Python mocker patch object


Also, as a convenience, these names from the mock module are accessible directly from mocker :

It is also possible to use mocking functionality from fixtures of other scopes using the appropriate fixture:


The mocker.spy object acts exactly like the original method in all cases, except the spy also tracks function/method calls, return values and exceptions raised.

def test_spy_method(mocker): class Foo(object): def bar(self, v): return v * 2 foo = Foo() spy = mocker.spy(foo, 'bar') assert == 42 spy.assert_called_once_with(21) assert spy.spy_return == 42 def test_spy_function(mocker): # mymodule declares `myfunction` which just returns 42 import mymodule spy = mocker.spy(mymodule, "myfunction") assert mymodule.myfunction() == 42 assert spy.call_count == 1 assert spy.spy_return == 42 

The object returned by mocker.spy is a MagicMock object, so all standard checking functions are available (like assert_called_once_with or call_count in the examples above).

In addition, spy objects contain two extra attributes:

  • spy_return : contains the returned value of the spied function.
  • spy_exception : contain the last exception value raised by the spied function/method when it was last called, or None if no exception was raised.
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Besides functions and normal methods, mocker.spy also works for class and static methods.

As of version 3.0.0, mocker.spy also works with async def functions.

In versions earlier than 2.0 , the attributes were called return_value and side_effect respectively, but due to incompatibilities with unittest.mock they had to be renamed (see #175 for details).

As of version 3.10, spying can be also selectively stopped.

def test_with_unspy(mocker): class Foo: def bar(self): return 42 spy = mocker.spy(Foo, "bar") foo = Foo() assert == 42 assert spy.call_count == 1 mocker.stop(spy) assert == 42 assert spy.call_count == 1 

mocker.stop() can also be used by mocker.patch calls.


The stub is a mock object that accepts any arguments and is useful to test callbacks. It may receive an optional name that is shown in its repr , useful for debugging.

def test_stub(mocker): def foo(on_something): on_something('foo', 'bar') stub = mocker.stub(name='on_something_stub') foo(stub) stub.assert_called_once_with('foo', 'bar') 

async_stub method, which actually the same as stub but makes async stub.


pytest: How to mock in Python

If you have trouble understanding mocks for testing in Python like me, then this post is for you.


To follow the post, please install

Both can be installed via pip .

The code in this post can be found in

What is mock?

Here’s an example. Imagine that you have a function called compute() . Part of its code contains an expensive_api_call() that takes 1,000 seconds to run

import time def compute(x): response = expensive_api_call() return response + x def expensive_api_call(): time.sleep(1000) # takes 1,000 seconds return 123 

I would expect that compute(1) returns 124 , so I would write a test in Python:

def test_compute(): expected = 124 actual = compute(1) assert expected == actual 

Because of the API call, this test also takes 1,000 seconds to run. This is too slow for a simple test.

When I write this test, I don’t really care whether the API call runs or not. What I want to know when I develop is that my code works as expected when API returns correct data.

If I can provide fake data without calling the API, then I don’t have to sit there are wait for the test to complete. This is where mocks come in.

Interface for testing

Test an interface if possible

Shorten the feedback loop

In other words, it is a trick to shorten development feedback loop.

Let’s review again: I have two options of writing a test for compute() .

  1. Write a single test on compute() that contains both the api call expensive_api_call() and the computation result + x . Takes 1,000 seconds to run.
  2. Write two tests: mock the API call in the test for compute() , and write another test to test that the API call returns correct data. The first test will be instant, and the second test will take 1,000 seconds.

Option 2 is better because the developer can choose run only the fast tests when she is developing. She can now run the integration tests elsewhere, for example, on a CI/CD server as part of the build process, that does not interfere with her flow.

So how do I replace the expensive API call in Python?

Mocking in pytest

In Python, the solution is a library called mock :

The definition of mock in Merriam-Webster

to imitate (someone or something) closely : MIMIC e.g. a mockingbird was mocking a cardinal 

In Python, you use mocks to replace objects for testing purposes. In the next section, I am going to show you how to mock in pytest .

The workhorse: MagicMock

The most important object in mock is the MagicMock object. Playing with it and understanding it will allow you to do whatever you want.

The basic idea is that MagicMock a placeholder object with placeholder attributes that can be passed into any function.

  • mock a constant,
  • mock an object with attributes,
  • or mock a function, because a function is an object in Python and the attribute in this case is its return value.

Let’s go through each one of them.

Recipes for using mocks in pytest

We will use pytest-mock to create the mock objects.

The mocker fixture is the interface in pytest-mock that gives us MagicMock .

Before diving in: what confused me

Before I go into the recipes, I want to tell you about the thing that confused me the most about Python mocks: where do I apply the mocks?

In general, when you mock an object, you want to mock where the object is imported into not where the object is imported from.

This caused so many lost time on me so let me say it again: mock where the object is imported into not where the object is imported from.

I will also demonstrate this point in the recipes.


The code used in this post can be found in

1. Mocking a constant

The function double() reads a constant from another file and doubles it.

# from .constants import CONSTANT_A # CONSTANT_A = 1 def double(): return CONSTANT_A * 2 

Because CONSTANT_A=1 , each call to double() is expected to return 2 .

To replace CONSTANT_A in tests, I can use patch.object() and replace the CONSTANT_A object with another constant.

import mock_examples.functions from mock_examples.functions import double # note that I'm mocking the module when it is imported, not where CONSTANT_A is from def test_mocking_constant_a(mocker): mocker.patch.object(mock_examples.functions, 'CONSTANT_A', 2) expected = 4 actual = double() # now it returns 4, not 2 assert expected == actual 

2. Mocking a function

In , I have a slow function

from mock_examples.slow import api_call def slow_function(): api_result = api_call() # do some more stuff here return api_result 

where it is slow because in ,

def api_call(): time.sleep(3) return 9 

So each test will take at least 3 seconds to run.

When I mock a function, what I really care about is its return value, so I can patch the function with

def test_slow_function_mocked_api_call(mocker): mocker.patch( # api_call is from but imported to 'mock_examples.main.api_call', return_value=5 ) expected = 5 actual = slow_function() assert expected == actual 

This removes the dependency of the test on an external API or database call and makes the test instantaneous.

3. Mocking a class

For classes, there are many more things that you can do. Remembering that MagicMock can imitate anything with its attributes is a good place to reason about it.

I will only show a simple example here. For more complex ones, I recommend reading the references in the next section.

I have a class Dataset that has a slow method,

# class Dataset: def __init__(self): = None def load_data(self): time.sleep(4) = 'slow data' 

It is called as part of the main() function

# def slow_dataset(): dataset = Dataset() return dataset.load_data() 

For the test example, I am using patch.object to replace the method with a tiny function that returns the data that I want to use for testing:

from mock_examples.main import slow_dataset def test_mocking_class_method(mocker): expected = 'xyz' def mock_load(self): return 'xyz' mocker.patch( # Dataset is in, but imported to 'mock_examples.main.Dataset.load_data', mock_load ) actual = slow_dataset() assert expected == actual 

Useful reference for mocking a class

There are many scenarios about mocking classes and here are some good references that I found:


Should I replace every API call with mocks?

No. I would combine integration tests and unit tests but not replace.

For developers, unit tests boost productivity. But for product development, integration tests are absolutely necessary. I still want to know when APIs external to the project start sending data that breaks my code. The testing can happen outside of developer’s machine, however.

When should I mock?

In my opinion, the best time to mock is when you find yourself refactoring code or debugging part of code that runs slow but has zero test.

Trying to make changes without a test means you are incurring technical debt for the future and making teammates pay for it.

In this case, if my goal is making changes to the computations, I would figure out how to mock the data connectors and start writing tests.

The tests seem to be tied to how I implement the code. Isn’t that a bad thing?

Mocks are always white-box tests. You can’t use them without peeking into the code, so they are most useful for developers and not so much for testing specifications. It is a tradeoff that the developer has to accept.

Can you replace the return value in the same test twice??

Answer: yes. I don’t know how to do this with the Python base library mock but it can be done with pytest-mock :

def test_mocking_constant_twice_in_same_test(mocker): mocker.patch.object(mock_examples.functions, 'CONSTANT_A', 3) expected_1 = 6 actual_1 = double() mocker.patch.object(mock_examples.functions, 'CONSTANT_A', 10) expected_2 = 20 actual_2 = double() assert expected_1 == actual_1 assert expected_2 == actual_2 

Learn form my mistakes

The most common mistake that I make when I write tests with mocks is… that I mock after I make the method call I want to patch:

actual = compute(x) mocker.patch('some.function', fake_function) # And I wonder why compute() wasn't patched :( 

More than once I spent more than 15 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong 🤦‍♂️. If you are having trouble getting mocks to work,

  1. Make sure you are mocking where it is imported into
  2. Make sure the mocks happen before the method call, not after


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