Differences Between Python Modules, Packages, Libraries, and Frameworks
If you are new to Python, you might be confused about all its libraries, packages, modules, and frameworks ,But mostly all will think that there are some pieces of code in it. But what’s the difference between them?
In this article, I’ll try to explain the difference between Python modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks.
Before getting to it let me give you basic idea about
What is python?
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.
Why we use this Modules, Packages, Libraries, Frameworks?
- modular programming – a method of breaking large coding tasks into smaller and more manageable subtasks. This is why Python has so many modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks.
Python Modules
A module is basically a bunch of related code saved in a file with the extension .py. You may choose to define functions, classes, or variables in a module. It’s also fine to include runnable code in modules.
If you want your code to be well organized, it’s a good idea to start by grouping related code.
-For example, let’s define a function to welcome Message for visiters of your website or blog
def welcome_message(blog): print("Thank you for Visiting to our " +Blog+ " Blog. You will get all the details in the blog.")
To have this function stored in the module welcome, we save this code in a file named welcome.py.
If we want to use this code in our application, we first need to import the respective module using the import statement. Then, we’ll be ready to use a function defined in this module by calling that function with the module.function() syntax:
import welcome welcome.welcome_message (“dev blog”) Output "Thank you for Visiting to our dev blog. You will get all the details in the blog
It’s common to have many different items defined within the same module. So, you may want to import only one specific function rather than the entire module. For that, you can use the following syntax:
from welcome import welcome_message
If you have some experience with Python, you’ve likely used modules. For example, you may have used the:
- re:module to detect and parse regular expressions in Python
- date&time:module to manipulate date and time data.
- random:module to generate pseudo-random number generators for various distributions.
we have a numerous benefits using modules in your python code
- Improved development process. Python modules help you focus on one small portion of a task rather than an entire problem. This simplifies the development process and makes it less prone to errors. Furthermore, modules are usually written in a way that minimizes interdependency. Thus, it’s more viable for a team of several programmers to work on the same application.
-The functionality you define in one module can be used in different parts of an application, minimizing duplicate code.
- Separate namespaces. With Python modules, you can define separate namespaces to avoid collisions between identifiers in different parts of your application.
Python Packages
When developing a large application, you may end up with many different modules that are difficult to manage. In such a case, you’ll benefit from grouping and organizing your modules. That’s when packages come into play.
Python packages are basically a directory of a collection of modules. Packages allow the hierarchical structure of the module namespace. Just like we organize our files on a hard drive into folders and sub-folders, we can organize our modules into packages and subpackages.
To be considered a package (or subpackage), a directory must contain a file named init.py. This file usually includes the initialization code for the corresponding package.
For example, we can have the following package my_model with modules related to our data science project:
We can import specific modules from this package using the dot notation. For example, to import the dataset module from the above package, we can use one of the following code snippets:
import my_model.training.dataset
from my_model.training import dataset
Next, we may choose to import only the load_dataset() function from our dataset.py module. Either of the following options will do the job:
import my_model.training.dataset.load_dataset()
from my_model.training.dataset import load_dataset()
There are a lot of built-in and open-source Python packages that you are probably already using.
- Numpy :is the fundamental Python package for scientific computing.
- pandas: is a Python package for fast and efficient processing of tabular data, time series, matrix data, etc.
- pytest : provides a variety of modules to test new code, including small unit tests or complex functional tests.
As your application grows larger and uses many different modules, Python packages become a crucial component for optimizing your code structure.
Python Libraries
A library is an umbrella term referring to a reusable chunk of code. Usually, a Python library contains a collection of related modules and packages. Actually, this term is often used interchangeably with “Python package” because packages can also contain modules and other packages (subpackages). However, it is often assumed that while a package is a collection of modules, a library is a collection of packages.
Oftentimes, developers create Python libraries to share reusable code with the community. To eliminate the need for writing code from scratch, they create a set of useful functions related to the same area.
There are thousands of useful libraries available today. I’ll give just a few examples:
- Matplotlib : library is a standard library for generating data visualizations in Python. It supports building basic two-dimensional graphs as well as more complex animated and interactive visualizations.
- Pytorch : is an open-source deep-learning library built by Facebook’s AI Research lab to implement advanced neural networks and cutting-edge research ideas in industry and academia.
-Pygame :provides developers with tons of convenient features and tools to make game development a more intuitive task. - Beautiful Soup: is a very popular Python library for getting data from the web. The modules and packages inside this library help extract useful information from HTML and XML files.
- Requests : is a part of a large collection of libraries designed to make Python HTTP requests simpler. The library offers an intuitive JSON method that helps you avoid manually adding query strings to your URLs.
- missingno :is very handy for handling missing data points. It provides informative visualizations about the missing values in a dataframe, helping data scientists to spot areas with missing data. It is just one of the many great Python libraries for data cleaning.
Python Frameworks
Similar to libraries, Python frameworks are a collection of modules and packages that help programmers to fast track the development process. However, frameworks are usually more complex than libraries. Also, while libraries contain packages that perform specific operations, frameworks contain the basic flow and architecture of the application.
If you COMPARE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TO HOUSE CONSTRUCTION, Python frameworks provide all the essential building blocks like the foundation, walls, windows, and roof. Then, the developers build their application around this foundation by adding functionalities comparable to a house’s alarm system, furniture, appliances, etc.
For a better understanding, let’s review several popular frameworks:
- Django is a Python framework for building web applications with less coding. With all the necessary features included by default, developers can focus on their applications rather than dealing with routine processes.
- Flask is a web development framework that is known for its lightweight and modular design. It has many out-of-the-box features and is easily adaptable to specific requirements.
-Bottleis another lightweight framework for web development that was originally meant for building APIs. Its unique features are that it has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library and it implements everything in a single source file.
Python frameworks allow programmers to streamline the web development process by providing a necessary foundation while still being flexible. No wonder that top applications – including Netflix, Airbnb, Reddit, and Udemy – leverage the benefits of Python frameworks.
Scripts, Modules, Packages, and Libraries
Python uses some terms that you may not be familiar with if you’re coming from a different language. Among these are scripts, modules, packages, and libraries.
A script is a Python file that’s intended to be run directly. When you run it, it should do something. This means that scripts will often contain code written outside the scope of any classes or functions.
A module is a Python file that’s intended to be imported into scripts or other modules. It often defines members like classes, functions, and variables intended to be used in other files that import it.
A package is a collection of related modules that work together to provide certain functionality. These modules are contained within a folder and can be imported just like any other modules. This folder will often contain a special __init__ file that tells Python it’s a package, potentially containing more modules nested within subfolders
A library is an umbrella term that loosely means “a bundle of code.” These can have tens or even hundreds of individual modules that can provide a wide range of functionality. Matplotlib is a plotting library. The Python Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for performing common tasks, like sending emails or reading JSON data. What’s special about the Standard Library is that it comes bundled with your installation of Python, so you can use its modules without having to download them from anywhere.
These are not strict definitions. Many people feel these terms are somewhat open to interpretation. Script and module are terms that you may hear used interchangeably.