ( endswith operator)
  • Conclusion
  • Compare String Using Comparison Operator

    Comparison operators in Python is used to compare two strings. It returns True or False based on the condition.

    When we use it to compare two strings, internally it uses Unicode values of the strings to compare them. If Unicode values of all the characters in the strings are the same, then the string is considered equal.

    1. Equal To ==

    To compare if 2 strings are equal, we can use the == operator.

    The == operator is case-sensitive.

    # using == operator print("Hello" == "Hello") # True print("Hello" == "hello") # False

    The above code will print True for the first comparison and False for the second comparison.

    To compare without looking at the cases convert both strings to lower case using the lower() method.

    # using == operator with lower() method print("Hello".lower() == "hello".lower()) # True print("HELLO".lower() == "HeLLo".lower()) # True

    Note : You can also use __eq__() method to compare the equality of two strings. "A"__eq__("A") will return True .

    2. Not Equal To !=

    To compare if 2 strings are not equal, we can use != operator.

    The != operator is case sensitive.

    # using != operator print("Hello" != "Hello") # False print("Cat" != "dog") # True

    3. Greater Than > & >=

    Using the comparison operator we can also compare if a string is greater than another string or not.

    For a string being greater than another string does not mean one has more characters than another string. It means that the dictionary position of one string is greater than the other string.

    For example, B is after A in the dictionary so "B" > "A" will return True .

    # using > operator print("B" > "A") # True print("B" >= "A") # True print("A" > "B") # False print("A" >= "B") # False print("ABC" > "B") # False (length of string doesn't matter)

    4. Less Than < &

    A string less than another string means that the dictionary position of one string is less than the other string.

    Note : To compare strings without looking at the cases convert both strings either to lower case ( lower() method) or to upper case ( upper() method).

    Compare String Using For Loop

    You can also use for loop to compare strings.

    How to compare two strings in Python using for loop?🤔

    The idea is to loop through the string and compare the corresponding characters of both strings. If all the characters are the same, then the string is considered equal.

    # using for loop str1 = "Hello" str2 = "Hello" for i in range(len(str1)): if str1[i] != str2[i]: print("False") break else: print("True")

    Part of another string (substring or not)

    If a string is part of another string, means it is a substring of another string.

    We can use in and not in operators to check if a string is part of another string.

    1. in operator

    in operator returns True if a string is part of another string.

    The in operator is used between 2 strings and is case sensitive.

    # using in operator print("Hello" in "Hello World") # True print("Cat" in "Hello World") # False

    2. not in operator

    not in operator returns True if a string is not part of another string.

    The not in operator is used between 2 strings and is case sensitive.

    # using not in operator print("Hello" not in "Hello World") # False print("Cat" in "Hello World") # True

    Prefix or Suffix of another string

    Prefix and suffix of a string can be checked using startswith() and endswith() methods respectively.

    1. startswith() method

    The startswith() method returns True if a string starts with a specified substring.

    The startswith() method is case-sensitive.

    # using startswith() method print("Hello World".startswith("Hello")) # True print("Hello World".startswith("hello")) # False

    2. endswith() method

    The endswith() method returns True if a string ends with a specified substring.

    The endswith() method is case-sensitive.

    # using endswith() method print("Hello World".endswith("World")) # True print("Hello World".endswith("world")) # False


    String comparison in python is a very common task while working with strings. We have discussed many different types of comparisons between 2 strings in python.

    We have also discussed how to compare strings using for loop.


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