Python programming system requirements

What Are the Ideal Computer specs for Python programming

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as web development, data analysis, and machine learning. However, in order to take full advantage of its capabilities and ensure optimal performance, it’s important to have the right hardware and software specifications.

  • A modern computer with a multi-core processor is recommended
  • A minimum of 8GB of RAM is necessary for smooth performance
  • A 64-bit version of Python is recommended for the best performance
  • A powerful GPU may be necessary for heavy computations or machine-learning tasks
  • For web development, a web server and a database server may be required.

If you’re just learning the python programming, you don’t really need a powerful PC to run it. But remember that having a strong PC will help you get the job done sooner rather than later when building python projects.

It is therefore impossible to give a simple answer that fits all, as powerful PCs are better, but low-end PCs are also capable of running Python as long as they meet its minimum requirements.

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Below I have outlined the system requirements or hardware requirements that you need for running the latest Python version 3.9.

Python Hardware Requirments


The Python Software Foundation does not specify a specific processor type or model in their system requirements. However, in general, a modern processor such as Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 would be sufficient for running Python. These processors are multi-core, which means they have multiple processing units that can work simultaneously, providing the necessary power to run Python efficiently.

The more cores and the faster the clock speed of the processor, the better the performance will be, especially when running heavy computations or machine learning tasks. So, if you are planning on using Python for more demanding tasks, then it would be ideal to have a more recent and powerful processor, like i7.


RAM is another important hardware consideration. Python is a memory-intensive language and therefore, having a sufficient amount of RAM is crucial for smooth performance. A minimum of 8GB is generally recommended, but more may be needed for larger or more complex projects.


In some cases, a powerful GPU may also be necessary. This is particularly true when working with deep learning or other machine learning tasks that require large amounts of data to be processed quickly. A GPU with CUDA support is recommended, as it allows Python to take full advantage of the GPU’s parallel processing capabilities.

Hard disk

In general, the amount of disk space required for running Python will depend on the specific tasks and workloads you plan to use it for, as well as the packages and dependencies you have installed.

For basic usage and small projects, a hard disk with a few hundred GB of storage is enough. However, for bigger tasks such as machine learning or data analysis, get a more extensive hard disk with a few TB to store large files.

It’s also worth noting that disk performance is also important, especially when working with large data files or when running computationally intensive tasks. An SSD drive is recommended as it has faster read and write speeds compared to traditional hard disk drives (HDD).

Python system requirements

Operating system

The operating system is also an important software consideration when running Python. Python is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux so which one of these OS(s) is best suited for your needs depends on you. However, use a 64-bit version of Python for the best performance, as it can take full advantage of the larger memory space available on 64-bit systems.

Web server

When using Python for web development, a web server such as Apache or Nginx may be required. These servers are responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and serving the appropriate response.


A database server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL may also be necessary when using Python for web development or data analysis. These servers are responsible for storing and managing large amounts of data and provide Python with the necessary tools to access and manipulate that data.

Python Official Requirements

To create some Intermediate python projects, it’s best to know the basic python 3.8.3 system requirements right off the bat.

Minimum Requirements

  • Processors: Intel® Core™ i3 or AMD Ryzen 3250u CPU
  • Operating System: Windows 7, Linux 64-bit RHEL or Mac OS X 10.11 & up
  • RAM: 1GB of on-board system memory
  • Disk Space: 1-2GB of Hard Drive space
  • Processors: Any two or higher core processor including Intel® Core™ i5 @2.60GHz, new-gen Xeon® processor @2.30 GHz, or AMD Ryzen 5 CPUs running at higher frequency
  • RAM: 4GB of system memory from any decent manufacturer
  • Disk space: 2-3GB of SEAGATE Hard Drive
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Official, Mac OS 10.12.6 (and up), or Linux/Ubuntu 16.10+


Python 3.11 System Requirements

In this section we will learn the system requirements of Python 3.11.

Python 3.11 System Requirements

Python 3.11: System requirements of Python 3.11 Programming language

In this section we are going to understand the system requirements of the Python 3.11 programming language. Python 3.11 programming language is faster than Python 3.10 and comes with many feature improvements. The minimal requirement is is at least 2CPU, 4GB RAM and 5GB of disk space. You should define your requirement based on the workload you have to process with the Python project.

If you want to get full advantage of Python 3.11 then you should use the latest updated version of your operating system. You can use the latest available CPU for running the Python application at very high speed. Latest CPU comes with high frequency and more cores, which gives perfect performance to the application. Python 3.11 is also very optimized to run at fast speed and provide over 10 to 60% more performance than Python 3.10. Now, we will see the requirements for installing and using Python 3.11.

System requirements for Python 3.11 is as follows:

1. Operating system: You should have a Python compatible operating system. Python 3.11 can be installed on the latest Linux operating systems such Ubuntu 20.04 or above. If you are using Windows then it would be Windows 7 to 10 or above with at least 4GB of RAM. Although you can also install Python 3.11 in the latest Linux variant having 2GB of RAM, with such an operating system you won’t get high performance. So, you should choose hardware as per your business computing needs. Around 5GB hard disk space is required to install Python. If you create a virtual environment for Python and install more libraries then you need more space.

Python 3.11 System Requirements

2. Hardware type: Python 3.11 is available for 32-bit, 64-bit and arm-64 CPU architectures. So, you can download the appropriate build of Python for your operating system and CPU architecture. Python 3.11 can run on the Intel and AMD CPUs (x86 64-bit CPU). Python also supports ARM-64 architecture.

Python 3.11 installers

Python 3.11 is available for almost all the operating system and hardware types. Here is the list of Python 3.11 installers available for various operating systems:

  • macOS 64-bit universal2 installer
  • Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
  • Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
  • Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
  • Windows installer (32-bit)
  • Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Windows installer (ARM64)

Python 3.11 can be downloaded from the official website at Here you will find the installer for your target operating system. For Linux versions it is available as pre-package installers which can be installed with yum (in Centos) and apt (in Ubuntu/Debian) distributions. For the Mac operating system it can be installed with brew. So, it is very easy to install Python 3.11 on your operating systems.

If you have purchased computers in recent years then you will find your system suitable for installing Python 3.11 and running applications developed in Python. For running modern demanding applications or large scale data processing you might need a cloud server or more powerful in-house hardware. But for application development and testing recently purchased desktop computers and laptops are sufficient.

In this section we have explored the system requirements for installing and running Python 3.11. You can read more tutorials at:



PYTHON System Requirements

Spyder works on modern versions of Windows, macOS and Linux (see the table below for recommended versions) via Anaconda, as well as other methods. It typically uses relatively minimal CPU when idle, and 0.5 GB – 1 GB of RAM, depending on how long you’ve been using it and how many files, projects, panes and consoles you have open. It should work on any system with a dual-core or better x64 processor and at least 4 GB of RAM, although 8 GB is strongly recommended for best performance when running other applications. However, the code you run, such as scientific computation and deep learning models, may require additional resources beyond this baseline for Spyder itself.

3) OpenCV Python system requirements

  • Miniconda; 400 MB disk space
  • Anaconda; minimum 3 GB disk space
  • Windows, macOS or Linux
  • 32 or 64 bit
  • Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or newer

4) intel distribution for python system requirements

Operating systems:


Package management:

Compatible with:

5) PyCharm Python system requirements

  • RAM: 4 GB (Recommended 8 GB)
  • CPU: Multi-core CPU
  • Disk space: SSD drive with at least 5 GB of free space
  • Monitor resolution: 1920×1080 or higher
  • Operating system: Latest 64-bit version of Windows, macOS, or Linux (for example, Debian, Ubuntu, or RHEL)

6) TensorFlow Python system requirements

The following GPU-enabled devices are supported:

  • NVIDIA® GPU card with CUDA® architectures 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and higher. See the list of CUDA®-enabled GPU cards.
  • For GPUs with unsupported CUDA® architectures, or to avoid JIT compilation from PTX, or to use different versions of the NVIDIA® libraries, see the Linux build from source guide.
  • Packages do not contain PTX code except for the latest supported CUDA® architecture; therefore, TensorFlow fails to load on older GPUs when CUDA_FORCE_PTX_JIT=1 is set. (See Application Compatibility for details.)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 or higher (64-bit)
  • macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or higher (64-bit) (no GPU support)
  • Windows Native – Windows 7 or higher (64-bit)
  • Windows WSL2 – Windows 10 19044 or higher (64-bit)
  • Python 3.7–3.10
  • pip version 19.0 or higher for Linux (requires manylinux2010 support) and Windows. pip version 20.3 or higher for macOS.
  • Windows Native Requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019

The following NVIDIA® software are only required for GPU support.

  • NVIDIA® GPU drivers version 450.80.02 or higher.
  • CUDA® Toolkit 11.2.
  • cuDNN SDK 8.1.0.
  • (Optional)TensorRT to improve latency and throughput for inference.

8) Python 3.10 system requirements

  • Operating System: 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 11, 10 or Apple macOS
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Processor: 2,5 GHz
  • Disk Space: 5 GB free (suggested SSD)
  • Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080 with True Color or higher
  • Display Card: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant


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