Python selenium start maximized

Selenium WebDriver with Python – initial configuration

So, you want to start working with Selenium WebDriver with Python. In this post I will tell you what you need to do at the very beginning.

Install Selenium WebDriver

In order to be able to call WebDriver methods and classes from your python code you need to install selenium module

You can install the module into a virtual environment. Read the post Python virtual environment with venv to understand the advantages of this approach.

Selenium drivers for browsers

You will use Selenium WebDriver to manipulate a browser. It is possible to run selenium tests on any popular browser. Such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, etc. There is a driver for each of these browsers. The driver can listen commands from selenium and pass them to the browser. The list of drivers with the download links you can find on the official page.

Driver location

Important update. Now Selenium does not require chromedriver, geckodriver, edgechromiumdriver. If you have Selenium version 4.6.0 or higher you can skip the part about driver download and installation. In the version 4.6.0 Selenium introduced Selenium Manager which now configures the browser drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. And you don’t need to do this by yourself.

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You can find more details in this post: Now you don’t need to install chromedriver.

Unpack the downloaded driver and place into any directory listed in you computer’s PATH. That’s the first option.

The second option is to add to PATH the directory where you want to store the driver.

And the third option is to specify the path to the driver in the python code where you will use the driver. For example, for Chrome it will look like

from import Service service = Service(executable_path='/home/user1/Downloads/chromedriver') driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

First of all you import the Service class. Then you initialize this class with the “executable_path” argument where you specify the full path to the driver file. And finally you use the initialized Service class instance when you are initializing the driver.

Initialize the driver

Before you give any command to the browser you need to initialize the WebDriver. Each browser has it’s own class inside the selenium library.

from selenium import webdriver chrome_driver = webdriver.Chrome() ie_driver = webdriver.Ie() firefox_driver = webdriver.Firefox()

Change browser’s window size

Almost all sites have adaptive design nowadays. By default, selenium opens browser with a small window. Often you will need to change the window’s size to the maximum to be able to see the full version of the web application. There are different options to change the size of the browser’s window. The first one is to call the driver’s method to maximize the window.

driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.maximize_window()

The second option is to start driver with options. And set an option to start in maximized size.

from import Options options = Options() options.add_argument('start-maximized') driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)

And the third option lets you to set the size of the window manually. Furthermore that is the only working option for Mac users.

from import Options options = Options() options.add_argument('window-size=1920,1080') driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)

So if you are a Mac user and you need to maximize the browser’s window set this size to the maximum size of your screen.

Open an URL in browser

To tell the driver what URL it should open in the browser use the “get” method of the WebDriver.


Close browser

To close the window you’ve previously opened use “quit” method.

Close a tab

To close a browser’s tab you are currently in use “close” method.

If you run the selenium scripts in the Chrome browser and there is only one opened tab, this command will close the browser entirely.

Get basic information from the browser

After opening a browser and a page you can request some information to ensure you are on the right page.

Current URL

To get the URL of the current page use “current_url” method of the WebDriver.

You can print the value or make an assert that the URL is the expected one.

Page source

In order to get the source code of the current page use the “page_source” method.

Page title

To get the title of the current page use “title” method.

All the method listed here return a string with the information you requested.


selenium maximize

Maximization of a web browser through the Web Driver (Python selenium) is very easy. In short, all you have you have to do is start the browser and call the maximize_window().

(Selenium is a Python module that uses a web driver to control a web browser for you)

Related course:


selenium maximize

Before you start, make sure you have the right Web Driver installed for your Web Browser. For Firefox that’s GeckoDriver, For Chrome that’s ChromeDriver and so on.

Besides installing the Web Driver, you need to install the Python selenium module. The selenium module can be installed using the operating systems package manager or pip.

The example below opens the web browser and maximizes it. This is done in a few steps.

from selenium import webdriver
import time

driver = webdriver.Firefox()


selenium maximize

First import webdriver and the time module. These are required for interacting with the Web Driver.

from selenium import webdriver
import time

Then open your web browser, for instance, firefox with webdriver.Firefox() and maximize the window with the call maximize_window().

driver = webdriver.Firefox()


Maximize or Minimize a browser window using Selenium Python

Hello programmers, in this tutorial we will see how to maximize or minimize a browser window using Selenium Python.

Selenium is a tool that is used in the automation of browsers. This automation task can be done via various Python, PHP, JavaScript programs, etc.

Here, we will see how to do this task using Python.

In any web browser, the maximize button is used to enlarge a web browser window whereas the minimize button is used to shrink the window.

Before running the code, we have to download the chrome driver and place the file path of the executable file in our system path.

Given below is an illustration for maximizing a window using Selenium Python.

#Importing necessary Libraries from selenium import webdriver import time #maximize function def seleniumMaximize(): #creating a webdriver object driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:/path/to/dir/chromedriver.exe') driver.maximize_window() #maximize window size driver.get("") #opening the url time.sleep(10) #waiting for 10 seconds #driver if __name__ == "__main__": seleniumMaximize() #call the function
The browser opens with the maximized window.

We create a web driver instance of the chrome driver. We then maximize the window using the ‘maximize_window()’ method and open the specified URL.

Given below is an illustration for minimizing a window using Selenium Python.

#Importing necessary Libraries from selenium import webdriver import time #minimize function def seleniumMinimize(): #creating a webdriver object driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:/path/to/dir/chromedriver.exe') driver.minimize_window() #minimize window size driver.get("") #opening the url time.sleep(10) #waiting for 10 seconds #driver if __name__ == "__main__": seleniumMinimize() #call the function
The window is shrunk to the taskbar and the following URL is opened in the browser.

We create a web driver instance of the chrome driver. We then minimize the window by using the ‘minimize_window()’ method and open the following URL specified.


Автотесты Python-Selenium

Иногда для теста обязательным является то, чтобы окно открывалось на весь экран (так как по умолчанию оно может быть меньше необходимого).
Я столкнулась с тем, что по умолчанию при прогонкке теста через BrowserStack размер открываемого окна 1024×768. Это размер экрана планшета. Для моего теста это не подходило, так как верхнее меню для десктопа и для планшета отображалось по-разному.

Для таблетки отображалось гамбургер-меню и при попытке найти главное меню на странице, тест падал.

Для того, чтобы решить эту проблему, после перехода на нужную страницу, нужно изменить размер окна на максимальный. Для этого используем функцию maximize_window.


Через какое-то время у меня возникла проблема, что при запуске через BrowserStack, окно не всегда становится максимальным, и разные тесты падали время от времени (каждый раз разные).

Поэтому я прибегла к другой функции, которая задает фиксированный размер экрана для теста — set_window_size.

driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)


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