Python set join to string

How to convert a Python set to a string

Sometimes, you may need to convert a set object to a string object in Python.

By default, Python allows you to convert a set object to a string using the str() function as follows:

But the result will be a string with curly brackets as shown below:

Most likely, you want to improve the conversion and remove the curly brackets, the extra quotation mark, and the commas.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use both methods in practice.

Convert set to string with the str.join() method

Since a set is an iterable object, you can use the str.join() method to join the items in the set as a string.

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You can call the join() method from an empty string as follows:

If you want to add some character between the elements, you can specify the character in the string from which you call the join() method:
Keep in mind that a set is an unordered data structure, so the insertion order is not preserved. This is why the string has a different order than the set you defined.

One weakness of this method is that if you have a set of mixed types, then the join() method will raise an error.

Suppose you have a mixed set as shown below:

See how the join() method expected a str instance, but int is found instead.

To overcome this limitation, you need to use a for loop as explained below.

2. Using a for loop

To convert a set to a string, you can also use a for loop to iterate over the set and assign each value to a string. Here’s an example:

One benefit of using this method is that you can convert a set of mixed types to a string by calling the str() function on each item.

This way, you can convert a set of strings, integers, or floats just fine.


Now you’ve learned how to convert a set to a string in Python. Happy coding! 👍

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Как преобразовать множество в строку в Python

Set в Python — это структура данных, которая используется для хранения уникальных элементов. Строка представляет собой массив байтов, представляющих символы Юникода. Python не имеет встроенного символьного типа данных, поэтому одиночный символ — это всего лишь строка длиной 1.

Преобразование набора Python в строку

Чтобы преобразовать множество Python в строку, используйте один из следующих методов:

Метод str() возвращает строковую версию объекта. См. следующий синтаксис метода str().



  1. object: объект, строковое представление которого должно быть возвращено.
  2. encoding: кодировка данного объекта.
  3. errors: ответ при сбое декодирования.

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает строковую версию данного объекта.


В этом примере мы определили множество и используем функцию type() для проверки типа данных переменной.

С помощью функции str() мы преобразовали множество в строку.

Преобразование с помощью функции join()

Python string join() — это встроенная функция, которая возвращает строку, в которой элементы последовательности соединены разделителем str.



Метод join() принимает итерируемый объект, такой как list, tuple, dict или set.


Использование метода repr()

Python repr() — это встроенная функция, которая возвращает печатное представление данного объекта. Чтобы безопасно оценить узел выражения или строку в кодировке Unicode, содержащую выражение из ненадежных источников, без необходимости самостоятельно анализировать значения, используйте функцию ast.literal_eval().

Когда результат repr() передается в функцию ast.literal_eval(), она возвращает исходный объект, и в нашем случае это будет множество. Чтобы использовать функцию literal_eval(), импортируйте модуль ast.

Сначала мы определили набор и преобразовали его в строку с помощью функции repr(), а затем в финальном выводе мы получили исходный объект набора. И str(), и repr() используются для получения строкового представления объекта.

Str() используется для создания вывода для конечного пользователя, а repr() в основном используется для отладки и разработки. Функция repr() должна быть однозначной, а функция str() — читаемой.

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Convert Set to String in Python

How to convert Set to String in Python? There are several ways to convert values from a set to a string. A Set is a one-dimensional data structure that will hold unique elements. It can be possible to have the same or different type of elements in the set. Whereas the String is a sequence of characters.

1. Quick Examples of Converting Set to String

Following are quick examples of how to convert a set to a string in python.

2. Convert Set to String using join()

To convert a Python set to a string you can use the join() method of the string class. This is a built-in function that takes the Python sets as an argument and joins each element of the set with a separator.

2.1 join() Syntax

The following is the syntax of the join() function.

Here, myset is an input set you wanted to convert to a string.

2.2 Convert Set to String Example

Let’s create a set with string values and use the join() function to convert the set to string type. In the below example I am using a space as a separator hence the resulting string will have values with a space separator.

 print("Set: ",myset) print("Previous datatype: ",type(myset)) # Convert Set to String converted = ' '.join(myset) print("Converted String:",converted) print("Final datatype: " , type(converted)) # Output: # Set: # Previous datatype: # Converted String: sparkby to welcome examples # Final datatype:

Let’s try another example with a comma separator.

You can also use the map() function with join() to convert the set to strings to a single string in Python.

3. Using List Comprehension with join()

Alternatively, you can use list comprehension to create a list of strings from the set elements, and then use the join() method to combine them into a single string.

4. Convert set to string using repr()

In python, repr() or _repr__() is used to return the object representation in string format. When the repr() function is invoked on the object, __repr__() method is called.

4.1 repr() Syntax

4.2 Example

 print("Set: ",myset) print("Previous datatype: ",type(myset)) # Convert myset to String using repr() converted = repr(myset) print("Final datatype: " , type(converted)) # Output: # Set: # Previous datatype: # Final datatype:

5. Convert Set to String using str()

To convert the Set to String you can use the str() function in Python. The str() function is a built-in function that returns a string version of a given object. It converts any value or object to a string representation.

5.1 str() Syntax

Following is the syntax of the str()

5.2 Using str() Convert Set to String Example

Let’s create a Set with string and use it with the str() to convert it to string type.

 print("Set: ",myset) print("Previous datatype: ",type(myset)) # Convert myset to String using str() converted = str(myset) print("Final datatype: " , type(converted)) print("Result: ", converted) # Output: # Set: # Previous datatype: # Final datatype: Result: 

7. Conclusion

In this article, you have learned how to convert the given set to a string by using join(), map() and str() functions. In all examples, we verified the type after converting it to string.

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How To Join The Elements Of A Set Into A String In Python

Join the elements of a Set into a string in Python

To join the elements of a set into a string in Python. we can use the join() function or create a function that can do so yourself. Read the following article and then discuss this topic together.

Join the elements of a set into a string in Python

Set in Python is a data structure related to set math, also known as set theory. A set can contain many elements, and these elements have no order. The elements stand indiscriminately in the set. The elements of a set are immutable data types such as int, list, or tuple.

To join the elements of a set into a string in Python, I have the following ways:

Use the join() function

  • str: Delimiter for string concatenation.
  • object: List or tuple containing elements that are strings to be concatenated.

The join() function returns an object that is a character string of the elements of the specified list or tuple joined together by a delimiter.

  • Initialize a collection.
  • Use the join() function to join the elements of the set into a string.
fruits = # Use the join() function to concatenate elements in a set into a string myString = ''.join(fruits) print('The elements in the set are concatenated into a string:', myString)
The elements in the set are concatenated into a string: pearorangeapple

You can pass additional delimiters to the string.

fruits = # Use the join() function to concatenate elements in a set into a string myString = '#'.join(fruits) print('The elements in the set are concatenated into a string:', myString)
The elements in the Set are concatenated into a string: orange#pear#apple

Declare a custom function

You can write a function that concatenates the elements of a set into a string.

fruits = def concatString(fruitParam): result = '' for f in fruitParam: result += f return result print('The elements in the set are concatenated into a string:', concatString(fruits))
The elements in the set are concatenated into a string: orangeapplepear

In my example, I have initialized a function named ‘ concatString ‘. In that function, I have to write one loop to concatenate each set element into a string. The variable result has the effect of saving and returning that string.

If you want to customize the length of the string, you can add the slice() function to the concatString function.

fruits = def concatString(fruitParam): result = '' for f in fruitParam: result += f # Use the slice() function return result[0:] print('The elements in the set are concatenated into a string:', concatString(fruits))
The elements in the set are concatenated into a string: pearorangeapple

Change the length by changing the starting index like [1:] or [2:].


To join the elements of a set into a string in Python, the quick and convenient way is to use the join() function. What do you think about this topic? Please leave a comment below.

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My name is Jason Wilson, you can call me Jason. My major is information technology, and I am proficient in C++, Python, and Java. I hope my writings are useful to you while you study programming languages.

Name of the university: HHAU
Major: IT
Programming Languages: C++, Python, Java


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