- Python – How to find local IP address
- Python: Get System IP Address
- Conclusion
- Получить IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте функцию socket.gethostname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте функцию socket.getsockname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте модуль netifaces для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
- Сопутствующая статья — Python Network
- Python — Get IP Address from Hostname
- Python Socket Module to Get IP Address from Hostname
- Python Script to Find Out the IP Address of a Website
- Error Scenarios with socket.gethostbyname()
- How to Get the IPv4 IP Address of the Local Machine in Python
- Example 1: Using Using socket.gethostbyname() Method
- Example 2: Using socket module and socket.socket() and connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
- Example 3: Using socket module and socket.socket(), setsockopt(), connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
Python – How to find local IP address
An IP address is a unique identifier that computers use to communicate with each other on a network. It stands for Internet Protocol, and it’s a set of numbers that identify each device connected to a network. Without an IP address, your computer wouldn’t be able to access the internet. It’s essential for communication between computers and networks, as it helps to direct data to the right place. An IP address is like a street address for your computer — it’s how computers can find each other. Every computer on the internet has a unique IP address,
Python: Get System IP Address
To find the local IP address of a device using Python, you can use the `socket` module. Here is an example of how to find the local IP address of a device using Python:
This code creates a socket and connects it to a special IP address and port number. The IP address is a broadcast address, which means that the packet will be sent to all devices on the network. The port number does not matter, as long as it is not in use.
After connecting the socket, the code calls the `getsockname()` method, which returns the address and port number of the socket. The IP address is the first element of the tuple, which is extracted using `[0]`.
Finally, the code closes the socket and returns the IP address.
In this tutorial, you have found a Python script that helps you to get the system’s IP address.
Note that this method may not work on all systems, as it relies on the behavior of the underlying operating system. It is intended to work on most systems, but it is not guaranteed to work on all systems.
Получить IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте функцию socket.gethostname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте функцию socket.getsockname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
- Используйте модуль netifaces для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
IP-адреса представляют собой последовательность цифр от до, каждое число находится в диапазоне адресов от 0 до 255. Он может однозначно идентифицировать устройство в сети.
В этой статье мы получим локальные IP-адреса с помощью Python.
Используйте функцию socket.gethostname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
Мы можем использовать модуль socket в Python для создания сетевых подключений и отправки сообщений по сети.
Функция gethostname() возвращает имя хоста системы, под которым в настоящий момент выполняется Python.
import socket print(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))
Используйте функцию socket.getsockname() для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
Если компьютерное устройство имеет маршрут, подключенный к Интернету, мы можем использовать функцию getsockname() . Он возвращает IP-адрес и порт в виде кортежа.
import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) print(s.getsockname()[0])
Этот метод возвращает основной IP-адрес локального компьютера, то есть маршрут по умолчанию.
Мы также можем использовать эту функцию для создания определяемой пользователем функции, для которой не требуется маршрутизируемый доступ в Интернет.
import socket def extract_ip(): st = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: st.connect(('', 1)) IP = st.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = '' finally: st.close() return IP print(extract_ip())
Вышеупомянутый метод работает на всех интерфейсах. Он также работает со всеми общедоступными, частными и внешними IP-адресами. Этот метод эффективен в Linux, Windows и OSX.
Используйте модуль netifaces для получения локального IP-адреса в Python
Модуль netifaces используется для предоставления информации о сетевых интерфейсах и их статусе.
Мы можем использовать его для получения IP-адреса локальной машины, как показано ниже.
from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET for ifaceName in interfaces(): addresses = [i['addr'] for i in ifaddresses(ifaceName).setdefault(AF_INET, ['addr':'No IP addr'>] )] print(' '.join(addresses))
No IP addr No IP addr No IP addr No IP addr
Сопутствующая статья — Python Network
Python — Get IP Address from Hostname
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Python socket module can be used to get the IP address from a hostname. The socket module is part of the Python core libraries, so we don’t need to install it separately.
Python Socket Module to Get IP Address from Hostname
Python socket module gethostbyname() function accepts hostname argument and returns the IP address in the string format. Here is a simple example in the Python interpreter to find out the IP address of some of the websites.
# python3.7 Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 16:52:21) [Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> >>> import socket >>> socket.gethostbyname('journaldev.com') '' >>> socket.gethostbyname('google.com') '' >>>
Note: If the website is behind a load-balancer or working in the cloud, you might get a different result for the IP address lookup. For example, try to run the above command for google.com or facebook.com. If you are not in the same location as mine (India), chances are that you will get a different IP address as output.
Python Script to Find Out the IP Address of a Website
import socket hostname = input("Please enter website address:\n") # IP lookup from hostname print(f'The hostname> IP Address is socket.gethostbyname(hostname)>')
Here is another example to pass the hostname as a command-line argument to the script. The script will find the IP address and print it.
import socket import sys # no error handling is done here, excuse me for that hostname = sys.argv[1] # IP lookup from hostname print(f'The hostname> IP Address is socket.gethostbyname(hostname)>')
# python3.7 ip_address.py facebook.com The facebook.com IP Address is
Error Scenarios with socket.gethostbyname()
If the hostname doesn’t resolve to a valid IP address, socket.gaierror is raised. We can catch this error in our program using try-except block. Here is the updated script with exception handling for invalid hostname.
import socket import sys hostname = sys.argv[1] # IP lookup from hostname try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) print(f'The hostname> IP Address is ip>') except socket.gaierror as e: print(f'Invalid hostname, error raised is e>')
# python3.7 ip_address.py jasjdkks.com Invalid hostname, error raised is [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known #
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How to Get the IPv4 IP Address of the Local Machine in Python
In this article, you will learn how to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python. There are various ways to find the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in Python.
Here are some examples to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python.
Example 1: Using Using socket.gethostbyname() Method
In this example, first, you need to import the socket module from the Python Standard Library and use the socket.gethostname() method to find the hostname and socket.gethostbyname() method to get the IPv4 IP address of a computer.
Here is the source code of the program to find the Hostname and the IPv4 IP address of the local computer in python.
Example 1: Using Using socket.gethostbyname() Method
# To get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in Python # importing socket module import socket # getting the hostname by socket.gethostname() method hostname = socket.gethostname() # getting the IP address using socket.gethostbyname() method ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) # printing the hostname and ip_address print(f"Hostname: ") print(f"IP Address: ")
Example 2: Using socket module and socket.socket() and connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
In this example, we used the socket module and socket.socket() and connect() and socket.getsockname() Method to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python.
Here is the source code of another approach to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python.
Example 2: Using socket module and socket.socket() and connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
# To get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine using # Using socket module and socket.socket() and connect() # and socket.getsockname() Method in Python # Import Module import socket # Create a socket object s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # connect to the server on local computer s.connect(("", 80)) # Print Output print("HostName: ",s.getsockname()[0]) s.close()
Example 3: Using socket module and socket.socket(), setsockopt(), connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
In this example, we used the socket module and socket.socket() and connect() and socket.getsockname() Method to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python.
Here is the source code of another approach to get the IPv4 IP address of a local machine in python.
Example 3: Using socket module and socket.socket(), setsockopt(), connect() and socket.getsockname() Method
# To get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine using # Using socket module and socket.socket(), setsockopt(), connect() # and socket.getsockname() Method in Python # Import Module import socket # Define a Function def getNetworkIp(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.connect(('', 0)) return s.getsockname()[0] # Print the Output print ("HostName: ",getNetworkIp())
I hope this article will help you to understand how to get the IPv4 IP address of the local machine in python.
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