Python recursive make dir

How to Create Recursive Directory If Not Exists in Python

Here are two ways to create a recursive directory if it does not exist in Python:

Method 1: Using os.makedirs() and os.path.exists() methods

. The os.makedirs() method recursively creates all intermediate-level directories.

A recursive directory is a directory that contains subdirectories, which may themselves contain subdirectories, and so on. It will create a recursion of directories in short.

To check if a directory exists in Python, you can use the “os.path.exists()” function. If the directory exists, then it will throw a FileExistsError exception.


Before creating a directory, our directory looks like this:

Using os.makedirs() and os.path.exists() methods

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) create_recursive_dir( "/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/pythonenv/newdir/folder")

Using os.makedirs()

Example 2: Using “exist_ok” argument of the makedirs() function

The makedirs() function accepts the exist_ok argument, which prevents the function from raising an error by setting it to True if the directory already exists.

To avoid FileExistsError, either the os.path.exists() function or exist_ok parameter.

To use the makedirs() function in your Python script, import the os module at the head of the file.

We already created a recursive directory when we ran the above section’s example.

Let’s set the exist_ok argument to True and rerun the above section’s code.

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) create_recursive_dir("/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match")

If you rerun this code, it won’t throw any error. However, if you set the exist_ok = False, it throws FileExistsError.

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=False) create_recursive_dir("/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match")
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match'

Either set make_exist = True or use the os.path.exists() function to avoid FileExistsError.

Method 2: Using isdir() and makedirs() methods

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) create_recursive_dir( "/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/pythonenv/newdir/folder2")


Create directory recursively in Python

As a Python developer, I often come across situations where I need to create directories in a recursive manner. Whether it’s organizing files or setting up a directory structure, the ability to create directories programmatically can save a lot of time and effort. In this blog post, I’m thrilled to share with you how to create directories recursively in Python. We’ll explore different techniques and approaches to accomplish this task efficiently. So, let’s dive in and empower ourselves with the knowledge to streamline directory creation in Python!

The os module provides functions for interacting with the Operating System in Python. The os module is standard python utility module. Most Operating System based functionalities are abstracted out in this module and it is provided in a very portable way.

Note — In case of any error or exception, all the functions in the os module raise an OSError . Examples are — trying to create an invalid file name(or folder name), incorrect arguments to the functions, etc.,

Create a single directory in Python using os.mkdir() method

You can create a single directory in python using the os.mkdir() method.

os.mkdir(path, mode = 0o777, *, dir_fd = None) 

The path is the name of the folder either referring to the absolute or relate path depending on how you want it to work.

import os # new folder/dir name new_directory = "debugpointer"  # Parent Directory path # In case of Windows, "D:/" parent_directory = "/home/ubuntu/"  # Setting the path for folder creation path = os.path.join(parent_directory, new_directory)  mode = 0o777  # Create the directory in the path os.mkdir(path, mode) print("Directory %s Created Successfully" % new_directory) 
Directory debugpointer Created Successfully 

Note — FileExistsError is raised when the file already exists in the path. It is advised to handle this error in cases where folder are created often(maybe in a python script that runs every time or the API which creates a folder for some reason, etc.,)

Create directories recursively using in Python using os.makedirs() method

The os.makedirs() method creates a directory recursively in a given path in Python. This means, you can create folders with-in folders (with-in folder and so on. ) easily using the os.makedirs() method.

os.makedirs(path, mode = 0o777, *, dir_fd = None) 

Suppose you want to create 3 folders one within another in the form — debugpointer => python => posts, you can easily achieve this using the os.makedirs() method. Python makes care of creating the recursive folders for you when you just specify the structure of your folders that you need.

import os # new folder/dir name new_directory = "debugpointer/python/posts"  # Parent Directory path # In case of Windows, "D:/" parent_directory = "/home/ubuntu/"  # Setting the path for folder creation path = os.path.join(parent_directory, new_directory)  mode = 0o777  # Create the directory in the path os.makedirs(path, mode) print("Directory %s Created Successfully" % new_directory) 
Directory debugpointer/python/posts Created Successfully 

Note — FileExistsError is raised when the file already exists in the path. It is advised to handle this error in cases where folder are created often(maybe in a python script that runs every time or the API which creates a folder for some reason, etc.,)

In such cases, you can handle other OSError errors as follows and also use exist_ok = True so that the FileExistsError does not appear and it gets suppressed —

import os # new folder/dir name new_directory = "debugpointer/python/posts"  # Parent Directory path # In case of Windows, "D:/" parent_directory = "/home/ubuntu/"  # Setting the path for folder creation path = os.path.join(parent_directory, new_directory)  # Handle the errors try:  # Create the directory in the path  os.makedirs(path, exist_ok = True)  print("Directory %s Created Successfully" % new_directory) except OSError as error:  print("Directory %s Creation Failed" % new_directory) 
Directory debugpointer/python/posts Created Successfully 

The other option is to check if a directory already exists or not, that would also help in validating existence of the directory path before creating the directory.

As you see in the above code examples, it’s pretty simple to create folders recursively in Python.

And there you have it, a comprehensive understanding of creating directories recursively in Python. We’ve explored various methods and techniques to achieve this task, providing you with the flexibility to adapt to different scenarios. The ability to programmatically create directories in a recursive manner is a valuable skill that can simplify file organization and directory management in your Python projects. I hope this knowledge empowers you to become a more efficient and productive Python developer. Happy coding and creating directories recursively!


How to Create Recursive Directory If Not Exists in Python

Here are two ways to create a recursive directory if it does not exist in Python:

Method 1: Using os.makedirs() and os.path.exists() methods

. The os.makedirs() method recursively creates all intermediate-level directories.

A recursive directory is a directory that contains subdirectories, which may themselves contain subdirectories, and so on. It will create a recursion of directories in short.

To check if a directory exists in Python, you can use the “os.path.exists()” function. If the directory exists, then it will throw a FileExistsError exception.


Before creating a directory, our directory looks like this:

Using os.makedirs() and os.path.exists() methods

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) create_recursive_dir( "/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/pythonenv/newdir/folder")

Using os.makedirs()

Example 2: Using “exist_ok” argument of the makedirs() function

The makedirs() function accepts the exist_ok argument, which prevents the function from raising an error by setting it to True if the directory already exists.

To avoid FileExistsError, either the os.path.exists() function or exist_ok parameter.

To use the makedirs() function in your Python script, import the os module at the head of the file.

We already created a recursive directory when we ran the above section’s example.

Let’s set the exist_ok argument to True and rerun the above section’s code.

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) create_recursive_dir("/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match")

If you rerun this code, it won’t throw any error. However, if you set the exist_ok = False, it throws FileExistsError.

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=False) create_recursive_dir("/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match")
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/R/sf/match'

Either set make_exist = True or use the os.path.exists() function to avoid FileExistsError.

Method 2: Using isdir() and makedirs() methods

import os def create_recursive_dir(dir_path): if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) create_recursive_dir( "/Users/krunallathiya/Desktop/Code/pythonenv/newdir/folder2")


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