- Recursively rename file extensions
- 4 Answers 4
- Python rename file: How to rename a file in Python
- Table of contents
- Rename file in Python
- Using os.rename() method to rename file
- Syntax:
- Parameters:
- Input:
- Output:
- Renaming only the Extension of the file in Python
- Input:
- Output:
- Closing thoughts
- How to change file name and extension in Python?
- 1 Answer 1
- Changing file extension in Python
- 9 Answers 9
Recursively rename file extensions
I am having a difficult time creating a python script that will rename file extensions in a folder and continue to do so in sub directories. Here is the script I have thus far; it can only rename files in the top directory:
#!/usr/bin/python # Usage: python rename_file_extensions.py import os import sys for filename in os.listdir ("C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\test\\"): # parse through file list in the folder "test" if filename.find(".jpg") > 0: # if an .jpg is found newfilename = filename.replace(".jpg","jpeg") # convert .jpg to jpeg os.rename(filename, newfilename) # rename the file
4 Answers 4
import os import sys directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) #get the directory of your script for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: if filename.find('.jpg') > 0: subdirectoryPath = os.path.relpath(subdir, directory) #get the path to your subdirectory filePath = os.path.join(subdirectoryPath, filename) #get the path to your file newFilePath = filePath.replace(".jpg",".jpeg") #create the new name os.rename(filePath, newFilePath) #rename your file
I modified Jaron’s answer with the path to the file and the complete example of renaming the file
This is exactly what I’m looking for! Put this in the root of your directory and run it. It will change the appropriate extension for everything in the root and sub-directories! Awesome!
I modified the answer of Hector Rodriguez Jr. a little bit because it would replace ANY occurance of «.jpg» in the path, e.g. /path/to/my.jpg.files/001.jpg would become /path/to/my.jpeg.files/001.jpeg , which is not what you wanted, right?
Although it is generally not a good idea to use dots «.» in a folder name, it can happen.
import os import sys directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) # directory of your script for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: if filename.find('.jpg') > 0: newFilename = filename.replace(".jpg", ".jpeg") # replace only in filename subdirectoryPath = os.path.relpath(subdir, directory) # path to subdirectory filePath = os.path.join(subdirectoryPath, filename) # path to file newFilePath = os.path.join(subdirectoryPath, newFilename) # new path os.rename(filePath, newFilePath) # rename
Python rename file: How to rename a file in Python
There are many instances when you decide to name your file something but later regret it and want to rename the file. It is not as simple as renaming a folder in your computer system, but in Python, renaming a file is a very easy task. In this blog, we will see various methods to rename files.
Table of contents
- Rename file in Python
- Using os.rename() method to rename file
- Renaming only the Extension of the file in Python
- Closing thoughts
Rename file in Python
In order to rename a file, the first thing we need is the path of the file. The path is the location of the file on the disk in a computer system. To be more particular, an Absolute path contains the complete directory list required to locate the file and a Relative path contains the current directory and then the file name.
Using os.rename() method to rename file
OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.
Python rename() file is a method used to rename a file or a directory in Python programming and can be declared by passing two arguments named src (Source) and dest (Destination).
os.rename(src, dest, *, src_dir, dest_dir)
src: A path-like object representing the file system path. This is the source file path that is to be renamed.
dest: Destination is the new name of the file or directory you want to change.
src_dir: Source file directory is an optional parameter telling where the file is stored.
dest_dir: The destination file directory is also an optional parameter telling where the renamed file should be saved on the disk.
# importing the os module import os # Source src = 'filee.text' # Destination dest = 'file.txt' # Renaming the file os.rename(src, dest) print ("The file has been renamed.")
The file has been renamed.
This method does not have any return type.
Keep in mind if the «dest» already exists then the FileExistsError will be thrown in Windows and in the case of UNIX, an OSError will be thrown.
Renaming only the Extension of the file in Python
Sometimes you might want to rename the extension of your file and this can be quickly done using rename() method in Python. This can be done by selecting the file and then getting only the file name using the splitext() method of the os module.
This method returns the root and extension separately. Once we get the root/base of the filename, we can add the new extension to it while renaming it using the rename() method.
import os # Selecting the list print('Before rename:') file = file.txt print(file) # Renaming the file for file_name in file: # construct full file path old_file_name = os.path.join(folder, file_name) # Change the extension from txt to pdf new_file_name = old_file_name.replace('.txt', '.pdf') os.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name) print('After rename:') print(file)
Before rename: file.txt After rename: file.pdf
Closing thoughts
Renaming a file in Python is as easy as naming a file. The Os module in Python is used to rename a file name and other functions. One can learn more about other Python data types here.
How to change file name and extension in Python?
I want to move and rename file called malicious.txt located at path /home/dina/A to a new location /home/dina/b with a new name based on apkName (e.g. a.apk or b.apk , etc) I want the final name to have .json extension instead of .apk extension — e.g a.json and b.json I tried :
import os os.rename("malicious.txt",apkName)
It’s much more better if you could write some examples of files (e.g. my/path/file1.txt [enter] my/path/file2.txt) for before and after running a script. Then people can see clearly what you want to do and what’s wrong with your script.
1 Answer 1
The following should rename «malicious.txt» to be name of apkfile with extension of «.json»
import os apkName = "a.apk" apkFullpath = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home","dina","a",apkName) jsonName = os.path.splitext(apkName)[0]+".json" jsonFullpath = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home","dina","b",jsonName) os.rename("malicious.txt",jsonName)
Note that you can rename file name only once (after the first time of rename, you won’t be able to access the old name)
for more info about os.path.join and os.path.sep
os.path.join(path, *paths)
Join one or more path components intelligently. The return value is the concatenation of path and any members of *paths with exactly one directory separator (os.sep) following each non-empty part except the last, meaning that the result will only end in a separator if the last part is empty. If a component is an absolute path, all previous components are thrown away and joining continues from the absolute path component.
On Windows, the drive letter is not reset when an absolute path component (e.g., r’\foo’) is encountered. If a component contains a drive letter, all previous components are thrown away and the drive letter is reset. Note that since there is a current directory for each drive, os.path.join(«c:», «foo») represents a path relative to the current directory on drive C: (c:foo), not c:\foo.
Changing file extension in Python
Suppose from index.py with CGI, I have post file foo.fasta to display file. I want to change foo.fasta ‘s file extension to be foo.aln in display file. How can I do it?
9 Answers 9
from pathlib import Path p = Path('mysequence.fasta') p.rename(p.with_suffix('.aln'))
Although the OP didn’t ask to perform a rename, it was in the tags, and if you’re going to perform a rename and if it’s possible the input might have a path and not just a filename, this technique is the right one.
# renamee is the file getting renamed, pre is the part of file name before extension and ext is current extension pre, ext = os.path.splitext(renamee) os.rename(renamee, pre + new_extension)
Use the first function to get the base. Combine it with the new extension and pass the old filename and the new filename to the second function.
actually, its better to use this method instead for python3: pathlib.path(pathtofile).with_suffix(«.mynewext»). The way, suggested with pathlib.path(pathtofile).stem works but will delete the path before the basename.
There’s no real need for assigning a variable to the original extension. I find this is more straightforward: os.rename(filename, os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ‘.aln’)
import os thisFile = "mysequence.fasta" base = os.path.splitext(thisFile)[0] os.rename(thisFile, base + ".aln")
Where thisFile = the absolute path of the file you are changing
I like this answer more because it provides an example and not just cites the methods needed to accomplish the task. Thanks @FryDay
Starting from Python 3.4 there’s pathlib built-in library. So the code could be something like:
from pathlib import Path filename = "mysequence.fasta" new_filename = Path(filename).stem + ".aln"
This is even better with python 3.6 string interpolation syntax ( python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498 ) new_filename = f».aln» 😎😎😎
Be careful — stem also strips the path if one is present. If you wanted to rename the file and if a path was supplied (which admittedly it wasn’t in the question), this technique would fail.
Also, the result is a string, no longer a pathlib Path. p.parent / (p.stem + ‘.aln’) will give you a new Path.
And here is how the above works:
The splitext method separates the name from the extension creating a tuple:
the created tuple now contains the strings «name» and «fasta». Then you need to access only the string «name» which is the first element of the tuple:
And then you want to add a new extension to that name: