Python length of float

How to get the length of integers or floats in Python

This tutorial will show you how to do the steps above in practice. Let’s start with getting the length of integer numbers.

Get the length of integer numbers

To get the length of integer numbers, you need to use the str() and len() functions like this:

If you have a negative number and want to remove the — notation from the result, then you can reduce the length number by 1 or use the abs() function to convert the number into a positive number.

And that’s how you find the length of integer numbers in Python.

You can create a reusable function if you need to find the length of many integers:

Next, let’s see how you can count the length of floating numbers in Python

Get the length of float numbers

To count the length of float numbers in Python, you can use the str() and len() functions as shown below:

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The length of a float will include the decimal separator symbol ( . ) in the counting.

If you want to exclude the decimal symbol, you can use str.replace() to remove the dot as follows:

The next case is that you might also have a negative floating number. If you want to exclude the negative notation, call the abs() function when converting the float to a string.

As you can see, the result correctly counts only the digits from the floating number above.

You can create a function to make the code reusable:

Now anytime you need to count the length of a float, you just call the get_float_length() function.


This tutorial has shown you how to count the length of integers and floats. The len() function can’t be called on integers and floats, so you need to convert them to strings first.

You can adjust the result to count only the digits by using the abs() function to remove the minus symbol from negative numbers and str.replace() method to remove the decimal separator symbol.

I hope this tutorial is helpful. See you in the next tutorial! 👍

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Python length of float

Last updated: Feb 18, 2023
Reading time · 5 min


# Table of Contents

# Get the length of an Integer in Python

To get the length of an integer in Python:

  1. Use the str() class to convert the integer to a string.
  2. Pass the string to the len() function, e.g. len(my_str) .
  3. The len() function will return the length of the string.
my_int = 1234 my_str = str(my_int) print(len(my_str)) # 👉️ 4

get length of integer

The len() function returns the length (the number of items) of an object.

The argument the function takes may be a sequence (a string, tuple, list, range or bytes) or a collection (a dictionary, set, or frozen set).

This is why we had to convert the integer to a string — we can’t pass an integer to the len() function as integers are not a sequence or a collection.

# Handling possibly negative numbers

If you need to handle a scenario where the number is negative, subtract 1 from the result.

my_int = -1234 if my_int 0: result = len(str(my_int)) - 1 else: result = len(str(my_int)) print(result) # 👉️ 4

We check if the integer is less than 0 , and if it is, we subtract 1 from its length to account for the minus — sign.

# Get the length of an integer without conversion to string

You can use the math.log10() method to get the length of an integer without converting it to a string.

import math def get_integer_length(integer): return int(math.log10(integer)) + 1 print(get_integer_length(100)) # 👉️ 3 print(get_integer_length(12345)) # 👉️ 5

get length of integer without conversion to string

The math.log10 method returns the base-10 logarithm of the supplied number.

import math print(math.log10(100)) # 2.0 print(math.log10(12345)) # 4.091491094267951

The log10() method cannot be invoked with a negative number or 10 , otherwise, and error is raised.

# Handling negative numbers when using math.log10

If you need to handle negative numbers, make sure to only call the math.log10() method if the supplied number is greater than 0 .

import math def get_integer_length(integer): if integer > 0: return int(math.log10(integer)) + 1 elif integer == 0: return 1 else: return int(math.log10(-integer)) + 2 print(get_integer_length(100)) # 3 print(get_integer_length(12345)) # 5 print(get_integer_length(-1234)) # 5 print(get_integer_length(0)) # 1

handling negative numbers with math log10

If the given number is equal to 0 , we return that it has a length of 1 .

If the number is positive, we use the math.log10 method to get its length.

If the number is negative, we prefix it with a minus — sign to convert it to a positive number before calling math.log10 .

If you don’t want to count the minus — sign in the result, add 1 to the result of calling math.log10() if the number is negative.

import math def get_integer_length(integer): if integer > 0: return int(math.log10(integer)) + 1 elif integer == 0: return 1 else: return int(math.log10(-integer)) + 1 # 👈️ add 1 print(get_integer_length(-12)) # 2 print(get_integer_length(-1234)) # 4

The function above doesn’t include the minus — sign in the length of negative numbers.

# If you consider 0 to have a length of 0

If your application considers the number 0 to have a length of 0 , add an elif statement to check for 0 .

my_int = 0 if my_int 0: result = len(str(my_int)) - 1 elif my_int == 0: result = 0 else: result = len(str(my_int)) print(result) # 👉️ 0

The if statement checks if the number is less than 0 , and if it is, it subtracts 1 .

The elif statement checks if the number is equal to 0 , and if it is, we assign 0 to the result variable.

If the else statement runs, the integer is positive, so we can convert it to a string and pass the string to the len() function.

# Get the length of an Integer using a formatted string literal

You can also use a formatted string literal to get the length of an integer.

my_int = 123 result = len(f'my_int>') print(result) # 👉️ 3

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

my_str = 'is subscribed:' my_bool = True result = f'my_str> my_bool>' print(result) # 👉️ is subscribed: True

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

# Get the length of a Float in Python

If you need to get the length of a float:

  1. Use the str() class to convert the float to a string.
  2. Pass the string to the len() function, e.g. len(result) .
  3. The len() function will return the length of the string.
my_float = 3.14 my_str = str(my_float) print(len(my_str)) # 👉️ 4 without_counting_decimal = len(my_str) - 1 print(without_counting_decimal) # 👉️ 3

get length of float

The len() function returns the length (the number of items) of an object.

The argument the function takes may be a sequence (a string, tuple, list, range or bytes) or a collection (a dictionary, set, or frozen set).

This is why we had to convert the floating-point number to a string — we can’t pass a float to the len() function as floats are not a sequence or a collection.

# Not counting the decimal

If you don’t want to count the decimal, either subtract 1 from the result or replace it with an empty string.

my_float = 3.14 my_str = str(my_float) print(len(my_str)) # 👉️ 4 no_decimal_1 = len(my_str) - 1 print(no_decimal_1) # 👉️ 3 no_decimal_2 = len(my_str.replace('.', '')) print(no_decimal_2) # 👉️ 3

We used the str.replace() method to remove the decimal from the string by replacing it with an empty string.

# Handling negative floating-point numbers

If you need to handle a scenario where the number is negative, subtract 1 from the result.

my_float = 3.14 if my_float 0: result = len(str(my_float)) - 1 else: result = len(str(my_float)) print(result) # 👉️ 4

We check if the float is less than 0 , and if it is, we subtract 1 from its length to account for the minus — sign.

# Using a formatted string literal to get the length of a float

You can also use a formatted string literal to get the length of a float.

my_float = 3.14 result = len(f'my_float>') print(result) # 👉️ 4

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

my_str = 'is subscribed:' my_bool = True result = f'my_str> my_bool>' print(result) # 👉️ is subscribed: True

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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