Python string escape curly brackets

How to escape curly-brackets in f-strings?

F-strings are a popular and convenient way to format strings in Python, especially when it comes to embedding expressions within strings. However, sometimes you may need to include a brace character (i.e. curly-bracket) within the string itself, which can cause issues as the brace characters are also used to delimit the expressions within the f-string. In such cases, it is important to properly escape the curly-brackets to ensure that they are treated as part of the string, rather than as part of the f-string expression.

Method 1: Double Braces

To escape curly braces in f-strings in Python, you can use the double braces method. This involves using double curly braces instead of a single curly brace. Here are some examples:

name = "John" print(f" name>>>.") num1 = 10 num2 = 5 print(f" num1> and num2> is num1 + num2>>>>>.") fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"] for fruit in fruits: print(f" fruit>s>>>>.") 

In each example, the double braces are used to escape the curly braces and include them in the f-string. This method can be particularly useful when you need to include curly braces as part of the output in your f-string.

Method 2: Escape Character

To escape curly braces in f-strings, you can use the escape character «» before the curly brace. Here are some examples:

print(f">") # Output: print(f"<<>>>") # Output: > val = 10 print(f" val>>> is a variable") # Output: is a variable dict_val = "key": "value"> print(f" dict_val>>> is a dictionary") # Output: > is a dictionary

In the above examples, we used the escape character «» before the curly brace to escape it and print it as a literal character. We also used variables and dictionaries inside the f-strings with escaped curly braces to print their values.

Method 3: Format Method

To escape curly braces in Python f-strings using the Format method, you can use double curly braces. Here is an example:

name = "John" age = 30 print("My name is > and I am > years old".format(name, age))
My name is <> and I am 30 years old

In the above example, the double curly braces are used to escape the curly braces in the string. The format() method replaces the curly braces with the values of name and age .

You can also use the replace() method to replace the single curly braces with double curly braces. Here is an example:

name = "John" age = 30 string = "My name is <> and I am <> years old" string = string.replace(", "<).replace(">", ">>") print(string.format(name, age))
My name is John and I am 30 years old

In the above example, the replace() method is used to replace the single curly braces with double curly braces. The format() method replaces the curly braces with the values of name and age .

Another way to escape curly braces is by using a backslash. Here is an example:

name = "John" age = 30 print("My name is \> and I am \> years old".format(name, age))
My name is and I am years old

In the above example, the backslash is used to escape the curly braces in the string. The format() method replaces the curly braces with the values of name and age .

These are some of the ways to escape curly braces in Python f-strings using the Format method.


Escape Curly Braces in Python F-Strings: A Complete Guide

Learn how to escape curly braces in Python f-strings with double curly braces and escape characters. Improve your string formatting skills with this complete guide.

  • Understanding F-Strings
  • Double Curly Braces
  • PYTHON : How to escape curly-brackets in f-strings?
  • Python Escape Characters
  • Two-Step Process
  • Other helpful code examples for escaping curly braces in Python f-strings
  • Conclusion
  • How to escape curly braces in F-strings in Python?
  • What is F string in Python?
  • How to create F-strings in Python?
  • How to evaluate variables in F-strings in Python?

F-strings are a popular and easy-to-use way of formatting strings in python . They allow you to embed expressions inside string literals, making it easier to create dynamic strings. However, if you need to print a curly brace as literal text in f-strings, you will need to escape it. In this guide, we will cover how to escape curly braces in f-strings in Python.

Understanding F-Strings

F-strings, also known as formatted string literals, are a more concise and efficient way of formatting strings in Python. They have the f prefix, and expressions inside curly braces <> are evaluated at runtime. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text in format strings.

Double Curly Braces

The simplest way to escape curly braces in f-strings is to double them up. By using double curly braces > , we can print literal curly braces in f-strings.

For example, if we want to print as a string literal, we can do so with the following code:

PYTHON : How to escape curly-brackets in f-strings?

Web PYTHON : How to escape curly -brackets in f — strings ? [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : ] PYTHON : How to …

Python Escape Characters

Python escape characters can be used to insert characters that are illegal in a string. Backslash characters \ can be used to escape characters that are illegal in a string.

We can use the backslash character to escape curly braces in f-strings. For example, if we want to print as a string literal, we can do so with the following code:

Two-Step Process

In Python 2 and Python 3.0-3.4, escaping curly braces in f-strings can be done as a two-step process. We can use curly braces as placeholders and format the string using .format() method.

For example, if we want to print as a string literal in Python 3.0-3.4, we can do so with the following code:

Other helpful code examples for escaping curly braces in Python f-strings

In Python , for example, print curly bracket python

print( f'>') # Output: <>print( f'') # Output:


F-strings are a faster, more concise, and less error-prone way of formatting strings in Python. By learning how to escape curly braces in f-strings, you can format your strings more effectively and efficiently. Double curly braces and escape characters are two methods that can be used to escape curly braces in f-strings. In Python 2 and Python 3.0-3.4, we can use a two-step process to escape curly braces. Understanding how to escape curly braces in f-strings can help you format strings in Python more effectively.

In conclusion, f-strings are a powerful feature in Python that allow for efficient string formatting. By learning how to escape curly braces in f-strings, you can format your strings more effectively and efficiently. Double curly braces and escape characters are two methods that can be used to escape curly braces in f-strings. F-strings are an improved way to format strings in Python, and understanding how to use them effectively can help you write better Python code.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

How do I print curly braces as literal text in f-strings?

To print curly braces as literal text in f-strings, double them up (<< and >>). Double curly braces can be used to escape curly braces in f-strings.

What are f-strings in Python?

F-strings are also known as formatted string literals. They have the f prefix and use <> brackets to evaluate values.

Can expressions be evaluated in f-strings?

What are Python escape characters?

Python escape characters can be used to insert characters that are illegal in a string. Backslash characters can be used to escape characters that are illegal in a string.

How do I escape curly braces in f-strings using escape characters?

We can use the backslash character (\) to escape curly braces in f-strings. For example, print(f»\> World») will output World.

What is the two-step process to escape curly braces in f-strings?

In Python 2 and Python 3.0-3.4, we can use curly braces as placeholders and format the string using .format() method. For example, print(«<> World».format()) will output World.


How To Escape ‘<>’ Curly braces In A String?

How To Escape '< data-lazy-src=

This code replaces the curly braces with the variables provided in the list of arguments. These arguments are name and age. .format method here is used to replace the value. Let’s see the implementation.

Format Method To Escape Curly Braces

This format method successfully replaces the curly braces from the string.

F-string Method to Escape Curly Braces <> in a String

The f-string method is very similar to the format method. The f-string is a formatted string literal. This method uses ‘f’ as a prefix before a string. The values initialized at the start of the code will be replaced using the f-string method. This f-string method can replace the curly braces using integers, characters, floats, or string values.

Name = "Snehal" Roll_No = 7 Result = f"My name is and my roll No is ." print(Result)

In this code, the ‘f’ is used as a prefix in the string. The f-string method replaces the Name and Roll_No values from the string. Let’s see the results.

F String To Escape Curly Braces In A String

In the results, the curly braces are successfully replaced by the values in the output.

Double Curly Braces in Python

The double curly braces in Python print only one pair of curly braces in the string. For example, this double curly braces technique is interpreted as an escape character in Python. Simply put, one pair of curly braces will be eliminated from the input. Let’s see the execution to understand the technique.

Value = "> ".format(7) print(Value)

This code will replace the double curly braces with single curly braces. Here, the format method includes a number in the string. Let’s see the results.

Double Curly Braces

In this output, only one pair of curly brace is printed.


This article covers the methods to escape curly braces in Python. This article contains three different methods: format method, f-string method, or double curly braces technique, to escape the curly braces from the string. The use of curly braces in Python is also covered in this article. Hope you will enjoy this article.


Do read the official documentation of formatting strings for more details.


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