Python re match online

Python re match online

Using regexes for extracting data from web pages? Check out ParseHub, a visual web scraping tool built by the team behind Debuggex.

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> regex quick reference (hide):

[abx-z] One character of: a, b, or the range x-z
[^abx-z] One character except: a, b, or the range x-z
a|b a or b
a? Zero or one a’s (greedy)
a?? Zero or one a’s (lazy)
a* Zero or more a’s (greedy)
a*? Zero or more a’s (lazy)
a+ One or more a’s (greedy)
a+? One or more a’s (lazy)
a Exactly 4 a’s
a Between (inclusive) 4 and 8 a’s
a 9 or more a’s
(?>. ) An atomic group
(?=. ) A positive lookahead
(. ) A negative lookahead
(? A positive lookbehind
(? A negative lookbehind
(. ) A non-capturing group
(. ) A capturing group
(?P. ) A capturing group named n
^ Beginning of the string
$ End of the string
\d A digit (same as 5 )
\D A non-digit (same as [^0-9] )
\w A word character (same as [_a-zA-Z0-9] )
\W A non-word character (same as [^_a-zA-Z0-9] )
\s A whitespace character
\S A non-whitespace character
\b A word boundary
\B A non-word boundary
\n A newline
\t A tab
\cY The control character with the hex code Y
\xYY The character with the hex code YY
\uYYYY The character with the hex code YYYY
. Any character
\Y The Y’th captured group
(?1) Recurse into numbered group 1
(?&x) Recurse into named group x
(?P=n) The captured group named ‘n’
(?#. ) A comment

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Python re match online

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    • Save & Share
    • Save Regex (CTRL+S)
    • Fork Regex
    • Add to Regex Library
    • Flavor
    • JS JavaScript
    • PY Python
    • capture-group-regex capture group regex
    • email-regex email regex
    • email-validation-javascript email validation javascript
    • end-of-line-regex end of line regex
    • java-regex-match java regex match
    • java-regex-replace java regex replace
    • java-regex-tester java regex tester
    • javascript-regex-match javascript regex match
    • javascript-regex-tester javascript regex tester
    • javascript-string-match javascript string match
    • look ahead regex look ahead regex
    • multiline regex multiline regex
    • password validation in javascript password validation in javascript
    • perl regex tester Perl regex tester
    • phone number validator javascript phone number validator javascript
    • php regex replace php regex replace
    • powershell regex replace powershell regex replace
    • python regex tester python regex tester
    • python regex tester regex excel
    • regex for alphanumeric regex for alphanumeric
    • regex for alphanumeric regex for any character
    • regex for date regex for date
    • regex for digits regex for digits
    • regex for ip address regex for ip address
    • regex for number regex for number
    • regex for password regex for password
    • regex for phone number validator regex for phone number validator
    • regex look behind regex look behind
    • regex match regex match
    • regex php regex php
    • regex start of line regex replace
    • regex tester regex tester
    • regex tester regex url validation
    • regex validation regex validation
    • regex with new line regex with new line
    • ruby regex tester ruby regex tester
    • space-in-regex space in regex
    • Tools
    • Format Regex (requires free-spacing, /x)
    • Code Generator
    • Regex Debugger n/a Unit tests
    • Filter flavors
    • JS JavaScript
    • PY Python


    Python re match online

    You seem to be using an outdated version of your browser which is no longer supported by It is highly recommended that you upgrade your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience.

      • Save & Share
      • Save Regex (CTRL+S)
      • Fork Regex
      • Add to Regex Library
      • Flavor
      • PCRE PCRE (PHP)
      • JS JavaScript
      • PY Python
      • capture-group-regex capture group regex
      • email-regex email regex
      • email-validation-javascript email validation javascript
      • end-of-line-regex end of line regex
      • java-regex-match java regex match
      • java-regex-replace java regex replace
      • java-regex-tester java regex tester
      • javascript-regex-match javascript regex match
      • javascript-regex-tester javascript regex tester
      • javascript-string-match javascript string match
      • look ahead regex look ahead regex
      • multiline regex multiline regex
      • password validation in javascript password validation in javascript
      • perl regex tester Perl regex tester
      • phone number validator javascript phone number validator javascript
      • php regex replace php regex replace
      • powershell regex replace powershell regex replace
      • python regex tester python regex tester
      • python regex tester regex excel
      • regex for alphanumeric regex for alphanumeric
      • regex for alphanumeric regex for any character
      • regex for date regex for date
      • regex for digits regex for digits
      • regex for ip address regex for ip address
      • regex for number regex for number
      • regex for password regex for password
      • regex for phone number validator regex for phone number validator
      • regex look behind regex look behind
      • regex match regex match
      • regex php regex php
      • regex start of line regex replace
      • regex tester regex tester
      • regex tester regex url validation
      • regex validation regex validation
      • regex with new line regex with new line
      • ruby regex tester ruby regex tester
      • space-in-regex space in regex
      • Tools
      • Format Regex (requires free-spacing, /x)
      • Code Generator
      • Regex Debugger n/a Unit tests
      • Filter flavors
      • PCRE PCRE (PHP)
      • JS JavaScript
      • PY Python


      Regex Tester

      CyrilEx is an online regex debugger, it allows you to test regular expression in PHP (PCRE), Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Java and MySQL. It helps you to test and debug regex online, you can visualize the matches when matching a string against a regex.

      A regex visualizer allows to visualize your regex, it helps to understand it. This feature is useful for large regexes.

      Cyrilex also allows you to generate a string example from a RegEx. This gives a pretty quick idea of a regex.

      You can consult the regex Quick Start or see the full user guide to help you to use this regular expression tester.

      User guide

      • Step 0: Choose the regex engine: JavaScript, Ruby, Java or PCRE (PHP, Python).
      • Step 1: Copy and paste or directly type your regular expression to test in the «Regular expression to test» field.
      • Step 2: Select the flags you want in «Flags» section.
      • Step 3: Copy and paste or directly type your test string in the «test string» field.
      • As soon as you make a modification (regular expression, flags or test string):
        • Step 4: An explanation is generated about of your regex. It uses regulex, it is a JavaScript Regular Expression Parser & Visualizer (Written in pure JavaScript).
        • Step 5: A message indicates the number of correspondence
        • Your regex is highlighted according to the syntax. It is a beta version, it can be wrong.

        regex tester user guide

        regex tester user guide

        share regex tester

        Generate a string from RegEx (Beta):
        Clicks on «Generate a string from RegEx (Beta)» in order to generate a string that matches with the regex.

        Substitutions are not managed.

        News: You can now test MySQL regex, select the «MySQL 8» engine.

        About regular expression

        A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. This pattern is used by string searching algorithms for find or replace text. It can be useful to validate an EMAIL address or an IP address.

        Regex support is part of the standard library of many programming languages. Each programming language has its own regex engine, regular expression implementations vary slightly between languages.

        Regex humor (Jamie Zawinski):
        Some people, when confronted with a problem, think «I know, I’ll use regular expressions.» Now they have two problems.

        Regex Online

        Cyrilex is an online regex checker, it allows to easily test and debug regex. This avoids wasting time writing the few lines of code needed to do the tests.

        A regex visualizer and a regex generator help you to understand and debug your regexes.

        This tool also allows you to share your regular expressions, this can be useful when you want to explain one of your regex problems (or its resolution) on a forum.

        Regex Generator

        Cyrilex also allows generating string from your Regex. By generating a string, this can help understand the Regex. This is particularly useful for fairly long regex.

        This is also useful in the opposite direction. You can validate that your regex is correct by validating that the thong generated corresponds to the expected.

        This tool does not manage all the features of the Regex.

        The unavoidables

        Some regex that can be useful (without warranty).

        The last RFC is complex, there is no reliable solution, this regex should work more than 99% of the time (You must turn off case sensitivity).

        The regex below allows to validate alphanumeric string. Be careful, \w authorizes the underscore character.

        The regex below allows to validate MD5 string.

        The regex below allows to validate IP v4.


        Python Regular Expressions Playground

        This TUI application is intended as an interactive playground for Python Regular Expressions. The app also includes a comprehensive cheatsheet and several interactive examples.


        This app is available on PyPI as regexplayground. Example installation instructions are shown below, adjust them based on your preferences and OS.

        # virtual environment $ python3 -m venv textual_apps $ cd textual_apps $ source bin/activate $ pip install regexplayground # launch the app $ regexplayground 

        To run the app without having to enter the virtual environment again, add this alias to .bashrc (or equivalent):

        # you'll have to change the path alias regexplayground='/path/to/textual_apps/bin/regexplayground' 

        As an alternative, you can install textual (see Textual documentation for more details), clone my TUI-apps repository and run the file.

        Adjust the terminal dimensions for the widgets to appear properly, for example 84×25 (characters x lines). Here’s another screenshot:

        Brief Guide🔗

        You can type the search pattern in the Compile input box and press the Enter key to execute. For example, re.compile(r’\d’) to match digit characters. Matching portions will be highlighted in red.

        The compiled pattern is available via the pat variable and you can use ip to refer to the input string. You can transform or extract data by typing appropriate expression in the Action box. For example, pat.sub(r'(\g&LT0>)’, ip) will add parenthesis around the matching portions.

        You can skip the Compile box and directly use the Action box too. For example, [m.span() for m in re.finditer(r’\d+’, ip)] to get the location of all the matching portions.

        There is no safeguard against the command you are executing. They are treated as if you typed them from a shell session.

        Press F1 to view the detailed guide from within the app, F2 to view a cheatsheet and F3 for interactive examples.

        For more detailed instructions, see app guide.


        See my Understanding Python re(gex)? ebook to learn regular expressions with hundreds of examples and exercises.


        I’d highly appreciate your feedback. Please file an issue if there are bugs, crashes, etc.

        Hope you find this TUI app useful. Happy learning 🙂

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