Python module to read xml file

Reading and Writing XML Files in Python

Extensible Markup Language, commonly known as XML is a language designed specifically to be easy to interpret by both humans and computers altogether. The language defines a set of rules used to encode a document in a specific format. In this article, methods have been described to read and write XML files in python.

Note: In general, the process of reading the data from an XML file and analyzing its logical components is known as Parsing. Therefore, when we refer to reading a xml file we are referring to parsing the XML document.

In this article, we would take a look at two libraries that could be used for the purpose of xml parsing. They are:

Using BeautifulSoup alongside with lxml parser

For the purpose of reading and writing the xml file we would be using a Python library named BeautifulSoup. In order to install the library, type the following command into the terminal.

pip install beautifulsoup4

Beautiful Soup supports the HTML parser included in Python’s standard library, but it also supports a number of third-party Python parsers. One is the lxml parser (used for parsing XML/HTML documents). lxml could be installed by running the following command in the command processor of your Operating system:

Firstly we will learn how to read from an XML file. We would also parse data stored in it. Later we would learn how to create an XML file and write data to it.

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Reading Data From an XML File

There are two steps required to parse a xml file:-

XML File used:


Writing an XML File

Writing a xml file is a primitive process, reason for that being the fact that xml files aren’t encoded in a special way. Modifying sections of a xml document requires one to parse through it at first. In the below code we would modify some sections of the aforementioned xml document.


Using Elementtree

Elementtree module provides us with a plethora of tools for manipulating XML files. The best part about it being its inclusion in the standard Python’s built-in library. Therefore, one does not have to install any external modules for the purpose. Due to the xmlformat being an inherently hierarchical data format, it is a lot easier to represent it by a tree. The module provides ElementTree provides methods to represent whole XML document as a single tree.

In the later examples, we would take a look at discrete methods to read and write data to and from XML files.

Reading XML Files

To read an XML file using ElementTree, firstly, we import the ElementTree class found inside xml library, under the name ET (common convension). Then passed the filename of the xml file to the ElementTree.parse() method, to enable parsing of our xml file. Then got the root (parent tag) of our xml file using getroot(). Then displayed (printed) the root tag of our xml file (non-explicit way). Then displayed the attributes of the sub-tag of our parent tag using root[0].attrib. root[0] for the first tag of parent root and attrib for getting it’s attributes. Then we displayed the text enclosed within the 1st sub-tag of the 5th sub-tag of the tag root.


Writing XML Files

Now, we would take a look at some methods which could be used to write data on an xml document. In this example we would create a xml file from scratch.

To do the same, firstly, we create a root (parent) tag under the name of chess using the command ET.Element(‘chess’). All the tags would fall underneath this tag, i.e. once a root tag has been defined, other sub-elements could be created underneath it. Then we created a subtag/subelement named Opening inside the chess tag using the command ET.SubElement(). Then we created two more subtags which are underneath the tag Opening named E4 and D4. Then we added attributes to the E4 and D4 tags using set() which is a method found inside SubElement(), which is used to define attributes to a tag. Then we added text between the E4 and D4 tags using the attribute text found inside the SubElement function. In the end we converted the datatype of the contents we were creating from ‘xml.etree.ElementTree.Element’ to bytes object, using the command ET.tostring() (even though the function name is tostring() in certain implementations it converts the datatype to `bytes` rather than `str`). Finally, we flushed the data to a file named gameofsquares.xml which is a opened in `wb` mode to allow writing binary data to it. In the end, we saved the data to our file.


XML Processing Modules¶

Python’s interfaces for processing XML are grouped in the xml package.

The XML modules are not secure against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. If you need to parse untrusted or unauthenticated data see the XML vulnerabilities and The defusedxml Package sections.

It is important to note that modules in the xml package require that there be at least one SAX-compliant XML parser available. The Expat parser is included with Python, so the xml.parsers.expat module will always be available.

The documentation for the xml.dom and xml.sax packages are the definition of the Python bindings for the DOM and SAX interfaces.

The XML handling submodules are:

  • xml.etree.ElementTree : the ElementTree API, a simple and lightweight XML processor
  • xml.dom : the DOM API definition
  • xml.dom.minidom : a minimal DOM implementation
  • xml.dom.pulldom : support for building partial DOM trees
  • xml.sax : SAX2 base classes and convenience functions
  • xml.parsers.expat : the Expat parser binding

XML vulnerabilities¶

The XML processing modules are not secure against maliciously constructed data. An attacker can abuse XML features to carry out denial of service attacks, access local files, generate network connections to other machines, or circumvent firewalls.

The following table gives an overview of the known attacks and whether the various modules are vulnerable to them.

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

Vulnerable (1)

external entity expansion

  1. Expat 2.4.1 and newer is not vulnerable to the “billion laughs” and “quadratic blowup” vulnerabilities. Items still listed as vulnerable due to potential reliance on system-provided libraries. Check pyexpat.EXPAT_VERSION .
  2. xml.etree.ElementTree doesn’t expand external entities and raises a ParserError when an entity occurs.
  3. xml.dom.minidom doesn’t expand external entities and simply returns the unexpanded entity verbatim.
  4. xmlrpclib doesn’t expand external entities and omits them.
  5. Since Python 3.7.1, external general entities are no longer processed by default.

The Billion Laughs attack – also known as exponential entity expansion – uses multiple levels of nested entities. Each entity refers to another entity several times, and the final entity definition contains a small string. The exponential expansion results in several gigabytes of text and consumes lots of memory and CPU time.

quadratic blowup entity expansion

A quadratic blowup attack is similar to a Billion Laughs attack; it abuses entity expansion, too. Instead of nested entities it repeats one large entity with a couple of thousand chars over and over again. The attack isn’t as efficient as the exponential case but it avoids triggering parser countermeasures that forbid deeply nested entities.

external entity expansion

Entity declarations can contain more than just text for replacement. They can also point to external resources or local files. The XML parser accesses the resource and embeds the content into the XML document.

Some XML libraries like Python’s xml.dom.pulldom retrieve document type definitions from remote or local locations. The feature has similar implications as the external entity expansion issue.

Decompression bombs (aka ZIP bomb) apply to all XML libraries that can parse compressed XML streams such as gzipped HTTP streams or LZMA-compressed files. For an attacker it can reduce the amount of transmitted data by three magnitudes or more.

The documentation for defusedxml on PyPI has further information about all known attack vectors with examples and references.

The defusedxml Package¶

defusedxml is a pure Python package with modified subclasses of all stdlib XML parsers that prevent any potentially malicious operation. Use of this package is recommended for any server code that parses untrusted XML data. The package also ships with example exploits and extended documentation on more XML exploits such as XPath injection.


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