Python module class list

How can I get a list of all classes within current module in Python?

How can I get a list of all classes within current module in Python?

I’ve seen plenty of examples of people extracting all of the classes from a module, usually something like:

# class Foo: pass # import inspect import foo for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(foo): if inspect.isclass(obj): print obj 

But I can’t find out how to get all of the classes from the current module.

# import inspect class Foo: pass def print_classes(): for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(. ): # what do I do here? if inspect.isclass(obj): print obj # import foo foo.print_classes() 

This is probably something really obvious, but I haven’t been able to find anything. Can anyone help me out?

import sys current_module = sys.modules[__name__] 
import sys, inspect def print_classes(): for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]): if inspect.isclass(obj): print(obj) 
clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass) 

Because inspect.getmembers() takes a predicate.

I don’t know if there’s a ‘proper’ way to do it, but your snippet is on the right track: just add import foo to, do inspect.getmembers(foo) , and it should work fine.

g = globals().copy() for name, obj in g.iteritems(): 

I was able to get all I needed from the dir built in plus getattr .

# Works on pretty much everything, but be mindful that # you get lists of strings back print dir(myproject) print dir(myproject.mymodule) print dir(myproject.mymodule.myfile) print dir(myproject.mymodule.myfile.myclass) # But, the string names can be resolved with getattr, (as seen below) 

Though, it does come out looking like a hairball:

def list_supported_platforms(): """ List supported platforms (to match sys.platform) @Retirms: list str: platform names """ return list(itertools.chain( *list( # Get the class's constant getattr( # Get the module's first class, which we wrote getattr( # Get the module getattr(platforms, item), dir( getattr(platforms, item) )[0] ), 'SYS_PLATFORMS' ) # For each include in platforms/ for item in dir(platforms) # Ignore magic, ourselves ( and a base class. if not item.startswith('__') and item not in ['index', 'base'] ) )) 

How to list all functions in a module?, You can use dir(module) to see all available methods/attributes. Also check out PyDocs.

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Python Class 23

It can define functions, classes, and variables, and can also include runnable code. Any Python
Duration: 1:07:02

Python list classes in module

"""Returns a list of (name, value) for each class""" import sys import inspect clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)

How to import a class from another file in Python ?, Python modules can get access to code from another module by importing the file/function using import. The import statement is that the

Import a list of classes from a module

Looking to import a list of classes and then use them later in the script. Therefore, the from x import * logic does not work. Here is a more specific layout of what I am looking to do.

class_list = [x, y, z, zz, zzz] from my_module import class_list 

and then later on in the code still be able to call x.random_attribute . Not sure if this is possible!

To clarify I am trying to avoid the following:

from my_module import x, y, z, zz, zzz 

as I have about 50 class objects I am importing and more will be added over time. Would love to have the list as a separate object.

class_list = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'zz', 'zzz'] for c in class_list: exec('from my_module import ' + c) 

How do I get all the classes in a module? [duplicate], Try this: import importlib, inspect inspect.getmembers( importlib.import_module(«your_module»), inspect.isclass ).

How do I get all the classes in a module? [duplicate]

How do I get all the classes in a module? For example if a module has classes A, B and C, how do I get the names of all these classes through code?

import importlib, inspect inspect.getmembers( importlib.import_module("your_module"), inspect.isclass ) 

this will give you what you are looking for.

How to Get a List of Class Attributes in Python?, Method 1: To get the list of all the attributes, methods along with some inherited magic methods of a class, we use a built-in called dir() .


List classes, methods and functions in a module (Python recipe) by Anand

The recipe provides a method «describe» which takes a module as argument and describes classes, methods and functions in the module. The method/function description provides information on the function/method arguments using the inspect module.

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#!/usr/bin/env python # Describe classes, methods and functions in a module. # Works with user-defined modules, all Python library # modules, including built-in modules. import inspect import os, sys INDENT=0 def wi(*args): """ Function to print lines indented according to level """ if INDENT: print ' '*INDENT, for arg in args: print arg, print def indent(): """ Increase indentation """ global INDENT INDENT += 4 def dedent(): """ Decrease indentation """ global INDENT INDENT -= 4 def describe_builtin(obj): """ Describe a builtin function """ wi('+Built-in Function: %s' % obj.__name__) # Built-in functions cannot be inspected by # inspect.getargspec. We have to try and parse # the __doc__ attribute of the function. docstr = obj.__doc__ args = '' if docstr: items = docstr.split('\n') if items: func_descr = items[0] s = func_descr.replace(obj.__name__,'') idx1 = s.find('(') idx2 = s.find(')',idx1) if idx1 != -1 and idx2 != -1 and (idx2>idx1+1): args = s[idx1+1:idx2] wi('\t-Method Arguments:', args) if args=='': wi('\t-Method Arguments: None') print def describe_func(obj, method=False): """ Describe the function object passed as argument. If this is a method object, the second argument will be passed as True """ if method: wi('+Method: %s' % obj.__name__) else: wi('+Function: %s' % obj.__name__) try: arginfo = inspect.getargspec(obj) except TypeError: print return args = arginfo[0] argsvar = arginfo[1] if args: if args[0] == 'self': wi('\t%s is an instance method' % obj.__name__) args.pop(0) wi('\t-Method Arguments:', args) if arginfo[3]: dl = len(arginfo[3]) al = len(args) defargs = args[al-dl:al] wi('\t--Default arguments:',zip(defargs, arginfo[3])) if arginfo[1]: wi('\t-Positional Args Param: %s' % arginfo[1]) if arginfo[2]: wi('\t-Keyword Args Param: %s' % arginfo[2]) print def describe_klass(obj): """ Describe the class object passed as argument, including its methods """ wi('+Class: %s' % obj.__name__) indent() count = 0 for name in obj.__dict__: item = getattr(obj, name) if inspect.ismethod(item): count += 1;describe_func(item, True) if count==0: wi('(No members)') dedent() print def describe(module): """ Describe the module object passed as argument including its classes and functions """ wi('[Module: %s]\n' % module.__name__) indent() count = 0 for name in dir(module): obj = getattr(module, name) if inspect.isclass(obj): count += 1; describe_klass(obj) elif (inspect.ismethod(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj)): count +=1 ; describe_func(obj) elif inspect.isbuiltin(obj): count += 1; describe_builtin(obj) if count==0: wi('(No members)') dedent() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv)2: sys.exit('Usage: %s ' % sys.argv[0]) module = sys.argv[1].replace('.py','') mod = __import__(module) describe(mod) 

This came as a question in our local Python mailing list (BangPypers). I wrote up the above solution to provide a quick summary of a module in terms of classes, and simple method descriptions. The ‘inspect’ module makes this task relatively easy.

[Edit] — Added support for built-in functions/methods. [Edit 22/10/08] — Changes in printing style.


How do I get a list of all instances of a given class in Python?

Display the count of instances of a class using the gc module


In this example, we will calculate and display the count of instances −

import gc # Create a Class class Demo(object): pass # Creating 4 objects ob1 = Demo() ob2 = Demo() ob3 = Demo() ob4 = Demo() # Calculating and displaying the count of instances res = sum(1 for k in gc.get_referrers(Demo) if k.__class__ is Demo) print("Count the instances token punctuation">,res)


Display the instances of a class using weakref module

The weakref module can also be used to get the instances of a class. First, we will install the weakref module using pip −

To use the gc module, use the import −


Let us now see an example −

import weakref # Create a Demo() function class Demo: instanceArr = [] def __init__(self, name=None): self.__class__.instanceArr.append(weakref.proxy(self)) = name # Create 3 objects ob1 = Demo('ob1') ob2 = Demo('ob2') ob3 = Demo('ob3') # Display the Instances for i in Demo.instanceArr: print(


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