Python replace takes no keyword arguments

Как использовать метод replace () с аргументами ключевого слова для замены пустых строк

Я попытался использовать pandas.DataFrame.replace () для заполнения пустых строк во фрейме с помощью приведенного ниже кода.

main_datasets = [train_data, test_data, alt_data1, alt_data2]

for data in main_datasets: for x in data: if type(x) == 'int': x.fillna(x.median(), inplace = True) elif type(x) == 'float': x.fillna(x.median(), inplace = True) else: x.replace(to_replace = None, value = 'N/A', inplace = True) 

Однако я продолжаю получать следующее исключение, несмотря на использование символов или чисел в качестве значения ключевого слова и удаление имени ключевого слова:

TypeError: replace() takes no keyword arguments 

Почему эта ошибка возникает из «значение = ‘N / A?’«

Вот специальный образец некоторых полей (разделенных запятыми):

12123423, 0, M, Y, 120432.5

12654423, 1, F, N, 80432.5

12123423, 0, M, Y, 120432.5

12123423, 0, M, Y, 120432.5

Можете ли вы опубликовать небольшой образец вашего фрейма данных с желаемым результатом? См .: минимальный воспроизводимый пример

Сообщение об ошибке, которое вы получаете, связано с тем, что вы передаете аргументы ключевого слова методу replace() — какой сюрприз! / s Вам необходимо передать позиционные аргументы. Попробуйте replace(None, ‘N/A’, True) 🙂


Python replace takes no keyword arguments

Last updated: Jan 30, 2023
Reading time · 3 min


# Table of Contents

# TypeError: X takes no keyword arguments in Python

The Python «TypeError: X takes no keyword arguments» occurs when we pass a keyword argument to a function that only takes positional arguments.

To solve the error, pass positional arguments to the function.

def get_name(first, last): return first + ' ' + last # ⛔️ calling the function with keyword arguments print(get_name(first='bobby', last='hadz')) # ✅ calling the function with positional arguments print(get_name('bobby', 'hadz'))

The first call to the get_name function uses keyword arguments and the second call uses positional arguments.

Keyword arguments take the form of argument_name=value and positional arguments are passed directly by value.

THe get_name function in the example can be called both ways without any issues.

However, many built-in Python methods don’t have names for their arguments, so when you try to call them with a keyword argument, the error is raised.

Instead, you should pass positional arguments to these methods.

Here are 2 examples of how the error occurs with built-in methods and how to solve it.

# Table of Contents

# TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments in Python

The «TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments» occurs when we pass keyword arguments to the str.replace() method.

To solve the error, pass only positional arguments to replace() , e.g. my_str.replace(‘old’, ‘new’) .

python str replace takes no keyword arguments

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

my_str = 'apple, apple, banana' # ⛔️ TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments result = my_str.replace(old='apple', new='kiwi')

The error was caused because we passed keyword arguments to the replace() method.

The replace() method takes only positional arguments.

my_str = 'apple, apple, banana' result = my_str.replace('apple', 'kiwi') print(result) # 👉️ kiwi, kiwi, banana

only passing positional arguments to str replace

The str.replace method returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of a substring replaced by the provided replacement.

The method takes the following parameters:

Name Description
old The substring we want to replace in the string
new The replacement for each occurrence of old
count Only the first count occurrences are replaced (optional)

Note that the method doesn’t change the original string. Strings are immutable in Python.

If you need to use a regular expression when replacing characters in a string, use the re.sub method.

import re my_str = '1apple, 2apple, 3banana' result = re.sub(r'7', '_', my_str) print(result) # 👉️ _apple, _apple, _banana

using re sub method with regular expression

The re.sub method returns a new string that is obtained by replacing the occurrences of the pattern with the provided replacement.

If the pattern isn’t found, the string is returned as is.

# TypeError: dict.get() takes no keyword arguments in Python

The «TypeError: dict.get() takes no keyword arguments» occurs when we pass keyword arguments to the dict.get() method.

To solve the error, only pass positional arguments to dict.get() , e.g. my_dict.get(‘my_key’, ‘default’) .

typeerror dict get takes no keyword arguments

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

my_dict = 'name': 'Bobby Hadz', 'age': 30> # ⛔️ TypeError: dict.get() takes no keyword arguments result = my_dict.get('name', default='')

The error was caused because we passed a keyword argument to the dict.get() method.

The dict.get() method takes only positional arguments.

my_dict = 'name': 'Bobby Hadz', 'age': 30> print(my_dict.get('name', '')) # 👉️ "Alice" print(my_dict.get('another', 'default')) # 👉️ 'default'

only pass positional arguments to dict get

The dict.get method returns the value for the given key if the key is in the dictionary, otherwise a default value is returned.

The method takes the following 2 parameters:

Name Description
key The key for which to return the value
default The default value to be returned if the provided key is not present in the dictionary (optional)

If a value for the default parameter is not provided, it defaults to None , so the get() method never raises a KeyError .

Both of the arguments the dict.get() method takes are positional.

You can’t pass a keyword argument to the method.

If the provided key exists in the dict object, its value is returned, otherwise, the get() method returns the supplied default value or None if one wasn’t provided when calling dict.get() .

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How To Resolve TypeError: str.replace() Takes No Keyword Arguments In Python

TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments (Python)

To fix the TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments in Python, I will show you the cause of this error and some troubleshooting methods, such as passing only the positional argument to the replace function, using the re.sub function, or performing an edit on the list. Read the article below for details.

What causes the TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments in Python?

Syntax of str.replace():

  • old: Original string.
  • new: String will replace the original string.
  • count: Specify the maximum number of character substitutions.

The replace() function will return a string that is a copy of the original string when the new substring has been replaced with the old substring.

The TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments often happens when you pass keywords (‘old’, ‘new’) to replace() function.

testStr = 'visit learnshareit website' # Use the str.replace() function to replace the new string for the old string result = testStr.replace(old = 'website', new = '!') print(result)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 4, in result = testStr.replace(old = 'website', new = '!') TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments

How to solve this error?

Get positional arguments

The first solution to fix this error is getting positional arguments.

testStr = 'visit learnshareit website' # Use the str.replace() function to replace the new string for the old string result = testStr.replace('website','!') print('String after replacing:', result)
String after replacing: visit learnshareit !

Use the re.sub() function

The re.sub() function also helps you solve this problem.

re.sub(pattern, replace, string, count)

  • pattern: is RegEx.
  • replace: is the replacement for the resulting string that matches the pattern.
  • string: is the string to match.
  • count: is the number of replacements. Python will treat this value as 0, match, and replace all qualified strings if left blank.

The Re.sub() method will replace all pattern matches in the string with something else passed in and return the modified string.

import re testStr = 'visit learnshareit website' # Use the re.sub() function to replace the new string for the old string result = re.sub('website','!', testStr, flags=re.IGNORECASE) print('String after replacing:', result)
String after replacing: visit learnshareit !

Make edits on the list

  • Convert string to list to make edits.
  • Use the del keyword to remove the elements you want.
  • Use the append method to add an element to the end of the list.
  • Finally, the join() function is used to convert the list to a string.
testStr = 'learnshareit' print('Original string:', testStr) newList = list(testStr) # Use the del keyword to delete the elements you want to remove del newList[10:] # Use the append method to add the element to the end of the list newList.append('!') # Use the join() function to convert a list to string newStr =''.join(newList) print('String after editing:', newStr)
Original string: learnshareit String after editing: learnshare!


The TypeError: str.replace() takes no keyword arguments in Python was quite tricky, but we could fix it. Method 1 is the easiest way to fix. Through my article, you will have your solution. If there is another way, let us know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

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My name is Jason Wilson, you can call me Jason. My major is information technology, and I am proficient in C++, Python, and Java. I hope my writings are useful to you while you study programming languages.

Name of the university: HHAU
Major: IT
Programming Languages: C++, Python, Java


replace() takes no keyword arguments, in for loop

It is giving an error because it doesn’t accept keyword arguments; in this case regex=True . As per the documentation, it doesn’t exist. Also, .replace is for strings only, so the type of data here should be str . On the other hand, should you want to use regex, I’d recommend re.sub

Solution 2

Try to delete the ‘regex = True’ will be helpful from my case.

# df_num_key_split[name][var].replace(to_replace="[\[|\]|']|\s+|\.|\-", value='', regex=True) 

After I did this, it worked.

df_num_key_split[name][var].replace("[\[|\]|']|\s+|\.|\-", '') 

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 for column in wo.columns[14:21]: column = (column.replace( '[\$,)]','', regex=True ) .replace( '[(]','-', regex=True ).replace('#NAME?','NaN', regex=True).astype(float)) return column And this is the error i get: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 for column in wo.columns[14:19]: ----> 2 column = (column.replace( '[\$,)]','', regex=True ) 3 .replace( '[(]','-', regex=True ).replace('#NAME?','NaN', regex=True).astype(float)) 4 return column 5 TypeError: replace() takes no keyword arguments 

What might be wrong? wo is the name of the dataframe, the library i used to load the dataframe was Pandas, and when i used the code on other individual columns it worked fine, just when i used a for loop it return an error.

If you use pandas, you need to apply the replace to the str of the DataFrame or Series like so: column.str.replace . The str part has to be added every time before the replace function.


Python replace takes no keyword arguments

Objective: To delete the last% of the string.
Method: Use the REPLACE function and set the maximum number of times.

Error *** TypeError: Replace () Takes no keyword arguments, modified:

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