- Python equivalent of PHP mysql_fetch_array-mysql
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Python equivalent of PHP mysql_fetch_array-mysql
I would use SQLAlchemy. Something like this would do the trick:
engine = create_engine('mysql://username:password@host:port/database') connection = engine.connect() result = connection.execute("select username from users") for row in result: print "username:", row['username'] connection.close()
import MySQLdb connection = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host user="root", # username passwd="password", # password db="frateData") # name of the database) cursor = connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE firstname = %s',['namehere']) data = cursor.fetchall() print data['lastname']
Please note that by initiating your cursor by passing the following parameter: «MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor» a list instead of an array is returned so you can reference the data with their key name, which in your case in lastname.
You can use this (dictionary=True):
import mysql.connector db = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='',host='', database='test1') cursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table") for row in cursor: print(row['column'])
Daniel 195
In python you have dictionary=True , I have tested in python3. This returns directory which is much similar to associative array in php. eg.
import mysql.connector cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='',host='',database='test1') cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) sql= ("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id>0") cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() print(results)
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Sql fetch data row wise in python mysql
If you can’t use a more usable encoding (utf-8 comes to mind, as it has been designed to handle all unicode characters), you can at least use an alternative error handling like «replace» (replaces non-encodable characters with ‘?’) or «ignore» (suppress non-encodable characters). you can get all of that into a single dataframe and produce the csv. If it takes more time then you can split each chunk into multiple files using the pandas.read_sql as a iterator and then after you did your work consolidate those files into a single one and submit it to postgres.
Fetch one row from MySQL table
The fetchone call is OK. The problem is with your query — when you use a parameterized query, you should not use quotes around the bind variables — these aren’t simple string replacements, but bind variables the database driver handles. Here, you’re querying for a row with the literal name of %s , which probably doesn’t exist. The parameters need to pass to execute as an iterable.
On a related note, you should also remove the quotes around the * in the select list, otherwise, you’ll get the asterisk literal, not all the columns.
sql_select_query = "select * from reinforcement where name = %s" # No quotes --------------^-^-------------------------------^--^ mycursor.execute(sql_select_query, (reinforcement_name,)) # Params passed as a tuple --------^
Fastest way to load numeric data into, To transform your result set into an OrderedDict of NumPy arrays, just do this: import turbodbc connection = turbodbc.connect (dsn=»My data source name») cursor = connection.cursor () cursor.execute («SELECT 42») results = cursor.fetchallnumpy () Transforming these results to a dataset should require a …
How to fetch and print utf-8 data from mysql DB using Python?
Your problem is with your terminal ( sys.stdout ) encoding (cf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_862), which depends on your system’s settings. The best solution (as explained here : https://stackoverflow.com/a/15740694/41316) is to explicitely encode your unicode data before printing them to sys.stdout .
If you can’t use a more usable encoding (utf-8 comes to mind, as it has been designed to handle all unicode characters), you can at least use an alternative error handling like «replace» (replaces non-encodable characters with ‘?’) or «ignore» (suppress non-encodable characters).
Here’s a corrected version of your code, you can play with the encoding and on_error settings to find out what solution works for you:
import sys import MySQLdb # set desired output encoding here # it looks like your default encoding is "cp862" # but you may want to first try 'utf-8' first # encoding = "cp862" encoding = "utf-8" # what do when we can't encode to the desired output encoding # options are: # - 'strict' : raises a UnicodeEncodeError (default) # - 'replace': replaces missing characters with '?' # - 'ignore' : suppress missing characters on_error = "replace" db = MySQLdb.connect( "localhost","matan","pass","youtube", charset='utf8', use_unicode=True ) cursor = db.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM VIDEOS" try: cursor.execute(sql) for i, row in enumerate(cursor): try: # encode unicode data to the desired output encoding title = row[0].encode(encoding, on_error) link = row[1].encode(encoding, on_error) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: # only if on_error='strict' print >> sys.stderr, "failed to encode row #%s - %s" % (i, e) else: print "title=%s\nlink=%s\n\n" % (title, link)) finally: cursor.close() db.close()
NB : you may also want to read this (specially the comments) http://drj11.wordpress.com/2007/05/14/python-how-is-sysstdoutencoding-chosen/ for more on Python, strings, unicode, encoding, sys.stdout and terminal issues.
Python — MySQL: Get column name or alias from query, answered Feb 23, 2013 at 19:23. James. 8,970 5 31 37. Add a comment. 29. Similar to @James answer, a more pythonic way can be: fields = [field_md [0] for field_md in cursor.description] result = [dict (zip (fields,row)) for row in cursor.fetchall ()] You can get a single column with list comprehension over the …
Fetching Million records from SQL server and saving to pandas dataframe
Have you tried using ‘chunksize’ option of pandas.read_sql? you can get all of that into a single dataframe and produce the csv.
If it takes more time then you can split each chunk into multiple files using the pandas.read_sql as a iterator and then after you did your work consolidate those files into a single one and submit it to postgres.
Php — how to fetch only a row from a mysql query, If you call mysql_fetch_array without a loop, You can specify the number of rows in the sql query using the ‘LIMIT’ syntax. Also, you can just remove the while loop and get the first row returned — if thats all you want. Consistency of a strange (choice-wise) set of reals
Pymysql cursor fetch multiple rows
EDITED : You can use fetchall method to get a static list and iterate through it.
sql = ('Select * from user;') cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(data), 2): for row in data[i:i+2]: print(row["userID"],":", row["username"], ":", row["age"]) input() # to display two rows per enter key press
Mysql — How to retrieve SQL result column value using, The MySQLdb module has a DictCursor: Use it like this (taken from Writing MySQL Scripts with Python DB-API ): cursor = conn.cursor (MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute («SELECT name, category FROM animal») result_set = cursor.fetchall () for row in result_set: print «%s, %s» % …
python-mysqlHow do I use Python to fetch an associative array from a MySQL database?
To fetch an associative array from a MySQL database using Python, you need to use the Python MySQL Connector library. Here is an example of code that you can use:
import mysql.connector mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", user="yourusername", passwd="yourpassword" ) mycursor = mydb.cursor(dictionary=True) mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM customers") myresult = mycursor.fetchall() for x in myresult: print(x)
The output of this code would be a list of associative arrays, each containing the data for a single customer from the customers table.
Code explanation
- import mysql.connector : This imports the MySQL Connector library.
- mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host=»localhost», user=»yourusername», passwd=»yourpassword») : This connects to the MySQL database using the specified username and password.
- mycursor = mydb.cursor(dictionary=True) : This creates a cursor object with the dictionary flag set to True, which will return the results as an associative array.
- mycursor.execute(«SELECT * FROM customers») : This executes the query on the database, which in this case is selecting all records from the customers table.
- myresult = mycursor.fetchall() : This fetches all of the results from the query and stores them in the myresult variable.
- for x in myresult: print(x) : This iterates through the myresult variable and prints out each result.
Here are some useful links for further reading: